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Posts posted by Gesu

  1. I think that if I met Hiro from Nocturnal Bloodlust, I would feel very intimidated. I never even got around to listening to them, but he's always scared the living shite out of me. He might be a really nice person, and I know you can't judge a book by its cover, but the dude's a fucking unit. He could probably snap my neck with his thumb and index finger if he wanted to.

  2. 3 hours ago, colorful人生 said:

    Neko Hacker is an interesting existence, lol. How dafuq you get features with Sithu Aye, ichika, and most recently, nanahira all in a row. Can be a bit too bubbly, but I dig it for the most part. Long live uguu-electro-pop-rock. (Second only to uguu-bossanova a.k.a music to shitpost to at 3 A.M.)

    I now want uguu versions of every genre of music

  3. On 2/5/2019 at 1:51 PM, FOSCOR70 said:

    Looking for some good vk bands/vocalists who use a little high pitched voice in singing or naturally have a high pitched voice.


    I'm looking for clean vocals obviously with minimal or no screaming but it's not a must.


    Thank you.

    I'm a bit late, but Yui from UNiTE has kind of a high voice. Not falsetto or anything, but it's far from deep. He screams occasionally, but not too often.

    Yuuki from Initial'L also has a high voice. He used to be in Lycaon and the general consensus is that Lycaon was better, but I guess because Initial'L sound poppier, they may be better for totally clean vocals. Not that Yuuki ever really screamed much, anyways. Besides, I guess whether or not they're actually better is kind of subjective.

    Additionally, Hitomi (ex-Moran) has a soft voice and I don't recall him ever screaming. His voice isn't the highest I've ever heard, but again, it's far from deep and sounds delicate.


    Does anyone know of any bands with heavy jazz influences like Sugar? For instance, I had Jikkendai Marmot recommended to me not so long ago and thought they were fantastic. Also, how about bands with really good guitar? Again, like Sugar, lol.

  4. Just now, nomemorial said:

    Today I bought an Orange Vanilla Coca-Cola on a whim. I never really buy soda. Looked at nutritional facts. 129% of my daily recommended sugar in one bottle. 😲

    I have a giant blue lollipop about half the size of my head in my cupboard. It went out of date on November 25th, but it's probably still good and I haven't unwrapped it. The reason I don't dare to eat it is because I noticed after I got out the shop that it has 66g of sugar in it.

  5. Ahh, 3am. The perfect time to discover that there exist DeviantArt users who seemingly spend all day watching kids' cartoons just so they can pause on characters' feet. I knew there was a guy who liked big knees, so I guess it shouldn't surprise me too much.
    And on that note, I'm going to bed.

  6. It's been a while, but I'm prowling the games/spam section because I'm bored as shite.


    Authority: 5.00

    Self-Sufficiency: 2.00

    Superiority: 1.00

    Exhibitionism: 2.00

    Exploitativeness: 3.00

    Vanity: 1.00

    Entitlement: 2.00

    In total, that is sixteen. More specifically, I apparently crave power for the sake of having authority over others and I don't mind exploiting people to get what I want, so take what you will from that.

  7. 2 minutes ago, suji said:

    Part two to my terrible vk pronounciations, I said Versailles as "ver-say-lees" until I saw the actual pronounciation :v 

    I said it as "ver-sails". Also, I pronounced DELUHI as "de-LOO-ey" (which makes me feel stupid because once I learned how to pronounce it, it seemed so obvious), DIV as all the letters spelled out (so, "D-I-V") and DIAURA as "die-aura".

  8. 19 minutes ago, suji said:

    This is a little personal but anyone got any weight loss tips? lol

    I've heard that meditation can help to increase your metabolism. I guess a daily/weekly exercise routine would also be good, even if it's just walking or something similar.


    While we're on the subject, does anyone have any weight gain tips? I'd like to gain about ten pounds.

  9. Just now, juuichi said:

    haha my mother used to get id-ed until her late 40s

    My mother once got ID'd for alcohol when she was about thirty-nine. I was with her when she bought it and I was eleven, so I guess that means they thought I was a toddler (bear in mind, my mother and I have exactly the same eyes, so it's pretty obvious I'm her daughter). Either that, or I was just so small at that point that they missed me. I think I was... 4'8"? Only three and a half inches shorter than I am now, though. 😕

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