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Posts posted by Gesu

  1. I had a fucking nightmare last night. First one I've had in ages, but it didn't feel like a nightmare when I woke up. I can usually distinguish a dream from a nightmare not from the contents of the dream itself, but from how I feel afterwards. After a nightmare, I usually feel super disoriented, like I don't know if it's PM or AM. Anyways, I have a leaky ceiling in my flat IRL, probably because of a burst pipe (I'mma get it looked at tomorrow). Anyways, in my dream, the water became really, really infectious very quickly and spread to my entire flat. The walls were just covered in this weird, papery brown mould. Now, here's the really weird part; my eyebrows... turned scaly. Like a snake. And I'm pretty sure I had some other horrible illnesses besides that, but I don't quite remember. I was just so scared and I couldn't wake up quickly enough. I think it was a sign that I really need to get that leak looked at (not that it's been there for very long... a week, maybe? And I only noticed it a couple days ago).

  2. I Do Not Like Green Eggs And Ham (poem by Gesu and Talk To Transformer)


    I do not like green eggs and ham. I feel guilty about it every day.

    I used to like chocolate chip pancakes and I would eat them all day. Then the whole thing went downhill. I felt sad. There was no real satisfaction there.

    It has taken many years but my mom and I came back to my home and discovered how to make these awesome scrambled eggs. They're packed with protein and fiber. The best part is that the eggs are made without eggs in them. It's a wonderful healthy addition.

    Chocolate Chip Croissant Eggs

    Makes about 2 dozen

  3. I don't think I'll ever have a best friend again. Not that that's necessarily a bad thing; just a thought I've been having. I've had a few people tell me I'm motherly, and I think anyone who's even slightly younger than me who gets close enough to me realises this eventually because they start acting like they're my children, so I have to push them away before it gets to the point where I start paying for their dinner almost every day (which has actually happened before). If I do get a best friend again, that'll be great, but it's not a goal of mine and if it happens, it'll take a long time. I really have to be careful about who I let get that close to me again because I end up being treated like a nodding dog who just has to go along with everything. Truth be told, I haven't spoken with the girl I called my best friend in about a month or more and I just feel so much better for it. It's not that I hate her; she was just... taking over my life, somewhat. I'm an introvert who needs space from people, and I wasn't getting that from her. I don't know if anyone gets that from a best friend. I dunno, maybe I'm just unsociable, but I'm happy that way. Perhaps I'm happier than I should be that way, but it works for me. Dgmw, I'm not a hermit, and I can see friends and family for a day or two each week and not feel overwhelmed. I just feel very comfortable in my own company and I need to know that, no matter how many people I meet and interact with, I can always return to my own space without having to think about anything daunting.

  4. 1 minute ago, ShTon said:

    Gonna drop another Moran's video here (For Barairo no jigoku). I love aquatic theme of this one.

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    Ohhhh, yeeeeaaaahhhh. Probably my favourite song by them! It's just so jazzy and sultry. Also, they look amazing! I have a huge thing for feathery hats and this is probably my favourite of ma boi Sizna's looks. 🐙

  5. @CAT5 Thanks for replying, that was a really interesting and insightful read. I've actually been learning about family structures as part of my sociology A-level for the past year so I already knew about the insane amounts of single-parent black families, but I never really knew why. I didn't know it was because casual sex was so idolised in the community. Actually, it made me think of something.


    So, I'm from an all-white family. I'm not gonna go into gross amounts of detail, but long story short, my dad died when I was a kid and my mum started "dating" again just so she could get off. She even told me that she just saw a partner as a friend you have sex with and that if I ever dated someone and didn't have sex with him soon, he would leave me and she wouldn't sympathise with me. She was one of those people. Brought up all sorts of questions... did she ever really love my dad? Probably. She was with him for seventeen years and she squeezed out two of his kids. Although, her saying that and acting the way she did does still make me wonder what she felt when she was with him, and if it really was love. I guess it doesn't really bear thinking about because I'll never find out and there's nothing I can do to change the past, and even if there was... would I? I don't know.


    Anyways, my point is, you're right that people are willing to put themselves first to an extreme and unhealthy extent when they prioritise sex over love. Honestly, it makes me worry about the future and what's gonna happen to me because... ehehe...



    I have been very sexually frustrated for a while now. I don't even think I want a romantic relationship because I don't think about that as much I used to. Dgmw, I don't think I'm incapable of falling in love and I would want to be with someone for as long as possible if I did, but it's not as much of a priority as... the other thing. It's kinda difficult for me to talk about because I'm inexperienced (eighteen years old and never even been kissed) and I guess I didn't exactly have the best mentor growing up - that, and I'm pretty bashful anyways - but I really have to say something now because it's driving me crazy. It's not like I've never had the opportunity because people have asked to kiss me and whatnot, but I just wasn't attracted to them enough, so at least I know I'm not desperate. It goes the other way around, too; I've been attracted to people and even had feelings, but they didn't reciprocate them. Idk, sorry if this is a bit awkward and venty. It's just been festering in my mind for a year or more now and I needed to say something. I don't think it's often I say or do this kind of thing, but I guess once in a while is fine.


  6. 1 hour ago, monkeybanana4 said:

    Moran -  紅差し (Benisashi)

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    Seconded ❤️


    Carrying on the Moran love, I'll go with Haru No Yoru No Hitoshizuku (it's beautiful, makes me think it could be a heart-warming animated short) and L'oiseau Bleu (because Hitomi is just such a good dancer!).


    Haru No Yoru No Hitoshizuku


    L'oiseau Bleu



    I've also gotta hand it to DIV for their super-cute Taste Of Life video...




    ...and UNiTE for their super-awesome Ice video!




  7. 1 minute ago, yomii said:

    i actually find pretty toxic the same never ending discussions here of how shitty certain bandmen/fandoms/fans are

    like its not even a year since ive been an active member lol

    Especially considering the foundations for most of these discussions/opinions. I mentioned in another thread that a lot of people's definitions of "shitty person" seem to be "bcuz rumourz".

  8. 4 minutes ago, Triangle said:

    I tried Tinder in Japan and my favorite conversation was with a man who was trying to plan a whole date for us, but then he ended with "going to a love hotel". I refused to meet up and his reply was "Oh are you a lesbian?".

    What an egomaniac! "You won't sleep with me so you must be a lesbian". Oof. Ah, well, makes for interesting conversation X)

  9. 42 minutes ago, CAT5 said:


    Bruh, Imma keep it real with you. Cuz most ppl simply ain't gonna tell you this shit. You feel guilty for a reason. That girl developed feelings for a reason. You're not oversensitive. And there's nothing wrong with you. If anything, you're just sensible.


    Fuck what this world tries to tell you about having "friends with benefits" and "casual" sex. You know why that girl developed feelings? Cuz ain't shit casual about having a WHOLE 'nother human being inside of you! Fuckin' a chick and expecting her not to catch feelings is like putting your hand in a fire and expecting not to get burnt. It's that inane.


    Bruh, i mean...sex is a POWERFUL force - it's literally the reason why we're all even here in the first place. It's THAT central to our very existence...and depending on how you approach it, it can either be destructive or regenerative....functional or dysfunctional...good or bad.


    And from what I can tell, when you take something as foundational and deeply ingrained in our existence as sex and try to detach it from emotion, from love, from responsibility, from respect, from family, from children....and you basically turn it into a cheap drug, well then...you're practically inviting dysfunction at that point.


    Now obviously, I would not presume to give you advice on this issue, and you have the free will to do whatever you want, but do keep in mind that freedom of choice does not equal freedom from consequences, and your own experience testifies to that.


    But anyways, bruh...don't get down about that shit. If you can, just learn from it and keep it movin'. I hope all goes well for you from here on out! 


    That's really interesting. If that's the case, I'm kinda curious as to how so many people separate love and lust. I've known a fair few people who have managed to fuck around with people without falling in love. Obviously, you have to trust them a lot to have sex with them - like, a whole hell of a lot - but a decent amount of people have managed to not fall in love afterwards.

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