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Posts posted by Gesu

  1. Saw this thread months ago and didn't say owt, but I'm going to now because better late than never, eh?

    I discovered VK/J-rock when I was about twelve and this forum when I was about sixteen, but I didn't create an account until October last year because fsr, the CAPTCHA wasn't working when I first tried 😕 but ah, well! I'm here now.

    I'mma be honest; I give four fifths of fuck all about the rumours. I don't like gossip at the best of times, and some of the drama we get in this fandom is about as tumultuous as it gets, and personally, I could really do without all that. Still, I love the scene for the music, creativity and passion, and MH is just about the least vitriolic community I've discovered. After dabbling on Tumblr a year or two ago, I refuse to go back there - *shudder* - and the other communities just don't allow for interesting discussion/communication with other members, nor do they give me the latest info in a good enough format for my liking. Put simply, MH is the best community for sane people and good info, which is refreshing for me. I think I've visited this site every day since joining, so it's doing something right!

    Anyways, happy (belated) ten-year anniversary to MH! Without this site, I would be much less involved in the community, I would never find out anything new and my passion for the scene would dwindle, so here's to many more years!

    BTW, I have a question. Just out of curiosity, is there a reason so many people joined on September 3rd, 2010? I know that's not when TW became MH because @Ito said that happened in 2011. That just stuck out to me because September 3rd, 2010 happens to have been my tenth birthday X)

  2. My media teacher was talking about Harry Potter during a lesson about a month or so ago and she said "catch the snatch" instead of "catch the snitch" and we had to stop the lesson for a few minutes because me and a couple other students just couldn't stop laughing and I think one of them nearly started crying and I still think about that sometimes

  3. 1 minute ago, lichtlune said:

    I will just say that people aren't always looking for you to give them advice when they have problems. Sometimes people just need to vent out a bit. Not even a shoulder to cry on per-se. Don't always feel like you need to always give someone a solution to their problems. 

    That's what gets me, though. People expecting me to just sit there and listen while they're not prepared to listen to me. I know now that I shouldn't always try to help everyone, because I can't, but I have to say something even if it's not advice but I don't know how to do that. I guess I'm just awkward in these situations.

  4. 10 hours ago, ゼロ(*´з`) said:

    ah... aggy's was sad. he kept shaking and sighing, it made my heart break. basically talked about how he disliked visual kei, had complexes towards leda, and wanted to quit music but couldn't find how.

    My heart hurts

  5. Lately, I've been thinking about how uncompassionate I must seem to people who come to me with problems. I believe I said this before in a status update, but whenever someone tells me something bad that's going on in their life and they feel the need to vent about it (by which I mean something that's really affecting them, not just your average "I woke up late", "I got splashed by a bus", etc), I'll either give them cold, hard advice or direct them to someone who can if I don't have the answer. I can't just hold someone and tell them it's going to be okay. I can't be that shoulder to cry on when it all goes wrong. I can't tell people that everything's going to be okay because all I can think of is that it might not be. I think the worst part about it all is that I always tell people they can come and talk to me, and they do because I'm apparently an easy enough person to talk to, but whenever they do, they never like what I have to say because I think they see me as a bit too forthright when they'd rather have someone just smile and comfort them. I just disappoint them. People here have told me that I'm a good person and that it's not my fault, but that's only because they've never come straight to me with an issue before. I've begun to think that the problem really is with me because it's happened too many times to just be a coincidence, but I don't want to change the way I deal with things because I'm only doing what I'd want someone to do for me.


    Also, I think it's worth noting that I have actually fallen out with a few people because of this. I told them I couldn't keep seeing them anymore if they were just going to say the same things over and over again without giving my ideas a chance, and that they were getting me down, and when I said that, they just got really upset and I heard from the person who was relaying our messages to each other that those people were considering hurting themselves. At the time, I thought they were just being clingy and blackmailing, but I'm beginning to think maybe I'm the one who fucked up. I don't like people becoming too dependent on me because... well, what if something happened to me? As unlikely as it may be, I could die tomorrow and I wouldn't like to think that that would be the end for everyone who ever trusted me, but... maybe I should just let them depend on me? Aren't friends supposed to do that, and to get upset when someone leaves them for whatever reason? Maybe I'm just too cold-hearted to gauge that. I suppose I haven't exactly proven to be the most understanding person in the world.


    Haa, I vent quite a bit meself in this forum, so mayhaps I'm just a hypocrite. It's few and far between, but still. Anyways, what do you guys think?

  6. 1 minute ago, yomii said:

    once my grandpa saw a centipede, chopped it in half with an actual axe

    and these two halves just ran away in opposite directions like nothing happened....

    Damn, that's disturbing! I'm now thinking of when I was seven and I saw a centipede crawl out from between the sofa cushions so my dad got rid of it... but that's not nearly as creepy as two halves of the same animal walking in opposite directions. Sounds like something from a horror movie! I thought it was only worms that did that. 😕

  7. Is it just me who gets really creeped out by brains? I looked up if there's a specific phobia of brains, but it doesn't look like there is. I also have a phobia of wasps, other nasty insects (not stuff like flies, they're too predictable for me to be afraid of them) and outer space. Also, I've never found clowns scary. In fact, I think they're very cute (not in that way) and people think I'm strange for that.

  8. 1 minute ago, yomii said:

    bands with the similar looks

    You mean bands who look like every other band, or bands with similar-looking members? Cuz after reading your comment, I admit that the dude on the far left and the one second from right look almost like they're copying each other. Let's hope they don't disappoint.

  9. I went to the Norwich Anime/Gaming Con in November last year, and it was awesome! I don't really watch anime anymore, but I've been a gamer ever since I was about four and I love the anime art style, plus I play anime games/visual novels and the like, so I thought why not? I went there, bought some stuff, talked to a few cosplayers, watched a girl in a really impressive Levi crossplay dancing her arse off onstage (she rightfully won the dance-off), then caught up with my friend who gave me a lift home so I didn't have to pay for a taxi back. Everyone was just so cool and friendly ^_^the only part about it I disliked was the fact that my day-to-day life is never really like that... I felt more confident there, y'know? Like I could just talk to people really easily. Ah, well, it was fun while it lasted. Besides, I live in the arse-end of England (we call Norwich the "arse-end" because it looks kind of like the UK's arse), so occurrences like these are fairly rare. Gotta just take the opportunity while it's there :3

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