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Posts posted by Gesu

  1. 21 minutes ago, Azaeroe said:

    Define "a while". I don't see how this would change anything. Also, why is it important to be contented? Surely there are a plethora of different reasons to live than one's personal pleasure.

    Well, obviously if it took, say, a hundred years, it'd be a bit pointless because by the time a century had passed, people's norms/values would have changed anyways and they'd most likely vouch for something different. I'm not entirely sure how long the average change in policies takes, but I'll say about a year or so as an example, which actually isn't too long in the grand scheme of things once you consider that a prime minister's term time is four IIRC.

    To answer your second question, it's important to be contented because personal pleasure is important to one's quality of life. I think it's easy to take things for granted and that it'd be pretty difficult to imagine living in a society where you couldn't even feel comfortable because the authorities simply wouldn't allow it. Could you explain why you don't think being contended is important, and what you would opt for instead?

  2. The difficulty with simply acting towards our individual definitions of a social utopia is that the world will never agree on what that actually means. For some, it would be capitalism and for others, communism. For some, conservativism and for others, liberalism. I think that in order to reach the most widely desired definition of such a thing, we don't really have much of a choice but to talk it out for a while beforehand. Hell, why do you think Brexit's taking so long? Because Theresa May can't get her shite together Because we couldn't all agree at one time. This is why democratic societies tend to work most functionally and have happy people with long life expectancies, and why totalitarian states tend to be desperately miserable. It's extremely rare (and as far as I know, undocumented) that you'll find a totalitarian state with contented people living in it.

  3. Had a nap earlier and dreamt that I was playing Pretend You're Xyzzy (online Cards Against Humanity clone) with the guy who sits next to me in sociology, only we were right next to each other and we didn't have a third player, so it was me on my laptop and him on a phone and a laptop (which wasn't really fair, but dream me didn't seem to mind). Anyways, one of the white cards he had was "big, curvy Sizna".







  4. Anyone else really hate it when there's a camera crew out in public filming something for a TV show or whatever? I know they're just doing their job, but I walked past one on my way to college this morning and I'm just praying I'm not in any footage. They were still there on my way back (about six and a half hours later), so I just took a long route home.

  5. 28 minutes ago, NICKT said:

    I don't think it's so much that people are dismissive of events but rather that the scene overall is infamous for it's sleaze and underbelly.
    More along the vein of "this isn't all that surprising to me" as a thought, ultimately.

    That's kind of what I meant; not that people are dismissive of western events, but that the whole of VK is apparently full of terrible people just because a few dickheads fucked up. I think a lot of the stigma is really undeserved.

    Cue people thinking I'm an idiot just for having a bit of faith in humanity... or not, MH is usually pretty chill

  6. 53 minutes ago, suji said:

    It's understandable to be bitter towards someone who you believe did you wrong. However, it's not healthy when that bitterness escalates to an overall hatred for that person, to the point where you're completely obsessed over them for longer periods of time. At this point, that person has taken full control over you, and you are letting that happen. No matter how much you boast about how you despise this person, or how they're a coward, etc., it makes you look like the coward for letting them take control over you.


    All I can say is this: do something better with your life, instead of having it revolve around one person, whether you hate their guts or love 'em to death. Other people have their own lives to deal with and have better things to do than waste their time trying to make a truce with those who don't have logic or reasoning behind their actions.

    I think it's okay if you keep it in your head, but if you go as far as actively seeking revenge, then it becomes a problem. Sometimes, you just can't help but think about them a lot because it's extremely difficult to control your thoughts/mental processes, so I guess in a lot of cases, it's kind of inevitable and actually somewhat healthy if you use it as a cautionary tale to not get yourself into these situations again. Basically, if you learn from it and remain civil even if you do dwell on it occasionally, it's okay (as long as it doesn't depress you and you can deal with it rationally).

  7. Not to open up a can of worms, but I really hate it when something bad happens in VK and people say "oh, well, it's VK, what else can you expect" or something along those lines. As if the names Ian Watkins, Sid Vicious and Gary Glitter suddenly mean nothing to them.

  8. 4 minutes ago, Fyrnia4Maya said:

    (But what bad things did Issei do though...?)

    Basically, a girl on Twitter made a harmless meme about him (I believe she Photoshopped his face onto a GIF of a guy dancing, it wasn't mean/scandalous or anything), so he called her a "motherfucker" and demanded she take it down before blocking her like a petulant child even after she removed it.

  9. 2 minutes ago, The Moon said:


    umiyuri has released a mini and a single IIRC.


    both of which are just "ok" which is surprising to me given the ppl he collabs with are pretty accomplished vk songwriters. sigh.

    Oof, really? Damn, I like Hitomi a lot, so that's disappointing to hear. Do you have a link to them? I haven't been able to find anything thus far.

  10. Did Twelve Apostles actually do anything? They're the project Chobi and Satoshi (ex-DIV) started after DIV's disbandment, but I don't think they released anything at all (I mean, Chobi's in The Guzmania now and everyone seems pretty excited for that, so he's got bigger things on his plate, anyways). If they did, they went all Umiyuri with it and made it practically impossible to find anything outside of Japan. Speaking of, how is Hitomi (ex-Moran)'s solo project doing?

  11. So, in England, McDonald's do this annual Monopoly thing and it's a scam I fall for every year. Kind of like the lottery, but it's easier to win something (even if only just) and you're guaranteed a burger for your trouble. I don't know how it works in other countries, but the English users here will know what I mean. Anyways, I've had a Park Lane for ages but no Mayfair. Well, last night, I dreamt that I got one o' those fuckers then turned up at college just to tell them I wouldn't be in anymore because I was filthy rich and therefore had better things to do than study to get one of those jobs I've been hearing so much about. To give you some context, Park Lane and Mayfair are the dark blues on an English Monopoly board and they're the rarest ones in the McDonald's game. They're the only ones that give a cash prize (so basically, they're the only ones I give a shite about) and they give £100,000 if you get them both. There are only four chances to win, so you can imagine my disappointment when I woke up and realised none of this actually happened. Fortunately, I wasn't actually too down about it because I had better things to worry about. I turned off my alarm the moment it went off this morning and overslept by forty-five minutes. I dunno how I managed to do my hair/makeup the same as always and still make it to my grandmother's on time, but I did, so that was a relief.


    ETA: Just out of curiosity, do foreign countries have different Monopoly boards or do you all have the UK/US boards?

  12. I like both to be good, but it's difficult to say which I prefer. I've found bands with amazing instrumentalists and lacklustre vocalists that still seem to hold my attention purely because of their talent and easily recognisable sound (e.g. Lycaon, MEJIBRAY, etc), but I don't think I've ever found a band that works the other way around that has ever really captivated me, so I guess I would have to say instrumentals if I had to pick one. That being said, if I find a vocalist to be terrible, I might not be able to get used to them. I guess my favourite bands would have equally good vocals and instrumentals (or maybe slightly better instrumentals), although there are exceptions. For example, I love DIAURA, and while I do find the instrumentalists to be very talented, I've always been drawn more to Yo-ka's voice than I have to the rest of the band's sound. As for a band with a perfect balance, I'd say DELUHI.


    A good example of my "perfect" band would probably be either Moran or Sugar, mainly because I just find Sizna to be such a talented guitarist. Don't get me wrong, I love Hitomi and Loki's voices and the other instrumentalists, but Sizna just always managed to bring this unique element to every song he played that made them stand out from anything I've ever heard before. Both bands having a very experimental style helps too, as I love music that sounds a little different/jazzy compared to other stuff, and while I'm sure that all the band members involved shared this passion (particularly Hitomi and Soan from Moran as they were both in Fatima, who also had that element of intrigue for me), I don't think it's any coincidence that both of those bands sounded great while boasting Sizna as a guitarist... so I guess that would make him my favourite musician.




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