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Posts posted by ghost

  1. On 11/10/2020 at 10:20 AM, Punk said:

    I got 

     X-Japan - Vanishing Vision

    - X-Japan - Blue Blood

    - X-Japan - Dahlia

    - kamaitachi promo

    -aion deathrash bouns


    But at least if your want to purchase Lps or vinyls you need to know  the real sound is analogic source no digital since 1998  in short words if you took a vinyl nowadaya youre  purchased one Cd  with an acetate exterior  ..

    Nice collection. Jealous of that Blue Blood.


    I don't know if that's exactly the case. Sure, most things (if not everything) are likely recorded digitally so you lose that real analog sound (especially true for electronic music), but a lot of labels do take the care to create vinyl specific mixes so the listening experience is definitely different.


    I certainly have bought some records where you can tell it's a straight transfer of CD audio onto a slab of wax and those usually sound lacking in dynamics and compressed. Metal Resistance by Babymetal and Vol. 3 by Slipknot fall in this category. Those were mixed terribly to begin with though.

  2. 2 hours ago, Desqui said:



    I'm not sure it's safe for me to start playing again due to my current employment status, but if I do I plan to TT back to Turkey Day and go from there. I don't TT often really and right now I am nicely set 1 day 1 hour behind everyone which helped me catch events during my work schedule. Hopefully I can TT back though, I know there've been some patched changes on that.

    I THINK you can go back to re-experience events, but they changed it so you can't time travel forward to go to an event. Everything else TT-wise I don't think has been affected.

    Turkey Day was ok, it was cute and fun, but I liked halloween more. I also didn't play as much after October so didn't have much stuff to decorate my island with so it didn't feel as festive

  3. My family doesn't really celebrate Christmas anymore. My sister and I live across the country from my parents so plane tickets always cost a good amount. Since I've moved to the east coast I think my sis and I've been back home for Christmas once in 3 years. We don't do much festivities but we do like to be together and enjoy spending time with each other (usually exploring new bakeries or cooking each other new recipes we've learned since being apart. So basically, just food haha). 


    To that effect, we're pretty chill on the whole gift giving activity. My parents love coffee so my sister and I will probably buy them some new mugs and coffee. I honestly don't want anything. I end up buying stuff I like for myself anyways, lol. 


    Hopefully nice! I let a lady at the post office cut in front of me this year lolol

  4. 8 hours ago, Elagabalus said:

    I always thought drawing was hard but with patience, time and dedication you can get on the level you expect 

    Whats hard is pouring your thoughts just the way you're thinking it and no many practices or experience in the world would ever compensate that 

    So good job keep it up! 

    Thank you! Yes, I think anyone can learn just about any skill with enough time and effort. Sometimes it's bitter work, but the results are always (well, mostly) worth it.

  5. 5 hours ago, Linh-san said:

    Yeah it has its ups and downs! I did had good relationships, but the last one has hurt me mentally so much (he was a narcist... which I found out later) that I'm still find it hard to take a step forward.

    Even if someone tells me they like me, I'm like I'm not sure if I can like you too (wondering if they'll accept me as I'm still broken all over the places).

    Beside, I'm like screening every person to see if they truly are as they're saying (it's probably my insecurity), well a double check is better than being hurt again and again right?


    And yeah those descriptions with ''fwb'' is so tiredsome, I have looked at tinder once and I deleted like in 5 minutes rofl. It's probably not my thing.

    But I do like making friends online (most of them I make friends through my instagram as most of them shows same interests as me :) )


    & thank you, it sure makes me feel a little bit better to know that I'm not the only one to be made fun of lol haha

    I've said once, if I ever meet anyone who has same interests as me, that would be totally so cool :D I truly don't have friends who like my music still so I can't talk about it at all ;< Hope to find my buddies one day to irl :) 

    It takes time to build that trust. I wanna think that it gets easier as you get older and as we all mature, but so far that hasn't been my experience 😂


    I think that was the right call haha. Insta is a great place to meet friends. People on there are chill. 


    Haha well I guess we're lucky to have the internet. I can't imagine being in like the 70's and being the only kid in your neighborhood that likes metal and never being able to talk about it with anyone 😬

  6. What were there like 10 copies of that Vulgar LP? I'd be surprised if it actually sounded good tbh. Hard to imagine the band would front the money to properly master that for vinyl for a giveaway. Would love to see it get a proper pressing someday though.

  7. 1 hour ago, Linh-san said:

    Totally forgot about this thread lol:hum:

    I never tried dating apps, I heard there are creeps on it lol. andd... I'm scared af.

    Also, been forever single since 2017, 'cause yeah traumatic experience and since then I'm not actually looking for it either.

    People are always shocked or surprised that I like VK/J-Rock music, because ''it doesn't fit in my character''/ as the way I look and I don't care much about it though.

    Hmm...  neither my ex liked that I listened to those heavy shit either rofl. I'm happy that I can at least share my interests with my online friends (and on MH too) :P 

    Dating is over rated anyways. It's great if you find someone you care about and they care about you too. But it's so complicated and messy.


    Feel ya on the traumatic experience. The first person I ever confessed to and they told me they felt the same ended up stringing me along while they were trying to choose between me and another guy. Saw some red flags but I was too naive and blinded by what I wanted. In a good/bad way I never trust anyone now. 


    I'm sure it's different for girls but I've had generally good experiences using dating apps. Biggest problem I've ran into as a guy is girls telling me they're "actually too busy to date but have an account just out of curiosity." And being cat-fished. It also definitely matters which one you use. Different apps for different folks ranging from "Tinder: looking for a fvck buddy" to "Hinge: looking for something serious". Not saying that any one app has an exclusive type of audience but you're just more likely to come across certain types of people in one app vs another.


    I've actually had some of the deepest conversations I've ever had with people I've met on dating apps. I'm even still friends with one girl I ended up meeting IRL and we'll end up commenting on each other's insta stories from time to time. It really is a crapshoot though. Like 90% of the time it will be a waste of time, but you do meet some cool people.


    If it makes you feel better I'm sure nearly everyone on the forum has gotten the same response from people for their interests haha. It's different cause she's family, but my sister ALWAYS makes fun of me for listening to music that doesn't "match" my personality. When I listen to rap and hip/hop she'll be like "Oh, you think you're cool now?" 😂

  8. On 11/11/2020 at 5:27 AM, platy said:

    So now that I'm in the singles club, decided to browse tinder. Not my first experience with it...

    Think you might be on the wrong app. I recommend Hinge if you haven't tried it yet. It's probably my favorite dating app because it's more focused on reacting to a specific part of someone's profile (whether it's a photo or a question/answer). It's designed to spark a conversation rather than just awkwardly trying to create a starting point reacting to whatever vague or edgy profile you come across. Sure tinder has its uses, but for me Hinge has been a more meaningful experience (as much meaningful as a dating app can be anyways).

    Haven't used a dating app in a year though, so not sure if anything's changed in the online dating realm (still single though, woot!).

  9. 9 hours ago, Seimeisen said:

    because they wasted production money on special instruments and completely forgot that garbage-in is garbage-out, and because they were monitoring it with fucking EarPods and probably laptop speakers as well.

    I hate that they started producing music with the lowest common denominator in mind. For their Beautiful Deformity cycle I remember reading an interview where Ruki talked about buying the "right" kind of mic or something and that he wanted to consider the fans that just listened to music through their phone speaker or something like that. People who listen to music that way deserve to have their ears taken from them anyways.


    On 10/22/2020 at 3:27 AM, Linh-san said:

    for example MEJIBRAY has a song called "KILLING ME" (First single) re-recorded 2 extra times, one in the Emotional Karma album (2012) and the final album in their best-single album SM (2017). And both of them are feeling too much forced like in vocals and in instrumentals.

    I think I get it. I felt that way about re-recordings for Girugamesh's "Goku" and "Gokusou". The production was heavier and they added a lot of flourishes which was nice, but they also updated the sound with their style at the time so it sounded too electronic and clean. So, the originals will always be the one I listen to even if it's more lo-fi and simpler.


    On 10/22/2020 at 5:09 AM, Ultra Silvam said:

    I also love most of the songs from Liphlich's first acoustic album, and I think that's a great example of remaking songs with purpose.  Obviously a lot of changes had to go into making those songs acoustic and I don't think they were remade just to sound better or new. 

    I always appreciate acoustic versions or different takes. These tend to work out better imo because, like you said, a lot has to change to make it work so bands gotta be more deliberate with the writing. 


    On 10/22/2020 at 10:53 AM, Tanishi said:

    ...grew heaps as a vocalist and I like all the remakes on it better than the originals.

    I wish bands like Screw actually did a few remakes. Some vkei bands early on had some ROUGH vocals when they started out. 


    9 minutes ago, LIDL said:

    I enjoy remastering better than these two options. 

    I'm a fan of remastering in most cases too.  Less tampering with the original.

  10. Remakes are nothing new, but the trend of remaking songs I don't think really started to get popular in the vkei scene until around the mid 2000s. This was around the time Dir en grey would remake hydra on their Dozing Green single, 12012 released a series of "complete" versions of past mini-albums that featured re-recorded songs, lynch. released their remake album The Buried, and there are more that I can list off.


    Sure, bands were remaking songs way before this period, but something in that moment around 2005 seemed to trigger a spark within bands to put a new shine on their tried and true classics. Since then it's pretty common to see bands include remakes as bonus tracks on singles or limited editions of their albums. Or, if you're ambitious like Mucc you completely re-record your first 2 albums.


    But that had me wanting to ask people here, do you like hearing remakes? Do you think they're worth a band's time? 


    My honest thought is that I, more often than not, don't care for the remake. In most cases I feel that a remake loses a part of the character of the original and sounds overproduced. Or, there's hardly any change in how it's played so it's not all that interesting.


    I think some of my favorite remakes are the sin versions of tsuuzetsu and homurauts that Mucc put out, hydra 666 by Dir en grey, and the bonus remake tracks from 12012's self-titled. What are some of your favorite remakes?

  11. 1 hour ago, Gesu said:

    I can't stand being twenty and never having had a paid job in my life. I've been looking for an apprenticeship lately cuz I thought that might be a bit easier to find than a proper job for the time being but of course, they either don't get back to you if you apply or they require you to have prior experience (which is fucking ridiculous because the whole point of an apprenticeship is to get trained in sth while making some money, as opposed to being fully qualified). My family keep telling me not to feel bad but it's difficult not to when I remember people in high school who weren't even adults who could somehow juggle school work and paid work (bear in mind I went to a hardass high school and it was difficult to even juggle school work with leisure time). It just makes me feel super inadequate and I feel like I'm gonna be on benefits for the rest of my life. Sometimes I consider just forgetting work altogether and trying to become an artist or singer or whatever so I don't have to go through getting rejected/not hearing back from an employer again but I know that wouldn't be sensible. The stagnation is making my insomnia worse to the point where I'll get a good night's sleep maybe once a month. Given how fucked 2020's been in general, I doubt it's gonna get any easier from here.

    Job searching is never easy. Anytime I've switched jobs I've had to apply to nearly 100 and I might get a reply back from 1-4 places give or take. It gets easier as you gain more experience, but that first step is hard. Honestly, job hunting still makes me uneasy after all these years.

    It's tough finding someone who believes in you, but you just need one person or group who sees your potential. I'm not sure what field you're trying to get into but you just gotta keep building your skills however you can. Most importantly, don't be afraid to ask for help wherever you can find it. No one makes it alone and there's no shame in seeking help.

    It's tough out there but keep your chin up. Stay positive!

  12. This was an incredibly difficult exercise. Tough to define your music tastes with just 5 artists. I tried selecting artists that cross a lot of genres or have a fairly diverse discography. But I think it can be summed up as:





    Within just Japanese artists:


    Dir en grey

    Joe Hisaishi


    Rina Sawayama



    All music (thought it was fair to bump it up to 10 artists here):



    Charli XCX

    Dir en grey


    Kevin Penkin


    The Midnight

    Tyler the Creator

  13. I like it better than Heaven Upside Down. But like others have said, it's lacking a bit in the composition department. The vision and tone is clear from start to finish but it lacks catchy hooks or good riffs. Fairly paint by numbers aside from a few memorable passages. I like the production on this though. Gives me a vibe somewhere between Mechanial Animals, Born Villain and The Pale Emperor. 


    The Pale Emperor is the stick that I measure new Manson albums by. I enjoy it as much as the triptych and felt it marked a good new direction. You could still hear the fire in his performance even if the songs were more laid back and slower. We Are Chaos feels like a more natural progression from TPE than Heaven Upside Down but sounds like it's missing that passion from Manson. He pretty much delivers his lines the same way throughout the entire album (excluding "Broken Needle" which I think he actually performs quite well in). Sidenote, kinda reminds me of  "Coma White" from Mechanial Animals.


    I think this is a well produced album with a pleasing sonic palette but ultimately brought down by Manson's lackluster performance.  Highlights for me are "Paint You With My Love" "Infinite Darkness" "Perfume" "Keep My Head Together" and "Broken Needle". 




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