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Status Updates posted by inartistic

  1. Had my wisdom teeth out yesterday... @~@

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. inartistic
    3. paradoxal


      What, why were you put under? i just had a shit ton of local anesthesia

    4. Lestat


      You were really put under? Wow, I just had local anesthesia too, could even hear them clipping and pulling the teeth and it was pretty funny, haha. But then again, I've had six teeth pulled so far so it's not that bad for me anymore (mega small jaw, no space for anything).

  2. Jfc at everyone here going full r*tard

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. emmny


      lycaons influence...initial'l dropped and trump got voted in, kawaii minpha hacked mh and now we're all in mass ZETSUBOU....surprise? think not.

    3. Ikna


      Oh, I forgot, the internet is serious business. NO FUN ALLOWED.

    4. suji


      ^ your idea of fun anyway 

  3. Man, who's the shady ape that deleted my news topic and didn't even bother putting the info somewhere else ಠ_ಠ

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. inartistic


      Thank u

    3. Biopanda


      Shady Ape is the name of my new VK band fyi

    4. Atreides
  4. Wtf is going on with us? How has Grieva not been shared on day 1 of its release???

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      I bought it, so I'll share when it comes in a week or 2. Homage-kei has been saved

    3. inartistic


      Sweet! I'll have to try bullying people to buy releases more often >)

    4. sakuran


      Haha @Uglymouthgot it right... I buy Grieva too sometimes, but only when I have the $$$, and Gossip killed me these past weeks with goods/preorders... RIP wallet.

  5. Is that a dick at 1:23? What's going on here #investigativejournalism

  6. Fuckin last.fm ;( I never got any of those fixes to work, so I still can't scrobble from iTunes. Bitches

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lestat


      So I'm not sure if you tried that. I think it was that the new iTunes automatically downloads in a 64bit version while Last.fm only supports 32bit (or the other way around, I don't remember).

    3. stylelover


      yea it works with that fix.

    4. inartistic


      I tend to forget to respond to shit, so sorry about that :D Anyway, I tried that at the beginning but it didn't work for some reason. Maybe I'll try again

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. inartistic


      THANK YOU! I knew I saw it somewhere on my Twitter recently (I guess for their revival) but couldn't find it

    3. saishuu


      second guy is oddly familiar (made me think of Dreqi x Rudra or that Lilith band one of the Vidoll guitarrists used to be part of), but I can't confirm it and it's kinda bugging me now

    4. inartistic


      Someone else said Lilith too, and I thought that might be it, but I can't find a shoot of them that looks like that. I thought too maybe some random VISUNAVI band like dystopia or something, but doesn't seem to be them either. Swear I recognize it tho ><

  7. Hmu to buy your This Twitter was takeover tshirts

  8. Highly recommend Get Out!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Himeaimichu


      You hear that? It's the get out train! It's the get out train!!! Get out

      (Sorry, I had to xD. I watch too much Einshine)

    3. lichtlune


      Maybe you should get out. x_x jk

    4. inartistic


      @lichtlunejumping out the window rn

  9. Mods are asleep, post Korean casino ads 

    1. Mamo


      Yeah I hate this bastard.

    2. Peace Heavy mk II
    3. reminiscing2004


      Thank you, Peace. It's been 8 years since I've seen that lol XD

  10. Whyyyyyy are all these shitty transcode posts popping up again? I feel like I'm back in the days of Demon Android

    1. suji


      it's a brazilian thing

    2. evenor
    3. chemicalpictures


      owww c'mon, now you guys are just being mean, lol

  11. Haven't ordered from VK shops or auction in like over a month D: My heart feels so cold ;0;

    1. Slsr


      stay strong brah

    2. Tetora


      Strong stay brah.

  12. Jesus christ

    1. emmny


      this is the hottest video i have seen this week why is there no more porn for people who wish to be throw by sumo wrestlers S M F H

  13. Is there a way to view New Content here on desktop? (´・ω・`)

    1. Chi


      its near the search function n etc

    2. inartistic


      Didn't see it there! Thank you!

  14. What happened to Crucifixion's release for this month >_>?

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Their whole single campaign seems fairly arbitrary + spotty. I'm half expecting them to forget about it by June

    2. inartistic


      Yeah I think you're right .-. Also, yeah, I have those singles and will try to post tonight

  15. Omg, did jrockdrama get those FULL EFFECT' CDs that popped up today? I feel personally invested now

    1. Biopanda


      I got one :x All but one were literally sold out within 10 minutes of the update getting on the store orz

  16. I think there's rare Jin-Machine stuff on Y!J if any dirty foreigners care D:

    1. JRD


      I have seen it too T.T I just spent like crazy money on another band too. Double edge sword.

  17. A4 sheet protectors are 50% off right now http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001710B7S They are perfect for flyers, for anyone crazy about organizing shit

    1. suji


      *_* thank you!

  18. Omg, I have a dark theme, so didn't see those bats at first. Thought they were bugs when I noticed them ;___;

    1. yakihiko


      It was released in the began of this year... I wish I could hear it... XIIDAofJAP and VRZEL

  19. Omg, had no idea Nicole Scherzinger performed at YOSHIKI's 2002 symphonic concert. D y i n g

    1. Chi


      Thats....iconic. the first Lady X

  20. Waiting for Jefree Star & Kat Von D to weigh in on Trombe's decision

    1. saishuu


      hope they show some receipts

  21. Forgot my keycard and got locked out of the lab this morning _| ̄|○


    One more day of work and then this marathon is finally over ヽ(;▽;)ノ

  22. I love these MARVELxNetflix shows! Need more ;0;

    1. Komorebi


      I live for them <3

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