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Posts posted by ghost

  1. 38 minutes ago, YuyoDrift said:

    Do any pros know when Ai Uehara retired from the business?

    Saw her new Instagram out and she seem quite adjusted to real life, and lost weight too.


    Had no idea she was out of the business. She (was, I guess) a thicc cutie.

  2. I had another series of unrelated dreams.


    Dream 1

    I had some old acquaintances spending the night with me over at my parents place. However, they wouldn’t go to sleep. Our rooms were on the second floor and what they wanted to do is slide down the stairs belly first. They kept alternating, one person sliding down then the next person while I kept telling the two of them to go to sleep and that they would wake someone up. But just then, really loud music began to play from outside. We all went downstairs to investigate and noticed a bright orange light illuminating into the house through the window. By this time my parents were awake and also trying to find the source of the sound. 


    We tracked the sound to our neighbors backyard where a large group of teenagers were having a bon fire and blaring music. We told them to keep it down and that there were people trying to sleep. They didn’t take too kindly to that and they all started to get up and glare at us. We hurried back inside and closed the door. Soon after the gang broke through our front door and started surrounding us. My acquaintances were no where to be seen and it was just me and my parents. Some of them began attacking us but they actually ended up being chumps and terrible at fighting. My dad would just grapple them or flip them to the ground and eventually they just all scrambled out in panic.


    Dream 2

    Me and some random people were in a forest getting lessons. The instructor was some old man dressed up like the clown from the original IT (Tim Curry) and he was teaching us how to use HTML tags on a chalkboard. It was really weird and the lesson didn’t even make sense. Specifically, he was trying to teach us how and when to use block quotes. He asked one of the students a question and they answered incorrectly. He menacingly hissed at them that, “that’s the reason [he] hates children, because they are mindless little filthy bitches.”

    Then I woke up and found out I slept through all 4 of my alarms and was almost late for work.

  3. 5 hours ago, LIDL said:


    I am still hoping they'd release that song on stand alone vinyl, maybe for Record Day.


    I heard rumor that song may have Chris Fehn as co-writer, which is why it is excluded from the album now. So no more lawsuits will happen. But I'll take this with grains of salt.

    We can hope!

    I heard that too. According to the band though, the song "doesn't fit" on the album anymore and that's why it's no longer included. Please though, it doesn't sound all that different than the other 2 singles.

  4. 9 hours ago, LIDL said:

     That track will be bonus track for Japan release, from what I saw on CDJapan. They always get that kind of perks. Which made me pre-ordered that version of CD instead of the one in their own website. Like, those swags on the bundle are cool and all, but.. :D



    Shoot, that's lame. I always like getting vinyl when I can so I pre-ordered that from their site, but I just assumed OTL would be on the album!


    I'm actually pretty excited for WANYK. I expected them to kind of just fizzle out after .5, but it seems like they're going stronger than ever. 

  5. When it comes to physical music, if there is a vinyl copy available, most times I'll prefer listening to it on that format. That's only if the audio quality is better or on par to the digital version though. I've ran into some LP releases that sound very poor on vinyl and I'd rather have a CD version instead.


    I really only like CDs now for music that is hard to find online or if I want to be able to rip music in case I lose the digital copies that I have. Otherwise, I never actually listen to the CDs after ripping them and they take up room in my shelf. If it's a band I really like I like collecting CDs for artwork and photos.


    Which is why I actually like using streaming services because it allows me to listen to music in (depending on the streaming service) good quality and I don't have to worry about storage space or loading music on my player of choice manually. It's risky though since some day the streaming service can decide to pull some of your favorite releases off their platform and then you can't enjoy it that way. And when it comes to Japanese music, it can be difficult to find releases by vkei and indie artists.


    On very rare occasions, I like collecting cassette tapes too and other less conventional mediums like floppy discs and 8-track tapes. But one thing I can't still get behind is a USB drive. It's just a boring medium to store and distribute music to me. 


    Last.fm integration is also important to me as I like to keep track of my listening habits, so I also like to just listen to digital copies I own on either my phone or laptop most days (although, with the direction last.fm is going I'm not sure how long I'll be able to keep that up haha)

  6. 8 hours ago, YuyoDrift said:

    Man, a lot of you played Spyro lol. I got the bundle going on sale this weekend that includes both the Spyro and Crash Bandicoot trilogies.

    I forgot how easy and fun Spyro was to play, that even my gf wants to try it (she didn't grow up on the PlayStation).


    I'm also playing Bloodstained. @ghost@chipathy , do you guys understand the customizing/dismantleting of items well? I had to skip the tutorial and am completely lost lol. I'll try and just stock up on items and then take time to try it out. Overall for me the game is good, the voice volume on some characters is off, but bearable. Definitely more forgiving than the Castlevania series, in terms of gameplay.

    I think I've got a pretty good handle on it. You can combine materials to create new items (e.g. melting bone + small webbing potion). And, with an item called alkahest, you are able to break down items into materials (potion breaks down into melting bone & small webbing).


    When it comes to shards, having multiple copies of the same shard will increase its grade which is linked to increasing the strength of the shard. You can also upgrade the rank of shards which will enhance the shard like adding more items for summoning shards or increasing range for projectile shards. 


    I found the English voices to be grating and have been using the Japanese voice. Much better I think (relatively anyways). I don't know if it's just because I haven't played them in a while, but I've actually found it to be a bit more of a challenge than the Castlevania titles. Especially the boss fights. I wouldn't say they're difficult, but some of them have required some attentive focus.

  7. I think on CDs, they're just okay. They can be hit or miss for me depending on the "type" of obi it is. And by that I mean, I've seen a few common types used.


    1. Solid strip of color with some text

    2. Have just the album name and band logo on the front.

    3. Be an extension of the booklet artwork.


    It's nice when they're more fleshed out and have more info about release, add to the aesthetic of the overall package, or include easter eggs or photos like @Jigsaw9mentioned. But, either a) extra content is rarely included, or b) they're more often than not, boring.


    Here's an example of what I'm talking about (Please excuse the old and terrible photo):

    2 out of the 4 CDs here that have OBIs are just a plain black strip with minimal text, and 1 is just an extension of artwork. The one on the bottom right I think is actually interesting to look at and it also has more information about the CD beyond just the band name and title.




    @Kaya-Rose-Addict & @Bear bring up a great point about obis on vinyl, which I also love. The medium allows for bigger OBIs, so I've seen some pretty cool stuff being done. These are a few of my favorite OBIs on vinyl releases (the first two are obis that slide onto the sleeve and stay on)






  8. 3 hours ago, chipathy said:

    I never listened to these guys and randomly clicked on a recommended video, 君の子宮を触る to be exact and I love it?????????????? Any recommended releases or should I just do a deep dive and listen to everything

    I'd definitely recommend checking out their earlier material. These are my personal favorites:




    • チョコレートクリームチェーンソー




    Tokusei Nomiso Soup ~Nama Cream Shitate~ 

    • 脳みそくん。
    • さくらの詩




    • 「遺書。」




    • 「殺意」
    • infection
    • 胃潰瘍とルソーの錯覚
    • さぁミルクを飲みましょう




    • 「秘密」
    • 包丁の正しい使い方~思想編~
    • 包丁の正しい使い方~実行編~
    • 大塚ヘッドロック
    • 「遭難」
    • ゴシック




    • 「君の子宮を触る」
    • 「ここにラブソングを」
    • 「排泄物」
    • 「おいしい脾臓は笑わない」
    • 「セイオン」

  9. I had 2 dreams last night.


    Dream 1

    My sister wanted to pull a heist to rob some building. I was totally against it saying it's a dumb idea but my parents were there and they were really on board with it and very supportive. I was loosing my mind because we didn't even have a plan, but everyone was eager. So we suited up with masks and drove to this building. When we got there though, it was raining and there was security everywhere. I kept saying how this was a bad idea but no one listened to me and just split up to find ways inside.


    Dream 2

    I went up to a lovely air bnb cabin at the top of a hill with a view of the ocean. I was ready to enjoy the weekend and have some nice R&R. When I walked in though there was man wielding a chainsaw waiting for me. As soon as I walked in he revved it up. He looked like a crazed version of leatherface with makeup (Texas Chainsaw Massacre 1 version) and had this wide-eyed manic yet distressed expression with clenched teeth. He kept twitching and making these yelping noises, almost like he was in pain. 


    I was terrified but just kind of hurried past him trying to get to my room. When I got halfway up some stairs he started doing the dance that leatherface does at the end of movie but more viciously and psychotic. I just went into my room and shut the door. 

  10. Anyone listened to the remastering yet? I'm only 1 track in and it sounds LOADS better. A lot less muddy and the high ends sound much more prominent. The original mastering I thought pushed the lower frequencies too loud, but I'm not feeling that here. Would be interesting to compare to the original and see if there are any nuances lost because of this.


    I'm glad this wasn't some quick and sloppy effort but a true remastering done with care. Check it out here:


  11. Bump! 


    Added some girugamesh CDs (Girugamesh +DVD, Reason of Crying +DVD, Zero)


    Added even more Dir en grey CDs, 8cm singles, limited edition albums, maxi-singles


    Added Gallows limited edition by lynch.

  12. Favorite thing that the GazettE has ever released and probably in my top 3 ever vkei releases. From the cover (especially the sleek as hell black and gold limited edition case) to the songs itself, I love it all. Their PSC days were my favorite era and Disorder was like the ultimate agglomeration of everything they had done up until that point.


    This was such a personally important album for me too because it was my gateway to trying new bands back in high school. I used to be dead-stuck to bands like Dir en grey and D'espairsRay, but listening to Disorder made me realize there's good talent beyond the 2-3 bands I exclusively listened to. 

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