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Posts posted by Gesu

  1. Completely unrelated to K-pop, but I don't give a shite about anything to do with the MCU except for Guardians Of The Galaxy (and even then, I only ever got around to seeing the first one). It's not that I have anything against it and I'm sure that if I saw more, I'd enjoy it; I just don't really care.

  2. Because it's full of pretty men and most men ain't into that would be my answer in a nutshell, but I'll elaborate some.


    I agree with the people who commented on the first page that if you look at the audience of an all-female band's lives, visual kei or nah, it's more likely that you'll see more men in the audience. I disagree, however, with the idea that "it's all about the money". I mean... yeah, that is a part of it, and it would be naïve to assume that it's not at least a small motivation for anyone who charges for anything, but there is definitely some art in there too. I would argue it's all about the money for the more uninspired, cookie-cutter bands, but to say it's all about the money as a rule of thumb is to exclude the more creative and imaginative bands who really care about what they're doing and actually make an artform out of it. Japan is, generally speaking, still pretty collectivist, so I don't think the foundation of individualistic rebellion is completely gone yet and I think there are some bands who are still seeking to "stick it to the man", as it were, and that is definitely a motivation besides money. If not that, they're at least seeking to, as I said, make an artform out of it. Compare any of the recent bland-kei projects (not saying all the recent bands are like that but yanno what I mean) to something like Moran. The former just want to make money and a meaningless statement for their fifteen minutes of fame, whereas the latter have passion and soul. I didn't name a particular bland-kei band but I'm sure you thought of one or two and were easily able to distinguish them in terms of visuals, music, talent and theme, so I think it's a bit too broad to assume they all have the exact same motivation.

    Whatever, that was somewhat off-topic. I just thought I'd mention that because I saw a few people bring up the subject of getting money from bangya, although talking about this does make me wonder what the male-female ratio of fans for certain bands are in terms of their originality. Do more men like the more inspired bands? Conversely, do more women like the more inspired all-female bands?

  3. 1 minute ago, Tokage said:

    see also: academics still tripping over each other to come up with ''new & alternative'' critical readings of shakespeare and all that horseshit

    My high school English teacher pretty much just told my class the exam board were just looking for a load of guff and basically said to just make something up about alliteration or whatever and they'd probably like it and I passed

  4. 2 minutes ago, psychonnect_rozen said:

    many talented artists exist in today’s world

    Oh, this is definitely true. My favourite artist is probably Kerby Rosanes and he's a young artist of this century/decade. I guess the term "modern art" has become a genre in itself characterised by that shitty, "what does this mean" stuff we're used to seeing, and that's the kind I (and other people here) can't stand. I agree with the points made on both sides, really. I just hope more talented artists like Rosanes become more prominent in the art world to take over the abstract, meaningless stuff. I guess it's in the same way that there is good abstract art. For example, Megan Duncanson's art:




    It's just that negative definitions tend to take over more positive ones, I think. 😕

  5. Just now, suji said:

    modern art fucking sucks

    Agreed. You just reminded me of a book I saw in my local bookstore called "Why Your Five-Year-Old Could Not Have Done That: Modern Art Explained". I didn't buy it, but I read some of it in the store and literally every example basically said "well, your five-year-old could have done that but they wouldn't have seen this deep, esoteric meaning behind it". I wish I was exaggerating. I think this picture puts it best.




    Also, here's the Goodreads page for the book in case you were interested: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/15917028-why-your-five-year-old-could-not-have-done-that


    What a fucking joke.

  6. 8 hours ago, Komorebi said:

    FINALLY got close to two irl people to hang out with, confide in, make me feel like I can have real human contact again.


    After a month they started dating each other and now they hang out without me.


    Fuck it.

    I've been there, only instead of hanging out without me, they just third-wheeled me and couldn't seem to grasp the fact that there is, indeed, a way to cuddle your significant other around friends and still pay attention to them. It was annoying as fuck. I'm no longer friends with them but occasionally I see them out and about together, so I'm assuming they're still in a relationship (it's been over a year since they got together). Even though I don't like them anymore, I'm weirdly proud of them for that. 🤔

  7. 2 minutes ago, YuyoDrift said:

    I laugh at this because I've heard this many times, from many perspectives.


    When someone tells me that I should "do what makes me happy", when the topic really needs involvement from those in the conversation, I rarely take this one-liner as sincere advice. I know that what they really mean is either "you're not gonna listen to what I say, so do whatever the fuck you want (but don't come bitching about this again later)" or "this is (probably) not a good idea/solution/process overall, but I'm not your keeper so you do you". Personally it's something I would not beat around the bush with, and just say straight to their face because well, it's reality (and everyone's living in it).

    I'm also a cynical person so take this with a grain of salt too. I see the people in this current world as nothing but shadows to someone else's life, and they secretly don't want to identify someones frustration/misery to their own (also maybe because they're living through someone else's idea of happiness and reality will fuck with that).


    I'd also venture to say that people are desperate for happiness, and usually I feel that this desperation stems from a mistake/poor choice in their lives (possibly by their doing), where now they don't care where that happiness comes from but they'll take it. Sometimes it's not even their happiness they're indulging in, and in a fucked up way, that's people who say things like "I'm happy if you're happy" or "My happiness is your happiness". Not bashing on those people, but "happiness" is "achieved" in one form or another, and this direction is definitely not enough for me.

    I think I can relate to you here. I'm pretty blunt and assertive to pretty much everyone. Not harsh, just... forthright. Not everyone likes that, but as you said, you can't beat around the bush in these situations. It makes me sad how passive a lot of other people are because I always worry that they're not going to be able to stand up for themselves when they really need to. What makes me even sadder is that I learnt the hard way that I can't do it for them, or else they'll just end up depending on me and regressing even further into this state of being someone else's person. I just wonder where it all came from, and why some people are more resilient than others. Honestly, I should probably be dead by now given all the shite that's been flung my way, but for some reason I'm not and I guess that's why I felt that I had to stick up for everyone until I realised I couldn't. Everyone else thought I could, so I thought I should. I wonder if not being able to deal with that makes me stronger or weaker?

    Sorry, think I went on a bit of a tangent there. 😕

  8. 3 hours ago, platy said:

    Oh yeah, just allow hundreds of thousands of people inside the base full of secrets we're not even capable of understanding.

    This statement reminds me of something a friend told me not so long ago. He said that the reason technology seems to advance so gradually instead of all at once is because no-one thinks we're ready for such quick advancements, but I'm not entirely sure that's true. There have actually been cases of people being assassinated for their inventions because they thought the public "weren't ready for them". I don't know if storming Area 51 is a good idea or not (by which I mean it's almost definitely not), but I've never liked that "we don't deserve to know because we're not capable of understanding it" mentality. We probably are, considering there are people capable of understanding what might be hidden from us to the point where they may have hyped it up so much that they might be somewhat disappointed if they ever actually saw it. Of course there are some things that should never be invented/released to the public (e.g. time travel), but this is different. This isn't going to mess with the space-time continuum and sure, it'll take some adapting to, but I don't believe in hiding things to deliberately hinder our knowledge/opportunities just because they don't think we're ready.


    Now, don't misunderstand me. I'm not in support of people trespassing on property owned privately by the government. I just think that if they are hiding something this significant, there should be better reasons to hide it.

  9. 3 hours ago, Takadanobabaalien said:

    do yall ppl like anything smh

    D'you know what, that's a dang good point. Why is no-one talking about the unpopular things they do like?


    For example, squid tentacles are some of the most delicious things you could ever hope to eat on planet Earth and whoever complains they're "too chewy" (which is near enough everyone I've told this to) just hasn't had a well-cooked squid. They have the most perfect bite to them!

  10. 9 hours ago, ShTon said:

    I don't like alcohol and don't get how it is necessary to drink it to have fun.

    Alcohol is gross. It tastes like gasoline at best and piss at worst and the idea of getting drunk is one of the least appealing things in the world to me. The most positive thing I've heard about the taste of it is that it's an "acquired taste", which is another way of saying "you get used to it", which is another way of saying "it sucks but shut up and deal so you fit in".


    There are two ways to hold hands: interlocking fingers and the other way that's basically just wrapping your hands around each other's. The first way is uncomfortable and it hurts your fingers if you squeeze too tightly and I don't get why everyone does it that way and not the other way.


    Guacamole is disgusting. It's my least favourite food and makes me feel like I'm about to vomit each time I eat it (which is never, since I already tried it once).

  11. 36 minutes ago, secret_no_03 said:



    3 minutes ago, Takato said:


    Seconded ❤️


    I already posted these in the sexiest VK outfits thread, but I really love these two (Hitomi and Lay).





    I also really like the adorable hat Chisa wore in the Taste Of Life PV...



    and this hat Yuuki wore.



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