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Status Updates posted by fitear1590

  1. Just out of curiosity, have you ever followed one of your favorite musicians/actors/etc on social media, and lost your fandom for them as a result of how they act/what they post?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. karai · ebi

      karai · ebi

      No, because I don't use social media to avoid pretty much what everyone said above. I don't care about politics or drama, I can't do anything about it and so I don't want to hear about it 24/7 and get harassed because I don't have an interest.

      That would probably be the main reason I'd lose interest in someone aside obviously from some horrible act like animal abuse / child abuse.

      I only made a twitter account this year to keep up with obscure bands releases, but I log in once a week to scan over lol.

    3. The Moon

      The Moon

      most vk twitters are milquetoast so no not really 

    4. Komorebi


      I mainly follow VK band guys and japanese gyas. I avoid western artists because they won't shut up with the politics and idiotic opinions about everything that happens.


      I don't care about some actor's opinion on the Trump Administration or global warming.

  2. So I've heard conflicting opinions... Should I do the free update to Windows 10 or not?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. ruki11


      I'd use win7 until it dead

    3. Hakoniwa


      Some friends loved it, some had a huge problem with it. I personally am very attached to Windows 7, though I use Windows 8 at work... to me the biggest downside of W8 is the not-yet-fixed bugs and the lack of tutorials to solve those. But this is getting better as time goes, so why not.

    4. Hakoniwa


      meant biggest downside of W10* oops

  3. Omg, the leaked Trump video of him being disgusting toward women is actually turning some of the remaining Republicans on my FB. There is a gawd!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Komorebi


      This year's elections be like: Joffrey Baratheon VS Ramsay Bolton

    3. blackdoll


      like girls dont talk about guys like that. It would be bad if he actually grabbed her vag. ppl are to sensitive.

    4. doombox


      This still represents exactly how I feel about Trump.



  4. Jesus god, Slowdive was glorious. #shoeslaze Any MH members seeing them on tour? 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. saishuu


      I wish :( They're coming to Brazil this month, but it's still way too far and expensive for me to go. Also @fitear1590their album's already leaked a few days ago if you're interested.

    3. emmny


      zilch, and they're performing tomorrow night ;___; thanks for the info tho @fitear1590

    4. fitear1590


      @emmnyNO!! I'm sorry :/
      Here are a few videos I took, as consolation (the most recent two posts): https://www.instagram.com/rabatzach/

  5. A tribute to Japanese (or at least visual kei) audience headbanging: http://fitear1590.tumblr.com/post/87789773771/a-lesson-in-japanese-girl-headbanging-type-a

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. colorful人生


      dat sync doe

      (Amazing how it's so erratic, yet so organized o.o)

    3. fitear1590


      ^right??! It's fascinating, haha.

      Ricchu, it may be time for the DVD to be released from Fitear's Vault! I'll try to upload this weekend, Icchi-hater :)

    4. ricchubunny



  6. My grandpa's house was just burglarized. TVs, computer, and iPad stolen. I can't fucking stand people.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. anakuro


      Glad your granpa's okay. Hopefully it gets sorted out. That's really terrible :(

    3. Ro plz

      Ro plz

      Whoever is, Karma will come back and bite em. Thoughts of peace being sent your way, yo.

    4. beni


      Thank goodness he's fine. Those kind of people will get what they deserve and doing that's not it. I wish you and your grandpa the best, take care.

  7. Any MHers seen Hereditary yet? I was really surprised to hear about the major split between popular and critic opinion. I personally loved it! One of my favorites this year.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. fitear1590


      @platy I would agree with that "unsettling" is a really fitting word!
      @saishuu Toni Collette was brilliant!

    3. Hohchicano96


      The film was a damn ride from start to finish; the only thing I'm going to say about the plot is that you'll be pissed on several characters' behalf.

    4. evenor


      Toni Collete's performance was EVERYTHING. 

  8. Any VK recommendations for this month?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. emmny
    3. saishuu


      merry's new single was cool. :)

    4. fitear1590


      Cool, thanks everyone! KEEL is the only one I've heard so far and while I enjoyed it decently last week, now I don't remember it. Gonna have to revisit it.

  9. Goddammit! I forgot I signed up for the Apple Music free trial (why god why?) and I just got charged for my first month. I don't even use it! :/

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. fitear1590


      10 bucks, so not awful, but I just legitimately don't understand how/where to even use it. I seriously had to Google how to change my subscription status to stop the auto-renew BS. So just an FYI, Apple is playing sneaky.

    3. doombox


      Not cool, Apple. >8c

  10. Dat Chanty banner <3!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. saishuu


      I had no idea Administrator's vocalist was in this band. Guess I really should give them a proper listen now.

    3. fitear1590


      Yay, saishuu! I can definitely see you enjoying them! They have a lot of indie crossover appeal (maybe, comparable with Yeti).

    4. saishuu


      Judging from the sample video I listened to earlier, I definitely will! Liking the vocalist beforehand will make it easier too. I'll make sure to get their stuff asap.

  11. How would you rank Yeti's 4 mini albums so far? From "best" to "worst," go!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. anakuro


      I think he meant rate all four. 1st one was best, 3rd one was second best, 2nd one is ranked 3 and the 4th one i got tired of hearing the same exact stuff.

    3. anieresus


      II obviously didn't read it right lol I agree with anakuro first one is the best maybe change the 2nd one to last, 3rd is 2nd and 4th is 3rd.

    4. fitear1590


      Yeah, I meant it how anakuro said, haha. Interesting how each of ours is different. My list is: 2, 1, 3/4

  12. Successfully defended my Master's thesis. Let the summer begin!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. enyx



    3. Zeus



    4. doombox


      Yay! Congrats, man. :wan-44:

  13. Which VK band (past or present) would be most fitting to cover the guitar parts?


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. yakihiko


      I know no music from Lareine, but I think Kamijo was their vocal?

    3. fitear1590


      @yakihikoYeah, with Kamijo! Here's an example of Lareine's guitar style:


    4. yakihiko


      yeah, cool guitar def. Are the kind that up covers at yt?

      there are some covers channels that are really interesting to follow.

  14. Random af, but when did "influencer" become an established term?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. fitear1590


      @colorfuljinsei @platy Thanks, about 2 years ago is what I was thinking.
      @AimiGen7 lol, sadly this is the world we live in. I use German as litmus test and since "Influencer" (yes, straight from trendy English) has entered German, then I think it must be somewhat established.

    3. Shir0


      it iis for quite some time now  actually. My seminar paper was about Influencer ( did it in German and yes I used the English word cuz like u thought it somewhat became an established term) and during my research I found articles that were over 2 years old already but imo its still relatively new most of the

      "useful" articles I used were not even a year old 

    4. fitear1590


      @Shir0 thanks for the input! That’s cool that you researched it.

  15. Do you guys think UNiTE will announce something big at their 3rd anniversary show (March 29th)?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Bunny


      World tour ;)

    3. ricchubunny


      im so damnnnnnnnnnnn excitedddddddddddd. Also expecting a single!

    4. fitear1590


      They need to try out a mini-album! That'd be cool.

      And damn you Peace, haha.

  16. What kind of sorcery is Ant1nett using to get 106,000 likes on Facebook (for comparison, Dir en grey has almost 200,000)?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. fitear1590


      Also, his newest YouTube video (uploaded a few days ago) has only 10 views, so... There's some kind of disconnect, haha.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Spectralion


      I love UNiTE. thanks to him.

    3. doombox
    4. fitear1590


      I love the one from Marble because it looks like the blue wavey effects are swarming/attacking him :D

  17. What are your first impressions of DIV's new EDR TOKYO mini-album?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. colorful人生


      I absolutely love it! (given that I'm partial to electronic stuff) Although, I feel like I'm listening to a different band. Whether that is a good thing or not is up to the listener. As much as I'd like to hear from this "side" of DIV, I hope this isn't a permanent venture.

    3. beni


      Pretty good, but nothing amazing. Definitely more of a worthwhile listen than when I first tried them out with their first album. Maybe I'm just warming up to them more.

    4. fitear1590


      @colorfuljinsei, I think I agree with you most. I realllly like it, but it also sounds way too far removed from DIV's rock sound. As much as I believe the first album is their strongest full release, I think the "漂流彼女" single was their most deft mixing of the rock and electronic elements.

  18. Can any UVERworld fans tell me if they have more songs like "優しさの雫" or is this one just a fluke? 


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. YuyoDrift


      Here's a more recent one


    3. fitear1590


      Thanks for the recommendations, you two! I think I like "kimi no suki na uta" and "hitori janai kara" the best.

    4. YuyoDrift


      No problem!


  19. What's your favorite loanword (from English, French, etc.) that appears disproportionately often in Japanese music? Mine is "qualia"

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Anne Claire

      Anne Claire

      Memento mori

    3. platy


      Raison d'tre

    4. Himeaimichu


      Do phrases count? Because if so, then "For you"

  20. I know I'm years late, but I noticed Sailor Moon Crystal was on Hulu, so I started watching it recently. I kind of love it?! I only casually watched the 90s series. It's of course a classic, but I could never bring myself to watch every single episode, because of the tedious "monster of the week" structure and the absolute milking of transformation/attack animation sequences. This remake, which I hear follows the manga much more closely, has much better pacing, a more serious tone, and a lot more variety when it comes to attacks. Some cheap CGI and nothing beats the original music, but overall, a really worthy remake, imo!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. plastic_rainbow


      i was not aware that it followed closely to the manga. however the animation is too awful for me to pick it up.....

    3. fitear1590


      @MamoHulu has the first two seasons of the 90s series dubbed (the new Viz dub, which is quite good); I assume they will keep adding the dubbed seasons, as they become available?

      (And all 3 seasons of Crystal are in both dubbed/subs)

    4. Mamo


      Thanks for the info.

  21. Finally active on tumblr: http://fitear1590.tumblr.com/ Follow me if you want to see random music video/films stills, German/Japanese/Filipino stuff, and lots of homemade bloody GIFs (among other things) :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. digi


      followed! I like your blog content ;o;

    3. Tetora
    4. CAT5



  22. If you had to choose, Heart or Symphony of the Vampire?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bear


      Neither. I'd rather commit suicide than listening to either of them.

    3. Peace Heavy mk II
    4. Jigsaw9


      I heart Heart.

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