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Posts posted by Gesu

  1. Well, that was better, wasn't it? I actually liked that a lot. Still, it does suffer with sliiiightly the same issue as the first song. Whether that's because I've already associated them with disjointedness and can't unhear it or it really is disjointed, I can't say, but either way, it's a lot more cohesive than the first. I still can't quite shake the feeling that you could probably pull an actually pretty decent mini-album out of one song and be done with it, but they seem to have improved with this one so my hopes are quite high.

  2. I'm really resentful all the time. I can control it really well but it's always there. It doesn't actually affect me in any way other than it's just... there. I'm assertive, I can stand up for myself, I say what I believe in, I'm always honest and I'm never out to hurt anyone, and I don't think most people can even tell I have these resentments, but they're always there and their presence is just so internally dominant. I wish I could say everything I want to say to everyone who hurt me, but I'll never see them again and it's for the best if I don't. I can't forgive them because forgiveness is an emotion, not an action, and it has to be felt before it's dealt, and I know that if I ever said I forgave those people, I'd just be lying to myself and letting them back into my life only so they could betray my trust again. If not them, I'd be letting others do it in the future and not learning from the past. If I forgive people all the time, they just depend on me and get me down. If I don't and just never speak to them ever again, this happens. I'm holding at least four grudges, and I've had to stop loving people whom many would argue I should love "unconditionally" (I don't even believe in unconditional love). It doesn't affect the way I behave in front of others, and I don't even have depression because of it, but it's admittedly very tiring having imaginary conversations with people I don't even like. I would speak to a professional but I know they'd just offer me ways to control it when I can already do that. This is more to do with my heart and how it reacts to all this. Thank fuck I can let my head rule my heart and not go off on anyone because of this because if I couldn't, then I'd probably get arrested.


    Sorry about this. This isn't the first time I've vented like this lately and I feel bad for it because I don't usually like it when people vent all the time to me (I'm okay with every now and again, but not if it becomes habitual), so I really am sorry. I just needed to get this out somehow because it's been on my mind for about a year or so. This is hopefully the last time I'll do this here, or at least the last time for a long time.

  3. Just when I thought I couldn't possibly love them any more, they're now colour-coded!? AAAAAAAAAH~ ❤️💛💗💜💙


    Now all I gotta do is resist the urge to paint my nails in those colours... no, Gesu. Your nails are already pink. That's Ohana's colour. That's perfect as is.


    Anyways, that song was awesome! I don't know how they pull it off, but they always have this perfect mix of typical oshare bubble-gum pop and totally original/out-there. Also, did Reno say "yami usagi" at 3:15? My Japanese ain't that great so I can't be too sure, but if so... I UNDERSTOOD THAT REFERENCE!

  4. I love tanbi/beauty kei the most. I like it because I think it looks so cool yet so sophisticated, and while I guess Malice Mizer and Versailles would be the poster children for it, I've seen some really interesting takes on it. Moran progressively got more and more tanbi as time went by, but they looked so much more different to any other band I've seen before. They were like something out of a fairy tale (they even had a song called Fairy Tale :P). I like anything that looks very original, really. SHiSHi have a great style; oshare kei (I love it too :P) but really... out there.

  5. 6 minutes ago, nekkichi said:

    what if the involved parties are not worth mediating but the tea can be spillT?

    Like I said, just because you can do something doesn't mean you should. If they're not worth mediating - that is to say, if they're so low that they're not even worth helping - why are they worth talking about? It won't do anything and there are more important things to be doing and more important conversations to be had; like this one, for instance. I know I probably sound like an old fart, but that's my two cents.


    7 minutes ago, nekkichi said:

    which is the reason why public sex offender registries exist?...

    Right, but that doesn't explain why we deserve to pry into innocent people's private lives when they haven't actually done anything wrong. I know more stories that may or may not be true about people doing whatever than I care to purely from overhearing what people near me have said, but I don't know any sex offenders in my area.

  6. 7 minutes ago, nekkichi said:

    why would you talk about a genuinely bad person (it's literally the type you should cold-shoulder out of your life entirely) vs dropping random truth teas now and than so girlies can have some kiis

    Because we deserve to know about genuinely bad people. I'd be much more interested in a murderer/rapist/kidnapper/what-have-you in my vicinity than someone who had sex with someone or whatever. Like... ahh, oh no, it's a person having sex. Big deal.

  7. 52 minutes ago, nekkichi said:

    As author Yuval Harari argued in his book Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind, gossip is the foundation of our species’ survival. (#stream_psychopass)

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    I love when stressed out ppl temporarily lose control over whatever brain vaults they usually keep tightly locked out; that shit is typically the real thing, on the contrary a lil bit goss is fun and the tea is good iced and hot.


    which reminds me I didn't get involved with talking behind so and sos backs and regret all the drama I've missed out on creating bc. like had other priorities and shit, and the momentum has been long gone since.

    Well... there's a difference between talking about someone behind their back because they're a genuinely bad person and talking about someone behind their back because of "the tea". I think the first one is okay because they deserve to have people warned against them if that's the case, but the second one can actually be really hurtful. Just because we can do something, that doesn't mean we should. I also greatly disapprove of those people who think it's okay to just straight-up lie about people for the sake of entertainment. Yeah, okay, our brains can process it, but the person whose expense it's at can't, hence why they get so upset; and rightfully so.


    1 hour ago, CAT5 said:

    The same people I used to gossip with are the same people who are quick to talk shit about me (behind my back) today. As these types of ppl have no integrity and are basically fake as hell.

    Chances are, if people are willing to gossip about someone else, they're willing to gossip about you. It's all very well and good until it comes back to bite you on the arse.


    Besides, we could go on forever about things our brains are built to process. They're also built to process having a tiger chase us - hence our fight or flight response - but that doesn't mean you should go to the jungle and provoke a seven-hundred-pound predator.

  8. Just had a nap and dreamt that I met Jandelaine from FFXIV. I was so happy! He's my favourite character. He was offering a set of quests that would unlock really cool, fancy gear. One of them was a tuxedo with a tailcoat and bow tie, and the tailcoat was bright purple by default.

    I then dreamt that I saw my dad again and we took a night-time walk, but the entirety of it consisted of me crying over how much I missed him.

    I then dreamt that my hair was falling out really fast at the roots. I would blame Jandelaine, but the weird thing was that in the first dream, I was dreaming I was my FFXIV self and in this one, I dreamt that I was my real self so idk, mayhaps he decided I had fallen so far into the depths of unseemly ugliness that he decided to transcend the barriers of reality and see me come back as... a beauty reborn. With a tonsure.




    He was offering a set of quests that would unlock really cool, fancy gear.

    I think this is a good idea, tbh. My subconscious really knows what it's doing. I could literally develop a game in my sleep.

  9. I feel more sorry for the guy's fiancée than anyone else. It's shitty that the other guy had to pretty much quit the band just because the other two decided to be cunts, but this woman was planning to spend the rest of her life with her partner and he just goes behind her back like this. This is just terrible.


    10 hours ago, CAT5 said:

    tbh It's not really ridiculous if the vocalist and his fiancee plan to continue their relationship. As if the affair itself wasn't a big enough offense, continuing to work with "the other woman" would just be throwing salt on the wound.


    Affairs are hurtful, messy business and they usually have these kinds of negative ripple effects.


  10. 3 minutes ago, nullmoon said:

    You should keep doing what's best for you. If she's bad for you, stick to your guns :)

    Thanks :) it's difficult though because I've known her for almost fifteen years. We haven't been best friends for that long, but she seems to be clutching at straws to hold onto this friendship that's clearly stagnating and it makes me wonder how many people would do that also. Probably a lot. I know I shouldn't feel selfish for doing what I think is right, but it's just so difficult. I think the difference between she and I is that she spends time with people because they're her friends whereas I'm people's friend because I feel like I can spend time with them.

  11. On 5/31/2019 at 12:37 PM, Gesu said:

    I don't think I'll ever have a best friend again. Not that that's necessarily a bad thing; just a thought I've been having. I've had a few people tell me I'm motherly, and I think anyone who's even slightly younger than me who gets close enough to me realises this eventually because they start acting like they're my children, so I have to push them away before it gets to the point where I start paying for their dinner almost every day (which has actually happened before). If I do get a best friend again, that'll be great, but it's not a goal of mine and if it happens, it'll take a long time. I really have to be careful about who I let get that close to me again because I end up being treated like a nodding dog who just has to go along with everything. Truth be told, I haven't spoken with the girl I called my best friend in about a month or more and I just feel so much better for it. It's not that I hate her; she was just... taking over my life, somewhat. I'm an introvert who needs space from people, and I wasn't getting that from her. I don't know if anyone gets that from a best friend. I dunno, maybe I'm just unsociable, but I'm happy that way. Perhaps I'm happier than I should be that way, but it works for me. Dgmw, I'm not a hermit, and I can see friends and family for a day or two each week and not feel overwhelmed. I just feel very comfortable in my own company and I need to know that, no matter how many people I meet and interact with, I can always return to my own space without having to think about anything daunting.

    Sorry to quote myself/ramble, but update; she's now trying to talk to me again and is being kinda pushy about me responding to her texts. We just don't have any meaningful communication anymore though and I feel kinda burnt out. Every time we meet up, it's just her on her phone ignoring me and me having to wave my hand in front of her face to get her attention. When I eventually do, we just... don't really do anything worth doing. It's draining.

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