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Peace Heavy mk II

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Status Updates posted by Peace Heavy mk II

  1. DEG added Macabre, Kisou, and Vulgar to spotify:



    1. saiko


      True VK albums never die

    2. The Reverend

      The Reverend


    3. The Moon

      The Moon

      hi what is this band??? 

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  2. DIMLIM confirmed for Osare-kei 


  3. Happy birthday!


    Also, I'm older than you???

    1. Zeus


      yeah bro you're older than me lolol

  4. Homosexual username ideas:


    -Dir en Grey Gardens


    -Some Like It Thot

    -Giving Pumpkinhead

    -+Déspairs Del Rey+

    -Arsenic and Old School Is More Interesting To Me -- At Least I Could Tell The Vocalists Apart


    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Once Initial'L dies, I'm sure Yuuki will steal "Some Like it T.h.o.t." as a b-side title for a half-assed solo project.

    2. emmny


      fndhkjhk im cACKLING

    3. nekkichi


      what is dead can never die, my dear :'(

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  5. I get that I'm like 20 years too late, but I like this song a lot :v



  6. I know I'm like 15 years late, but Psycho Le Cému seem pretty cool 




    1. saiko


      I've "discovered" them the past year, and found them actually very interesting. They aren't geniuses composing wise, but still have very catchy and unforgettable tracks. 




    2. Jenova


      They were my first favorite vk band so you're in for a treat tbh.  Roman Hikou was absolutely bizarre even for 2005 standards but I loved it lmao

  7. It sucks that Duel Jewel's "Red Rose" has some of their best guitar work, but their worst vocals. Even the remake isn't much better




    1. Seimeisen


      wtf were those """vocals""" ?

  8. Look at this cat (picture to follow):


    1. Ada Suilen

      Ada Suilen

      Cutie <3 and incredibly fat u.u

  9. New DIMLIM song sounds so good 🔥😩👌 


  10. Not to be Like That™, but I just tried Berry and I like them a lot better than most of Lynch.'s discography :x 



  11. remember when vkei was fake-deep?



    1. Tokage


      fake deep? you mean like the whole Dogma campaign?

    2. Black=Right


      When was this released? Around 2006? God, I feel so old  

    3. saishuu



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  12. Samurai Metal is a thing ?__?


    1. Bear


      No, not really.

    2. Dillinger


      Euro metal band with Japanese Folk instruments. Interesting.

  13. Smart marketing: uploading your songs to YT before jajaBijiaruBR does so you get ad revenue and control over distributed quality.


    Dumb marketing: 


    1. Himeaimichu


      "Death Penalty" Ohhh what are they gonna do? Come to my house all the way in the United States and lynch me? 

      Actually, I'm tempted to go to whatever video that was on and reply that to them for shits and giggles

    2. Peace Heavy mk II
  14. Tag urself: I'm the clam around 2:20



    1. Chi


      i'm the idiot at 2:04, i didn't have a full face mask

    2. saishuu


      I'm the person whose's face seems to be deteriorating @ 0:18

  15. Things that are now illegal in Vkei in 2017:

    -Eccentric pink haired guitarists that eventually go solo

    -Using more than more 4 patterns of fabric at once

    -Making the ugly member a loli


    1. emmny


      +pink haired bassist who refuses to talk in comment videos

    2. The Moon

      The Moon

      "-Using more than more 4 patterns of fabric at once"


      First of all, bitch,

    3. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II


    4. Show next comments  6 more
  16. This is a visual-kei nude lip appreciation status



    1. YuyoDrift


      What has been seen, cannot be unseen.

  17. which merry go round demo is this from 


  18. Who is the 30 year old fake elitist that hates anything outside of mainstream Japanese music that Reddit hates?







    The girl reading this 

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Ada Suilen
    3. patientZERO


      ... doesn't VK itself "deviate away from Japanese popular music norms" .... ?

    4. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      No, everyone in Japan knows and worships Dadaroma 

    5. Show next comments  6 more
  19. русский users: I’m trying to find this tiktok meme song in full and cannot for the life of me. Do any of you know what it’s called?



    1. EvilHippy
    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      В твоих глазах кусочек неба!!!!!! Спасибо

    3. inartistic


      The pizza bites product placement!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  20. !!IMPORTANT!! Dir en Grey's new single album art has leaked!!!! http://25.media.tumblr.com/62f70f3e27b7f4ac49482763d5108d93/tumblr_mui3jybhFt1qiyf4wo1_1280.jpg

    1. bonsaijodelfisch


      i spot another fan of the fucknoreligiousfanart-tumblr :P

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      it changed my life

    3. RpgRiser


      I was like "WHAT.THE.F*CK!?",then I realized that it was a fanart.

      Good job for nearly making me having a heart attack.

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  21. "@nnickimiinajj is now following you" *sweats nervously*

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      I am a good person and do not deserve this

    2. nekkichi
    3. blackdoll


      never mind now that i remeber the lyrics

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  22. "CAT5 added you as a friend." Remember when you hated me

    1. Senedjem


      keepign grudges is unhealty

  23. "Perhaps rather than trying to see the color of this dress, you could try to see the working conditions of the people who made it. The human labor and the social conditions of production that went into this dress have been completely disregarded--superficiality and false consciousness are necessary conditions for alienation and commodity fetishism."

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