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Posts posted by Gesu

  1. @spockitty I'm nineteen next month and I still get mistaken for a little girl (people usually guess around twelve, fourteen if I'm lucky). I'm pretty sure I've mentioned my diminutive stature and baby face/voice many times in the past but it's so difficult for me to ignore it because no-one else will no matter what. :(

  2. 2 minutes ago, platy said:

    @Gesu Final Fantasy III is the most unoriginal, uninspired rpg I've played. They literally just sold the template for a final fantasy game as is without even adding to story or characters. I haven't played V yet but I sure hope it isn't that bad. 

    It's roughly on the same level, athough the characters are admittedly more diverse in their personalities but then there's that dumb "boring hero, demure princess" type thing going on that really reinforced that cliched story for me. It wasn't even that bad tbh, it was just so unremarkable. That's the thing with a cliché. You can never go wrong but you can also never go right. I dunno, maybe I'm being a bit harsh but it just really wasn't for me. You might like it but idk.

  3. 1 minute ago, Zeus said:

    I'm amazed how you guys can verbalize your dreams. My therapist advised me to keep a dream journal and most of the time all I can draw are images because I can't describe what I see.

    I guess it depends on whether you're a more visual or auditory thinker. I'm very auditory for the most part and I'm only ever visual if I need a concept explained to me (for example, a diagram to explain the uncanny valley or cynicism vs scepticism would help me more than simply stating the definition).

  4. My hopes for Final Fantasy games are usually high, but I just remembered how forgettable Final Fantasy V was (which is ironic). I got the game last year, but I haven't played it in a while because it just didn't grab my attention enough to want to continue. I can't even remember what the plot was about. I remember there was a guy called Bartz who meets this princess called Lenna and he likes her (duh), then there's this crossdressing pirate woman called Faris and an old dude named Galuf but I can't for the life of me remember what they actually set out to do besides... whatever it is they do in cliched fantasy plotlines. That's it, it was just cliched. If I were to give you the most trite, overdone fantasy plotline I could think of, it'd probably be that of Final Fantasy V. Oh, and Bartz has a chocobo named Boco that he abandons I think outside a cave somewhere and we never see him again. The fact that I'm more worried about a chocobo than I am about the fate of this game's world speaks volumes.


    Actually, I just looked up what happens to Boco. We do see him again but later. I'm still appalled at Bartz's terrible chocobo care skills. Wtf, man? I take better care of my race chocobos and the only reason I breed those is to earn me fame and fortune. For shame, Bartz. For shame.

  5. Hickeys are gross. I get if it's somewhere only your partner's gonna see but I think they look trashy if you're showing them off to everyone. I'm no prude but whenever I see that, it just reminds me of those kids who've kissed someone before all their friends and they won't stop bragging about it.

  6. Just now, spockitty said:

    Oi don't cheat! I know you have a bit more life ahead than me but come on :P 


    That said, I've never heard of Jikkendai Marmot. color me intrigued~ 

    Haha! Alrighty, well I guess I'll go for Moran because they have so much variety.


    Jikkendai Marmot are great. They're really jazzy! Their stuff's a bit difficult to find, but they're worth it once you do. Not sure if they really count as VK but another user here recommended them to me and I'm pretty thankful. :)

  7. 8 hours ago, FOSCOR70 said:

    Females are all 'kyaa!' 'kyaa!' and they like to gossip.

    Most males seems bi so they all are also 'kyaa!' 'kyaa!' and they like to gossip.

    the few straight ones we have likes to listens to heavy bands and keep silent while laughing at the peeps who participate in the vk drama that actually only involves the western fangirls and bi's destroying their keyboards.

    I must be a straight man then lmao

  8. 3 minutes ago, spockitty said:



    also, I drowned my $400 Maison Martin Margiela sunglasses in a kayaking incident this Thursday... other than that, it was a great trip! /laughsbutalsocries

    I actually went to one of Gustavo Dudamel's concerts when I was a kid. It was fantastic!


    Also, that sucks to hear about your sunglasses ;-;

  9. I'm gonna get lambasted for this, but unsolicited advice is not necessarily a bad thing and I wish people would stop acting so defensive/hostile towards people who give it. Also, I don't like the argument that it's always self-serving because it's no more self-serving than anything else. If you're gonna tell them they're only out for themselves, you may as well say the same thing to your doctor. You're trying to help someone and in the end, they're the ones who will really benefit from it if they take the advice. I get it if it's something really petty that you could just as easily ignore (e.g. "that outfit looks terrible on you, you shouldn't wear it anymore") but if it's something more serious and you're respectful enough with your wording (e.g. "I found this tip that can ease the symptoms of that condition you have"), I don't see a problem with it. Another one of the main criticisms I've read for it is that it comes off as "judgemental". If you seriously think someone is being judgemental just because they dared to challenge your mighty opinion/method, then you have more of a problem than the person trying to correct it, not to mention a much more fragile ego. Personally, I'd consider it more emotionally controlling to go on about your problems all the time and expect the other party to say nothing than to give unsolicited advice. Not saying everyone who receives unsolicited advice is just venting all their issues and expecting everyone else to stay silent and just listen, but if we're going to compare two opposite extremes, then I know which one I think is worse.

  10. Just now, Tokage said:

    implying he's doing it out of genuine charity and not just as another opportunity to make himself look good lmao, if he really wanted to help just for the sake of helping he wouldnt have to make a fucking public circus about it

    I agree with you, but at least he's doing it. In cases like this, I don't think the intent matters as much as the action.

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