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Posts posted by Gesu

  1. That reminds me. About two years ago, I was talking to a fellow VK fan and she told me she knew someone who was obsessed with this one guy (I don't remember who, but I want to say Toshiya from Diru fsr, could be someone completely different tho) to the point where she was saving her virginity for him even if the opportunity to lose it to someone else she was sufficiently interested in came along. Bear in mind, this girl was most likely never going to meet him and even if she did, she'd probably just turn him off.

  2. 3 minutes ago, nullmoon said:

    Fair enough, glad to hear it worked for you. 

    I've never been in that kind of relationship myself, but all functional relationships - be they friendly, familial, romantic or sexual - are based on two key foundations: trust and communication. I guess that as long as neither party forgets that, it'd be fine, and if the other person refuses to co-operate, that's their fault and their fault alone. I wouldn't be too discouraged from entering that kind of relationship again in the future if you wanted.

  3. "You're not a real fan unless you've listened to VK for x amount of years", or "unless you've listened to x amount of bands". I fucking hate that. How are they gonna listen to VK for x amount of years or listen to x amount of bands if you try to kick 'em out of the fandom? For the first example, by the time they come back after the specified number of years, they're not gonna know anything new because they left due to peer pressure, so they may as well have just stayed.

  4. Eh, I think a lot of people's definition of "shitty person" seems to be "well, I read something nasty about them someone else said so it's definitely true". Personally, I very rarely believe anything I don't see with my own eyes.


    Anyways, more on-topic, I second this:

    14 hours ago, Neigedesmannes said:

    Also Gackt but he's reached meme status now so he doesn't count.

    He was great in Malice Mizer, but he's since just gone really cringy. I mean... the guy admitted that he bought a frickin' mountain just so he could snowboard on it. Yeah, that's not shitty, but it's damn frivolous and just begs the question of why. That said, I think he does that in general.

  5. Random flashback to when this girl I used to be friends with and I made our own fictional VK band. It was called ~SaL☆MoN~ (pronounced "sal-mon", not "sammon" as we usually pronounce it) and the members were Gakuo (vocals), hina (guitar), DARKK (bass) and Boeke (pronounced "bow-key", drums). Boeke wore either a bucket or a paper bag on his head, I can't quite remember.


    Anyways, if I were gonna form a parody/tribute band, it'd be for Sugar and I'd call it Salt.

  6. I guess the most straightforward description would be when something sounds exactly like something else. It can't just be inspired by it, because if that were the case, then every rock band would be ripping off the one before it. Every pop band would be ripping off the one before it. Every jazz band, yada yada. A good example would be GREED's new song ripping off one of DIAURA's from their latest album (here's the thread in case you were curious, I commented about them ripping off DIAURA and I'm still fuming).


    To make my point clearer, compare these two:




    Yeah, okay, so they're both jazzy (and awesome), roughly the same length and they even have the same (awesome) guitarist, but Barairo No Jigoku is hardly a ripoff of Antlion (I'm not actually sure if it'd even count as a ripoff if one of the members was the same, but you get my point).

  7. Aight, so all you FFXIV players will know that ounces, pounds and tonnes are referred to as onzes, ponzes and tonzes respectively. Well, last night, I dreamt that I was walking down the street with my psychology class and someone mentioned "conzes". Which, in my dream, meant "cocks". This girl in my class exclaimed "awwww, I love conzes!" so I just covered my face in embarrassment and that... was that.

    I then dreamt that I was going around sampling fruit juices and chocolates but my alarm woke me up right after I bit into the corner of a chocolatey slab thing.

  8. Every now and again, I'll clench my teeth in my sleep and wake up with a profusely aching jaw. It usually happens during a nap as opposed to an overnight sleep. Should I bring that up with my doctor? I don't really know if they can do anything about it.

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