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Posts posted by Gesu

  1. 1 hour ago, nomemorial said:

    Last night I had a dream that I went to church camp and ran into by David Bowie who was flanked by a troupe of church girl groupies. I expressed my shock that it was really him, at which point he nodded and shook my hand before asking if I'd "like to dock my ship in the command bay." I do not know what he meant by this, but it sounds like innuendo and dream me thought so as well. I made a face and before I could further question his meaning he tried to sell me a stack of bootleg CDs and a tray of IKEA meatballs.


    Lunesta's a hell of a drug.

    And I thought my dreams were wacky! That's amazing, I wish I'd dreamt that.

  2. Last night, I dreamt that MiA got his own solo career and started releasing some singles. There was a guy on MH who would prowl the news forum for his new releases, and whenever he found one, he would post a very cartoony drawing (presumably done in MS Paint) of MiA being strangled by an anthropomorphic blackbird in the comments. When he released a full album, the guy actually wrote a song of his own to go with an animation video he made. I don't remember exactly what was in said video, but I do remember me nearly getting hit by a biplane being piloted by my IRL friend who's obsessed with the 1920s (because for whatever reason, this guy knew who we were and included us in the video), MiA making out with Tsuzuku and finally, MiA hugging Maria Cross after Tsuzuku broke his heart.

  3. 10 minutes ago, chipathy said:

    Smashed my toe into a wall accidentally months ago and it's just gotten worse in the previous few days so I'm finally going to the docs, not to get graphic or gross but is there really anything they can do besides just removing my nail, not looking forward to this lol

    Good luck! Hope all goes well for you.

  4. I actually read this entire article about... I wanna say two years ago? Anyways, for anyone who didn't read the whole thing, the author basically talks about how this girl was so into VK that she couldn't actually live a functional life. Like, she was losing sleep, refusing to socialise, physically injuring herself... which just goes to show that the worst part of any fandom is the fan. VK isn't the problem; it's fucking weirdos like these who can't even juggle basic human reasoning skills with something that's just meant to be a hobby. The woman in this article is insane. If I were her friend, I would rehabilitate her before she killed herself, intentionally or accidentally.


    Absolutely disgraceful. Makes the whole fandom look like a bunch of meth-heads. My heart goes out to her if she's accepted help for this, because let's be real - she clearly has some sort of mental disorder - but if she's really embracing this and trying to make this emblematic of the entire scene, then I'm just appalled. I know this pretty strongly-worded, but someone had to say it.


    Also, before anyone tries to correct me on this, I know that this kind of thing does happen sometimes, but what scene doesn't have its psychopaths? I just hate it when people try to lump us all together like this. This is why people get shy about being into things like VK/J-rock.

  5. For me, it's Zero Time Dilemma from the Zero Escape series. As per usual with Spike Chunsoft, the concept was fantastic; three people each in three separate wards who are not allowed to directly communicate with each other outside of their respective wards have to escape using X-Passes that can only be obtained after someone dies. Sign me up! Not to mention the character designs were great in that you could tell what they'd be about just by looking at them, which is always good in character design. For example, Akane was sweet and feminine. Mira was the sexy bad girl. Phi was sharp. So, you're probably wondering what the hell ruined this for me. A compelling plotline and a fairly small yet diverse and interesting cast? What could possibly go wrong?

    Well... I lied a little. The cast really weren't all that interesting for me. The character designer clearly knew what they were doing, but the writer did not. I just felt like the delivery of all their lines/actions was very flat, and how I confirmed this was by taking some lines from some of the characters and giving them to another and I found it had exactly the same effect. They just felt copy-pasted with a few variations here and there, and it really ruined the experience for me. The characters are important, after all! Anyways, what do you think had wasted potential? It could be a video game, anime, TV series, book, music artist, whatever.

  6. 15 hours ago, karai · ebi said:

    At this point, I don't know whether I should be flattered or insulted to be asked if I'm over 18.

    If it makes you feel any better, I'm eighteen and the average guess for my age is fourteen. The lowest I still get is twelve and the highest is around sixteen. My family are all blessed with youthful good looks on my mother's side and my father's side, but it looks like I got the unpleasant extreme where I just look like a kid. Being under five feet tall doesn't help it much, either. 😕

  7. I've been playing the Strange Men series by Uri. I finished The Crooked Man yesterday, and I'm now on The Sand Man. After that will be The Boogie Man, and finally, The Hanged Man.

    Also, I play Tetris with a song on loop in the background sometimes when I'm bored. I've been playing it since I was four, so if I was ever confident that I could whoop someone at one thing, it'd be that, lol.

  8. Me again, because I always have the weirdest fucking dreams.

    Last night, I dreamt that the entire southern hemisphere of the world got nuked, spreading a deadly toxin to the north that only infected me for some reason. Thanks for that :) anyways, with only two days to live, I asked a friend of mine who had already died and been revived fifteen times (not in real life, and in real life, this guy's a total liar anyways) to tell me what it was like to die so I could mentally prepare, but right before he told me, my alarm woke me up. I've always wanted to know the answer to that question! The odds really were against me in that dream. 😕

  9. 20 minutes ago, chocobuzz said:

    I once made a "who is your vk boyfriend" quiz on some quiz site. Also I didn't include any of my own favorite band members in the quiz because I didn't want anyone else to get them as their "boyfriends" lol.

    That reminds me; when I was about sixteen, I made one of those cootie-catcher fortune teller things that would tell you who your VK boyfriend was, and I kept bothering my straight male friends with it. If I remember rightly, the ones I picked for it were Juri (ex-DELUHI/Breakin' Holiday), Reita (the GazettE), Hitomi (ex-Moran), Chisa (ex-DIV/ACME), Shiina Mio (UNiTE), Kamijo (Versailles), Lay (Fatima) and Gackt. I could be totally wrong with some of those. I'm beginning to wonder if I still have it knocking about somewhere. I'll look for it, and if I find it, I'll see if I remembered them all correctly.


    ETA: I was right with everyone except Lay. I had Yo-ka from DIAURA... shoulda known. I haven't changed a diddly-darn bit.

  10. 3 minutes ago, Alkaloid said:


    I'm not a furry, but damn, that's cute.



    4 minutes ago, Alkaloid said:


    Does he have glitter in his hair? Because if so, I approve. The colours are nice, too~ ^_^


    Anyways, that's enough of me fangirling over pretty men (for now, at least). I remember hearing something from these guys a while back, and I'm pretty sure I liked it, so it'll be interesting to hear their new songs :)

  11. On 4/1/2019 at 1:13 AM, colorful人生 said:

    John's Personality Test: INTP (Took this multiple times (3+) w/ the same result. Doesn't include -A/T)

    Keys2Cognition: ENTP (Questions are more specific = spending more time w/ each question. More variability w/ each result.)

    16 Personalities: MEDIATOR (INFP-A) (Mostly consistent, but I can tell what "types" the questions are geared towards.)

    Took John's Personality Test and got ENFJ, which is interesting, as that's nearly the complete opposite of what I got with the 16Personalities test. To be specific, I got 25% ENFJ, 12% INFJ/INTJ and 7% ENTJ/ENTP. My biggest factor on the pie chart was popularity and my smallest was dominance, which... really doesn't sound like me. Also, it needed to give me fifteen extra questions because apparently, I'm a "tough one". That, I can agree with.


    As for Keys2Cognition, I got this:

    extraverted Sensing (Se) ******************  (18.2)
    limited use

    introverted Sensing (Si) ******************************  (30.3)
    good use

    extraverted Intuiting (Ne) ********************************  (32.3)
    good use

    introverted Intuiting (Ni) ************************  (24.9)
    average use

    extraverted Thinking (Te) **********************************  (34.2)
    good use

    introverted Thinking (Ti) *********************************  (33.3)
    good use

    extraverted Feeling (Fe) ***********************  (23)
    limited use

    introverted Feeling (Fi) ********************************************  (44.2)
    excellent use

    It said I'm an INFP, but that I could also consider myself an ENFP or an INTP.

  12. 1 minute ago, yomii said:

    well i kinda overcame this to some extent, at least i feel like i'm not ashamed of the fact i listen to vk anymore. i'd even say i'm kinda proud lol, aside from all the behind-the-scenes dramas and gross bangyas (and i try not to fuck with all that) there is so much beauty and creativity going on in the scene.

    Honestly, I'm so glad to hear this because I'm on exactly the same wavelength as you here, and normally, if you bring this kind of perspective up, you get ree'd at.

  13. 3 minutes ago, Komorebi said:

    I like Initial'L better. The overall style fits Yuuki's voice better and makes him sound less forced.

    I thought that at first too, but I guess I just couldn't get used to their new style.

  14. Sometimes when people walk past my door (I live in a flat), I turn my music down/pause it even though it's not that loud because I don't want anyone to hear some of the stuff I listen to. Tbh, I don't think anyone who lives here even gives that much of a shite, but I still get self-conscious, especially when I'm listening to an OST or something jazzy. I love jazz, but I worry that people will judge me for that. I'm also very hesitant to tell people I like VK/J-rock, so whenever someone asks me what kind of music I listen to, I say "if I told you, you would run away" and I only tell them if they press the issue. I dunno why, but that's how I've always been.

  15. 18 hours ago, plastic_rainbow said:

    should i be concerned if i sometimes get nightmares, i guess you can call it, about my older sister (about 5 years apart) being psychologically abusive to me....? just had one last night...i mean, our relationship isn't THAT toxic and we still get along together when we're not around each other too much, but she has bad anger management issues and has always been taking it out on me even when i had nothing to do with it. many times in the past she has made me feel awful for my anxiety and inability to do things on my own, which then led me to self-hatred/worthlessness and depression. and that got real bad during my most vulnerable times. things are better now though, but i hate it when i get these 'nightmares' and wake up not knowing how to feel when i see/talk to her....

    If you're that worried, I'd go see a therapist. It seems like it's weighing you down quite a bit, and the nightmares sound recurrent, so it might mean you're trying to subconsciously repress something. All the best x

  16. After its success with Tanuki, Didney then buys Sizna (ex-Moran) after discovering his relative inactivity these past few years and forces him to change his name to Sizney. They then make him compose/perform every song for every film they release in the future, saving both the franchise and Sizna's career in the process.

  17. 4 hours ago, Peace Heavy mk II said:

    My guess that most of their stuff is not available for streaming is because of the French Jupiter. It's like they didn't learn to look up if their band name was already taken and what could possibly go wrong with not doing that...

    Maybe they thought they couldn't possibly go wrong after Versailles got into a sticky situation with an American band of the same name and just changed their name to something fancier to avoid getting sued. Keep your eyes peeled for Jupiter -Philharmonic Quartet-

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