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Posts posted by ghost

  1. There's kind of a thread like this already, but for video games. Are there any people here that are into film soundtracks and scores? I'm talking about original music, not music from other bands used in a film or show. Let's talk about them!  Some of my favorites are:





    Battle against clown / Dolls' polyphony / Exodus From the Underground Fortress / Requiem


    Mary and the Witch's Flower



    Mary's Theme / Help of Mary / Magic Science / Essence of the Spell




    Too many songs to go through 


    Over the Garden Wall



    Into the Unknown / Patient is the Night / Ms Langtree's Lament / Send Me A Peach


    Turbo Kid



    Wasteland / Highway 64 / Tequila Sunrise / 58 Minutes Pour vivre 

  2. 2 hours ago, Kaleidoscope said:

    I feel "Inconvenient Ideal" is so underrated compared to all the other ballads!

    Def agreed! That's another great ballad. "Higeki ha mabuta wo oroshita yasashiki utsu" is also a fine piece of work I think doesn't get talked about enough. It's one of my favorite moments on WTD and I love the visuals for this on the Despair in the Womb tour.


    3 hours ago, geist said:

    This is — objectively speaking — the correct opinion

    Mmm nahh. Rinkaku is great, but it ain't no "ain't afraid to die" It's probs my favorite vkei ballad.

  4. The first one is a fun idea, just like Vinyl Me Please and their cocktails recipes. 

    Let's see, let's type in Dir en grey, click and...ohh...




    The second one is DOPE! When I click on a name it just plays a music sample. Really cool to sample many bands quickly.

  5. I found two super rad tools. One, for comparing artists and another for finding new artists.


    Music Map

    The first is called Music Map. It shows you bands that are close in style and, the closer they are, the more similar they are apparently.


    Here's an example using the band Tom Waits



    Check it out



    The second is called Gnoosic which is a learning AI that asks you to type 3 artists you like, and then it tries to recommend artists similar to them.




    Check it out

  6. 9 hours ago, chemicalpictures said:

    I've been saying that if they had released something like 6~8 of those songs and called it a conceptual mini album, the backlash wouldn't be nowhere near what we're seeing.

    I think that's because by not announcing this as some side project or concept album, it communicates to the fans that this is now the direcion they are headed as a band. And, it's just not at all the same kind of music that fans got into band for in the first place. If I'm optimistic, then yeah I'd hope this is just a phase that will end up enriching the band's music later down the road in ways I couldn't imagine. But other bands' histories of this situation (going from hard music to pop) say otherwise. Examples for me are D'espairsRay, Mucc, Girugamesh. At best, I expect some throwback album in a few years that attempts to "go back to the roots" to please old fans but ends up being a watered down attempt that lacks the punch and nuances of what they're trying to re-capture. The major label bug bites hard.


    Here's a very extreme and weird analogy. It's like if a bicycle company decided they were selling utensils now. Old customers are either leaving or wondering when they'll make a new bike instead of selling another damned fork. You think, "they've gotta go back to making bikes sometime." Then later on, they decide (to bring old customers back) they're going to release a new bike, the first in years, and it ends up being a fork with wheels. That's only going to cater to a very niche group of people and you end up pleasing no one from old and new customers. They should've just opened a new shop with new branding to separate the two. Kinda weird, I know. But all I'm saying is that bands should similarly stick to a few select genres/styles  and build off of that. Industrial metal and pop really have nothing to do with each other. Unless you're doing something like Babymetal or some other kind of experimentation, it just ends up being jarring and divides fans.

  7. D'espairsRay and 12012 being dated my lord what time period am I in. 


    I haven't even begun listening to the album yet. Too scared to find out what horrors await. They should've done something like Inugami Circus Dan and created an alter ego band to go with a different style (how's that for another dated reference). Or maybe start a side project? I'm glad there was a heartfelt reason for this style change according to Chiaki, but he knew there would be consequences. Now, I know going down these routes isn't as simple as "if I can think it, I can do it", but it just sucks to lose another band to itchin-for-a-change-in-direction-itis.


    P.S. I fully stan heavy comeback 12012! 

  8. I'm not sure if you tried to click the paypal link at the end of your order and pay for it that way, but I skip that step. Once you get a confirmation email for your order (without paying yet) they will send you an invoice within 3 days typically. This includes the item total and correct shipping amount, and you can pay for your order that way.


    I don't know about paypal rejecting your cards though. I'm unfamiar with that situation.

  9. 58 minutes ago, nullmoon said:


    This is why I can't comprehend people disliking Toxic. 

    I for one loved that album. Probably my favorite album post-Dim. I liked that it was just a casual pop experience with catchy melodies and formulaic songwriting.  A solid guilty pleasure.


    But, I still stan the good old Eternal days ガゼット with Yune.

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