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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/02/14 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    D - 7th Rose [2010] fuck why am I doing this to myself Okay so the first installation in this trainwreck series will be the one album I wasn't able to shut up about for approximately 2 years and I hereby want to apologize to all of you. I had to listen to this at nighttime and stay up until 4AM because it's goddamn hot outside and people are actually being hospitalized. I couldn't move a fucking muscle without sweating from all possible locations. FUCKING GLOBAL WARMING KIDS. I'm listening to my own Lossless rip, fully formatted for the best torture listening experience. ANYWAY, HERE WE FUCKING GO. ALSO LOL WHAT IS FORMATTING. 1. 7th Rose ~Return to Zero~ Okay so basically just an interlude leading up to the actual title track of this album. Not sure if this is a build up to hype you up or to have the holy spirit protect you from the monstrosity following this interlude. Pope Francis/10 2. 7th Rose Jesus fuck. Asagi's either suffering from sincere bronchitis or the main avex guy was ill and hired Maria Cross to do the retake on the harsh vocals, who probably just was like "well at least it sounds better than whatever I do" and gave it the thumbs up. The harsh vocals are atrocious and I have absolutely no idea why anyone in D thought this was a good idea. This entire fucking song is a mess because literally NOTHING adds up and everyone's just heavily ramming around on their instruments while Asagi sounds like he just shat a lego garage. The good thing about this song is that the chorus is actually good and it isn't poppy, which has been a trend lately. Then again this album was released before MEJIBRAY even formed so idfk. But whatever, I fucking love this song anyway. Holy shit why do I still like this, probably nostalgia/10 3. 花摘みの乙女 ~Rozova Dolina~ A wild studio formatted synth string appeared! Always love me some of those. D, you were major at this point in time, couldn't you hire a guy to do the actual recording of these strings I mean holy shit. Apart from that this song is actually pretty fucking cool. Asagi's dramatic vocals are actually placed really well, the accoustic work is perfectly executed and everything just sounds fantastic. If only it weren't for the synth strings/10 4. Tightrope This song somehow relates to some other D or ASAGI solo song but all I remember from this was that PV that included dogs and Asagi being chained to a wall with ropes and singing about freedom. Tightrope was actually the song I expected to really hate by now but fuck it's really catchy. Since I'm more of an individual song kind of person I'm sort of glad I gave this one a fair relisten. Everything else that somehow slightly sounds like this sucks. I actually really enjoy something for once/10 5. Crimson Fish This is the song with the most individual plays according to iTunes. Then again, "according to iTunes" my most played track is a song that I haven't even played like 10 times so yeah iTunes fucking sucks. Apart from the fucking horrible synth strings and the misplaced echo-y intro, this song is actually still really good? Holy shit. This song still fucking rules/10 6. Independent Queen Obligatory heavier middle song comes in right at the middle point of this album and it's really not that surprising. Welcome to fucking VK, kids. OBLIGATORY GUITAR SOLO RUINS EVERYTHING. Does D have a fucking contract that obliges them to put a fucking guitar solo in every song even if it doesn't need one. Obligatory Engrish as well, lovely. Eh this song is whatever, I can't even be bothered to make semi-decent comments about it. I'M INDEPENDENT QUEEN/10 7. 13月の夢見丘 The year doesn't have 13 months, that's fucking silly. What are they teaching kids in schools these days. Folky song of the album that I actually really like because it's so overly fucking cheesy. The synth strings don't really sound that horrendous here so who fucking cares. My review, my opinion. Sort of want to skip through a field now/10 8. Day by Day Day by Day is, I don't know what it is. It's an okay poppy song I guess but why the fuck is it on this album. It's placed at the worst fucking place too, right in the middle of where this album is starting to bloom. It's like someone finally being able to buy that car they always wanted and then accidently setting it on fire. This is leaving aside that Toki no Koe is going to fucking kill anything good going on until this part though. Why was this necessary/10 9. 絡繰り絵巻 Could've done without the heavy bits. Starts of good, then gets progressively worse. It's like eating a Subway sandwich when halfway through the lettuce starts to get gross and sulky because the fucktard who made your sandwich put three fucking bottles of ranch sauce on your sandwich. That's how this song feels to me. Overall it's still good, I just wish I could take some bits out. Subway needs to use less ranch sauce/10 10. 鬨の声 This is where I can unleash all my inner fury because this album was actually going really well up until this monstrosity. I HONESTLY THOUGHT THE ALBUM FLOW WAS GOING TO BE PICKED UP AGAIN AFTER DAY BY DAY AND THEN THIS FUCKING HAPPENS. Who the fuck approved this. These 5 guys sat around a table and thought "well this sounds good enough to print on disc". Multiple avex guys could've fucking approved this. The harsh vocals are once again fucking atrocious. The instrumentals are awful, this song is too long for the kind of song it tries to be. The obligatory guitar solo is actually the best part here, for the rest it's as big a train wreck as this current review. Hope burned before my eyes/10 11. Sleeping Beautiful Beast Thank fucking god for a decent ballad. This is what I'm talking about. Is there software that deletes certain tracks from discs because that's what I'd like to do to Toki no Koe. Sleeping Beautiful Beast would be even better placed after Karakuri Emaki (or whatever the fuck it's called). This review could've been called "Toki no Koe ruins everything". Pretty fucking good/10 12. 三日月揺籃歌 Outro sort of thing? Idk sounds pretty good to me though it would've been better to end with Sleeping Beautiful Beast because this sounds more of an intro than an outro to me. UNLESS IT'S LIKE AN INTRO TO 7TH ROSE. BUT DIDN'T THAT ONE ALREADY HAVE AN INTRO THOUGH. Actually sort of yes. Depends on which version of the album you have. If you have type A and B it's pretty neat. If you have type C this one doesn't make any fucking sense. GOOD OLD VK STRIKES AGAIN. Depends on which version you have/10 13. 風がめくる頁 BONUS TRACK DESU. Okay this song is nice and it works as an outro but not this sort of outro. It's a goddamn single on an album that's nothing similar to it, why the fuck is it even on here. Like I know this one's at least optional but jesus. Liking it more when it's not a fucking closer/10 --------- FINAL VERDICT TIME VERDICT OF 16-YEAR OLD ME: VERDICT OF 21-YEAR OLD ME: For the amount of hate this album gets by fans of the band, it's actually really good. I still consider it their best major album, because it really just is a good record. Toki no Koe is like the only thing that really makes you cringe on here, that's basically it. DO I WANT TO PUNCH MY YOUNGER SELF IN THE THROAT FOR LOVING THIS? NO Alright, that's it I'm fucking done. I'll be keeping how many times i want to punch myself in the throat for liking what I did. So far that score's on zero, HA. NEXT TIME ON BLAST FROM THE PAST [PROBABLY, IDK]: NIGHTMARE - majestical parade
  2. 3 points


    FINALLY! Dir en grey - GAUZE It's time for some fresh views on essential pieces of VK/J-rock (sry) history! And what do we have here: The (major) debut album of DEG - and pretty much their most popular album in the scene...or WAS at least (I didn't research much about popularity amongst certain J-releases). Either way, the most atypical thing I am going to do here is "a goal" (which most reviews are not in a need for tbqh) - to knock on cliched claims concerning GAUZE that have passed from one generation to another (as in "older j-rock fans" (~2006) to "newer ones" (2006~)), for eg. "the poppiest DEG album ever", "the safest DEG album ever" etc. So get prepared! The first thing to mention is the fact that how they emphasize their members' skills in a whole album - there's room for guitarists their rhytmic co-operation and jamming ("Raison Detre", "Mask"), bassist with powerful bass tone and complex riffing ("Yokan", "Cage", "304") and of course a small spotlight for band's drummer ("304"). I think this is a good way to introduce a whole band's talent to newcomer in minutes or so - and I dare to say that this is unfortunately the only DEG album where this trait is "emphasized" (for instance, "WtD" almost isolated rhythmic players out of the mix). Thumbs up! "Poppy" is an adjective that tarnishes listeners' expectations and lets GAUZE stay quite overlooked in most occasions - and for no reason. Like most people, who were involved with DEG for years, I am very aware of the fact that DEG was always "abrasive" albeit constantly changing. For eg. The combo of Intro and "Schwein no Isu", "Mazohyst" and "Zan" are not "contextless tracks" at all, no - those and other non-single tracks are, in fact, the *actual* "main content" (= the sound that the album is supposed to revolve around). To support this statement, let's check out on album's build: *MC = "Main Content" intro - MC - breather - MC - MC - breather - MC - MC - breather - MC - MC - breather/finale - outro Of course, as you can hear it in certain MCs and breathers - "radio-friendly" accessibility is highly noticeable.It's accessible album if we rush a bit with my former comments, yes - but as I pointed it out already, GAUZE's main focus is not on the breathers at all, but on the dirty, old school vk rock worshiping, frantic rock sound with various influences thrown in (Kuroyume, Luna Sea, Vasalla - to name a few) instead. Take a note of songs they play off this album post-Blitz 5 days, and you will notice what I am talking about. Rambling aside, my actual views: thanks to its simple build - and figureable concept, or "the main content", I found myself liking and listening to this album more than to other releases. Many songs might feel quite apart to each other style-wise (newcomers hardly won't even try to tie such songs like "Mask" or "Akuro no Oka" into the same album), but they sure knew what to do with the flow - and kudos to them! I like how daring experiments were handled along the way, without radically weirding out on listener - cases in point, varying signatures role-wise in "Raison" and "MASK" + probably "intentional" offbeat/offkey frenzy in "Zan". Breathers are not bad either and should not be excluded due to bland "poppy"/"safe" statements - I might not be respecting the guy's deeds these days, but Yoshiki sure deserves a good pat on his shoulder for taking boys' musical influences and interests into account and "paving a way to the airwaves" without making them turn into total sellouts. It's no wonder that his productions ended up as instant J-rock classics though - radio-hits, but with a taste! And of course, the high nostalgia value of album's sound (to quote myself: "the dirty, old school vk rock worshiping, frantic rock sound with various influences thrown in") deserves an honorable mention; no wonder that people here and there suggest newbies to go with GAUZE whenever it's about "being introduced to old school vk" ! Low points of this album in my case would be the small amount of "daringness" in "304" and "Mazohyst" for the most part; the latter is of course supposed to gloom and give some sort of "taboo shock value", but nine minutes of Kyo screaming over requiem-y minors is just too much. Thankfully they placed the most accessible song of theirs ("Yokan") after abortfest to give a proper breathing pause, Phew. This is just nitpicking though. Final thoughts: some might assume that "I haven't even reached my goal" or so on - if you read carefully, you should have noticed through my instances that instant genre/mood-spewing is too risky here: give a few more listens, take a look at my "build scale" I wrote above and think more...don't let the singles fool you when it comes to realizing the actual content. Apply this to some of your classic favorites, and see it for yourself... Some big favs worth mentioning and a rating, go: - Yurameki: the poppy instance of Kaoru and Die's classic, fantastic ways of co-operation (which they don't unfortunately utilize these days) - Raison detre: interesting rhythmic approach and tasteful ways of using electronics - Tsumi to Batsu: the bastard child of glam rock reject and noise-y maniac banging? Yes! - Yokan: very accessible, but at the same time one of the loveliest, hummable songs DEG has ever done - MASK: odd but cool way to approach ska punk sound + that jam ending - Zan: something what you might think as a "lousy attempt at thrash metal" suddenly ends up as something ingenious | It'd be quite dumb to round up "4,75" (minuses for Mazohyst - nitpicking again, I know), so let's make it go that way. Brilliant, classic Japanese music release - a total must for those who want to have "their own bite" on old skwl
  3. 2 points
    it is announced at Lament. live at Ikebukuro CHOP at 2014/07/31 that their new one-coin single "CALL" will be released through their official web-shop and at their live since their presents live "Lamentation of "Canvas" -Scene 6-" at Nishikujou BRAND NEW at 2014/10/10 (1 song, 500yen)
  4. 2 points
    Mr Bacon

    The "Please Explain the Hype" Thread

    I think what made Gazette stand out early on is that they started out as a crossover between oldschool VK and punk, and slowly started adding more influences to their music. Their releases from 2003-2006 are pretty versatile and have many influences, and the songs range from pop ballads to jumpy punk songs to stuff bordering on the progmetal. In short, because they didn't stick to one genre, they could gather fans from all kinds of rock genres. Those guys are(/can be) solid songwriters, like it or not. Sadly, after 2007 their songwriting became a bit stale (to me at least, I know other people won't agree with me), even though I admit there's still some good efforts scattered throughout their releases.
  5. 1 point

    DEZERT new album release

    it is announced at DEZERT live at Nagoya E.L.L. at 2014/08/02 that their new album (title not yet finalized) will be released at 2014/11/12, although details have not yet been announced btw they will hold their one-man live "嘔吐のすゝめ(outo no susume)" at TSUTAYA O-West at 2015/01/10
  6. 1 point

    Angelo new single "SCARE" release

    Angelo will release their new single "SCARE" at 2014/10/08 http://angeloweb.jp/
  7. 1 point
    ぞんび(zonbi) live-limited one-coin single "夕闇行進曲(yuuyami koushinkyoku)" will be released at their halloween presents live "グロフェス(gro-fes) Vol.2" at Ikebukuro EDGE at 2014/10/26 (1 song, 500yen)
  8. 1 point

    Introduce yourself: Here I go ! (:

    Heey there! I'm usually bad with introducing myself but I thought I give it a try ^^ Someone recommended MH to me (I don't know if it's okey for him to be mentioned here? xD) since then I'm wandering around this site ^^ I live in Germany and I'm into Visual Kei for about a year now (I guess? that's not very long xD) it became my obsession *-* The first VK Band I listened to was DIAURA which I found randomly on youtube. My favourites are: Mejibray MY BACTERIA HEAT IsLAND *-* Chemical Pictures AvelCain Dir en grey BORN D'espairs Ray D.I.D Lycaon ... etc. ^^ I'm open to everything so if you have a recommondation feel free to write me (: I'm looking forward to what will await me here
  9. 1 point
    Thanks guys! Luckily someone recorded it
  10. 1 point
    GACKT - Fragrance — I don't think anything suffices for me as being more beautiful than this. The lyrics, the emotion, there's just everything in this song I can relate to. Gackt does an amazing job at capturing every possibility in this of how a person can experience it. It just never ceases to impress me like madness. KAMIJO - 闇夜のライオン — I've been listening to this ceaselessly since the moment it came out. Kamijo's voice has never reached me deeper than this. He sounds so clear, so otherworldly, the ambience it provides a room with is just stunning and it feels as if I'm being pulled elsewhere from my existing being. I just can't help falling more and more in love with this man every day and it's evident in so much of my behaviour. I feel as if currently, he is really saving me. D'LORE - Forbidden Ideal — This is just... There are no words for this track. I wouldn't exist without it, and realizing they were/are such a small band without any recognition at all still gives me incredible chills. Even the smallest voices, so to say, can reach out far and touch someone deeply. KISAKI - 勿忘草 — I am a Kisaki fangirl and I am not afraid to hide it. I'm not afraid to be completely overwhelmed by the man and his abilities and ego and crush under its pressure, nor am I afraid to share it with anyone. This song is just a trance-inducing masterwork, and I don't think I've ever been able to listen to it without at least tearing up. It's incredibly underrated regarding the emotional damage it carries along with itself (with Jui on vocals, respectively).
  11. 1 point
    Okay, okay, I've got this covered as a pretty-long-time-fan of Kiryu. Like ever since 2009. Not meaning to sound like an elitist or anything, but I'm a fucking god in these circles (he he, hopefully someone get's my self-irony here and doesn't come bashing me for being egoistic ) To serious business then. Or as serious as I can be. Which isn't very serious. Read on with caution and sense of humour, babes. First of all, I haven't seen too much of actual Kiryu hype. I've seen pretty embarrassing Hiyori (their fucking useless tranny bassist, if you didn't know already) hype though. Most of Kiryu fans tend to just... sleep under a rock while wearing headphones blasting their music. So there's that. That's my impression of the Western Kiryu fans including myself. But they're filling a niche for marketing here. The fact is, there just aren't many neo-japanesque bands out there. From my head I can name three. Kagrra,; OROCHI and Kiryu. Kaggra, is fucking dead. OROCHI hasn't hit it big for some reason. Kiryu, on the other hand, releases stuff frequently, actually more frequently than most bands these days. They have a steady quality to their works which keeps old fans interested. They'll probably never be the next Kaggra,; just because their material is very, very solid. In the first quote @jduv86 said that their music sounds the same. That's true. That's what I refer to when I say "solid material". They don't "experiment". That's meant for MYDORA. Regarding Mahiro's voice... what can I say? Some like it, some don't. That's all. To others he sounds annoying, to me he sounds impressively emotional. Also, jumping from point to another here but whatever, Kiryu is one of the very few bands in the history of VK or Japanese music at all that uses horror as an element to their music and videos. And not you know, halloween kinda horror which bands like Candy Spooky Theatre did/does. So fuck off if you're gonna mention that. Traditional Japanese horror. People, who like Japanese horror movies are bound to be interested in Kiryu's music videos as well, because they're majorly influential. I love Japanese horror, and Asian horror all together, and Kiryu, with their obscure sounds and sometimes intimidating tunes hits that soft spot for me. I'm sure it does it for others as well. So that's my 2 cents of the topic. Now I'm waiting for someone to ask about Kameleo. Then it'll be a fucking rape of a text from this gal.
  12. 1 point


    It is not meant for portability. The fact that it is an open headphone already tells you that you shouldn't walk around with it unless you really want to let other people hear your music. Also since outside noise is entering your headphones, it is going to affect the sound that you hear, you wont be able to have a proper listen to its actual sound quality. Write a review it would be interesting to read your thoughts on it.
  13. 1 point
    Nhato - Hello World (Shingo Nakamura Remix) I've been on a trance fix lately.
  14. 1 point
    You showed me some of you stuff before and I was as impressed back then as I am now. How can I buy that album?
  15. 1 point
    Rocket Shinobi

    Hello, I'm Rocket

    Hello everyone, I'm Rocket. I'm kind of new to these forums. I used to be a lurker under the name shimokita-dreamer back around 2010 but only made a single post and it wasn't an introduction. My friend CAT5 persuaded me to re-join. So without further ado let me introduce myself a little below. I'm a 25 year old male who has recently graduated university and is stuck in a transition period. More importantly, I've been into Japanese music since 2001 via games and anime. However, I hadn't really become acquainted to specific scenes until late 2003 when I discovered the Japanese music communities on Soulseek and the Japanese Music Room forums which have since been shut down. Some of my favourite genres include: Hip Hop, Electronic, Jazz, Post/Mathy-Rock and anything in between. Although I'm open to listening/trying out music in all genres and languages. I'm well aware that this is mainly a VK forum and while VK is not usually in my wheel house I am still open for listening to VK recommendations anyone happens to throw their way. Do know however that it will be very hard to sway me over to the VK side. It is possible though (I'm looking at you Southern Hip Hop). I also have a weakness for sultry female vocals and female drummers. Anyways, enough about me. It's been a while since I posted on a forum so I may not be too active trying to find my footing and all, but I hope over the coming days, weeks, years, and millenniums! I will be a familiar name. I aspire to be the Rocket in everyones pocket. EDIT: Thanks everyone for the warm wishes. I'm already starting to feel like I belong here. To see what I've been listening to lately, click here: http://last.fm/user/tombikordek Sometimes I DJ on plug.dj as Under_A_Rocket I used to be a gorilla on TT.FM as Saint Gori-san
  16. 1 point
    Plastic Tree - Spica Kagrra, - Shizuku Royz - Sourenka girugamesh - Crying Rain Versailles - Serenade
  17. 1 point

    Angelo new single "SCARE" release

    ugh, nooooooooooooo it means they're writing another boring ass album atm go away angelo, no one needs you after those pierrot revival hints
  18. 1 point
    Scarlet Obsidian

    DEZERT new album release

  19. 1 point

    DEZERT new album release

  20. 1 point

    new band "DAMY" has formed

    oh ok thanks a lot for your help hiroki! - hopefully i can get my hands on this cd. 8D
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
    The Bread Wolf

    How are you dressed right now?

    A black, nightgown-y dress with a deep V-neck line and stockings. Not even wearing a bra today. Lettin' the twins roam free.
  23. 1 point
    Track 3 LIAR is the best song in the single (IMO) , as I prefer heavier stuffs !!!!! His voice is great !
  24. 1 point

    The "Please Explain the Hype" Thread

    So your crediting all of Gazette's success to their promotion? If that's the case, how come other bands in PS Company aren't as big except Alice Nine. Also, PS Company gets a lot of slack, but they do spot really good talent Miyavi...Kagrra...to name a few others. They don't just sign anybody they find. So to give their hype to just their promotion I don't believe is the reason. The majority of comparisons people make on here come from a band either 1. sounding like Dir en Grey or 2. sounding like the Gazette. They have more influence then you think and I can spot numerous references of their songs which I will gather later but now I have to go to work.
  25. 1 point
    While I hate AKB and most of what it stands for and does (which this article does talk about), it seemingly jumps off the deep end...which Zess seems to have covered quite well. I mean, there is no doubt that these girls are being paraded around as objects of sexual fantasy. I'm one to believe that the reason the members can't have boyfriends is so that the "ronries" can project themselves in tot his spot. I also think the group as the music value of a wet noodle. And while I find most of it deplorable, I don't think that this is anything new for Japan. So much of his comments lack any information to back it up. This feels like something written by a conspiracy theorist.
  26. 1 point
    Am i the only one who really likes track 3 ? (liar) Although the chords aren't really original, the vocals are really catchy imo.
  27. 1 point
    フーデッドシール(fooded seal) new line-up: Vo.雅美(masami) (ex-恋(ren)-->シンディケイト(CindyKate)(Dr.沙美(sami)) Gt.けーた(keta) (ex-Die La'vice-->☆GLAD-->カナブン(kanabun)-->ブレーメン(bremen)) Gt.maNa Ba.メル(mel) (ex-Dablis(縷華/ruka)) Dr.ゆうき(yuuki) (ex-HEARTS-->ギルティ(guilty)-->Rosario-->SwallowtaiL-スワロウテイル-) http://ameblo.jp/foodedseal-keta/ http://ameblo.jp/foodedseal-mana/ http://ameblo.jp/foodedseal-mel/ http://ameblo.jp/foodedseal-yuki/
  28. 1 point
  29. 1 point

    Band Alphabet

  30. 1 point

    Current Band Obsession

    Am I the only one who has been obsessed with XtripX since they've come back? Also, anything TenTen does musically. Honestly, I hate the shit out of country music but if TenTen did it, I'd have to grab my cowboy hat and boots.
  31. 1 point

    The "Please Explain the Hype" Thread

    For me, I think having watched Dir en grey grow as a band and progress musically the way they have is just...I don't know, it gives me a sense of pride? Perhaps because I've been with them for a while. I'm talking, specifically, instrumentation. Even with their genre-slips they often pull, you can hear progress in their playing ability. Though I'm not as into them as I was when I was 16, I still look forward to their releases and lives.
  32. 1 point

    Hello, I'm Rocket

    Ok, this is kind of a big deal for me. I know most ppl at MH have kinda pegged me as "the indie dude" and some here consider me a paragon of Japanese music knowledge, but Rocket Shinobi here has been one of the major influences on my musical journey. Yep, Rocket is pretty much an OG and belongs to a specific group of Japanese Indie fans that I consider my seniors - people that helped introduce me to the vast world of "J-indie" and many other forms of music in general. Basically, Rocket is one of my "ongaku sempais" if you will. So for me, It's both a pleasure and an honor that he actually registered here and made an introduction post no less. ; ) oh btw, Welcome Rocket!
  33. 1 point
    That's part of the charm, isn't it? What pushed BABYMETAL into such a debated status was because of their gimmick: J-Pop vocals and dance choreography performed over different "genres" of extreme metal. Some people may enjoy the metal aspects, some may enjoy the J-Pop vocals, or others may just be listening to them BECAUSE they're ridiculous. The review posted in the BABYMETAL thread (or the BABYMETAL tour thread, can't remember) touched on it that there were all of these different kinds of people with different interests in music coming together to experience BABYMETAL. That's a large part of the charm, the experience of witnessing something so novel. Now, this isn't to say they lack talent overall, their musicians are excellent; but the one thing that tends to be a constant in fan's appreciation is the recognition of the gimmick and the experience of seeing them live. The band Ghost (or, in the States, Ghost B.C.) is in a similar light where their popularity soared because of their live production, and people began latching on from there when more and more began to appreciate their music and not just the novelty of seeing dudes dressed as Satan Worshippers. Whether this craze is going to last or not is something else entirely, though.
  34. 1 point
    How does someone seriously, seriously wonder why Dir en grey is hyped to high heaven and back without being "hurr i dun liek dem so why others do"? Essential visual kei albums from Gauze to Kisou, more or less pioneered the assimilation of contemporary western trends to vk in the 2000's, broke through in foreign markets and one of the most influential bands in vk today. They stay relevant and topical because they haven't stopped tinkering with their sound thus far, and there's always an aura of mystery on what comes next to keep even the non-fans excited. It's pretty rare for a popular music™ band over 15 years old to not become a complete parody of themselves, not to mention stay relevant. It would also require some incredible mental gymnastics to deny the quality of their first two albums if you're a vk fan and the type of metal they play at the moment is very in vogue, ergo hype and relevance.
  35. 1 point
    First come in my mind: BABYMETAL. OK I tried listen to them and nothing make me impressed. But why metal fans like them, and many metal musician promote them? I think they are just an Idol, with standard idol-type vocal and mixed with metal music. I didn't see the two different thing (metal and idol) fit. Your opinion?
  36. 1 point

    Hi (・ω・)

    Hi Monochrome Heaven, I'm chewi. I've posted here before but I haven't introduced myself. I like music of all types, and honestly don't know much about visual kei and etc. However, I don't consider myself an "expert" on any type of music, so... I found this site through a turntable.fm room (RIP) and joined. I'm CAT5's friend. I'm a 20 year old guy who goes to college. I'm studying Japanese stuff. I'll try to post here more. Thanks for reading. If you wanna know anything, just ask me. Last.fm taste for the past month: I'm into japanese, pop, female vocalists, electronic and vaporwave, including: Miley Cyrus, Richard Elliot, Lady Gaga, DREAMS COME TRUE, Iggy Azalea, MILLENNIAL DREAM CORP., Charisma.com, especia, Rihanna, Nicki Minaj, Macintosh Plus, Britney Spears, Alanis Morissette, Charli XCX, Azealia Banks, チャットモンチー, Lana Del Rey, Ai, Icona Pop, 骨架的, 戴佩妮, 小泉今日子, きゃりーぱみゅぱみゅ, Tove Lo, Trina, Serph, 氷川きよし, 人魚, Janet Jackson, Perfume, 少女時代, Pulp Non-Fiction, Capsule, 大森靖子, Beyoncé, 吳克群, 안녕바다, 휴먼레이스, рмнчитто, esc 不在, WTF.FM, cyberspace FANTASIES, Mariah Carey, AOA, Utada, 官恩娜, EMI MARIA, 2NE1, 小南泰葉, Saint Pepsi. Check out my music taste: http://www.last.fm/user/chewiiii
  37. 1 point
    3k downloads ≠ 3k lost obligatory sales like, gathering scrobbling data on the popular releases for a few weeks after could give a more or less accurate idea of how much replay time those releases are getting chances are a lot of downloaders won't give a lot of that stuff more than one or two spins before deleting it and never bothering w. it again
  38. 1 point
    I'm not fine with the assumption that 3k downloads absolutely equals 3k instant preorders
  39. 1 point


    Kagero's new song is fucking AWESOME imo
  40. 1 point
    their live-distributed single "DOGMA / Mad Social" will be released at their first live at Ikebukuro BLACK HOLE at 2014/07/05 (limited 100) [track list] 01.DOGMA 02.妄葬エントロピィ(mousou entropy)(SE) 03.Mad Social
  41. 1 point
    Rad stuff, man!
  42. 1 point


    and no one posted Especia? Sheesh... Idol group with heavy retro/vaporwave influences <3 (you guys should check their latest album "GUSTO" out, it's neato) Also, there's an interesting band called HERE (unfortunately ungoogleable and thus undownloadable) imagine if new Merry was...decent? lol.
  43. 1 point
    Lareine - Metamorphose, forever and always.
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