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Posts posted by Gesu

  1. What really pisses me off is when people drop someone for something that hasn't even been proven. "So-and-so might have committed this crime". Might. You are not a detective investigator; shut up and carry on with your life as normal until you know something or can at least piece something together with evidence. Similarly, it bugs me when someone doing something maybe a bit unusual/embarrassing is seen as bad because people want the "tea" that can unjustly defame someone. "So-and-so had sex with x amount of people". It's their business, not yours, so stay out of it and - you guessed it - carry on with your life as normal. I can understand why people might have a hard time separating the art from the artist if they've done something genuinely bad because it can make you feel guilty for supporting them, but if it's for some stupid shite like that, I just can't stand it and I don't really get why everyone cares so much.

  2. Last night, I dreamt that I enrolled at a new college and they had a compulsory PE course but because it was so strenuous, they wouldn't let any students under 153cm take part (which isn't really asking a lot, to be fair). I dodged that bullet by 2cm >:D


    I then dreamt that me and seven other students at this college went on a long walk (kind of like a charity walk but I don't remember it specifically being for charity). We wore these weird latex masks that made us look like female pop stars (like Little Mix or Girls Aloud or whatever) and someone filmed us during the walk and made a new music video for Radiohead's Creep with the footage. I mean, I guess that's one way to portray a creep...

  3. Quote

    He was the subject of numerous allegations of sexual misconduct. In 1999, Japanese weekly magazine Shukan Bunshun published a series detailing accusations of child abuse and sexual exploitation made by several boys under his wing.

    However, he was never charged with any crimes on the basis of the allegations.

    Kitagawa sued the Shukan Bunshun and was awarded damages, but the judgment was partially overturned on appeal with the court ruling the magazine had sufficient reason to publish the allegations of sexual misconduct. A subsequent Supreme Court appeal by Kitagawa was rejected.

    I'm confused. It's saying he possibly did it, then it's saying he wasn't charged, then it's saying they had good reason but he was never imprisoned for it?

  4. Last night, I dreamt that I was walking down the street with my parents and we passed this elderly couple. It was a man and a woman and the man was pushing the woman along in a wheelchair. I got a really strange feeling as I walked past them because the man was wearing this really fancy Georgian wig except it was ash brown instead of white. I could also see both of their lips moving but I didn't hear anything they said because I had my earphones in. Anyways, after they walked past, I took out one of my earphones and my mum said "why were those people singing gospel music?" and I was like "wut?" so I slowly approached the corner they turned and seconds later, they came after us screaming this gospel music at the top of their lungs and running at full speed. Even though we were all much younger than them and the man was probably slowed down by the fact that he had to push his wife's wheelchair, they caught up to us. I feel like I had to make an important decision when they did but I can't remember what it was because I usually wake up just before or after the climactic point of my dreams.

  5. I got held back an academic year so I'm about a year older than most of my classmates. I've also been living on my own since I was sixteen, but I've never lived outside my city of birth. For some reason, they all seem to want to live all over the country (or even in different countries) the moment they turn eighteen, and whenever I ask them why, they're all like "I don't just wanna be at home all the time, I gotta get out and explore and do my own thing!"


    And I'm just like...



    Fair enough if that's what they wanna do, but I guess they haven't heard of this thing they might need called £10,000 (at least)… it's like trying to get a Koenigsegg as your first car. It sounds sadistic, but I am gonna piss myself laffing when I see them still in the arse-end of England for the next few years.

  6. That reminds me, Kamijo's looking pretty good for a 43-year-old. Also, Teru doesn't look anywhere near 38. Seriously, I go to college with older-looking people than him. He could tell me he was my age and I probably wouldn't think anything of it.

  7. People are always sceptical about things like this but I think as long as she can pull it off well, it doesn't really matter too much. They cast Scarlett Johansson as Kaa (who was originally male) in the remake of The Jungle Book (which I really liked, actually) and she was perfect for the role, so it's not like things like this have never worked. Either way, I think Melissa McCarthy is a good fit for the role she's supposedly playing. I've seen her in other stuff and I think she has the right sort of energy/delivery to play Ursula.

  8. Sexiest? Hmm, anything Yuuki and Zero wore in Lycaon.


    Was also a huge fan of this outfit from Lay (Fatima)...



    ...and Hitomi from Moran's Barairo No Jigoku look, because who can resist a beautiful man in a feathery hat who sings jazz-rock?



    I also love their hair/makeup in both pics.


    If I think of any more, I shall return with more pictures of hot men.


    ETA: Just remembered this, how the fuck did I forget


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