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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/04/19 in all areas

  1. 5 points

    Japanese Enthusiast

    What an interesting way to say 『weeaboo』
  2. 5 points

    VK/J-rock confessions

    I've been into VK for over 15 years and haven't listened to a Luna Sea album from start to finish...
  3. 4 points
    new band "カカトオトシ。(Kakatootoshi)" will commence formal activities at their two-man with てんさい。 (Tensai) at 2019/5/1. Vo.写楽 (Syaraku) (ex-BUK BUK (沫/Awa)) Gu.カービィtheDEAD (Kirby the DEAD) (ex-LAYS-->Uni:birth(am)) support Ba.守護霊 (Syugo) (ex-ユメリープ (Yumeleep)(おもち/Omochi)) support Dr.ぴかそ (Pikaso) (ex-だるま喰ったら龍ニ成ル (Dakuryuu)(響/Hibija)) https://kakatootoshi-official.crayonsite.net/
  4. 4 points

    Japanese Enthusiast

    i am a proud fujoshi and i love yaoi and hentai!!! my favorite hentai is bible black & my favorite anime is naruto!!! nyan~ =OwO= kawaii jrockers!!!
  5. 4 points

    Japanese Enthusiast

    konnichiwa again fellow samurai
  6. 3 points

    Japanese Enthusiast

    I've been in love with JRock for many years now, but lately I've been a fujoshi at its best lol
  7. 3 points

    Japanese Enthusiast

    Gomenasai, my name is Ken-Sama. I'm a 27 year old American Otaku (Anime fan for you gaijins). I draw Anime and Manga on my tablet, and spend my days perfecting my art and playing superior Japanese games. (Disgaea, Final Fantasy, Persona series) I train with my Katana every day, this superior weapon can cut clean through steel because it is folded over a thousand times, and is vastly superior to any other weapon on earth. I earned my sword license two years ago, and I have been getting better every day. I speak Japanese fluently, both Kanji and the Osaka dialect, and I write fluently as well. I know everything about Japanese history and their bushido code, which I follow 100% When I get my Japanese visa, I am moving to Tokyo to attend a prestigious High School to learn more about their magnificent culture. I hope I can become an animator for Studio Ghibli or a game designer! I own several kimonos, which I wear around town. I want to get used to wearing them before I move to Japan, so I can fit in easier. I bow to my elders and seniors and speak Japanese as often as I can, but rarely does anyone manage to respond. Wish me luck in Japan!
  8. 3 points

    Japanese Enthusiast

    Your threads brighten my day in a way I can't describe
  9. 3 points
    sleepy coffee

    VK/J-rock confessions

    Vk makes vk look bad dont put this on mejibray
  10. 2 points
    I sure do love payday aka congrats you get to pay your bills day
  11. 2 points
    sleepy coffee

    Japanese Enthusiast

    I'm a japanese felatio enthusiast
  12. 2 points
  13. 2 points
    I was born April 1996 And I hope I die April 2019
  14. 2 points

    VK/J-rock confessions

    I would never leave any fandom just because there are "bad" people or something... First, the "fandom" should be a lot more about the thing you enjoy/like rather than the other people who also like it. Plus, there's "bad" people everywhere, in any fandom, group, circle of people, as long as there is people, there will be people with whom you can make a connection, and others not, some good people, some not so much etc. About Mejibray, I haven't listened too much from them, from what I've listened to, it sounded too basic and not very interesting, so I just moved over to the next bands xD but I don't "hate" them, couldn't care less. xD
  15. 2 points

    VK/J-rock confessions

  16. 2 points
  17. 1 point
    Ba.りう(Riu) (ex.月鷺-つきさぎ-(Tsukisagi)) has joined the band and shown their new look. vo.りょう (Ryo) gt.朔 (Saku) Ba.りう (Riu)
  18. 1 point
    Yo peeps. I wanted to talk about an issue that's very dear to my heart, and that's called planning a family, or a lack of it. Just like the title says. At my age, most women (and possibly also men) are, if not already totally at it, at least planning for their own family. You know. Husband, kids, golden retriever, stuff like that. Most women have silently agreed to have children, even if they don't particularly want them, just because society thinks they should. I stand at the other side of the whole concept: I don't want kids. Ever. I've been told ever since I was a tot that I'll change my mind and when I'm older I'll understand the need to have children. Bitch, I'm older now and still don't want any. In fact, I would gladly have my tubes tied into one hell of a knot to ever avoid even considering the idea that I might be with a child. The idea of pregnancy scares me. The idea of childbirth scares me. I don't like kids. I don't think babies are cute, not in the least. In fact, I believe children up to the age of 10 are, at best, a bore, and at worst, horrible spawns of satan I want nowhere near me. And yet, medical specialists argue I'm too young (nearing 30 here) to decide if I want kids or not, so they won't perform a sterilisation. Yo, people can decide on a sex correction surgery once they turn 18 but I'm not old enough to know I hate kids and don't want any. And I'm not saying this to mock anyone or say that transgender people shouldn't have the option to do that, but just that both are a part of body autonomy that I think one should have the right to rule over after a certain age. Are there other people who feel the same way as I do? Ladies and gents who just don't want kids, no matter what? Or people who want them but can't have them? Tell me your thoughts and give us some peer support.
  19. 1 point

    LAVANS new single "Re:LIAR" release

    LAVANS 1st single "Re:LIAR" will be released at 2019/05/29. vo.shion gt.玲(ray) gt.ナツ(natsu) ba.こうすけ(kousuke) dr.isamu
  20. 1 point
    Develop One's Faculties new PV+LIVE DVD "Develop One's Faculties Vol.2「常緑樹-ever green-"will be released at 2019/05/08 (2 discs, 7560yen) [tracklist] 【Disc1】(MV) 1. My World 2. My World【改世界版】 3. アンインテリジブル 4. ボーダーライン 5. シャーデンフロイデ 【Disc2】(LIVE) 1. シャーデンフロイデ 2. アンインテリジブル 3. R4. 斑 5. ボーダーライン 6. 有為転変は世の習い 7. メランコリィな生活 8. フラスコを振ると天秤揺れた 9. 正常とは 10. 伝えるということ 交わるということ 11. 相対的思念 12. monochro 13. this is 芸術 14. ご想像にお任せします 15. I WANT MY FREEDOM 16. Blow Jazz 17. psychedelic modulation 18. 100年前から、こんにちは。 19. hope 20. 結果論 21. 残念な唄 22. 感情トリートメント 23. insert memory 24. My World 25. 光 26. エンドレス
  21. 1 point

    VK/J-rock confessions

    Lycaon was way better and had more personality than Initial'L
  22. 1 point
    Here's the cover art: Only a few more days and we'll get to hear the 'TV-size' version of RONDO~ Also, the title of track 3 is confirmed to be "獣たちの夜 - version of Cube Juice -", so it's gonna be a remix it seems. (Cube Juice has already collaborated with B-T and Atsushi's solo works before, with electronic arrangements and remixes.)
  23. 1 point

    Your last music-related buy!

    Ohhh, Pierrot please! 🙏🙏
  24. 1 point

    Japanese Enthusiast

    I am a Japanese Enthusiast in all the senses , what make me a Japanese Enthusiast? My Japanese friends make me a Japanese Enthusiast because i love Japan and the Japanese, i have discover that are sincere friends and corrected that in others friends i didn't find except someone that i am affectionate from years, so i love Japan and his fabulous peoples. Arigatou gozaimasu!💜😘🇯🇵
  25. 1 point
    Listening to jazz-rock gods Sugar while playing Pretend You're Xyzzy is the best, most relaxing thing ever.
  26. 1 point
    Loved the preview already! Thank you Awa for cleaning a bit of this stale as fuck air on the scene
  27. 1 point
    lmao this sounds like literally every alternative band
  28. 1 point
    inb4 a new pokemon account shows up How many bands does this dude have to make??? smh
  29. 1 point

    The Extremely Official MH J-meme Thread

    Was thinking that when I made that meme, but I didn't want to use the same format twice in the same post.
  30. 1 point

    The Extremely Official MH J-meme Thread

    this but with Lycaon --> Initial'L but the reverse with Reload --> Grieva, All Must Die --> Deviloof, etc.
  31. 1 point

    Japanese Enthusiast

  32. 1 point

    Last movie you saw.

    Everything John Waters is worth seeing tbh. Such a unique director. As for the acting and dialogue, it's all on purpose to get the campy attitude that he loves. Because he's intentionally going for camp, and he's nailing it every single time.
  33. 1 point

    CHIC BOY new look and new members

    They will release their second single titled 「ドキドキ♡ベジタベル」 (Dokidoki ♡ bejitabe) towards the end of June 2019 through Like an Edison (nationwide).
  34. 1 point

    VK/J-rock confessions

    Lbr Mejibray gets extra hate because a lot of the fans who do love them get extra obnoxious about it. Ngl it’s been really rough for me to find fans that aren’t batshit or twelve. (Saying this as a Mejibray fan. - thankfully I’ve got a decent circle of people to talk to, but it’s very, very small.)
  35. 1 point

  36. 1 point

    VK/J-rock confessions

    idk they weren't that band compared to some bands these days. yeah they were pretty big but idk ... i can never feel the hate for them . they really weren't terrible tho.
  37. 1 point
    My guess that most of their stuff is not available for streaming is because of the French Jupiter. It's like they didn't learn to look up if their band name was already taken and what could possibly go wrong with not doing that...
  38. 1 point

    New band NOCTILUCA have formed

    Keep calm gentlemen, the vocalist seems to have changed look!
  39. 1 point

    VK/J-rock confessions

    Deep down you know that, somewhere out there in the world, there is a woman who falls asleep hugging that strippable Gackt body pillow.
  40. 1 point

    New band NOCTILUCA have formed

    What happened? Am I in the wrong place...?
  41. 1 point
    I'm pretty much sold on this.
  42. 1 point

    random thoughts thread

  43. 1 point

    The Extremely Official MH J-meme Thread

    Credit to lukeroppi on Instagram
  44. 1 point
    Decided to open a sideblog for this band! Uploaded every booklet i own yesterday, so if you have interest in working for romaji/english translations, please contact me and let's work together! (Example/preview below) Suggestions and ideas are welcome. Please follow, like, retweet if you enjoy! http://despairofmasquerade.tumblr.com/
  45. 1 point

    random thoughts thread

    peak anxiety is you avoiding to open an important email for days in fear of what's inside thinking you're gonna freak out from the amount of work you're given only to realize almost a week later that's it's barely anything and you can be done with it all in less than an hour. if only my mind didn't jump straight to the worst possible outcome every single time smh
  46. 1 point
    Peace Heavy mk II

    David 3 new releases

    His confusing + expensive release structure is paying off!!
  47. 1 point
    it's completely naive to say to someone with low self esteem something like "oh,it doesn't matter the way you look".No,it does,and people are obsessed with it,obsessed with looks.We live in a superficil culture,with a superficial generation.
  48. 1 point
    Manji 卍

    New band "BLIND LINE" has formed

    Start again,with a better vocalist
  49. 1 point

    Family planning and the lack of it

    Oh man, I remember friends telling me how babysitting isn't a thing in Japan. My best friend who is Japanese is stressed because she's not sure she ever wants children or even to get married. She absolutely hates the idea of becoming a housewife although she admires them because of her mother. I know she's definitely not the only J-girl friend of mine in that boat. One of my J-dude friends and I talked about how he thinks the social pressure is so unfair on women and how it ends up affecting everyone, and how better options for childcare need to exist. I think that unfortunately influenced his decision not to become an English teacher despite having the qualifications and taking a higher paying corporate job.
  50. 1 point

    Family planning and the lack of it

    I was somewhat on the fence in my teens about not wanting children. I'm in my 30s now and over the years have gradually moved into the "never having kids" zone. The only exception being that should I ever change my mind (not likely but just entertaining the possibility) I would adopt. But, at this point I don't even want that. There are few j-guys that don't want kids, and my husband and I are both only children. The social pressure to have kids here is insane with the declining birthrate and all... Because of outside peer pressure sometimes my husband entertains the thought of having children, tho he pretty much reverts to "ah hell no" status the rare times we babysit for our friends' kids. He tires out easily and gets irritated when he doesn't get a full night's sleep and his free time is taken away from him, so I figure he'd get stressed/sick of parenting really fast. Also ultimately in Japan, the child rearing responsibility would fall fully on me, and so he doesn't try and force that burden on me knowing I'm not interested. However, we discussed all of this before marriage, and still check in that we're on the same page from time to time. Reasons I don't want kids: - I just don't want them I actually like kids, but only in measured doses. I don't have a ton of free time as it is, and I know I would be miserable having to give that up for someone else. I also enjoy having the freedom to travel, going to lives, go out with friends, etc. with what little free time I do have, and that would be hard to do with kids since babysitting (like calling a babysitter) is an foreign concept to most Japanese people and the in-laws don't live nearby. My (girl)friends with kids hardly ever go out, hardly ever have any time away from their kids alone with their husbands, never have time to care for themselves, their houses are always a mess, and it just feels like they live the same day over and over. Their roles are limited to "mommy". Also they hardly ever sleep and look tired all the time. I mean they're happy so I'm happy for them, but it's just not the life for me. My husband and I have two cats. They provide the same cuteness and affection and are only a fraction of the work. - They're expensive I would have to work completely from home (instead of partly), and even then for the first couple of years childcare is pretty much a full time job in itself, so I doubt I'd get much done. My husband doesn't make enough money for me to quit my job. (Thanks crippling student loan debt D: ) - Overpopulation This is the biggest one, even if we did actually want kids. There are already too many people on the planet and we're killing it. The way things are going, it's unlikely the earth won't succumb to global warming or war over lack of resources before any potential kids would grow old and pass on. I couldn't have them knowing that, just for vanity's sake of having a mini me or two running around. Deciding not to have kids is frustrating because most doctors will refuse to tie your tubes or do anything permanent if you're young and/or haven't had kids yet, because they always assume you will change your mind.
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