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Posts posted by Gesu

  1. I'm not sure if anyone's really influenced my hair, but I've noticed it's kinda similar to Masashi from Versailles'.


    My makeup sometimes changes, but not drastically. I just like studying VK makeup and finding things I like by accident... and even then, my makeup's not really that VK, anyways. Rip.

    idaTWZ5.jpg Uwaol40.jpg 6e4VX8V.jpg

    Oh, well. At least I always make sure to put that obligatory pale stripe down the bridge of my nose.


    As for my clothes, I want to be a tanbi kei goth-loli. I have a big wish list on Lolitashow, but my bank account says "no" at the moment.


    Right now, I'd say I'm closer to otome kei than anything. My hair's kinda VK, but everything else just screams "otome". Not that I mind. If I play otoge, I may as well look otokei.


    Also, I know you can't see it in that picture, but there's a massive black bow on the back of my head, just as there always is. Just the way I like it.

  2. On 2/23/2019 at 3:36 AM, anadentone said:

    what's with the overly baggy clothes in VK? Also, what's up with Sana's eyebrows?

    I mean, UNiTE's aesthetic is basically just "raid a fabrics store and glue it on your body". And I know, Sana always shaves his eyebrows off nowadays. I love UNiTE, but tbh, that kinda pisses me off. I never was fond of the no-eyebrows look. Also, I miss his grape hair.


    On a more positive note, the song sounds really nice. Very cheerful! There's a reason they're my designated "happy band".

  3. 35 minutes ago, Paraph said:

    i'm now reminded of this old (hungarian?) gem lol 


    Just Google Translated "Porosz Menyasszony" to "Prussian Bride". Now I'm intrigued to see if there are any other misused J-rocker pics. It kinda reminds me of when (I think) Richard Dawkins came under fire for accidentally using a stock image of an evangelical Christian family on one of his humanist posters.

  4. On 2/28/2019 at 10:58 PM, Monochromelove said:

    I almost forgot about this question lol

    What is vpn? I used proxy  or Tor but still I can't comment there the usual message appear... 

    Virtual private network. It basically secures your connection and bypasses porn blockers.


    Anyways, I've never liked Tanuki personally, but I will admit it's intriguing. I don't really go on it because I find it somewhat exhausting to see people saying things like that about people I admire (and I don't believe anything on it anyways), but it's a divisive topic, and, as with all divisive topics, it's strangely fascinating.

  5. I may or may not forget to update this and I've never done this before, but here we go. Also, I can be a bit shit at staying on top of new releases, but maybe this'll encourage me to listen to more stuff. Also, I may shift releases up and down the scale depending on whether or not I change my mind.


    😍 (LOVE!)


    😊 (Pretty good!)

    * DIAURA - Definition

    * ACME - Last One Show

    * SHiSHi - Kama Cho


    🙂 (Not too bad)


    😕 (Eh)


    😴 (-.-~zzz)


  6. I'm sorry, but I had to ask it.


    Eyebrows can really make or break a look, and VK is no exception. While most VK artists pluck their eyebrows into various shapes and pencil them in or just completely shave them off and draw them straight back on again (or not), some artists opt for a more natural look... while others opt for a downright insane look.


    For me, it would have to be Sizna (ex-Moran) in this one picture:



    Don't get me wrong, I love Moran and Sizna. He's an amazingly talented musician and by far the most underrated guitarist I've heard yet, but JFC, THOSE EYEBROWS


    ETA: No eyebrows don't count.

  7. 3 minutes ago, chipathy said:

    I wish I discovered this a long time ago, sounds like I missed some spicy stuff

    I joined not that long after you did, so this was all pretty new to me, too. From what I can gather, every now and again, people (well, I say people; I really just mean the same person under different pseudonyms) come here and make threads asking why everyone hates Yohio, then it all spirals off from there.

    You know what, I have an idea. I think the next time this happens, instead of replying to these threads (like I stupidly did first this time around, sorry 'bout that >.<), we should just check their IPs immediately and be done with it. Obviously, we're not gonna do that with users we know to be genuine who just happen to talk about Yohio once in a while, but if it's a suspicious account like this, I think it'd be the best route we could take. What do you guys think?

  8. 1 hour ago, AmberCrystal17 said:

    Btw, why all the sarcasm towards this user whenever they post stuff? (I don’t just mean this one time, I mean in general) None of you seem to really care about what they post, yet you feel the need to tell them how much you dont care? Not defending them, but I just think it’s weird? I don’t know, maybe I’m the weird one here for not undertstanding the reason for it...

    This. I can't say I'm a fan of Yohio because I've listened to literally only one of his songs (and it wasn't this one) and I barely know anything about the guy. Moreover, I know pretty much nothing about this user except they seem to like Yohio (and I know about that thread from a while back). Also, I spent a while in that recent Yohio thread and I noticed loads of people being really snarky. Don't you think maybe the reason these threads keep coming back is because no-one takes them seriously?


    "Why do people hate Yohio?"

    "bEcAuSe He SuCkS"


    Just seems a bit silly to me.

  9. 23 hours ago, platy said:

    It's February and it's 20C in London, the highest ever temperature in British winter. As happy as I am about not having to deal with gloomy, cold weather I can't help but be a little terrified about environmental issues and the future 🙂

    Norwich girl here, and I share your worry. First, the seasons seem like they're moving two months later (it properly snowed this time last year for the first time in about six years). Now, it seems like it's skipped spring completely and gone straight to summer. What the hell is going on!?

  10. 4 minutes ago, Fyrnia4Maya said:

    I really appreciate you helping me with this, people who give their time is the most generous to me and I thank you for that alot, I guess I'll give him the benefit of the doubt as you said then again the critiques are alot more tangible (like his girlfriend talking about the shit he put her through) it's just very hard for me to swallow when everyone with alot of perspectives all agree in the one thing that he does things I personally hate, but thank you still, I'll try to follow advice

    Aye, no worries, always happy to give my two cents on an issue like this. Plus, this got me in a really articulate mood which I needed, as I have homework due in tomorrow and I couldn't care less about it until now.

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