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Posts posted by ghost

  1. Love me some Cloudkicker. I've only ever listened to The Discovery and EPs since they were released on vinyl by Blood Music. It's crazy that it's all just one guy.



    1. Lynch. - ecdysis
    2. Astronoid - Breathe
    3. Slipknot - Aov
    4. Dir en grey - The Final (remake)
    5. Kauan - Sumun Syleily (remake)
    6. Kalmah - The Groan Of Wind
    7. Psycroptic - Cleansing a misguided path
    8. Morgan Willis - Summer Night
    9. Ryo Fukui - I want to talk about you
    10. Purity Ring - Repetition


    Astronoid just released a new album at the start of the year and I can't stop playing it. Breathe is a pretty good track that showcases most of what the album has to offer: Soaring yet calming vocals over hard hitting drums and fluid guitar work. 


    On the opposite side of the spectrum, Dir en grey's The Final remake is my least favorite track on this shuffle. Don't like the new vocals, instrumental work, or the sound. It loses that industrial gritty sound the original had and doesn't even fit well into the musical direction they had at the time. The Final? More like The Flop.

  2. @Seimeisen Those look nice! I love the idea of a dual cover for Division. There was recently a vinyl release for Castlevania Rondo of Blood's soundtrack and the label who pressed it used that idea. The obi (not pictured) is also double sided:



    That Dim concept sounds freaking sleeek. I'd buy that in a heartbeat. And those other concepts sound really great too 🔥



    Japan releases a ton of music on CDs, but they don't really press things on other mediums like vinyl and cassette tapes. Especially in the visual kei field, you'd be hard pressed to find anything in these mediums. And, anything you do find on vinyl or cassette is usually extremely rare and expensive. One can always dream though of seeing your favorite Japanese music on a fancy colored vinyl or a weird retro medium like a floppy disc.


    That's why I thought it'd be fun to start a thread where people can upload their own mockups of releases they'd like to see on other physical formats. I'll kick it off with one I've been thinking about for a few days now.




    ガゼット (the GazettE) - 犯行声明文 (Hankou Seimei Bun)

    Red with Black Haze



  4. I can't stand the mixing on TIW. It sounds like it's playing through a microwave. I like the songs, but it's the first time I won't listen to a Dir en grey album because I think the mix is garbage.


    MOAB sounds like a breath of fresh air in comparison lol

  5. I dig that Lostage song! Really liking that prominent bass sound. And it sounds like a classic Cat5 song xD



    1. Dynatron - Throttle Up
    2. GosT - Tongue
    3. Marilyn Manson - Wormboy
    4. Thy Catafalque - Feher Berek
    5. Nightbringer - I am I
    6. lynch. - dizzy
    7. Dir en grey - Ware yami tote
    8. lynch. - Beast
    9. Kero Kero Bonito - Time Today
    10. 9goats black out - Melancholy and loneliness (re-mix)


    Out of these my favorite track is probably "I am I". It's visceral, relentless, and so incredibly bleak. Feels like I'm drowning in a chasm filled with eternal suffering brought on by the sins of humanity's worst vices.

  6. 12 hours ago, FOSCOR70 said:

    Then what are you waiting for bud! Link it to me ASAP~

    Check it out. The mix is called "Pure" and is built around the ideas of inner-peace, happiness, and self-reflection. Some of the older vkei vocals are rough around the edges, but there's some more contemporary(ish) songs thrown into the mix with better vocals. Hope this scratches the itch!



  7. These are mine


    9goats black out




    devils in bedside

    There's an ominous calm about the cover and it's just really hard to tell what the music will sound like. You just have to listen to find out.







    I love the imagery and theme here and how a spectrum of darks and lights are achieved using different intensities of blue.





    The colors and imagery are unsettling and I get a real The Shining vibe here.



    Dir en Grey




    Agitated Screams of Maggots

    The environment feels so otherwordly and hostile. Then you see that little innocent looking fairy is the creature that did this.




    The cover feels really clean with it's white color palette, but having that tube of blood there makes it feel really dirty. I love the composition too, starting from the face, then the eyes that you follow to the finger dipped in blood, all the way down the large stretch of red blood ending at the band's name and single title.








    I really like the aesthetic of all the single from this era, but this one is my favorite.



    Hankou Seimei Bun

    I just like this one because I think it looks like Leonardo Dicaprio screaming angrily








    I think this is a real life museum piece? I dig how creepy this wall of faces is.




    @Paraph Karte is on my list too! I didn't post it since you already did. "Any" is probably one of my favorite 9goats song.

  8. On 12/29/2018 at 4:28 AM, MissConduct said:

    Sorry, I got overwhelmed by a couple of things, I'm back now.

    I still am interested in Black:List, if it's not too late.
    Is Anemone from lynch just one song?

    Hey there, sorry didn't see this till now. It helps if you quote/tag me so I get a notification since I don't check the post directly to look for new comments.


    Definitely still available. And yeah, it's a single track for the Anemone CD. It's an unplugged piano arrangement of Anemone.  Shipping would be a little hefty to Germany, around $24. Let me know if you're still interested.

  9. 7 minutes ago, FOSCOR70 said:

    Is this band dead or something? 

    I'm digging and kind of enjoying their music so was just wondering what are they up to.

    Also, they're technically on haitus.

  10. On 12/6/2018 at 3:20 AM, MissConduct said:

    I would be interested in Black:List and lynch. Living in Germany, though

    Hey there, still interested in these? I'll be going to the post office today so I'll be able to give a more accurate quote. Which lynch cds were you interested in?


    On 12/6/2018 at 2:11 PM, Editorpha said:

    Interested in the lynch. Gallows Limited Edition CD. Shipping would be to Germany. Waiting for your price ;)

    Hey there, still interested in this? Going to the post office today so I'll have a more accurate quote.

  11. On 12/6/2018 at 10:55 AM, chipathy said:

    Interested in nil, stacked rubbish, division, and/or beautiful deformity depending on prices 

    Hey there,

    All the GazettE items are up for sale except for the ones marked reserved. And I've added prices. Let me know if you're still interested. Thanks!

  12. On 12/6/2018 at 6:20 AM, MissConduct said:

    I would be interested in Black:List and lynch. Living in Germany, though

    Shipping to Germany I think will be between $14-$24 for 2 CDS. This is based on using my post office's online calculator though and I'm not sure how accurate it is. I can't give you an accurate quote until I can check at the post office, but please be aware that this may be the actual shipping cost. 

  13. 17 hours ago, Editorpha said:

    Interested in the lynch. Gallows Limited Edition CD. Shipping would be to Germany. Waiting for your price ;)

    Shipping to Germany I think will be around $14. This is based on using my post office's online calculator though and I'm not sure how accurate it is. I can't give you an accurate quote until I can check it at the post office, but please be aware that this may be the actual shipping cost. 

  14. 2 hours ago, chipathy said:

    Interested in nil, stacked rubbish, division, and/or beautiful deformity depending on prices 

    I just got an offer on all the GazettE items. I'll let you know if it falls through or if they decide they don't want some of the items.

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