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Posts posted by Gesu

  1. 3 minutes ago, Disposable said:

    My point was that all these soliloquies about bandmen and the community having to denounce Kisaki from the community like a leper who ordered national socialist paraphernalia in the mail completely ignores the fact that in Japan and in the vk scene it probably doesn't work like that. And I wasn't referring to Kisaki's past at any point by the way, but rather to the widespreading hazing and abuse that is not even widespread but referred to in numerous interviews including members of DeG and The GazettE just to name some of these indie nobodies spreading harmful unsubstantiated tanuki rumours, bits of which you can find from this forum. If anything even close to the shit that's in these stories came out involving someone in the American showbiz industry, they'd be goners or at least caused a polemic of such magnitude that we already have with the me too movement and so on; and then you add to this that in Japan you just don't sell out your elders because their gya came out on the supreme justice court of twitter, especially ones that has given a start to a number of people in the scene. God knows what kind of stuff is going in the background too with the father of the child and so on. The pics are about as incriminating as you can get and my knee jerk reaction is to hope the child will be involved with none of these people in the future, but the legal procedures are messy especially when it involves messy people, and if you think anyone at 100% is voluntarily involved with kisaki then godspeed to u fam 

    I agree with you for the most part, but there's a bit I'm confused about. If you don't mind humouring me, what do you mean when you say "unsubstantiated tanuki rumours"? I mean, I agree 100% that it's pretty much all unsubstantiated, but didn't you say in your last post that you believe that theory about literally every VK J-rocker ever being a prostitute and having their strings pulled by mob bosses? Isn't that, in itself, unsubstantiated and the result of countless rumours? Also, to be honest, I don't think it matters if the fans over in Japan still choose to like Kisaki. If we want to drop him, isn't that all that should really matter to us? Like I said, being a VK J-rocker doesn't invalidate what he did, so regardless of whether or not people choose to follow him still, he's going to face the consequences of his actions sooner or later. Like @Zeus said, it wouldn't be the first time someone's been found out and punished for their crimes, and he's already been found out. Sorry if I misunderstood, but I got a little muddled by that.

  2. 14 minutes ago, 123Sandman321 said:

    If you are willing to sacrifice the well-being of your child for your career, you shouldn't have your own children in the first place. My point is that if either of the parents isn't ready for the commitment, they shouldn't go through with it. 

    Exactly. When @BrenGun said what he said, I don't think he meant to emphasise the gender of the parent. One of the parents does need to stay at home and look after the children (or at least, a relative or trusted friend).

    Not to give you my life story here, but I think it'd help to put this into perspective so no-one gets #triggered. In my case, it was my mother who worked and my father who looked after my brother and I until he passed away (nine years ago today, it's March 19th here in England), then my mother quit work and the task of looking after me was delegated to my brother until we were both a little older and I was more able to look after myself and my brother got his own job. My mother then started working part-time, but even with a part-time job she was never around to look after because... well, because she was a shitty parent, to put it bluntly. Not having someone around to look after me really fucked me up. Even if one of the parents works - hell, even if both of the parents work - they should still be dedicated to their child. Yes, having a career is good for you and your family (in fact, it's arguably essential for you and your family), but not if you put it before your family. Regardless of how you spend your time away from your family, you absolutely have to be committed, because the children suffer greatly if you're not. Besides, if they're babies, I don't think you have any excuse to go out all the time without them instead of looking after them unless you absolutely have to (e.g. work, doctor's appointments, etc). I'm not saying you wouldn't be a good mother personally, but it's not the sort of thing you can gamble with, so spend some months thinking about it before you make a decision. All the best x

  3. 6 hours ago, yomii said:

    so i've just read in yo-ka's interview that initially the band's name's meaning was not a "dictatorial aura" but "auras of two" (di stands for two). those two are kei and yo-ka of course as they started the band. and then new members were hired so they had to come up with something different

    ...and yo-ka totally forgot about that lol

    I've been lied to for years

  4. 8 minutes ago, Disposable said:

    I think a lot of people here, including myself lol, don't really understand how all this stuff works in Japan in the vk scene especially also in relation of the general public in Japan. Afaik, vk is already perceived as the last refuge for people totally unfit for society, an whether some bandoman is guilty of this and that over there is not really something to cause much attention, probably because the perception of the vk is pretty much true and all these dudes are just really shitty when it comes to treating both women and each other, I mean just look up stories of how they treated the vocalist from Screw back in the day and imagine if something like this came out involving some lamestream band in the west, like that could pretty much be the end of everyone involved; and this is only the beginning, like I think we've already heard tons of stories of really dodgy stuff which while shocking to people in the west accustomed to a totally different kind of culture and conduct, especially when it comes to regarding an elder statesman of the scene like ki$aki. This is an underground music culture of rejects that had a flash in the pan moment 20 years ago that brought it to the surface, which while an important moment it for sure didn't change the general makeup and reality of the scene, which is a large prostitution racket ran by yakuza and horny guys wanting to play shitty rock 'n roll to a fanbase consisting of people with as many issues an the bandguys themselves.


    And to add to this I think everyone knows the Japanese think we are joke and that some gaijins are rustled is literally no concern of theirs, unless you're willing to fuck or buy them some chrome hearts of course.

    VK may be underground even in Japan, but what he did is still an incredibly serious crime and I don't think the genre of music he plays is going to take away from that. Yeah, fine, he got away with it for now, but that wasn't because of the authorities. That was because the child's parents made the asinine decision of dropping the case (for the time being, at least).


    And, listen. I'm not going to try to change your mind, but I have never bought into the idea of every single VK J-rocker ever being a prostitute. Maybe in the 80s/90s/early 00s, but name me one rock star who didn't whore themselves out back then. Given the volume of rumours that have come about and the amount of time they've been spreading over, to even begin to make me believe that, you would have to give me undeniable proof of at least fifty instances for around seven-hundred people, if I were to give a rough estimate.


    As I said, I'm not letting a shitstorm like this define VK, and if they really do think of us as a joke over there, maybe all this crazy speculation is the reason for that.

  5. I don't watch anime anymore, but Blood Lad. It's the fucking shittiest anime I've ever had the displeasure of enduring, and I say "enduring" because other people in the room were watching it (and they watched the whole thing - so, ten episodes - over the course of a few days to a week) and I had to be in the room with them for reasons I won't disclose... which makes it sound like this is what happened to me.


    It's not, but it may as well have been.

    Anyways, I watched it about two and a half years ago and I hate it because it's just one of those crappy fanservice anime that only serves to give you an idle fantasy for, what, a month or so before you move on to the next big-titted moeblob. Now, don't get me wrong. I'm no prude, and I think that fanservice can be funny, entertaining and sexy when done right. This anime, on the other hand, had super-OTT fanservice literally about every five minutes in each episode. The two fanservice girls were Hydra Bell, a girl who admittedly had a nice character design and the interesting ability to see faraway events by making a rectangle with her fingers, and Fuyumi Yanagi, a teenage girl with boobs bigger than her head and that was literally all she had going for her besides her voice. I think her voice actor did a nice job with her soft, naïve tone (the voice acting was actually pretty decent for the most part), and I like the animation for both of the girls... until I noticed that they were the only characters the animator seemed to make that much of an effort on. It got to the point where the anime kind of forgot what it was about halfway through and just introduced all these wacky characters with something visually gimmicky about them who otherwise served no purpose (e.g. a girl with three eyes, a dude with afro pigtails/fish-like features/a voice reminiscent of Otto from The Simpsons, etc). Also, let's not forget that horrible trope @Zeus mentioned on the first page about "I'm-miss-fanservice-look-at-me" girls suddenly being all shy and upset whenever something fanservicey happens to them, because Fuyumi had that in spades. In one episode, she agrees to dress up as a sexy bunny girl for an obligatory boxing match between Staz and Braz (yes, the guy's name is fuckin' Braz), and the next, she's right back to her sweet, unsuspecting self.

    Ah, yes, that's right, I haven't explained who Staz and *snicker* Braz are, have I, now? Well, to explain who they are would mean to explain the plot, so this shouldn't take long. Basically, Staz is an otaku vampire dude who develops an interest in Fuyumi and wants to bring her back to life after she dies. Oh, yeah. Fuyumi's a ghost. Did I mention that? No? Oh, well, it doesn't matter. Oh, and Braz is his brother. They also have this little sister called Liz and she's actually pretty cool, or at least she had potential to be. She's, like, six, so they didn't spend much time on developing her because, according to the writers of this anime, breast development = character development.

    Also, near the end (I forget which episode exactly, but I'll say in between episodes eight and ten), it's revealed that Hydra is in love with Staz! Oh, wow, because a character spending barely any alone time with/being completely incompatible with another character who's a bit of a dickhead then falling in love with him is an entirely believable/original trope and not at all a worn-out cliché that never made any sense to begin with!

    In case you couldn't tell, I'm being sarcastic. The opening theme was pretty good and that was the best part. I spit on this anime.

    Also, I'd just like to clear up that I'm not the sort of person who thinks that boobs are evil and that one flash of knocker objectifies an entire gender, but this was just too much. If fanservice gets in the way of plot, then you've made a shitty product. Also, never make a main character a fanservice character like they did with Fuyumi. Ever. Unless it's hentai or otherwise explicitly pornographic, you have no excuse.


    On another note, I thought Mirai Nikki was absolutely flawless until the middle of episode twenty-three when


    Aru died because there was nothing separating Yuki and Yuno after that and Yuno was just a shitty character, plain and simple. Also, wtf was up with all those other worlds!? Yuki and Aru should've got together then fucking murdered Yuno. In fact, they didn't even have to get together because tbh Yuki and Aru suffered from that tired cliché I mentioned earlier. Just as long as they killed Yuno, I would've been a happy lassie.


  6. 6 hours ago, daintypersnicketydingo said:

    I'm instantly attracted to any band with very short lead singers. Having always had a complex about my height it is just lots of fun seeing tiny people fill the stage with their presence.

    Know that feel, I'm 151cm/4'11.5". And yes, I have finished growing. When I was fifteen. But I like short guys too, so 🤷‍♀️


    I bought a new UNiTE pouch from someone on the MH Market (thanks again, you know who you are ;)) and it has a little cheki pocket on the back. I put a cheki of LiN in it but whenever I use that pouch, I hide it from my family because I don't want them to see the weirdos I'm attracted to.

  7. Why is it that when people make baseless accusations about innocent people, everyone believes it and their reputation gets ruined, but when someone is proven to be an absolute cunt with irrefutable evidence against them, money settles all and, eventually, no-one gives a shite? Disgusting, naïve and disrespectful to everyone involved. I just hope the poor kid's alright and that Kisaki is eventually incarcerated.


    This is why I stay out of shit like this until there is evidence. I believe in innocent until proven guilty on both sides and no amount of bullshit will ever cloud my perception on that. Kisaki can fuck right off if he thinks he can buy his way out of this mess he started.


    Still, I'm not going to say that this damages all of VK. Yes, what Kisaki did was fucking abhorrent, and it undoubtedly damaged his reputation and, unfortunately, probably those of the people who have worked with him in the past as well, however I said that I believe in innocent until proven guilty on both sides, so I'm not going to let this take away my faith in the genre. Don't get me wrong, my faith in him is down the toilet, but that's him as an individual. Instead of letting his actions define what could and couldn't be possible in the lives of the many, many J-rockers we all know and love, I'm going to just separate him from it all. It's argued by a lot of people here that the art should be separated from the artist, so I'm separating Kisaki from VK. Abusing someone isn't a staple of the genre, it's a crime.


  8. 4 hours ago, saishuu said:

    why does it feel like the vocalist has 3 voices

    It's jarring. I have nothing against oshare kei - in fact, I very much enjoy it if it's done right - but this guy's voice is just not right for the genre. If it was a bit higher, I honestly probably wouldn't mind it too much. I'm not saying I'd love it, but I wouldn't hate it.

  9. I think I'm allergic to alcohol. I don't like it anyways because it just tastes gross imo, and I don't really like the idea of getting drunk (never been drunk, but if energy drinks give me narcotic reactions, then it's probably for the best), but I've tried several different types and each time, I got this really tight, lingering sensation in my chest as if I'd eaten something too oily. Idk, it might just be that I have an extremely low tolerance, but if I am allergic to it, then it'd be the only food/drink that I'm allergic to.

    Not really food/drink, but I'm allergic to pollen which is very inconvenient for me as it means I'm snotty pretty much every time I go outside. 🤧

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