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Posts posted by Gesu

  1. Just now, secret_no_03 said:

    Born with? Where in the world is the research behind that?

    I guess it's as unchangeable as sexuality in general. I'm straight and I was born that way, but outside influences beyond my biology solidified that, in the same way that you can't help what interests you in pretty much any case but what you discover in life will reinforce your interests/allow you to recognise that they are actually your interests.

  2. 9 minutes ago, Himeaimichu said:

    Same here. I could never get into it. In fact, I think the right kind of shoes is automatically like 100% sexier than bare feet lmao

    I think I have a goth boot fetish.


    1 minute ago, psychonnect_rozen said:

    thigh highs

    You just reminded me of those high-heeled thigh boots Yuuki wore when he was in Lycaon. They made his legs look so loooong...

  3. 1 minute ago, Tokage said:

    there's literally nothing barring those same people from setting up their own fan communities to try and attract like-minded people as well though so ????

    That's difficult to get started if there are already more popular communities, though. Plus, it's difficult to find out news if you're not in a larger community.

  4. 6 minutes ago, psychonnect_rozen said:

    There IS alot wrong with gatekeeping. It drives away potential people who are just interested in a fandom. Saying to a newcomer to a fandom β€œoh you can’t be in here you have to be a fan of x to be part of this fandom” is fucking bullshit.


    Gatekeeeping is one reason why fandoms nowadays are so toxic

    Reminds me of those people on Minecraft who tried to weed out all the new players (or "newfags") under the guise of noble "incursions" because the newcomers didn't know the lore (which... of course they didn't, they were new and everyone has to start somewhere) and to save their oh-so precious queue times which shouldn't have mattered to them in the first place because THEY WERE ALREADY IN THE SERVER THEREFORE DID NOT NEED TO WAIT FOR THE QUEUES TO DIE DOWN. Jfc. One of the reasons I never played Minecraft.

  5. 10 minutes ago, 123Sandman321 said:

    You are usually skirting a really thin line with some of the conspiration bullshit, but this time, you went head-first down the cliff :D


    I like that you want to spark a conversation, but this ain't it. Absolutely zero evidence to support that, plus you just seem like an old bitter guy. You think it used to be better, let's say, 20 years ago? You should be happy that some teenage kid has the means and is lucky enough to be able to vent on Twitter about their shitty lattΓ©.

    Idk how it is in America but in England, if you don't go out of your way to help someone for whatever trivial reason even if it'd be to your own detriment, then you are seen as a bad, heartless person (and I speak from experience). It's not just about venting about your shitty latte because that's no biggie. I can deal with that, but when you get people venting about everything bad that's happening to them over and over again to the same person who they know full well isn't equipped to deal with it because "advice is harmful" or some such bullshite, that's when it becomes degenerative.


    I remember reading about this theory called Ring Theory. It states that we're all in metaphorical rings, with people with the most problems being in the centre ring and people with the least problems being in the outer ring with several other rings in between. It also states that you must vent your problems away but only to the person in the ring outside yours, then the cycle would repeat so the person you vented to would vent to the person in the ring outside them and so on. It was proposed by a woman named Susan Silk who I believe was suffering from breast cancer at the time she came up with it, and she used it as a way to cope with it. Now... in her case, I get it. She had what could have potentially been a terminal illness (I don't remember if she recovered), but it got generalised to more trivial problems and I don't know if that particular train of thought was what triggered this whole "talk it out"/"there-there-it's-going-to-be-okay" mentality, but you know what I mean. I get talking it out for things that absolutely cannot be helped, but not for the things over which you have some control. People, particularly young people, are taught to mollycoddle and be mollycoddled. They're taught to take responsibility for everyone else's issues and be their "everything" to the point where they forget to deal with their own problems yet at the same time expect everyone else to bend over backwards, forwards and sideways for them. It creates this unhealthy wave of dependency where they can't handle anything other than a pat on the shoulder and a cup of tea to magic away their problems (which I know doesn't sound like much but let me tell you, it becomes exhausting after a while because it makes you feel absolutely useless when they're talking your ears off and expecting you to be a silent nodding dog), so when they see/hear something that conflicts with this schema they've adapted, it shocks them and makes them anxious.


    I'd just like to clarify that I don't think it's entirely the fault of the young people so much as it is that of the ones indoctrinating this view into them, whoever that may be. Still, if I'm to remain consistent, I have to say that it is also their responsibility to be more assertive and rational once they are given the tools needed for it... whenever that may be.


    Sorry for the long post/going off on a mental health tangent, but as an aspiring paediatric therapist, I have a lot to say about this kinda thing so I guess it comes naturally to me.

  6. Does everything have to be exclusive to Android/iOS? They could cash in a lot more if only they ported things to PC as well, and it'd be convenient for the buyers. Digital ports are pretty inexpensive as they don't have to produce physical copies so I don't get why they don't just do that. I haven't had a smartphone in ages because I got tired of them breaking on me (and one got stolen), so now I just use a brick phone for calling/texting and my laptop for everything else (with the data backed up on a memory stick). It's not like PCs are obsolete and it wouldn't be too difficult provided the companies had someone with enough computer skills to make it happen (which they undoubtedly do), so it really pisses me off.

  7. 14 hours ago, Gesu said:

    I also nearly got hit by a drunk-driver once. It hit someone else instead (just her hand, it didn't kill her or anything). I've been really cautious about crossing roads ever since so it's really annoying if I have to cross a road while a car's parked on the side of it because I'm too short to see over them so I have to guess if a car's coming.

    Which reminds me, I nearly got hit by a Deliveroo guy on his bicycle once. He was coming down a narrow alleyway at full speed right as I was about to walk past it. Now, to be fair to him, neither of us could see the other coming, but I apologised to him and he just said "fuck's sake" and rode off! What an utter bellend.

    (Think I actually mentioned this in a status a while back.)

  8. 28 minutes ago, psychonnect_rozen said:

    You clearly haven’t seen prolapsed porn oh god.

    Actually, I... have. Not the whole way through, just images. I don't think I could stomach a full video.


    29 minutes ago, psychonnect_rozen said:

    For me, a big turn off is the whole gimp suit and the latex fetish. Like I know asses look fantastic in latex, but gimp suits fucking terrify me and I feel itchy and out of breath

    Agreed. How can I find someone sexy if I can't even see what they look like under one of those weird gimp masks/full-body latex suits? They just look jarring.

  9. 2 hours ago, Himeaimichu said:

    What are some things that a lot of people like, that turn you off? For me, it's twerking. I like a nice ass, I like when it's shaken, but twerking is a serious turn off for me lol.

    Bleached anuses. Who the fuck decided it was a crime for an anus to be brown!? I wouldn't say they turn me off/gross me out, but their appeal eludes me.

  10. When I was five, I tripped over and hit my face on a log. My nose was bleeding like crazy and I'm surprised I didn't break it. I've never actually broken a bone before.

    I also nearly got hit by a drunk-driver once. It hit someone else instead (just her hand, it didn't kill her or anything). I've been really cautious about crossing roads ever since so it's really annoying if I have to cross a road while a car's parked on the side of it because I'm too short to see over them so I have to guess if a car's coming.

  11. Just wanna say that I think this thread is kind of necessary. We're all united by one thing, and that's an interest in visual kei and likely Japan in general; that is, a genre with a strong emphasis on mostly attractive visuals and a very sexually liberal country, so it would make sense that a lot of people here would have high libidos and maybe not a place to satisfy/discuss them. That, and the feeling of unity allows for a more laid-back environment that we may not always have access to. For instance, even though I've been an adult for almost a year now (dgmw, I know that's still young) and I've been living by myself for over two, people still expect me to be sweet, naΓ―ve and innocent because that's the way my face looks and my voice sounds and they're often taken aback if I fail to live up to that expectation. I may not mean to, but for most people, unless I have an awful lot in common with them, I will play up to their expectations of me and act quiet and demure. I have a couple people I can talk to about this kind of thing but not many and it does get frustrating, so being able to let all this out in a place where I know we're all united by something I'm very passionate about, however unrelated to this particular topic it may be, is relieving.

  12. I'm not superstitious and don't normally believe in karma and the like, but the funniest thing that happened to me once (well, technically my brother) would be when he beat me at air hockey then showboated and split his jeans during his little victory dance. It's kind of a thing we have that whenever we go out to an arcade, we play air hockey. He pretty much always beats me but he hasn't made a big thing of it since.


    There was also the time I was walking down the street with him and my dad and we found Β£100+ worth of euros on the ground. We got them converted and I can't remember what we did with them as I was only about six years old at the time. That was pretty weird.

  13. "Fries before guys" is one of the stupidest slogans I've ever seen and was clearly just invented as a lazy cash cow. Yes, I would rather have something I could pay a paltry 89p (McDonald's small size) for instead of hot guys. It's not even the porn/sex thread getting me worked up; I've just always thought that was a really dumb slogan. Same as "bros before hoes", really. Admit it, you'd rather have a hot person.

  14. Just now, ghost said:

    On that note,Β the idea of couples watching porn together is kind of weird I think. Especially while having sex. That's weird, right?

    It sounds nice to me. I personally can't stand it when people talk about how porn is allegedly a form of infidelity. I know that's not what you said, but I thought I'd bring it up while we're on the subject.

  15. 8 minutes ago, Euronymous said:

    The first 2 pages were ok,but now...

    This thread should be renamed as "the virgins thread" or simply erased.Pure cancer. =]

    There is a virginity topic in the love/relationships part of the forum, if you wanted to read a huge angry rant from me.

  16. Just now, psychonnect_rozen said:





    I'm actually being serious. I didn't watch it, I just read a WordPress blog post about it. I can't find you the post because the blog has since moved to Tumblr and I'd have to create an account/log in to access it as it's NSFW, but the blog was called JGV4you.

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