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Status Updates posted by nekkichi

  1. ayabie band members careers in 2018, (((a metaphor))))



    1. nekkichi


      do you have this small nervous cringe shiver thing when she rolls the beads close to cam mic or it's just me lol

    2. suji


      they're called tingles x

    3. madygrain
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  2. CHE DO A RA did thaT tbh!!!




    1. nekkichi


      thank u for providing me with measured scientific numbers I will make sure to give credit in my thesis paper x

    2. Hohchicano96


      Sweatie :-] You do got nerve for posting this, I'll give you that. But, honestly:



    3. nekkichi
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  3. pls update if when noodles and beef goes to jail, I never followed that part of tumblr closely, but homegirl apparently made it onto mainstream ghey news

    1. nekkichi


      are you telling me buzzweed couldn't find a vaguely bicurious looking office bear to sneak in as a new pup uwu to get the receipts first hand and they had to break into his backdoor for the deets


      a mess wtf

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      They sent alopecia-chan instead 

    3. nekkichi


      I feel like the most sane thing I've learned from that article is that shitangusnoodle had a hater community on tumblr, not just several million of gays with bad parenting enabling it.



      tbh it's actually too much hair to be his preferred type, I see where it all went wrong

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  4. >psn throws god of war on sale bc black friday yassss


    >instabuying the moment i c it


    >worst motion sickness day ever and I thought bloody horizon was bad


    legit happy this shit only cost me $30, I won't be physically capable of beating it fml orz

    1. nekkichi


      I mean this years GOW (the one with scandinavian zaddiez and inbred looking little fuck)



      first three didnt have the stupid saint vitus camera gimmick and DOF effect on everything


      unless I missed wym by installment


    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Ohh, I thought you meant the original, which had a lot of stupid puzzles that were made harder by wonky camera positioning. 

    3. nekkichi


      I remember dropping the first one really really fast when it just came out for ps2 😕


      Rygar (that they practically ripped off for p. I and II and most of III) was my shit back than

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  5. soleil bands >>>>> vile resistar garbage 😭

  6. I find it mind-blowing that almost 20 years since its release, FF IX still has probably the best background art in the videogame history ever



    and the closest thing that comes to this in terms of visual fidelity is bloodborne (which lacks imaginative design for a good 2/3 of the actual game, two yarnham locations aside) released in 2015.

    1. nekkichi


      i RELATE

    2. YuyoDrift


      These little details did allow IX to have some of the best immersion as far as a role-playing game went back then. Love that you could still name your characters back then too lol.

    3. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      && still one of the best stories too xoxox 




      xxxx VII

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  7. happy pride month, area heterosexuals!




    remember to fume extra hard every time you see my comments referencing your straightness; you are the real victims here xoxo

    1. nekkichi


      lads bein' lads, m8!

    2. saishuu


      go off sis!!

    3. Zeus


      that's fucked up and i pray these fools are caught soon and i'm not the praying type

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  8. does anyone else remember this epic fight between akane and issei with the latter rage-quitting d.i.d afterwards




  9. kizu next please

    1. suji


      ^ says the guy who posted that dumb donald duck pic in the Pentagon thread

    2. Peace Heavy mk II
    3. IGM_Oficial
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  10. where r the ff7 leaks at

    1. BrenGun
    2. BrenGun







      but feels as something not completed has been leaked.

      those images feels as not fully rendered and still in developing process...

    3. nekkichi


      Cloud serving blonde Rame basically 👏 yasss representation yassss vk excellence 👏👏👏

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  11. now that coronavirus is being slowly debated as another media pharma plant (a low-contagious virus that doesn't have the range shit on swine flu - which is now is seen as another seasonal flu pandemic) it's time to feel bad for vk stans who had to cancel on their spring live plans, while the rest of the world won't cancel on the str8lympics and it's really sad tbh

    1. nekkichi


      there're...like... people praising the outbreak bc typical touristy places are barely filled rn so yeah... basically your worst fear would be catching a cancelled gig, not the trendy new flu

    2. Arkady


      Damn Low-expectations Pharma enginering a flu virus to kill the 2,2% of population more lucrative to them!!1!


    3. nekkichi


      i feel u sisT

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  12. the cancel culture garburator is swallowing mits*ki whole at this very moment god bless u covid

    1. nekkichi


      no the mitski for ***straight*** bears

    2. herpes


      Thank u for calling me heterosexual 😌

    3. nekkichi


      anytime xx

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  13. does anyone else only listen to nightmare in the summer months?


    this will be my 2nd year blasting them p much non-stop through june - september and I will completely drop them until next summer after that

    1. IGM_Oficial


      wtf this is so randomly specific

    2. reminiscing2004


      interesting af because the first time I revisited nightmare after like 5 years of dormancy was in July 2015 🤔

    3. nekkichi



      right now it's best of [~ćløwns~] CD on repeat, otherwise I don't have a top 10. their VAP albums are the best overall.



      see 👀


      I think one of the reasons I actually crave them so much rn is the immediate "summer is cancelled 👏 👏" vibe they tend to build up really quickly that just doesn't work during other seasons but I'm glad I'm not the one sharing the sentiment omg

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  14. https://soundcloud.com/actuallygrimes/go-1/comments having a two day long endorphin seizure over hating hipster comments
    1. CAT5


      I'm not familiar with Grimes' music in general, but I like this. I think the trap parts are done tastefully too. This is also why avoid comment sections on most sites (last.fm, YT, FB)...as I'm not very keen on killing my braincells lol.

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Oh hey, she doesn't sound 12 anymore. Apparently this was originally for Rhianna?

    3. nekkichi


      @ CAT5 it's her most mature track to date, and it's not like I hate her early music (it simply does nothing for me), but I absolutely loathe the green-lipstick hipster crowd she used to attract like a military nano-magnet of sorts. @ Peace yep.

  15. Myöhäistä on perzettä räpissellä, kun on paska puksuloissa #you_learn_something_new_everyday

    1. nekkichi


      И?СЕРТЕД. but seriously I just found this twitter posting karelian proverbs w. russian translations — 90 % depressivest read of the week, 10 % pure gold.

  16. https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/t1.0-9/10387670_10202357368751181_2957619871130796209_n.jpg the dude on the right is performing on the same stage w. Moi Dix Mois. w/e you're smoking russia please don't stop it
    1. Jigsaw9


      wow Carrot Top looks p normal there

  17. pumpkin spice chai mistos are giving me so much life this week (can't drink coffee, have 2 substitute)

    1. beni


      Oh my gosh, I didn't even know about any of that. D: Still upset anyway about the disband. ><

    2. nekkichi


      I'm not even upset anymore, lol. all of my fav. deathgaze songs (namely sinner) are rip-offs, and I don't even like the originals lmao. gj at stylizing someone else's ideas, though.

    3. beni


      I never even realised or noticed. D: Still, it's sad when a band does disband, but how naughty! I'm hoping we do see them again though, to be honest. Just.. don't do any of that silly stuff again. xD

  18. have you noticed how they always run out of arguments when confronted with logic, lol

    1. Aferni


      EVERY RADICAL FEMINIST EVER <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

    2. Senedjem


      Then you leave frustrated and they proclaim themselves the victor to their bs clique

    3. nekkichi


      cute stuff

  19. I can not silence u Aferni but I can adblock that messy signature

    1. bonsaijodelfisch


      nice suggestion, thanks!

    2. Biopanda


      There are a few users whose avatars/sigs I've got blocked. Adblock is the best <3

    3. Licio123


      nice suggestion, thanks! [2]

  20. lol, had my first ~visual kei~ themed dream in almost ten years, this time it was kaya going through death-metal era with femme fatale's next album, this was adorable <3

    1. emmny


      surprise! kaya does guest vocals on the new nocturnal bloodlust single!!

    2. nekkichi


      LMAO is this real???? I can not stand nokubura, but Save Them, QUEEN

    3. emmny


      lolz no kaya would ruin their career and send cockturnal fucklust into indiefag bandomen hell! stop this collab at all costs

  21. holy shit @ stereo c.k. drama, out of all current vk band threads???????

    1. Jun_



    2. herpes


      what drama, spill

    3. nekkichi


      @herpes it's in the review subforum; it's, like, lots of emotions for a band barely provoking any response otherwise.

  22. iF4yTAN.png why do metvl fans do this. when does the nohomo str8 boi circlejerk end. how soon are MH Dir en grey threads turning into this completely.

    1. Ro plz

      Ro plz

      Crying because this is cut and paste from a youtube comment section, one of the many places on the internet you shouldn't take seriously. #Commonknowledge101  lmaooo

    2. nekkichi


      @Carmelzors I mean yes but dss threads always had a couple of ppl expressing their rightful disgust with that album, it added some much needed balance D:

       this shit is depressingly uniform. they all need jesus and melvel, those repulsive cis hetero metal fans.

  23. I want soan project to murder my v*gina #TGIF

    1. PsychoΔelica


      Me too. Maybe then you'll shut up. lol

    2. nekkichi


      ^ seethe & hush

    3. Atreides


      What did she mean by this?

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