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Posts posted by Gesu

  1. Could have done without all the autotune (in places is alright and can actually sound pretty nice when done for stylistic effect, but all the way through just takes away more than it adds). Either way, the song was actually fantastic and they certainly made up for that identity reveal gimmick I'm oh-so tired of.

  2. They have a strong visual appeal (seriously, never thought someone with cutlery sticking out of their hair could look so good... and that third guy with the purple hair is very cute) and while the song isn't exceptional, it's pretty nice and I'm interested to see where they go. I'm expecting them to sound something like Arlequin with a teeny-tiny bit of early-mid DIV thrown in. Also, I don't actually mind the singer's voice. Again, nothing exceptional, but it's pleasant enough and in no way bothers me.

  3. 1 minute ago, GreatNorthernVK said:

    The only reason that I can see for disallowing the Meet and Greet photos seems to be protecting the feelings of their gya back home that can’t meet them anymore. For that, I understand.

    Have you seen how pissy those gya can get? They have hair-trigger tempers and you do not want to piss them off. If anything, they're doing this to protect you.

  4. Just now, GreatNorthernVK said:

    What my problem is, is that there’s inevitably some White Knights that come out of the woodwork that choose to be elitist about this one issue, while ignoring all of the other things that the fandom does that the bands don’t like.

    This is actually a very good point. Still, if you're going to say this solely out of respect for a band, it's probably better to just respect them in all aspects unless they're requesting something absolutely ridiculous.

  5. If you ever want a cheap laugh, go on Mumsnet and search for a term you just know they'll all be divided by (e.g. "porn", "hair dye", etc). I do it from time to time and let me tell you, it's an absolute goldmine. Who needs rumours when you have Mumsnet? The best source of drama.

  6. 6 hours ago, suji said:

    this might as well be "unpopular" in this day and age but


    people are actually bitching about certain bandmen with conservative views??? in a conservative country?!?!?!?!? the absolute NERVE, they should be cancelled IMMEDIATELY!!!111 #notMYhonmei #makevkgreatagain

    People will get #triggered over pretty much anything these days. This doesn't surprise me in the least. 😒

  7. * I liked Eros by Lycaon. The song, not the album. For the most part, the album was garbage, but the song I liked and also the video because who doesn't want to see a sexy guy with a big ass singing lewd songs and moaning in front of a giant picture of buttsex while dribbling fake(?) cum out of his mouth.

    * SuG were crap with the exception of maybe two or three songs.

    * Hitomi's solo project (Umiyuri) is pretty good. Could be better, but could be a hell of a lot worse. I give it a seven or eight out of ten.

    * I don't like any western VK I've heard so far because I haven't heard anything amazing, but I don't totally hate it and I think all it would require is a few talented musicians (as with pretty much anything musical, really).

    * Synth is not always bad and can actually sound pretty fantastic sometimes.

    * Mao from Sid's voice is nowt special.

    * Definition by DIAURA is wonderful.

    * Kizu are overrated. They're not totally crap, but I don't get why everyone loves them so much.

    * Lay (ex-Fatima) is one of the best bassists in the scene and if he doesn't come back (which he probably won't seeing as Obscure disbanded... how long ago, now?) at some point in the near future with something similar to Fatima (because I wasn't big on Obscure tbh), I'mma flip a table. Additionally, I would very much appreciate it if he brought back this look because he looked sexy as hell.


  8. 3 minutes ago, ゼロ(*´з`) said:

    oof... like i say yes and no cus deluhi means a lot to me and someone else wouldn’t feel like deluhi. but then i also think, gdi aggy suck it up and make up with leda LOL.

    i wonder if deluhi came back with another bassist how it'd go down...

    Well, if they really don't like each other, kissing and making up might be a bit easier said than done. Also, a new bassist probably wouldn't hurt if they really are on bad terms. The way I (and I'm sure many others) see it, it's either come back with a new bassist or don't come back at all. Besides, didn't Aggy say something about not being that into VK anymore, or something along those lines? I'm not just making that up, am I?

  9. I love the guitar in this song.

    Velo was great. I know I love Sizna to the end of this world, but I'd love to see Velo come back, too.

    P.S. Does it count as spamming if a lot of the songs I post here are by the same/similar artists? Probably not, but I don't want to feel like I'm annoying anyone >.<

  10. 36 minutes ago, Zeus said:


    So get a new bassist. I don't believe in that "Aggy is DELUHI" crap when we all know Leda is DELUHI.

    I was gonna mention something about Leda and Aggy supposedly not getting along, but for whatever reason, I decided not to. Taking this option into account, I think they could come back... why would they even do a reunion if two of the members hated each other? They surely must still have some passion for the music.

  11. 2 minutes ago, Azaeroe said:

    If you keep changing policy, how can anything ever be truly achieved, in praxis?


    Instead of instant pleasure, I would opt for a system in which people have a sense of fulfilled selfhood, personally and communally.

    Policies have to change over time because norms/values inevitably change, too. For example, it wasn't until 1993 that marital rape became illegal in all states of the US. Fifty-odd years ago, it would have been considered totally fine to do such a thing by most people in society even if we would view it as abhorrent now. Things are achieved, and I wouldn't view changes in policies as taking away from an achievement so much as I would enhancing it to better fit modern society.

    You have a point about instant pleasure; I take it by that, you mean things like drugs and other inherently harmful things that provide a quick thrill? I agree that we can feel personally/communally fulfilled without resorting to such measures. Still, I am curious as to where exactly you would draw the line. What would you consider to be harmful/harmless?

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