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Posts posted by Gesu

  1. 32 minutes ago, Zalemu said:

    No one because pls no violence.


    ...Okay, I'd punch Mia though. Hate his smug face.

    See, I would punch MiA because of that smug face, but nose job aside, I know that's just the way his face looks naturally and it makes me feel too sad to punch him. That being said, I second what @chocobuzz said about Issei. Dunno if I'd win that fight, tho. Probs wouldn't be worth it. 😕

  2. There was a band actually called Obscure, and they certainly lived up to their name. They were the band Lay and 4ge formed with singer/guitarist Nobara after Fatima disbanded, and they were stupidly difficult to find. The fact that they barely released anything didn't help much, either.

  3. 3 hours ago, psychonnect_rozen said:

    What is so bad about drag race fans? I’m not a big drag race fan myself but most of them are alright. If your talking about the ones who ALWAYS watch it and never shut up about it then yeah they’re fucking annoying (my sister).

    As much as I love Drag Race, there's a lot of drama/gossip to be inspired by it and if you're anything like me and can't stand to be involved in that shite or hear about it affecting other people, it comes off as pretty bad.

  4. Copied from my reply to @Tokage's status update.


    I could probably take on Yomi from Nightmare. He's only 4cm taller and 2kg heavier than me, making him just about the smallest J-rocker I can think of. Height and weight is the most important factor for me because I'm very short and thin. For example, Masashi from Versailles would knock me the fuck out. Idk how heavy he is but he looks pretty strong and he's over a foot taller than me 😮

  5. 1 minute ago, platy said:

    Logged on to FF14 to check out what's new after the massive update. My mains which are Summoner and Scholar... It'll take so long to get used to the new skills/removal of other skills. I'm not sure I like how they're both summon focused now. I'm so confused lol

    I was gonna play it yesterday but each time I tried to log in, there were too many players in the queue 😕

  6. 1 hour ago, Masato said:

    How about tinder?

    Eh, no-one there's really my type. I did try it once, but I just couldn't find anyone. Besides, I got anxious about people I know finding me on there so I just ended up hiding my account and never using it again. Thanks for the suggestion, though. :)

  7. Old thread, but I just... fuck.

    Okay, don't misunderstand me. I don't just fuck. What I meant was, I just need to post here because... fuck.

    I am about ready to beat the living shite out of an inanimate object because I am a virgin and I've never been kissed or anything and it just... pisses me off, y'know? I know, I know, I'm a young'un and everyone else here is probably looking at me like I'm a stupid naïve baby right now, but I have an extremely high libido and when you're surrounded by people who have done it, can access it so easily that they may as well be living off it and are constantly reminding me that it's something "everyone does" and that I shouldn't go all quiet when people start talking about it, it's really fucking frustrating. It's not something "everyone does" because not everyone is that lucky. Also, I hate it when people tell me "it'll happen when it happens" because it doesn't just... happen. It doesn't just fall into your lap (no pun intended). You have to find a suitably attractive person, get to know them well enough to trust them, negotiate, etc, and it's just... argh. Especially considering barely anyone here is even my type and when they are, they're never interested in me back. My mother telling me I had to have sex at some point in my life didn't help much either. She told me that any potential suitors would consider me worthless if I didn't... and that, ladies and gents, is (probably) the story of my conception 🙃 but I digress.

    Look, I don't mean to dump all over everything everyone else has said here because I wholeheartedly agree with the general consensus that you shouldn't judge or shame people for being virgins - I know that better than most - but I just really needed to get this out because it's making me want to hit something! I don't even know why I care about it so much. We could go on and on about Freud or evolution or biology or yada-yada, but considering I don't want children, I've already removed that instinctual aspect and once you do that, the biological aspect is kind of nullified. Like I said, I just don't know why I care so much about this other than I have a high libido, and even then, that doesn't explain why I want a person so badly as I'm not really interested in a romantic relationship at the moment. I used to be, but that was bloody ages ago. It's really odd because I don't want to do it out of pressure. As I mentioned earlier, people telling me "everyone does it" isn't helpful, but that's not the reason I want to do it. I don't want to do it to score popularity points and I would only really tell someone I had sex if it was anonymously or if I absolutely had to. I just... want to.

    On a lighter note, a girl who lost her virginity really early once told me to not feel pressured and she was really sweet to me when this complete bastard picked on me for being a virgin, so that was nice.
    Anyways, I'm going to try to get some sleep. I have college in just under six hours. I napped earlier so I should be okay. Hopefully.

  8. I realised today that I want Elon Musk to just buy the shite out of everything. I was in my uncle's car earlier and we drove past Toys 'R' Us, which has been in the middle of renovations for fuck-knows-how-long now. Idk what they're doing with it but I really, really hope Elon buys it. Rockets 'R' Us.

  9. 3 hours ago, platy said:

    Another thing that makes no sense is a passage in the bible in which God says we shouldn't worship other idols because he is a jealous god. Is there anything more human and flawed than jealousy? Doesn't sound like an omnipotent, omniscient all powerful being to me.

    Too right. Envy's supposed to be a sin, but God was always depicted as envious.


    Also, while I'm here, I'd just like to add something I thought of a couple minutes after I posted my original comment, but didn't have time to edit in as I had to leave. I think another reason I've never been religious is because it's very fixed. With science, which is what I personally believe in, it's flexible and ever-changing, but religion? Nah. Thou shalt do this, thou shalt not do that. It just completely conflicts with my individualistic mindset. Even though I like routine, I've always hated to feel like I have to be loyal to one specific thing because I need the freedom to know I can do something else if I want to. Of course I'm old and capable enough to decide to do something else, but if I'd been raised religious, I don't think I could cope. Additionally, I don't personally agree with people making their children follow their religion. I dunno for sure how it works, but I think the parents can choose it until they're adults. I think parents should allow their children to follow whichever teachings fit their worldview best (provided they're not extreme). That's just the way I see things personally and I don't mean to offend anyone.

  10. My mother was raised religious, but she's not anymore. I guess religion was something her family held dear when she was a kid because her dad was a German Jew and when he was young, needless to say Germany weren't too big on Judaism, hence why he came to England. Anyways, my parents never raised me with any religion and I never have been religious. Don't get me wrong, I find the idea of religion intriguing and I love mythology, but I guess when it comes to what I really believe in, I've just always been more science-minded. That, and it's like politics; I could spend forever researching religions and finding which teachings I liked/didn't like, but in the end, I'd never find one I completely agreed with. The closest one would be Buddhism, but as @secret_no_03 stated, that's not really a religion. I've never believed in some divine purpose we all have collectively or individually, and I think it's up to us to determine our fate. I used to believe in fate to an extent, but I think I stopped when I realised just how much of my life I could control by myself.


    As for the idea of an afterlife... I'd like to think one or more existed because I've always been terrified of death and everything just ending forever, but I can't say. No-one can. I hope there is one, but I don't think I strictly believe there is.

  11. 7 hours ago, anadentone said:

    question: is that Tetsuya the same one from DIaura or is that his adorable widdle brother :D

    Actually, now that you mention DIAURA, I can't help but notice that Tetsuya (not Tatsuya) looks like a cross between Yo-ka and Kei.

  12. Back for the first time in weeks because I hit a dream slump. Anyways, I just had a nap, aaaand… mild Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc spoilers ahead.


    I was about to take part in this charity walk thing. I think it was organised by my college. Anyways, a member of staff advised us to buddy up and hold hands with someone so we were less likely to split from the group. Like we were children! A lot of us started teasing each other because this walk just so happened to be on Valentine's Day and we were all getting really bashful. My best friend asked to buddy up with me so I said "ew, no, go hold hands with someone else" hoping to pass it off a blunt joke and she found someone else instead. Anyways, the reason I turned her down is because Chihiro Fujisaki was also taking part and I wanted to hold hands with him. I went up to him (he was all alone and looking away shyly) and said "hey, I was wondering if I could walk with you because I know you're pretty shy and I figured maybe you wouldn't want to ask someone else", or something along those lines. And he agreed! We did the walk and we kept on chatting to each other and about halfway through, we kissed. Hahhhh, if only that dream was real! I guess the reason I didn't dream for ages is because my brain was too busy concocting that for me. Well done, brain! Ya knocked that one outta the park. ❤️



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