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Posts posted by Gesu

  1. 1 hour ago, monkeybanana4 said:

    I bought the game because the plot sounded interested and the artwork looked nice, but it's been sadly sitting on my shelf :P I've been meaning to play it one of these days, lol. Once you finish it, I'd love to know your thoughts on it :D

    Sure thing, I'll let you know! You're right that the art is nice, as is to be expected from Otomate :P the plot is also really interesting as you mentioned. Without giving away any spoilers (and tbh I kinda can't atm because I'm not far into it), it's somewhat similar to Amnesia: Memories but it's more intriguing and the guys are nicer, lol. They kinda look similar but they act a bit more... tolerable. Dgmw, I liked Amnesia, but some of the routes were a bit... 👀

  2. I bought Psychedelica Of The Black Butterfly yesterday and it's soooo goooood so far. I think Kagiha is best boi, followed by Karasuba. God, why do I always go for the one with the green colour scheme? I swear, no exceptions, I always go for the green guy, and if there isn't a green guy, then the yellow guy (see my current profile pic; liable to change to Kagiha once I finish the game). Maybe it's because I like the kind, gentle types and green is often seen as a kind, gentle colour? 🤔

  3. Just finished best bo- uhh, I mean, Shikishima's route (hence my new profile pic) and holy fuck, the soundtrack in this game is great. For a game with only eighteen songs in it, they sure knocked it out the park.



    So glad I bought a Vita. I'm a little late to the party, but whatevs.

  4. 1 minute ago, TheZigzagoon said:

    So the job I was interviewed for rejected me. They said I had all the skills they were looking for but I didn’t have the personality they wanted?? 


    It could just be me, but that seems like a crappy reason. You don’t get to know someone or their personality in half an hour 

    What job was it? I think if it's a retail job, they often say they want someone "outgoing and extroverted" because they're usually seen as better at talking to customers. I'm not sure if you're outgoing/extroverted but if not, you might have better luck looking for something that doesn't require you to talk too much; not because I think introverts are objectively incompetent at that kind of thing but because the employer would be less likely to care about it. Otherwise, I'm not too sure why they'd reject you because that seems to be the only personality trait a lot of places really care about 😕


    Anyways, I agree with you wholeheartedly. The problem with education/employment is that they only really care how good you are at a specific time with no regard to your intelligence/personality in any other aspect because nerves totally aren't a thing, no siree. *hugs*

  5. My college let me on to the second year of my A-levels despite my pitifully low grades but told me that if I don't improve by October, they'll kick me out. By "improve", I mean write about twice as much in my class essays which for some reason is practically impossible for me. I don't know what it is but no matter how hard I try, I always fail in that regard. I think it's because I'm just not into writing essays unless it's something I'm extremely passionate about and if my heart's not in it, I'm not going to perform well (not to mention they always tell me to write slowly because of my poor handwriting). What is it about that that the education system don't understand? If someone doesn't like it, they ain't gonna do well and we should stop "pushing" them to do well in their subjects (most of which are pointless) and start "encouraging" them to do the things they like and give them a broader subject range from an earlier age. A very cynical part of me hopes they'll kick me out because I just don't want to do it anymore, especially media because that involves doing creative projects by a deadline and sharing them with people which just makes me anxious as fuck.


    I'm going to try because I wouldn't feel right if I didn't but I almost want to fail. Getting up before 8am doesn't help either because I have insomnia during the night and it just makes me feel like a ragdoll until I can get home and nap for a few hours. I think the only reason I don't just drop out, get a job that suits me and return to my education when I feel a bit more motivated is because I know my family will be disappointed in me if I do that. I know my brother dropped out but his reason was that his course wasn't actually teaching him anything he didn't already know, not "I don't fucking like it". I also know it's technically my choice and I'm normally quite confident when it comes to doing the things I want if I have the option but I just feel kinda restricted right now.


    My only real motivation to carry on is knowing that the only reason I got held back a year in high school and have had to drag myself through this slog for a year more than I'd like is that my mother took me out of education for a year when I was fifteen so I guess it's largely not my fault (I'd also wager that my terrible sleeping patterns back then are what brought on my insomnia to this day). My grandma even told me today that if she were me, she'd "fuckin' do it just to spite the bitch" (in those exact words, love you grandma x) but is that really right? Like dgmw that was a kick-ass thing to say but would it really be right for me to do something I don't want to do just to spite someone who'll never know about it anyways? I really would like to prove my mother wrong because she thought I was the biggest idiot on the planet but I'm never going to see her again - hell, she doesn't know I'm even at college - so what's even the point? Godfuckit.

  6. 4 minutes ago, ghost said:

    That'd be pretty lame. I don't think anyone should ever leave someone for lack of sex if they really love them, but I can also understand that sex is a really important part of a relationship. And if watching porn together is also a part of that for some people, as long as both people are comfortable with it I don't see any issues with it. Although, porn in itself is an unnatural thing. Whatever the circumstances of the relationship are though, I think communication is key.


    I can see your point on illustrating different relationship scenarios, but I don't think it's as simple as that. I'm not so sure that it's really possible to separate romance and sex because both compliment the other, and one will (most likely) lead to the other. It's one thing for people to agree on certain terms and another to be able to emotionally detach yourself from it (i'm talking more about the friends with benefits situation). Humans are relational creatures and we grow closer through spending time together and physical interactions. People can do it, sure, but it's a dangerous game to play.

    Long post incoming:




    My point is that... well, is sex really that important in a relationship? If you ask me, I'd say it's why people experience more and more unfair pressure to have sex as they get older. You're a kid and you're taught sex is dirty. You're in your early teens and you're taught in school that sex is good as long as you're both safe/consenting but that it's dirty by every other institution. You get to eighteen, and boom, you're suddenly taught that it's everything and that you need to have it because at your age, you should be getting out and broadening your horizons and magically becoming surrounded by people you're physically/emotionally attracted to and becoming extroverted because introversion is the devil and will turn your brain to mush and give you square eyes and you should ultimately be having sex because it's integral to love.


    I think that if we stop placing so much importance on sex in relationships, people would stop feeling so pressured to have it everywhere they go. Hell, if you wanted an example, I'm a shining one. I'll be nineteen in four days (technically as it's gone midnight lol) and sometimes, I feel fucking worthless because I'm inexperienced and I just know that, no matter how badly I might want it in my head, I'm shy about opening up to people and that if I get with someone, they're probably going to leave me because I'm much slower to reveal the more private sides of me (both physically and emotionally) and if I were to do that, I'd have to consider it logically beforehand. I'm the sort of person whose emotions have to go through my head before I can really feel them in my heart and I suffer for it because people like me who share that process are often seen as closed-off and not worth wasting time on.


    You're right that the two often lead to each other and I'm not saying they're mutually exclusive. I also understand that it's naive to assume that, on a broad scale, people don't put the two together as if they were the same thing. I just think maybe we need to separate them more at their core. I don't mean we should exclude them from each other; more that I think we should stop spreading this view that they have this kind of symbiosis because I know how badly it can affect more insecure people who don't see the two as having to exist alongside each other.


    TLDR: If people want love but are afraid of opening up/having sex, we shouldn't be teaching them that sex is super important in a relationship because it can be very emotionally damaging to them.


    Again, I hope I'm not coming off as too rambly/judgemental.



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