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Posts posted by Gesu

  1. 6 hours ago, Shmilly said:

    How about GACKT? Old solo stuff and MM work sounds much more raw and emotional than a lot of his recent stuff, where it seems like he's sacrificing some of that in an effort to producing clean recordings. I also suspect his voice has changed along with the facial surgery we all know he had done, and possibly just a result of aging too.

    Was thinking this! Idk why I didn't say it, actually. He had more passion in his voice and he seemed to care more about what he was doing... it's a shame he changed, really.

  2. Found out earlier today that I'm back at college on September 2nd after the end of the last term... the day before my fucking birthday. I've never been at school/college on my birthday before! The closest I've ever come to that was the induction week last year (as in the start of this academic year), which started on my birthday. I am so pissed. I just hope I have Tuesdays off so I don't have to be in. 😠

  3. 1 minute ago, psychonnect_rozen said:

    Yeah,  I hate people who shit on fandoms and just stereotype them. Things like “The entire fanbase of this band is just a bunch of teenage girls” piss me off. A lot of the bands “for teen girls” that I listen to are full of male fans. 


    I think that it’s just stupid to generalize a fanbase 

    As an eighteen-year-old girl, I wish people would stop with that, too. Hell, even if I was a seventy-six-year-old man, I still wouldn't like it.

  4. 10 hours ago, suji said:

    Tsuzuku's voice is just like nails on a chalkboard and screams like Donald Duck, there I said it

    I don't know how, but somehow, I think he made this work. Maybe it's because the instrumentals were so good, or perhaps it's because they were just very unique/easily recognisable, or it could be both, but I quite liked them. At the very least, they stood out.

    10 hours ago, suji said:

    plus their fandom is basically filled with 14 yr old transtrender kpop stans

    As for this, I see this kinda thing quite a lot and I really think the stigma directed towards Meji because of their fandom is entirely undeserved. Just because people you don't like happen to be into sth, that doesn't mean you have to hate that thing just to spite them and it really rubs me the wrong way when I see this. I would hate to be the creator of a passion project I poured my heart and soul into only to see it boycotted purely because I happened to have a few dickheads following me.


    Sorry if this comes off as shitting on your post, @suji >.< I didn't mean it like that. I love ya really.



    Anyways @YuyoDrift what do you think about all this


  5. On 3/14/2019 at 10:44 PM, Gesu said:

    Vocalist: Juri (ex-DELUHI)

    Guitarist: Leda (also ex-DELUHI)

    Bassist: Masashi (Versailles)

    Drummer: Soan (ex-Moran)


    Now, if only these four could all form a band...

    Can't believe I said Leda instead of Sizna. I always loved Sizna, ever since I discovered him years ago, but I admittedly didn't realise until pretty recently that I preferred him to Leda. Now I can't get that fucker out of my goddamn mind.


    You know what, I've said it twice before and I'll say it again: #SiznaComeBackWeMissYou

  6. Is it strange that I've never had my ears pierced? Literally every - and I mean every - woman I've ever known has, no exceptions. I haven't because a) my hair always covers my ears so it'd be kinda pointless, and b) I'm a total wuss when it comes to physical pain. Is that weird? It probably is for some reason, but I feel like it shouldn't be.

  7. 2 minutes ago, psychonnect_rozen said:

    Nope! Just looked it up. It did exist and they probably smelt wonderful 



    Ayy, that's the one! I think Yuki's sounds interesting... that, and he's probably my favourite member if I had to choose one because he's the funniest X) anyways, idk what BPT stands for, but I like to think it means "Beautiful Prince Teru".

  8. 5 hours ago, plastic_rainbow said:

    is it weird that i go to my instructor's office almost every week just to hangout? 😅

    also, he's like the only friend that i've made at art uni so far lol, my classmates are just kinda casual friends in general

    I love having a teacher "best friend". At high school it was my English teacher and at college it's my psychology teacher.

  9. Japanese fans get hate too, but for different reasons. There's a lot of elitism in the west about who's a "real" fan and who ain't which leads to a lot of silly arguments that make us all look bad, whereas in Japan, it tends to be more about "hE's MiNe AnD hE cAn'T gEt MaRrIeD bEcAuSe I sAiD sO rEeEeE". Granted, that does happen sometimes in the west too, but to a much lesser extent. You're right about following the rules, and that is one of the other big reasons western fans get hate.

  10. Last night, I dreamt that I was taking a psychology exam (I took my second sociology exam this morning and I've already taken two for psych) and for the entire exam, I was worried that I was sat in the wrong seat (there are usually cards with our names on them on the tables, but in the dream, we were all assigned a number before the exam and we had to sit at whichever desk had our number. Mine was 600) and I couldn't concentrate at all but then it turned out I got everything 100% right. Mayhaps this is a good omen?

  11. There's so much I want to do with my life and sometimes I worry about not being able to do it all. My main goal for the future is to become a paediatric therapist, but I'd also like to try becoming a singer, learning an instrument (probably violin), making beauty products, developing video games, improving my art, writing stories, learning Japanese and French so I can go to Japan and France... and many more things, but I couldn't possibly say what they all are as that list is constantly expanding and there's too much to recall off the top of my head. Being a procrastinator doesn't help much.

  12. I think that whole "standing out" thing really depends on the kind of people you're trying to get. The kind of guys I like tend to be shy to the point of being intimidated by that. I'm pretty shy around new people myself, and personally, I would much prefer it if someone went up to me and said "hello" instead of "what did you eat for breakfast this morning" or something along those lines. Granted, I get that just a simple greeting might come off as bland to most, but if they're not expecting it, it could actually be the best way to go about it, provided you have something to follow up with and gradually build it up.

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