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Status Updates posted by JRD

    1. JRD


      Face it, we're old T.T

    2. suji


      IF U WERE LESBIAN u'd be able to fuck a man the same way u'd do if u were straight

      i wish i was there for this ;w;

    3. Jigsaw9


      As soon as I read "lulz" and "taintedworld.net" my first thought was THE GAY EGYPTIANS THREAD, lmao

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  1. Gawd some asshole drank my Peach Iced Tea from the fridge at work. I'm extremely upset now.

    1. JRD


      Stop giving me ideas hahahaha.

    2. nekkichi



    3. chemicalpictures


      food stealers co-workers are on the top 5 of the motherfuckers list sent straight to hell in the afterlife

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  2. Band releases two type live limit only. Buy both types. Puts on zealink 4 months later as a 3rd type, but with both type benefits and cheaper. Way to fuck over people.

    1. JRD


    2. evenor


      I just knew you were referencing cielgrave! I for one am happy for the third type being released cause both A+B types were soooo expensive on Y!

    3. JRD


      Yay another cielgrave fan! Yeah, it's kinda lame for me lol Well at least this has a bonus 4th song too. So excited for it, but also bummed out.

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  3. FJ found my items. I'm so happy rn. Thank you everyone that cared during my materialistic crisis. 

    1. saishuu


      ayyy i'm happy for you!

    2. Ada Suilen

      Ada Suilen


    3. Komorebi


      Glad to know you found them!!

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  4. I never liked Slipknot until Psychosocial. Their music changed drasatically. Still don't really like corey's clean vocals, but I enjoyed their previous album.

    1. ghost


      Also doesn't help that his melodies are dull (at least from their latest effort.)

    2. JRD


      lol I liked Solway Filth though D:

    3. ghost


      Solway Firth was good! But tracks like "nero forte", "critical darling", and "orphan" had choruses that left me underwhelmed. They've done better in the past (like with psychosocial, duality, or even devil in i)

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  5. Countdown begins. It's been a great 10+ years giving you guys rarez and such. I know most of you really appreciate it. I love how you all collectively think I was a huge bitch when you DMed me, but got the total opposite. I'll still be here, but I won't be uploading. There's a tie for 3rd so you guys get 4 releases thing. Also if you wanted to play my guessing game, it'd be fun, and you can a list of rarez I have that you can choose from.

    1. Gaz


      thanks for everything! ❤️

      your dedicated contribution will never be forgotted and it would be definitely missed.

    2. filth_y


      Idk where do I find that game that you hint but looking at your twitter "completed BUK BUK discography" I can tell you that at least 1 release is missing (at least in the picture) :P

    3. JRD


      I found it lol

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  6. I have about 200 something CDs to rip. I might not even finish it for months. I'm that lazy. And my schedule is hectic, so that adds in more time.

    1. JRD


      Don't envy lol They're mostly Koteosa, Osa,  Kirakira or Kirakote bands. I do like some bands you like, so if I have releases that you don't have then sorz  >.<

    2. VkBrutaliaN


      I'm sure you have plenty releases i don't have. XD


      "I do like some bands you like" - i guess luckily it's only some. ;D

      But i gotta say i was very, VERY surprised when i found out you also liked DictavE.

      My MOST FAVORITE Vk band of all time.

    3. tetsu_sama69


      Good luck with the rips! Take as much time as you need to get what you feel needs to be done.

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  7. I spent half of my pay check on CDs. I am uber upset with myself. At least I got Vier la drain's last single :3

    1. Mihenno


      I know that feel bro :(

    2. Tetora


      You dont know the true value of money until you spend it brah, make it rain, lololol.

    3. JRD


      I don't think any ratchets would like CDs being thrown at them D:

  8. That feeling when you finally complete a discography after 8 years.

    1. xriko


      Oh don't worry, you will found they distributed a CD in 5copies some years ago, and you will start to hate them :D however, what band did you complete ?

    2. JRD


      Ass'n'Arrow. Finally got a legit copy of their Winter Sonar Distribution.

    3. xriko


      Cool, glad you found it!

  9. Thank you FedEx delivery person, for leaving my G-star Raw clothes with my neighbors I don't know at all!!

    1. Tetora


      Nice brand, hopefully those clothes look good on your neighbor.

    2. JRD
    3. Jigsaw9
  10. Secret Santa at work tomorrow and I totes forgot to buy a gift.

    1. Tetora


      Pick up a gift card at a grocery store, movie theatre or alcohol distributor on your way to work if possible.

    2. JRD


      Ugh, I didn't want to have to get a gift card D; Procrastination got the best of me :/

    3. beni


      I hope it all gets sorted! Don't let it panic you too much. If you're too late, just say it's still on its way to you. Like a present arriving, if that works.

  11. I think my CD buying addiction is back :/

    1. Biopanda


      Time to hit up rarezhut? *wink wink*

    2. JRD


      I sent you a message brah D:

    3. fitear1590


      Now's a good time with the yen being weaker! :D

  12. OMFG, FUCK PURESOUND JSAKDJKSLAJ Immedieatly sold out of H.u.V CDs! Why can't they just like give us foreigners an account we can use to buy shit for all fairness.

    1. Seimeisen


      Cynical answer: because that would be convenient, and providing convenience for us gaijins goes against the PureSound Law.

    2. lichtlune


      Ewww go away gaijin we don't want your monies.

    3. Biopanda


      I've been thinking about ways to get an account there for a while now. I know there are some shopping services that just give you your own address, so I think if you signed up for one of those then you'd be able to get an account at PS.

  13. FULL EFFECT New Mini-Album Noisy GENE 2015/05/22 Release T.T Another Live Limited. My Wrist are eternally cut.

    1. inartistic
    2. tetsu_sama69
    3. cirrus


      *prays to online auctions god*

  14. Got an email reply from my favorite bandman. Tears, tears, and more tears.

    1. paradoxal


      wow, congrats!! :D i'm so happy for you! who was it?

    2. JRD


      Thanks bb! It was Hisato~ Hopefully he takes into respect that his live limited releases are killing me T.T

    3. kyoselflove


      That's really cool!

  15. If y'all can help out I updated my selling list. I have some really rares in their Like Ten Ten's solo single. http://poopceptionbutthole.tumblr.com/post/111513108271/selling-and-buying

    1. yakihiko


      There is a preview in somewhere to check it?

    2. JRD
    3. yakihiko


      hmm is good but is too much for me, sorry. maybe other fan can give it :)

  16. Omg, I work at 5 in the morning and these fireworks are gonna keep me awake. Fawk.

    1. nick


      Sleep is for the weak. :P

    2. JRD


      I'm a weak little girl T.T

    3. nick


      (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

  17. I give up, Hisato. This is one of the best flyers ever T.T https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CJiLteTUMAA2nT2.jpg:large

    1. Raburr7
    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      omfg stop using my pictures to sell CDs!!!

    3. doombox


      LMAO Living the dream!

  18. I have 4 extra copies of Corpse Corps dist. CD. If anyone want it just pay shipping for it and it's yours.

    1. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      why not, how much is the shipping for France ?

    2. JRD


      I don't know yet, I'll get back to you on it. 3 copies are gone now, so one left to whoever wants to snag the last copy.

    3. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      I take it if the shipping is good for me, can you reserve it ?

  19. For anyone interested, I did an audio rip of I HATE SUNDAY from the MBHI DVD. I'll post the DVD when I get the time. http://www.mediafire.com/listen/wbbnd6g75t8b0oc/I_hate_sunday.mp3

    1. -NOVA-


      Omg thank you so much !

    2. Aferni


      Amazing stuff, thanks JRD! Always supplying.

    3. Shir0


      Very much appreciated!

  20. My friend just gave me a Delta Buddy Pass and I get a month of Vacay off of work next year! Hmmmmmm where in the world should I go!? You guys already know it's gonna be Japan huehuehue

    1. fitear1590


      So what are the limitations of a Buddy Pass? It sounds awesome!

    2. yakihiko


      Don't forget me if you see some MBHI rarez

    3. JRD


      @fitear There's no limitations! You just fly standby, if there is any room(even in first class) they would put you there!

      @yaki of course I won't!

  21. I caught the flu somehow. Been sick since Saturday. GG life.

    1. hiroki


      aww ._. get well soon!

    2. Rize


      Get well soon!

    3. yakihiko
  22. Okay, so who is the troll spamming my DragonWAPPPPPPER vids with tanuki like gossip about P and talking shit about the memebers? Even the part about blaming P for the death of someone in the earthquake. It's not trolling when I find it funny!

    1. emmny


      *raises hand*

    2. emmny


      im serious if u find out who did it tell me, they're an icon for doing this. we need that kind of hilarity here.

    3. JRD


      I totally will! But this person, I think, only speaks Japanese, so it'll be a problem for some people hahaha.

  23. I'm not dead.

    1. hiroki


      <3 missed you bby

    2. JRD


      Missed you tons too <3

  24. This suspense of RPDR S9 cast announcement is the worst thing since Jan. 20

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      what if one is named Mike Pensildik

    2. JRD


      Top 3 for sure! Ru wouldn't have it any other way!

    3. platy


      I wanna know but at the same time all my love/enthusiasm for RPDR died with all stars 2.


      I have no expectations for S9 except that it'll be frustrating.

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