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Posts posted by Gesu

  1. I haven't used Facebook in aaaages. I think I just got sick of it after a while. I'm not an old coot who thinks all social media is inherently toxic and that it's damaging our youth because I think that the people who make it that way are to blame and that the idea of blaming an inanimate object instead is kind of moot, and I actually think social media is a good thing as it allows for broad communication, but I guess I just don't like the way a lot of people act on it and how vitriolic they get over it. I prefer a more neutral community where people can discuss things like adults (like MH! After all, I guess this counts as social media) instead of saying "if you don't agree with my point and share it then your mum will die LOLOLOL", but that's just my take on it.

  2. I like kids but I don't want them. Never have done, never will. I decided I didn't want kids when I was four years old because I thought it would hurt giving birth (and to be fair, I wasn't exactly wrong. It doesn't take having kids to know that shit hurts). Fourteen years later and I still feel the same, even though everyone told me I'd change my mind. I fucking hate it when people say that. I know I'm young, but for the past two years, I've been old enough to live by myself (which I actually have been for the past two years), work full-time, get married with parental consent, join the military... oh, and have kids. I just find it so condescending when people tell me I'll change my mind, especially when one of those people was my mother who never wanted kids when she was my age, then had two and told me she regretted it and that if she could go back in time, she wouldn't have had us (cheers for that, bitch :)). It's not like anyone ever told me I'd change my mind when I said I wanted to be a chemist, or a singer, or a writer, but I did and now I have my heart set on becoming a paediatric therapist. Interesting how I want to work with children but I don't want any of my own, no? I guess my logic would be that I do love children and I feel like I could support them, but only if I could give them back. I am, however, open to the idea of adopting a child if they were a patient of mine and their parents were abusing them, for example, although they may have to be a little older than most children when they get adopted as I don't know if I'd be prepared to look after a baby.


    Also, you know what I never understood? People telling me I'll "change my mind" while at the same time telling me I should just "stick to the girls and not get a boyfriend because you are a strong, independent waman". Alrighty then, I'll go out and have a shag then give birth to the baby I'm pregnant with without ever actually getting to know the guy who knocked me up and forming a meaningful relationship with him. *sigh*


    ETA: I would just like to add that the pain of childbirth is no longer the only reason I don't want to have children. There is a myriad of reasons.

  3. 5 minutes ago, nullmoon said:

    People take advantage of my good nature* and inability to say no. It really pisses me off that they expect me to do everything for them with no thanks in return, and it really pisses me off that I can't decline someone who needs help. This includes family and friends.


    I'm practically hand-holding my brother through the house buying process without so much as a 'thx lol'. 


    No wonder I'm constantly seeking approval from others and feeling isolated and anxious. Ugh :(


    *self-purported obviously XD 

    Listen, I was in your situation about a year or so ago, so you know what I did? For the first time in those people's lives (and possibly mine), I told them "no". I told them I couldn't keep mollycoddling them if they were only prepared to spend time with me solely for my pity and my money (I'm not super rich or anything, but I had more money than them and they seemed to like that 🙄 granted, I always offered to buy them things so it was half my own damn fault, but I digress), and I told them I needed space from them until they actually got help for their problems instead of just looking to me for the magic answer to every question they could possibly pose. They broke down in tears and threatened to hurt themselves, and that was when I knew they never gave a shite about me for me.


    I know it's not easy, but I want you to tell them "no" for once. Don't be super harsh about it, but be forthright and honest with your feelings because they'll never know how you really feel about all this if you don't tell them. If they react like my "friends" did, chuck 'em away. What they did was blackmail and it wasn't something to be blamed on a mental illness as they claimed; it was just clinginess and manipulation. If they understand, however, and agree to give you some space or whatever it is you want from them, then hopefully you should be able to meet somewhere in the middle with them.


    All the best x

  4. Not sure if they'd be up your alley, but personally, I really love jazzy stuff, so I would recommend Sugar and Moran (the former being a bit more jazzy than the latter). Both of them have disbanded, unfortunately, but they both had my favourite guitarist (Sizna) in their line-ups, and he's really worth listening to. If you want, I can recommend particular songs :)


    Also, not really VK, but on the subject of jazz, Jikkendai Marmot are 👌


    ...I realise I've talked a lot about jazz without actually knowing whether or not you like it. I apologise.

  5. There was this guy selling (really good) hand/nail products on the street today. He gave me a free sample then asked if I wanted to buy some. He said the usual asking price would be £110 (oof), but he was selling them for £70. Nevertheless, I managed to haggle him down to £25 😏 I'm usually quite frugal but I'm always a sucker for sweet-talking street vendors, so I'm actually pretty proud that I managed to do that.

  6. 3 minutes ago, CAT5 said:











    I wouldn't be half as annoyed at pitchfork, if they at least supported artists that are actually talented, creative, and empowering as much as they push this degenerative nonsense.

    Right? Media outlets don't have to censor what they're already putting out, but they could at least give other artists a chance. Maybe that's why everyone thinks today's generation is so two-dimensional; because we get taught to be. It's not fair, really. -_-

  7. 1 hour ago, monkeybanana4 said:

    For some reason, I remembered the main protagonist from the game, Amnesia. It's been a while since I played the game, but I remember her personality was kind of like a cardboard ^^; 

    Yeah, that really annoyed me. There's a right way and a wrong way to do a silent/near-silent protagonist, and they went the wrong way. -_-

  8. 47 minutes ago, nullmoon said:

    Such a noob, but how is everyone uploading pics here?!?! 

    Upload your image to an image hosting website (Imgur is probably your best bet), then copy the BBCode (on Imgur, there should be a dropdown arrow thingy on the image with the code there) and paste the link directly into the text box and the image should appear in your post. I'd preview just to make sure though. Also, don't worry about linking it; you can just post the link directly and it should work.

  9. 2 minutes ago, Azaeroe said:

    She met up with me, got me real drunk, then started insulting me, by calling me a virgin, and those kind of things. She also described, metaphorically, how she made love to another boy, in order to aggravate me. I sort of liked it, though. I wanted her to dress in Bundes Deutsche Maedel outfit and beat me up, while insulting me 😊

    How very... interesting. I mean, I don't kinkshame, but I had to look up what Bundes Deutsche Maedel was and I have to say, I wasn't expecting that. 🤔

  10. Just now, Azaeroe said:

    There was a pretty German girl in my class, and I used to draw illustrations of her all the time, until a teacher saw and told her.


    They told her? That's such a childish thing to do. If I was a teacher and I saw that, I woulda just found it cute and left it at that (provided it wasn't getting stalker-ish).

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