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Posts posted by ghost

  1. 8 hours ago, GreatNorthernVK said:

    Quick question: I’m seriously pondering a stop on the NA tour this time around. In the past couple meet and greets, were there any photos or autographs allowed? I sprung for the Gazette meet and greet and was disappointed that they allowed neither. Just wanting to know if it’s worth it, especially because I’ve heard that Kyo and  Shinya just go through the motions.

    What?? That's lame. They really couldn't be bothered to sign a few things and/or take photos? 


    6 hours ago, nullmoon said:

    Doggos are generally trustworthy and simplistic; what you see is what you get. Maybe due to this they're your guides in the dream world? Dunno, pop psychology XD 


    Wow...you should really sell your services though, your dreams sounds amazing! 

    That certainly makes sense!

    Haha can I really sell a service if it's only worked haphazardly just for me? lolol


    29 minutes ago, Gesu said:

    I'd just like to chime in and say that is really interesting and actually makes a lot of sense. I say this because I've always been of the notion that dreams are just that and have little to no hidden meaning to them but you may be starting convince me otherwise, in which case I'm buggered because my dreams are like Junji Ito and Noel Fielding co-wrote something together. I can't imagine what trouble that spells for me. 😕

    I would watch something like that on TV haha.


    I think dreams can have meaning from time to time, but it can be something as trivial as "I had pasta today" and so I dream about going to an Italian restaurant, or something like the dream I just shared. But no joke, there were a few times where my dreams foreshadowed the kind of job I was about to get.


    1. I interviewed with a cancer research company for an internship position which my dad found for me. Before getting and offer from them, I had a dream that I went to adopt a dog at a shelter. There were a ton of dogs and, out of all of them, I chose of large happy golden retriever. I just left with the dog having my parents pay for it. At the real job, it was a great experience. Everyone was nice, supportive, and the most caring group of people I had ever met.


    2. This time I interviewed with a small company for a web development job. In my dream, I was taking care of this tiny chihuahua. It was covered in blood and I was trying to catch it so I could clean it up, but it just wouldn't come to me and was giving me a really hard time. In real life, this ended up being the worst job I'd ever worked. The company was very small, just 5 people including the boss. We had no microwave, you couldn't be in the bathroom for too long, you had to take your lunch break at a specified time and it was mandatory to take an hour break, and the boss was right next door and if you ended up having a conversation for more than like 5 minutes he would come over and tell us to get back to work. The worst part was I had no idea how much money I was making. He was very vague when he offered me the job and one time I asked him upfront and he gave me an unclear answer. I could go on, but it was terrible.


    3. I had just moved cities and was looking for work. There were 2 places I had interviewed with that seemed promising. One was some kind of information tech company and the other was a biotech company. In my dream I drove up to a really nice mansion. I went to the backyard where there were 2 golden doodles. One of them just walked away but the other one came to me and I gave it some pets. The biotech company ended up hiring me and my time there was also very nice. I learned a ton, the people were great, and it was the best place I had worked at up until that time.


    This has only happened to me 3 times with these specific dreams but it makes we wonder if we're actually able to get some insight into the future through dreams. I wanna say these dreams were more like impressions I got from the company during the interview that ended up being true. And, I don't know why they were all dogs. 

  4. 1 minute ago, nullmoon said:

    You sound so much like me! I can understand how over time it can all get a bit overwhelming and yet you feel a duty to be a good bro. I guess that carries across into the dream where you don't want to watch and yet because everyone else is there you have to do your bit too?

    I'm glad I'm not the only one feeling this way : ) Haha, I guess so. I'd never compare my situation to getting cleaved to death (lol) but maybe on some level I feel like it is a huge drain on my life. I know I just need to give her time to get up on her feet though.

  5. 3 hours ago, nullmoon said:

    Holy cow. Can you think of anything in real life that triggers this sense of inability to escape? 😕

    Haha this might be getting too personal but I think responsibility. My sister and I live together right now and she's going through a career transition. She's been at home a lot while looking for work (understandably) and I've been supporting her financially for a lot of things. I love the girl and, honestly, couldn't ask for a better roommate, but I guess I've been kind of stressed about it since I don't really have any alone time (I'm a huge introvert). 

  6. Anyone ever have those dreams where something horrific appears on your laptop or tv and, no matter what you do, you aren't able to turn it off? I had one of those last night. I'm putting this in a spoiler for people who can't do extreme gore and violence.



    So, I had some friends over and we were all thinking of a movie to watch. I suggested a horror film and turned on something random. It started off normal enough until two women were having a conversation about mutilating each other for money. One woman held a clever and readied it on the other's hand. She lifted it up and chopped off her fingers. She then repeatedly took swings moving up a few centimeters each time. Eventually the woman being tortured gave in and told her to stop. But the other woman wouldn't stop. I was too scared to watch at this point and tried to pause, exit, turn off, anything I could do to escape the film. Nothing I did worked and we had to sit there listening to the events unfold.


  7. 35 minutes ago, Zeus said:

    They are absolutely horrifying and undescribable which is why I draw pictures. And I am no artist.

    Now I'm even more curious. That's fair though. 


    I hope someday dream reading machines become a reality. Dunno if that's a good or bad thing, but I'd be so curious to compare my recollection vs a (theoretically) more accurate capture.

  8. 55 minutes ago, Zeus said:

    I'm amazed how you guys can verbalize your dreams. My therapist advised me to keep a dream journal and most of the time all I can draw are images because I can't describe what I see.

    Care to share any of them?   ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


    I think too the more you write down your dreams, the easier it gets to write about them. When I first started out writing down my dreams, I usually only wrote down like a sentence or two, and in some cases just words. 

    I've actually always wanted to animate or create a video of a few dreams I've had because it's just too difficult to put them into the words to describe the feeling or event. But I can't animate and can't imagine trying to get a crew to reenact a shot dream, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

  9. So, in my free time I like to dabble in composition. I don't really have a style yet, as it's just for fun, and I don't know much about music production.


    I'm gonna start this thread with a song I started like 2 years ago and finally sat down and finished tonight. It's inspired from Castlevania music (specifically the soundtracks that Michiru Yamane worked on - Symphony of the Night, Lament of Innocence, etc.)


    It starts off like a requiem but climaxes like an overture. If you like organs, harpsichord, and choral music, you might dig it.



  10. For just Japanese music, it'd probably be:


    [Band] Dir en grey

    They just scratch all the itches for me from early vkei metal to heavier more technical metal, some nice ballads and some decent remixes. I can pretty much find something to listen to no matter what mood I'm in.


    [Album] lynch. - The Avoided Sun

    It has the perfect balance of hard and soft, melody and screaming, and is extremely catchy.


    [Song] lynch. - ecdysis

    Love the groove on this track



    And for fun, Non-Japanese music:


    [Band] The Midnight

    [Album] Gost - Behemoth

    [Song] The Midnight - The Years (Prologue)

  11. I had a weird sensation earlier this week. As I fell right asleep, I dreamt I was falling through a hole and woke up immediately. Felt like I dropped right through my bed. The hole itself looked like the tunnel from Coraline. Probably the shortest dream I've ever had, literally felt like it lasted a quarter of a second.



  12. 23 minutes ago, Manji 卍 said:

    There's a lot of girls and women nowadays doing softcore on YouTube in disguise. Like the lingerie and bikini try on haul shit, cleaning and washing stuff. Of course, there's women there for the feminine public,but most part of them are aware that there's only horny guys watching,and honestly we love that,bcuz it's sexy,but not all of that explicit sexuality right in your face, it's more subtle and less dirty.


    However, going to your YouTube account to jerk off is such a low action,like walking in sewers,these people need help.

    Queue the wave of "ASMR" videos that have really taken off as of last season.

  13. 6 minutes ago, Himeaimichu said:

    Actually, fuck Masturbation Karaoke, how about full on sex karaoke?

    Oh, and it has to be a duet. So better hope your AV girl can sing lol

    Speaking of Ai Uehara, there's a vid where she does just that. Not a duet tho

  14. 19 minutes ago, Gesu said:

    It sounds nice to me. I personally can't stand it when people talk about how porn is allegedly a form of infidelity. I know that's not what you said, but I thought I'd bring it up while we're on the subject.

    Yeah, I wouldn't go as far to call it cheating, but I always just thought it'd be kind of weird to be turned on from the porn but also be doing stuff together. Kind of like being at a live concert but listening to music through headphones instead (if that makes sense).


    19 minutes ago, secret_no_03 said:

    Well, I mean the gf and I watch hentai all the time during sex or just when you're in the mood, but not feeling like actual sex and want to just mess around.

    Huh, since you put it that way I can actually see the appeal. Sounds fun, especially with hentai. I might just pick a badly dubbed show and laugh the whole time though i dunno. Bible black flashbacks 😂

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