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Posts posted by Gesu

  1. 1 minute ago, nullmoon said:

    Agreed =.= None of the girls are my type at all. There are few alt girls on there, and the ones who are aren't attractive 😢

    It sucks being picky, don't it? I can hardly ever find a cute shy guy who's my type and when I do, it never works because they always find me strangely intimidating. I think it's because I force myself to make the first move but never actually say anything so I'm just kinda lingering?

  2. 1 minute ago, Euronymous said:

    I dont like the thought that I could be just "using" someone and the other using me as well, each person has a value.But deep inside I'm not even sure if i wanna be in a serious relationship.I mean,my body has it's desires,but that's all. When I see a nice couple walking together on the streets i feel like I need that in my life too,but in other hand I don't want the "responsibilities" that comes along...It's complicated.

    Bruh are you me


  3. It was in 2013, I think. I was twelve, so either late 2012 or early-mid 2013. I wanna say early 2013? Anyways, it was Versailles. I was just looking for Japanese rock music because I thought it might appeal to me for whatever reason, so I just Googled it and they were one of the first bands to come up. I think the first song I heard by them was Serenade, and then I think The Revenant Choir was the second song.

  4. 1 minute ago, Bear said:

    If you get embarrassed by seeing a relative on the app, then you're simply incredibly immature.

    Or maybe you're afraid they'll find you because you don't want your relatives to know you're looking for a shag. With all due respect, I think the fact that you admitted to being hostile says a lot more about you than it does about anyone else.

  5. 46 minutes ago, Euronymous said:

    Furthermore, it's kinda amusing this "type" thing,cuz every fuckin girl that wanted to "take me" wasn't my "type" and all the girls I wanted didn't give a shit about me. Lol

    Oof, I feel ya there, buddy. I seem to attract very confident, almost "in-your-face" types of guys when I'd rather have someone who was a little more subtle and... withdrawn? That's probably not the best word to describe it, but I like someone who takes the time to get to know me before trying to flirt with me, because even if they're super hot, how can I actually know I like the person if I know nowt about 'em? Even if we were just looking for... that, and not a relationship, I still wouldn't wanna do it with someone who was horrible. It's really annoying being attracted to shy guys, though, because I'm quite shy myself. People tell me they think I'm confident, and I guess in many ways I am, but I'm also an introvert who embarrasses easily and cowers at the thought of talking to new people unprovoked, especially hot new people who seem my type. Two shy people trying to interact when they don't yet know each other? Doesn't often work out very well, unfortunately. No-one ends up saying a thing to each other and one of them usually ends up leaving because they feel intimidated. :(

  6. Just now, Bear said:


    It really isn't embarrassing tbh. At least not for adults.


    What's your age, if you don't mind me asking?

    Eh, I'm an adult and I'd get pretty embarrassed by it. That being said, I get embarrassed quite easily anyways. Granted, I am only just an adult (eighteen), but still. I'm a lot more bashful than most people my age.

  7. 5 minutes ago, Bear said:

    And how is that a problem? Then just dislike her.


    What if he goes out to get laid or just find a girl to take to in a club or bar and suddenly sees her sister in the same club? Because that's basically the same shit, and unless you're a bit of a freak and perverts there should be no problems. You just don't hit on your sister. Problem solved. Same with tinder. You just dislike your sisters profile and continue looking for whatever you look for.



    The state of human beings in 2019, man.

    I think the fear comes from the fact that if you can find them, they can find you. No-one wants to be found by their relatives on some hook-up site. That's just embarrassing.

  8. 1 minute ago, Bear said:

    How is that even possible, unless you actually want to fuck your own sister/brother? Like, you can see who the fuck you like and not. It's not even possible to match with someone you know unless you want to match with that person.

    Maybe he worded it wrong? I think he meant she came up on his Tinder.

  9. 1 minute ago, nullmoon said:

    I just joined Tinder. I hate it. That is all. 

    I tried it once, but I never met up with anyone and hid my profile within about an hour because:

    1. None of the guys looked to be my type.

    2. There was this annoying habit of people setting pictures of them with their friends as their profile pics (how do I know which one's them? And have they ever considered that maybe their friends don't want to be on their Tinder profile? -_-).

    3. I've heard too many horror stories about people matching with their relatives.

  10. Not last night, but just now during my nap, I dreamt that there was this bright red bug in my flat. It wasn't huge, but it was bigger than most bugs I've encountered. Now, I don't like insects at the best of times, but as I mentioned, this one was bright red and considerably large, so I grabbed a dish towel and tried to hit it, but it seemed pretty resilient and kept jumping around (it moved like a flea but looked more like a big red roach). As I kept trying to hit it, I noticed that its face had morphed into this alien-like thing... it looked like ET. That scared the shite out of me, so I was just trying over and over again to kill this bastard, but it developed human facial expressions and sneered at me to taunt me. It cornered me (luckily against my door so I could have run out), but I didn't see what happened next as I just heard myself thinking "wake up, wake up, wake up". That was weird, but I'm glad my brain decided to wake me up at that point. I fucking hate insects!



  11. 16 minutes ago, frayed said:

    Mejibray fans can be obsessive and grating.

    I've considered leaving the VK fandom from time to time, but I've been talked out of it because it shouldn't be the loony fans who influence your tastes. Looking back, the people who talked me out were absolutely right. Idk, I guess it just doesn't sit right with me when people give up on something they love just because they don't like the other people who do. I'm not blaming them; I just wish it didn't happen. I've found this to be the case with Meji fans a lot, so I just thought like putting this.

  12. Just now, psychonnect_rozen said:

    I like Kamijo. Probably one of my fav J-Rock artists. I’ve only listened to Lareine and Versailles. What’s his solo like?

    It's got that same kind of neoclassical power metal influence you'd expect from him. I think his solo music is generally a bit faster and grandiose than his other stuff (if that's even possible), but there are some exceptions like Trésor, for example.

  13. I'm not sure on people's opinions about KAMIJO's solo career, but I've heard a few people say they find him annoying as a person, whereas I like him/his solo career. I think his songs sound like boss fight music, which is A-Okay with me. I was actually gonna go see him in September last year, but I missed out cuz I fell out with the person I was gonna go with. I'm still fuming over that.

  14. 4 hours ago, saiko said:

    Thus said, seriously, I think the main reason why VK bandoman usually don't go all the way telling their bangya they are actually married is, aside from the specificities of Japanese artist mangaments, because they are actually non-straight in most cases.

    I mean, it's possible. Maybe, maybe not. It's a thought, ain't it?

  15. 4 hours ago, yomii said:

     i'm curious what's happening and if it's a sign of certain changes in the scene. what happened with takemasa doesn't happen too often, and there are many bandmen who keep their secrets without getting into trouble, wouldn't it be safer to just keep everything in secret as usual?

    I think the point is that they shouldn't have to keep these things secret if they don't want to. Of course, if they do want to, then they should have the right to privacy, but I think they should have the choice of announcing their relationship statuses if they so desire. It's sad that they have to keep this to themselves when they'd rather not.


    Anyways, congrats to him~! I hope he and his wife have a wonderful marriage ^_^

  16. 3 minutes ago, CAT5 said:

    This has become a major life goal for me! I could imagine nothing more beautiful, noble, and rewarding than marrying, starting, maintaining, and nourishing a family. Kids are wonderful and they're a blessing to be sure - you can learn a lot from them. I look forward to both the challenge and the privilege of hoisting that level of responsibility onto my shoulders, and I'm excited to see the man that I'll grow to be through it.

    Dude, you're so nice. :hug:

  17. 2 minutes ago, psychonnect_rozen said:

    Just listened to the first song. That was awesome! I love the guitars and Hitomi's (had to look up his name) vocals! Going to listen to their albums now. Are any of them still active?

    Hitomi has a solo project under the name Umiyuri, Vivi (other guitarist with blond hair) is now in DEZERT under the name Miyako, Ivy (bassist) is in a band called LACK-CO, Soan (drummer) has a solo project called Soan Project, Loki (singer of Sugar) is in a band called More and I don't think Shingo (Sugar's bassist) and Atsuto (Sugar's drummer) are doing anything, but I could be wrong on some of that. I think that's all right, though.

  18. On 5/16/2019 at 2:08 AM, psychonnect_rozen said:

    Never heard of him? Is he a solo artist or was he part of a band?

    He was in Sugar and Moran~ ^_^ he was their guitarist and he's probably my favourite musician. He's insanely talented, and I still stand by my statement a while back when I said I'd sell my soul to him to teach me how to play if I weren't so damn tiny (I can't hold a guitar without it being cumbersome >.<).


    @monkeybanana4 Thanks, haha :P I guess I could recommend some of his best songs for guitar, although it's difficult to choose, really. If I had to pick...




    My opinion will probably change later on and I might think of some different songs, but there ya go. Also, I remember saying both bands had jazz influences. These aren't their jazziest songs, but they're still equally fantastic. There was just something about them that was... different, somehow.


    (Btw, Mousou Nikki is a cover of a song by Sid.)


    Haa, sorry for the long post! I get very enthusiastic when talking about Sizna, Sugar and Moran.

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