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Posts posted by Gesu

  1. 2 minutes ago, psychonnect_rozen said:



    I have been having the best time on here. Having discussions, talking about artists and finding new music. After finding MH, I have been searching all over for new VK bands such as Megaromania.


    However, this site is not without it’s toxicity and I have seen it my self. Shitting on the same bands over and over gets annoying and everyone one here can’t take an opinion sometimes. The amount of heated discussions on here gets annoying as well.


    I won’t be quitting MH completely and I will be taking a small break to get away from this toxicity. I don’t know when I’ll be back, but just like Sadie, I’ll be going on hiatus.


    Shoutout to @Gesu for being my first follower. Love ya

    Aw, thank you! I hope you enjoy your break, and I look forward to seeing you back here soon.


    BTW, if it means anything, just remember that there's some degree of toxicity in every fandom. I've considered leaving the VK fandom from time to time because some people in it are just my least favourite kind of people, but I think you'll find that to be the case with most things you're passionate about and the love you have for those things only serves to strengthen the hate you have for the people you just can't stand in the fandom. Anyways, have a good'un and see you later~ ^_^

  2. Hoo, boy. I could go on about stuff like this for days. I want to be a paediatric therapist in the future and, if possible, an activist for children's rights, so I'm always interested in things like this.


    Anyways, I find it interesting that he said this kind of thing is pretty much non-existent in Europe, because from what I've seen, it's really not. In the UK (excluding Wales), it's still legal to smack your child as long as you don't leave a lasting injury, which leads to parents being able to exploit a number of loopholes and employ/promote bad parenting techniques.



    Moreover, people barely even care about crimes committed against children. I have an example - just about the most valid one I could provide as it's a very extreme case of abuse, therefore deserves the harshest sentence - but in case you don't want to read it as it is very disturbing, two mothers were given just six years and four months in prison each for severely neglecting their daughter.



    I know those examples aren't Japanese, but I thought they were worth mentioning because I think it's important to realise that this kind of thing is in no way exclusive to Japan. I might just be being biased because of how strongly I feel about such issues, but either way, I think it's worth discussing. That, and I'm not too sure if there's anything I could add to that insightful video regarding Japan.

  3. @Manji 卍 Technically, the foetus doesn't have any form of sentience until about the third trimester (maybe a bit before). I think the lesser of two evils in that situation would be to abort, because it's more fair to let the woman live a happy life than to force her to give birth to a baby she doesn't even want. That's physically and emotionally traumatising. If she does the latter, she could end up severely depressed and the baby most likely wouldn't have a great life anyways. Also, just giving it to an adoption centre leads to overcrowding and kids who were already there not getting adopted, so nobody really wins in that situation.

  4. 7 minutes ago, Manji 卍 said:



    what? your argument is just that the article doesn't mention feminism? 


    the murder case is DIRECTLY linked to feminism. just like @Euronymous mentioned, what feminists does nowadays is just spread confusion

    and the demonization of male,this movement fell into a state of misandry. 
    i had the displeasure to frequent university with some feminist girls and they openly adimited that if they had an "unplanned" child they'd just go for the abortion. There you can sense all the craziness of this movement. 

    You said yourself that the killers did what they did only because the kid resembled the biological father. Well,isn't that the worldview of the feminists? hating on male? i'm not saying that every feminist is a murder (even though abortion is murder),but when you spread the hate,like they do,you end up creating these monsters,and  consequetly victims.


    @Euronymous  is absolutely right.

    Well... I agree with you when you say about misandry and hating on men because that's exactly what the woman in this case was doing, however I wouldn't go so far as to suggest abortion is murder. Maybe that's a conversation for another topic if anyone's willing to create it so I won't go too much into it here, but I just thought I'd say this much.

  5. There are many definitions of feminism but the ones I've read so far all seem to preach the idea that "women are strong and independent and don't need no man and they can work whatever job they want", which is true, but I think that's already been established in the western world. Here, I don't think a single or lesbian woman who works as a businesswoman, for example, is gonna turn too many heads. Even if there aren't that many women in [insert career here], we all know it's possible. For a broader definition, I think we can all agree that feminism is the ideology that there exists a patriarchy. In the west, I don't think patriarchy is really that big of a thing. I know that statement will probably get a few eye-rolls, but I just don't see one gender as being superior over the other on this side of the world, so I don't think we actually need feminism over here. Sure, there are inequalities that need to be fixed, but they're on both sides (male inequality would be not being taken seriously for issues such as these, female inequality would be being seen as passive) and I just don't see one side (namely females) as being so unequal compared to the other that we really need to "smash the patriarchy" and what-have-you. I think there are so many issues we could be focusing on instead, like the inequality of women in the Middle East, where they really do need feminism.


    I think @hyura raised a pretty interesting point, and I agree, however there is still a problem with feminism in the western world and that's not the goal feminists wish to achieve but rather the means they employ to achieve it. It's good that they want to remove stereotypes and make society more progressive, but by shutting down what men have to say because "women are the real victims" and men need to "check their privilege", that's actually very regressive. The point shouldn't be to attack the other side; it should be to work with the other side to make your own side just as equal. You can't be equal if all you want is segregation.


    P.S. I've been trying to relate this more to the topic at hand for a while now but everything I type is just coming out as brain spew because @suji said pretty much everything I wanted to in her second paragraph, lol. In short, people need to be honest about abuse, take men seriously, take women seriously, but remember to always look for proof and never assume anything just because you heard it because the legal system needs to work as it was designed to for both genders. Difficult for me to really give an informed opinion on abuse because England tends to be pretty equal regardless of gender and more discriminatory based on age instead (from what I've seen), but that's my two cents anyways.

  6. 1 hour ago, suji said:

    also my sister and her friends thought i listened to K-pop

    People always assume I listen to K-pop the moment they see me. Fun fact: I've never listened to a K-pop song the entire way through besides Gangnam Style and Gentleman by PSY (and that's only because they were pretty much inescapable when they first came out). Not that I have owt against it, I just haven't really listened to it, that's all.


    I remember showing a VK guy to this guy in my class last year at college and he didn't really think much of him until he put two and two together and realised he was a guy, not a girl. Oh, lordy, I'll never forget the way his face contorted in utter horror and confusion.

  7. I don't really mind all the BL fanservice. I don't think it's taking the piss out of homosexuality so much as it is giving the fans a bit of eye candy. Let's be real here, a lot of straight girls (and gay guys for that matter) want to see a couple of hot guys kissing. That's not an opinion, that's just a fact. There's nothing wrong with that at all IMO... of course, there are people who take it to unhealthy extremes, but those people are just nuts and the more "innocent" (for lack of a better word) people who just want to see people kiss and be done with it can't speak for the actions of those who think everyone should do things like that or else they're not as adequate. Guys like seeing girls kiss, girls like seeing guys kiss. Everything is poisonous; it just depends on the dose. That's just the way things is.

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