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Posts posted by Gesu

  1. A lot of Lycaon's songs, but Eros sticks out (no pun intended), especially with that video... hot damn. Also, Barairo No Jigoku by Moran if you're looking for something on the more romantic/sultry side as opposed to the raw lust a lot of other sex songs exude. Same goes for a lot of Sugar's songs, actually (particularly Biyaku… not sure what the lyrics are but the title translates to "aphrodisiac" and that song sounds cool as all hell).


    Even Versailles had a sex song or two. I remember they had a song called Libido.

  2. I bought a new top on my last day of college (so, July 5th). I hadn't bought any new clothes in aaaages because I rarely treat myself to stuff like that, but I was with a friend and he told me I should go for it. Besides, I deserve it for getting through my boring-as-fuck media class my first year of A-levels, righ? I hope I do. Depends on how well I did. 😕


  3. I've always been the creative type but I have 3742384624362842342 ideas and I can never decide which one I want to pursue. There are one or two that really stick out to me, but I can never decide where I want to take them. It's like not being able to put the pieces of a jigsaw together. I put a few together, then I realise I was wrong and take them out and try some new pieces, but even that doesn't work and I have no idea what I'm doing. I've found that my best ideas tend to come from mixing two or three old ones together, but even if the concept is nice, I just can't finish it or decide how it should end. I get a beginning and a middle, but no end. I feel so burnt out.

  4. 1 minute ago, psychonnect_rozen said:

    Carrot Cake is fucking delicious. Especially with Cream Cheese Icing. Tastes like heaven.



    Carrot cake is grody. I like carrots, I like cake, but fuck me if I'll ever eat a carrot cake. It's like putting fruit in chocolate bars. I like fruit and I like chocolate but please, just let me eat unhealthily for a bit.

  5. The "it's Wednesday, my dudes" meme was fucking shite and so is the "nobody" meme. Funny at first, but then they just got so overused so quickly. Thank fuck both have pretty much died (I think the "nobody" meme is dead, anyways).

  6. 2 minutes ago, nekkichi said:

    I'm not sure what you're having an exact problem with in this case - is it the cancel culture that turns someone's downfall into spectacle w/o actually going beside the supeficial drama,


    or is it the gossip and OTT speculation that often surfaces during somebody's narrative getting into the internet gossip mill? (which is not even inherently bad - in most cases, it's based on real habits of so and so, often downplayed by whoever they messed with out of shame or whatever other reasons.)

    Kind of both. And it is bad; if someone's wronged you that badly, go to the police. It's clearly not being downplayed out of shame if they're willing to let the whole world know about it and who they are instead of the one group of people who can actually deal with it discreetly. Besides, if they downplay it, that just makes the person who wronged them look good because the gossip just comes off as a petty invasion of privacy at their expense (which it usually is anyways). It's not helping anyone, and gossip is just immature anyways. I remember you saying in the random thoughts thread (I think it was that thread) that our brains our built to process that kind of thing, but like I said there, they're also built to process having a tiger chase us, hence our fight-or-flight response. My point is, just because you can do something, that doesn't mean you should. I really don't get why people don't just do the sensible thing and go to the police in these cases instead of trying to become some sort of online martyr, or if the person who did something scandalous hasn't technically done anything wrong/immoral/harmful, why they don't just shut the hell up and let people live their lives in peace. I think it's important to consider both sides of the argument instead of just the one you see, because if you're only given one side, you can only believe/sympathise with half of something at most.

  7. 9 hours ago, nekkichi said:

    considering literally FBI itself already has a public history of not pursuing potential pedos on a tip-off, entirely dismissing situations that have no chance at being uncovered until the boiling tea literally starts spilling around because everyone involved on the abusing side is either really well connected, or is affluent enough to buy their way out of investigations, and rationalizing that with minding tha business is cute.

    My point wasn't that these situations should be entirely dismissed. It was more that we shouldn't try to investigate them ourselves/come to any conclusions before we know anything because it's not strictly our business until something is uncovered by the people who are actually qualified to do so. What is a load of people speculating on the Internet gonna do in terms of convicting someone that the FBI/police force can't? Sure, it can add some fuel to the fire (and it almost always does), but it's not actually gonna do an awful lot in the long run. The courts value evidence, not "someone on the Internet said this but we can't actually find any proof that what they said is true".

  8. 5 minutes ago, YuyoDrift said:

    Actors, public figures, famous people, or whatever we call them now, should NEVER step outside their little palace of fame and fortune to try and influence their ideas onto their fans, especially politics.

    Personally, I disagree. They're citizens too, and telling them to shut up just because they're famous sounds kind of ignorant to me. If people want to listen to them and do what they say (or not), they're welcome to, but their opinions are their own and everyone has a right to free speech. I'm really not big on censorship and tbh, I don't care how much I disagree with someone; I would never, ever want them to not have a voice. Yeah, okay, some of the stuff they say is a bit dumb, but if you don't like it, don't pay attention to it. Besides, fame is kind of subjective. They might be famous in one country/culture/whatever but not another, so where do they reach the point where they're famous enough to have to keep their opinions to themselves? That, and you're never gonna shut someone up provided their opinions are strong enough, so it seems kind of pointless and controlling to me. I mean, if there was a law in place saying celebrities couldn't state their opinions on a particular subject, there'd be an uproar, and rightfully so. Provided it's not infringing upon anyone else's human rights, I believe everyone should have the right to say what they feel. Maybe it'd be easier for some if they didn't, but that's an ideal we can't pretend will ever exist.

  9. Just now, psychonnect_rozen said:

    If I’m not mistaken, wasn’t like PT Barnum like a racist or something? I fee like I’ve heard that some where?

    Yeah, and they just completely glossed over that. Didn't mention anything about it. They just wanted something shiny and showy for Hollywood to enjoy.

  10. The Greatest Showman was terrible. I get that it's a musical, but did every little thing have to be conveyed through song? They'd literally made a song and dance out of it and I was so disappointed because my hopes for it were sky-high. The acting/casting was good, the plot was promising and the visuals were fantastic, but the delivery sucked. It sacrificed any potential emotion for "a MiLlIoN dReAmS iS aLl It'S gOnNa TaKe" and the effect it had on me suffered as a result. I might as well have just watched a load of glitzy music videos back-to-back.

  11. 1 minute ago, secret_no_03 said:

    If I felt that way I'd hate violin since violin strings used to be made of cat guts and I love cats. 

    Well, ya learn somethin' new every day... that's gross, though (says me listening to a song with loads of violin on repeat).

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