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Status Updates posted by Tokage

  1. i, for one, believe japan should give w**d smoking musicians the death penalty

    1. Zeus


      banned for mentioning the devil's lettuce

    2. Tokage


      in fact i meant 'word smoking'.....

    3. YuyoDrift


      Getting high of them "J's, huh?

  2. I'm STILL surprised by what an absolute wildcard album CASCADE'S Apollo Exerciser is within the context of the VK scene at that time. Bros just went & did a straight-up shoegazer album before it was cool

  3. i've been really thirsty for sweet-ass krautrock-type grooves recently and thank god Camera scratched that particular itch lol

  4. if i actually had the money for it, i'd be drowning myself in booze so hard i'd be in a double coma now

    1. orange~


      this is what Ive been doing for like past 3 weeks or so,  you can always save money from other stuff

  5. if i understood it right goatbed's gonna be doing a livestream near the end of the month gangstas - get ready

    1. 少女椿


      Yep, but I'm not sure is it for free...

    2. Tokage


      don't break my heart like this!!!!!


      (there's also a kodomo kai revival stream at some point in april apparently i think so angura fans will b eatin regardless... unless that 1 ain't free either)

  6. if u really think about it, all jrock forums are actually just dir en grey forums w/ occasional off-topic threads

  7. If you could give the pope ONE (1) VK release in an incredibly dumb and misguided attempt to help him ''connect with the kids,'' what would it be and why?

    1. Chi


      tokage are you meeting the pope? say hi for me

    2. CAT5


      @Komorebi- My bad, that was a pretty poorly phrased joke on my behalf. I'd definitely never accuse an entire group of people of anything like that.

    3. robkun


      I'd burn him a copy of THE BUNNYGIRL PISS, just to see him smash the person nearest to him through the speaker in sheer rage.

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  8. im freezing.... i need.... alcohols........................................

    1. WhirlingBlack


      I've heard that ethylene glycol is great for keeping things from freezing.

  9. im fuckin [[STOKED]] fr that new chelsea wolfe album got damn

  10. im still posting too

    1. Komorebi


      I know a few members share your thoughts Carmelzors.

  11. imagine a vk band playing straightforward reggae music

    1. Tokage


      [all members arrested for doin GANJA]

    2. platy


      somehow I think pentagon will go in that direction sooner or later

    3. IGM_Oficial


      There's a song by Kiryu (wtf) with some parts that can be considered as reggae... I think

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  12. Imagine getting into a drunk fist fight with Klaha

    1. leafwork


      klaha never had anything to do with mdm tho

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  13. imagine hating a place for being ''disrespectful'' and STILL coming back to it multiple times for some enigmatic reason instead of just starting your own utopian community... weird

    1. Nighttime Jae

      Nighttime Jae

      I don't get this whole "there are worse things in the world right now", I'm from Italy, you think I don't know? Either way, to me it's just saddening that the main visual kei space on the internet is a playing field for bullies and holier-than-thou people that can't literally have a conversation without acting flippant. It's fun just for you and your cliques. Most people stick around for news and downloads and that's it. What a great legacy. I'm not around much, I'm just here sparingly to post updates on my favorite minor bands because otherwise no one would and that's pretty much it. I have no problem leaving, all I do is my duty not for the sake of this place, but for the bands I love and support. So here you go

    2. BrenGun


      If we would try harder, bands might would make their music much more easy to get. (So that we also can buy the actually music on a disk, via their own webshop)



      But as said before, I am only fuly against those uploads who are free to listen on spotify. the rest, well you gotta throw money to it and ya cannot support all artists that way. even if its cheap to get its still expensive.




      but anyway....

      Japanese really don't talk well about the overseas fandom. 

      and 90% of all uploads comes from here, so well...


      And we noticed, even if we can use spotify now, bands love love to release many live limited stuff which we don't know about or can't even get easy or for cheap...



      Do you get it.....?


      maybe if we act with a slight bit more respect to not upload every release without any pardon, that bands might would make ALL/MOST OFF  their music available worldwide.... or just interact a bit more freely with their oveeseas fandom too. Some bands are really locked.




      that's what I aim for...

      and that's not hypocritical.



      Just sad to see, that MH refuse any way of little change.



      Maybe not sharing anymore isn't the solution. But I still guess we could show some respect towards bands somehow...



      But anyway, hope you guys still will think about it somehow. 


      thats all I say, Amen.

      but I also understand your point... It's all just not simple.

    3. WhirlingBlack
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  14. imagine my avatar doing to you what no man or woman has ever done to you before

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Told me it's going to be okay v__v

    2. Tokage



    3. lichtlune


      I've never had a foot massage before ayy :D

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  15. Imagine Versailles being forced to shovel a shitload of snow in costume

    1. Tokage


      reform souiumono, bring back smurf kei....

    2. paradoxal


      ok thnx i'm gonna call nono right now

    3. Ro plz

      Ro plz

      You never chilling bro....

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  16. imagine your VK fav permanently stuck with the peter griffin voice

    1. Komorebi


      ^I didn't know I needed this.

    2. suji
    3. Tokage



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  17. imo the world is long overdue for a The Blood Brothers reunion

  18. in stark contrast to the new dezert, that mamireta single fuckin rips... hope these dudes stick around long enough to release at least a mini-album tbh

  19. instead of ''eating pussy'' or ''eating ass'' we should all collectively try to ''eat more vegetables''

    1. spockitty
    2. platy


      Why choose extremes? Moderation is the best approach. 

    3. Arkady


      Vegetarians would praise your slogan to eat less meat an more vegetable. XD

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  20. introducing the new visual kei anthem

  21. is black mirror actually good lmao

    1. herpes


      the first five minutes are always great! the next 55 are awful.

    2. Jigsaw9


      @TokageYep, every episode is a totally different story. I recommend going from the 1st season chronologically, but rly any order is okay.

    3. saishuu


      Yeah lol I like pretty much all of the episodes too.

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  22. is the death of nyaa the weeb equivalent to the death of megaupload?

    1. sakuran
    2. Original Saku

      Original Saku

      yeah pretty sad,  but not the end of the world their are plenty of alternative trackers for anime and their will be a official replacement for nyaa sooner or later. Not to mention going directly to the fabsubber's site to get your fix.

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  23. is youtube working like shit for anyone else?

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      It has been since yesterday. Apparently Google has been struggling in general -- some stuff my company does relies on G+ and YT for marketing campaigns and both services were having a hard day.

    2. Tokage


      I noticed that the problems all magically vanished when I switched YT back to its ''classic'' layout, so probably it's just a result of more cool updates nobody asked for that break more things than they fix

  24. it's been quite a while now and i STILL dont get what Dir en grey were conceptually going for w/ the 人間を被る pv

    1. SubThatSong


      @cheesy_VK_Freak well, it is after all just how I see it, but to me it feels right because the colours match exactly the colours of auras and it would explain the extra empty  chair to complete the 7! :D
      Unraveling (♡♡♡ Jesus it was 2013? Been that long already?) I can't say much else about than that it seems to be about child abuse - the boy is isolated from the family and the one that's abused the most, by mom. The kids write on the paper with crayons "mommy is scary", drawing a scary picture of her, etc, and you see it's her acting off at the dinner table (she and the girl are seen to evidently react to hearing noises from upstairs from the brother)+it's her that goes into the room to abuse the boy later on (and put them to sleep under plastic bags, clearly taping down the boy down). There's the few flashes of the x-rays with a broken collar bone and broken arm as well.
      I'm going off a limb and guessing that the boy isn't the child of the father like the girl is. I feel like at the end the dad is taking the girl the hell outta there, but didn't care to take the boy with him, being either unaware of him or not being his dad and plain not caring? We don't get to see his reaction to the sounds upstairs during dinner, so I'm not sure. Also as they are leaving the boy isn't locked into the room as he seems to otherwise be. The girl also waves happily to mom, as if keeping up appearances
      They're not married at least I imagine since I don't see any wedding rings. I wonder if they have a kind of custody agreement where the girl lives with dad, and the dad visited with the girl while the boy lives there full time - or if he did a let's gtfo.
      In short, basically never believe me if I say I don't have much to say about something, I can really ramble on

    2. cheesy_VK_Freak


      @SubThatSong Wow, thanks for your insight! I kinda thought she killed the kid, but during the last shot you see him so I was like: ehh? Was this all imagination?


    3. SubThatSong


      @cheesy_VK_Freak Np! If they didn't show him at the end and the plastic wriggling a bit while it's taped down I would've thought the same tbh!

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  25. It's honestly annoying as hell how a ton of 90s/2000s vk has essentially all but vanished off the web after Megaupload and Rapidshare died 

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      There's also a weird resurgence of fans that think downloading is morally objectionable and as such only like the 10 or so bands that got any sort of Western circulation, never diving any deeper than that.


      I was under the impression this was just laziness / whiteknighting, but it could very well be there just aren't many resources for them to do so anymore. 12 years ago there TONS of blogs dedicated to sharing music for vkei and it was ofter regarded as "one of the easiest kinds of music to find" by people who didn't have the money to buy everything from iTunes. Now, it seems to be the opposite post direct download crack downs, although more groups are starting to embrace digital distribution.


      I wonder how much losing lastfm played into this as well. There's next to no emphasis on trying out random small bands to appear worldly or because saw you someone else listening to it and liked their picture. It's just not cool anymore, I guess?


      That's why I tend to upload random stuff I get from rarezcrates or stumble upon in my hard drive. No one asked, but more often than not it's just not online anymore since all of those upload blogs just reposted the same links rather than upping it themselves. 

    2. Tokage


      I've been under the impression that this whole new-gen laziness to explore beyond like the two or three bands people decide to hyper-fixate on + the whiteknighting thing might stem from the fact that a lot of the newer fans just have no idea of how easy things used to be back during The Golden Days(tm)  and thus don't really know what they're missing out on either.


      I think that losing out on something like last.fm may have played a part in the loss of the whole 'i just decided to try out this random band bc their bassist's dressed like an egg' thing for sure, though i feel like it's also kind of becoming a streaming generation thing in general to simply not bother digging deeper beyond whatever the Spotify/Youtube algorithm feeds you, isn't it? I guess RYM kind of allows for the whole 'peeping what your friends are listening to' experience as well but I feel like it's somehow still not quite the same

      I personally believe it would already help out a lot if some new batch of dedicated 'curators' would spring up again. People who are deeply into particular niches of the scene w/ the knowledge, access to interesting stuff and  willingness to share for preservation's sake.. A lot of the titans from back in the day seem to have kinda 'retired' and i'm pretty sure that's had an impact as well 


    3. saiko


      Another insightful day at MH! Keep it, guys! Love reading'ya!



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