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Status Updates posted by Himeaimichu

  1. Is it just me, or do Jesse and James from Pokemon look like the kind of people who'd listen to Visual Kei in the early 90s?
    I could imagine Jesse listening to X Japan and COLOR while James listens to D'erlanger and Zi:Kill.

    Also my headcanon is that they met at a Kamaitachi concert

    1. Ikna
    2. Himeaimichu



    3. ki11edb1th3qu33n


      omg u fan too ! yes riley also if u ever saw movie lucario myserh of mew i recommend it! on YT i got 3rd place back in the championships in 2007 for polemon diamond and pearl was cool lol yes i agree some rmeind me of VK the outfits

  2. It just so happens that my birthday is also on the anniversary of the first airing of Sailor Moon. xD


    1. IGM_Oficial


      And I'm five months younger than the Pokémon anime lol

  3. It's 2018. It's easy to make a good sounding record with drum programming, amp-sims, getting good quality mics being easier, etc. 

    With all this... why in the hell does Starwave's production still sound like utter crap? 

    It's so easy to make a good sounding record. Just put in a good amp-sim, get some good drum samples, recording vocals is not that hard. At this point, I'm convinced Kiwamu purposefully removes the bass and midrange.

    1. Wakarimashita
    2. Bear


      Maybe they just want it to sound like that? Maybe that's what they like?


      I'm in a band (and some), and while we could record everything better (you know, used 5 mics for the drums instead of 2, told the guitarist we want a clear sound, produced it better and so on), we don't want to. We have a very clear vision for what we want, and even though a "better" (aka more polished) production would probably get us a few more fans, it's not what we're after. It's not in our interest. First and foremost we want to please ourselves with the music.



      As far as programmed drums goes, it all depends on the music performed. And if you ask me (something you didn't he e he he he hrhaha heh) programmed drums really only suit a few types of music such as hip hop, different kind of industrial music, music where you don't rely on regular beats and so on. Programmed drums in regular rock, punk and metal are usually annoying as fuck no matter how good the actual samples used are.

    3. Himeaimichu


      This is Starwave Records I'mtalking about here. I doubt Kiwamu's half assed production is for artistic purpose, as he cares more about easy cash grabs and keeping his bands on a tight leash, than he is actually promoting the art of Visualkei. He's more concerned running a practical pyramid scheme than he is about furthering any art. 

  4. It's been 7 years now since the death of Daisuke from Kagerou and the Studs. 

    RIP, Daisuke. May you be making music with the gods

  5. It's been kind of a while since I've last really been here, and I want to get back into using this forum again, and I kind of want to explain some stuff. 

    First off, I don't deal with Tetsuya anymore. I won't go into all the details (you can just pm me if you want, because it's super complicated) but you don't have to see me promoting D:[ab]-e anymore. 

    2nd off, I will be returning, but my presence won't be as much. but I hope that I'm welcome back after taking a break and hopefully can keep myself out of trouble and drama. 

    1. karai · ebi

      karai · ebi

      I got to hear some good recs from threads of yours when I first joined, glad you're back.

    2. Shir0


      Welcome back :)

    3. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Welcome back! It's okay to take a break every now and then, especially when things get complicated amongst friends. Hopefully everything is okay again and you're back to enjoying the things you love.

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  6. It's not uncommon to see Lapsteel guitars, or "Ha Uy Di" (the closest the Viet language can get to "Hawaii") in Southern Vietnamese Music, but it is pretty rare to see someone do it with a modified acoustic guitar. Personally, I think it sounds cooler than the Electric


  7. It's really crazy listening to proto-kei bands like G-Schmitt and BOOWY, playing melodies and riffs that would become cliche in Visual Kei, many of them still cliches today.



    1. Himeaimichu


      Their music and aesthetic did influence early Vkei bands though. Like, listen to the song Catholic. Visual Kei literally partially grew from Japanese Goth bands. Obviously G-Schmitt pre-dates Visual Kei, but their music was definitely an important step. Many of the first Visual Kei musicians were goth, and probably listened to Japanese goth bands as well as your standard western goth bands.

      Obviously G-Schmitt isn't full on Visual Kei, but to say they didn't influence Visual Kei at all, is really stretching it.

    2. 少女椿


      I'm afraid people who went to see late 80s post-punk liveshows or walpurgis etc events made their own post-punk/no wave bands to stay underground...  I can hear post-punk-ish rhythm and "nerve" in the very early vkei, but it disappeared too fast...

    3. carddass


      And then there's the great Auto-Mod, who had Tomoyasu Hotei on guitars before he moved on to Boowy. I always considered Auto-Mod/Genet to be the secret grandfather of visual kei. It always felt like Kiyoharu got his early warbly voice in Kuroyume more from Genet than the obvious Robert Smith. The Tribute to Auto-Mod album really drives that home with Kiyoharu's epic Deathtopia cover.

      And then there's Libido who I've gotten into recently who was connected with YBO2 and the Transrecord scene of krautrock. Their songs definitely had gothic moments both aurally and visually. One of Libido's early guitarists actually was one of the founding members of G-Schmitt before moving on to other projects.


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  8. Just started watching Seth et Holth and not 3 minutes in and Hide is licking Tusk's eye...

    What the actual fuck? I was expecting a psychadelic film, not an eroguro film

  9. Legend has it, Desiigner's parents are still waiting on his first words. 

    Legend also has it, Lil Yachty secretly was once barney, and now has an eternal head cold and is addicted to anaesthetics. 

  10. Made this macro myself xD
    Use it if you like. I don't care xD


    1. Alkaloid


      Yu-dai. No question.

    2. K-x-H


      Yu-Dai San. :X'D:

  11. Mamo from R-Shitei now hands out hair and nail clippings at lives.

    He is officially the Belle Delphine of Visual Kei.


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Wakarimashita


      ... And fun L O L

    3. sleepy coffee

      sleepy coffee

      I mean shit I'd do the same if I was him, I love money 

    4. Arkady


      Imagine being SO thirsty (it applies to both sides).


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  12. Me: I hate synths in Vkei. 

    Also me: *Enjoys Puella, Taiheiyou Belt and Metronome*

    1. suji


      also me: enjoys old skewl vk & some cheap kei


      (also if u wanna hear some badass synths...)



    2. Himeaimichu


      That's actually pretty cool. 

      If you want old school, cheap kei and synths all in one, Puella is the way to go. They were on the Soleil label, and had 3 members. The vocalist eventually left and was replaced by, of all people, a Female, named Yura. But she eventually left too (I think) and they just preformed with prerecorded vocals until they disbanded.



  13. Mei ex. 黒百合と影 may come back any time soon. 

    He tweeted something about being in the studio

    1. Manji 卍

      Manji 卍

      hopefully he comes up with a full album straight away

      just like he did with 黒百合と影 when MM ended

  14. Mei's screams have gotten more Kyo-like. I hope that's just a one time thing. I liked his earlier Jonathan Davis-esque screams.

    I guess though they wouldn't fit with the sound of Kuroyuri's new single, which seems to have more Vulgar era Dir En Grey influence.

    Then again though, this is the lowest he growled since Fuyu Shogun

  15. Microsoft's new update literally is trying to force Microsoft Edge up my ass.

    When I removed the desktop icon, it literally made another one!

  16. Music in general is like a drug, but Psychadelic music is the most potent out of all music. Seriously, songs like Dir En Grey’s “Raison D’etre” or Black Sabbath’s “Paranoid”, or literally any David Bowie song literally make me feel like I’m on some kind of hallucinogen.

    Should music even be making me feel this way? I literally put no substances in my body, but yet I feel high from some songs.

    Maybe I just need Mental Help... or weed xD

    IDK, does Psychadelic music does this to anyone else?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mamo
    3. Elazmus


      strong recommend do some hallucinogens before making this assessment but lol if you want to ALSO listen to these songs while doing I wouldn't tell you it's a bad time .!

    4. Bear


      I wouldn't call Black Sabbath psychedelic either, and it's first time I've done so. But when I think about it I don't think calling a track like Planet Caravan psychedelic if far off at all.


      But the main reason I mentioned these tracks is because he/she mentioned Black Sabbath to begin with, and if you want something close to psychedelic by Black Sabbath it would be these tracks.

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  17. My kink is early 2000s Vkei riffs that overuse Pinch Harmonics. 

    Classics like 癖 from Mist of Rouge

  18. My partner is playing Dying Light and it's supposed to take place in Turkey, but it's such a bad representation of it that I came up with this reaching explanation: It's a highly gentrified part of Turkey that was taken over by Arabs, Russians and Americans so people have Arabic names, speak English with Russian accents, and the buildings and businesses are in English.



    Seriously though, what part of Turkey looks like a Brazillian favela?

  19. New Agers have made it almost impossible to listen to traditional Asian music, especially Indian, Tibetan, and Japanese, without a bunch of shoehorned pseudo-science that doesn't even exist in Asia. Like, I just want to hear the music, I don't need a speech about how A432 Hz will "open your chakras and your third eye". I don't think they even care that much about the specific A-Note tuning in Asia.

    As well, they've also made it really hard to find actual authentic traditional Asian music, because they market their FL Studio stuff as "Traditional", even though it doesn't musically resemble anything actually traditionally played in Asia. You can't just put a bunch of Chinese VSTs in FL Studio and call it "Traditional Japanese". (though there are also other reasons that traditional Asian music, that's actually authentic, is hard as fuck to find. Mostly due to stuff like Mao's cultural revolution and the pressure to westernise literally everything down to the sounds of the instruments. I'm looking at you, China)

    1. zombieparadise


      The only thing worse than regular hippies are new age hippies.

    2. colorful人生


      Had to revisit this status b/c Adam Neely did a video on tuning to the different A432 Hz "chakra" frequencies. Though considering that the video was posted on the same day, your status might've been inspired from this (?)


      I think there's benefits in using A432, but using it in such a haphazard snake-oil way is ridiculous. Ends up sounding ridiculous too, haha.


    3. Himeaimichu


      Oh yeah, that's another rabbit hole lol. I think A432 could be good if, say, you're a singer and its more in your range. But when it comes to the actual temperament, unless you're an experimental musician, the whole push to switch to something other than equal temperament honestly makes little sense in the scale of western music. Although alternate tuning systems are really fascinating. 

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  20. New Kuroyuri single releases today!!!

    I wish I could buy it from the webshop, since I do believe it's on the webshop. But IDK if they ship to the US. Probably not. 

    1. Himeaimichu


      True, but this is mainly a live distributed that is being limitedly distributed through webshop, so. 

      I'll wait for someone to upload it xD

    2. Takadanobabaalien


      its not on the webshop yet. and yes you need to use a shopping service. im not buying it until next week probably. i hope they'll put it up after the gig today

    3. Himeaimichu


      I've been checking on youtube to see if they have uploaded the live video yet. They probably won't upload it until the gig today either. It's almost 9 AM in Japan so more waiting will have to be done

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  21. No one:

    Vietnam during Tet:


  22. Ok, am I crazy, or does this early MCR song almost sound like it could be Luna Sea influenced?

    Or maybe there is a band that influenced both. IDK. Maybe just a coincidence lol. I really don't listen to MCR other than their first album so I don't know much about them.


    1. Jigsaw9


      Good catch, I can hear it! They probably have similar influences, maybe '80s post-punk and post-hardcore combined or idk. This short-lived band from the '80s also comes to mind (they were one of the main inspirations for the whole emo thing).



    2. Himeaimichu


      Oh yeah, I'm semi familiar with Rites of Spring because I like a few songs from their vocalists other band, Fugazi. I actually never knew they influenced Luna Sea, but that makes a lot of sense!

    3. saishuu


      I feel like it's the vocals. I can hear some Ryuichi in Gerard's voice here. The music itself I'm not so sure it reminds me of LUNA SEA, except for that little part from 1:37-1:40 and the occasional screaming.

  23. Ok, I just discovered this about the club topics:

    They appear in the normal "topics" section of the main page

    So it's probably best to denote that it's club related so no one gets confused

  24. Ok, so a friend of mine are discussing about the extreme animosity between Kyo (Dir En Grey) and Kisaki (Syndrome, Phantasmagoria, Lin) and apparently, Kyo once took a nude photo of Kisaki as revenge. She said she doesn't know if the pic is real, and the person she got it from believed way too many Tanuki rumours and eventually was blocked. We're both now trying to find it again to see if it's real (I'm prepared to possibly see what is supposedly Kisaki's chode xD)

    Does anyone know if it's real? If so, why was it taken? 

    1. Licio123


      lmao, what a story

    2. WhirlingBlack


      It's (sadly?) not true. There might be Kisaki nude photos floating around since he was basically at every vk party and most likely fucking around for a very long time, but if so they weren't taken by Kyo. The supposed animosity is just old rumours that have stuck around for a long time but with no substance behind it, from what I gather it's greatly exaggerated and they have a cordial relationship these days.

    3. Himeaimichu


      @WhirlingBlackThat's what I was hoping. I mean, I know Kyo is an ass at times, but he's not that big of an ass. 

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  25. OK, this band is amazing me. This is some funky shit right here, mixed with the usual Vkei sound. 


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