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Status Updates posted by togz

  1. Booked my flight to Japan in August. Maybe this time it will feel real. Or maybe the heat and humidity will make me feel delusional.

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. BrenGun


      really cool? never hit's the 30~40??!

      Netherlands hit 30~38 a lot in summer. but only for a few days. never for weeks.


    3. Komorebi


      We normally hit up to 30, reaching 35 is extremely rare. And it's not so humid.

      The coast hits 25-28 in summer and it's quite windy.

    4. BrenGun


      Tokyo is too near the sea. That's why it's so humid.

      But then Chile is pretty cool country.

      But i totally hate winter... (-_-)
      Can't get used to it... anything below 0 is just too cold for me. 

      I'm really happy that this year winter here in Netherlands is warm. 

      not much snow, not much cold.. but we have too much rain XD


  2. what has everyone been doing for quarantine ???

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Aferni


      Practicing social distancing and trying to haggle ryo for the tabs to 汚染区域 

    3. secret_no_03


      Nearly everything has reopened where I am and will be the 29th when everything goes back to normal, everyone goes back to work, etc.

    4. togz


      All of you still working, please continue to take good care of yourself and your mental health. Stay safe out there. For all of you who are staying at home I hope you're able to take this time to recharge and discover your passions again or learn something new. Even if you haven't, that's okay too because everyone handles the stress of this all differently. Taking care of your mental and physical health is most important and sometimes that means taking a step back and shutting down for a bit. I hope that all of you who have been kept from love ones are able to see them soon. You're all so strong and we are all doing the best we can in such a weird time in the world. Praying for everyone! Or if you're not in to that, I'm definitely sending you positive vibes. 

  3. Alcohol is a terrible terrible thing.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. PsychoΔelica
    3. doombox
    4. beni


      Sorry, I hadn't realised such a thing happened. Relieved you're fine, be safe please.

  4. Trying to keep back in to the know of VK. Band recommendations?

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. 123Sandman321


      I heard somewhere that DIR EN GREY might be the shit.

    3. Gesu


      DIAURA are slaying it

    4. Doesn'tEvenGoHere


      Mathilda are great. I recommend them for sure. Not their latest single though since people seem divided on it. 

  5. I literally went to two Targets this morning to buy BTS' new album and like... neither of them even stocked it. It wasn't sold out they just didn't have it??? I'm low key mad??? But I got copies of Her that i didn't have and Tear is on apple music BUT STILL. 

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. colorful人生


      Nice, I got R since I got the L version for 'Her' (looks neater on the shelf.)

      I've only seriously listened to kpop for 2~3 years, but it's a great time to start listening. I get more excited over kpop concepts than vk ones nowadays. Today's producers are killing it (figuratively).

    3. togz


      Yeah I used to be like... 'MAN I'LL NEVER LISTEN TO KPOP' but honestly... the music has gotten pretty relevant. Like i can see how they have branched so much out of Korea. Plus, I feel guilty. like I didn't realize how much work these people put in to making this their life. Extensive training for years before even getting the chance to get a contract and even then it could be more years before you actually debut. And then even when you do it's just a bigger competition hahahahahahahaha. 

    4. ndareba


      NOT TO BARGE IN BUT.... Yea like 8 years ago I thought Kpop was dumb and worthless and all that, but there are some really genuinely talented groups out there. And more and more members are getting in on the writing and creative process of their releases. It's not just generic factory pop. 

  6. Anyone use spotify and last.fm but have issues with being unable to get the proper tag for scrobbling?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. togz


      My main issue was with japanese artists named obscure words that were normally in katakana but on spotify they're romanized so for example... ACME doesn't correct to the katakana version

    3. crucifiction


      Ah, then that's a totally different issue, often called "Spotify sucks" :<

    4. suji


      yes it drove me fucking nuts to the point where i got all ocd over how my stuff was tagged in romaji instead of the proper japanese x.x i've since deleted my last.fm for the last time so that really helped.

  7. Gonna try the whole selling cds i don't want anymore. Lots of MBHI stuff coming up.

  8. Sometimes I wish LACK-CO  would disband so Tenten would make a new band... cuz he always does that. But one day he's not gonna make a new band. Like...?? What if this is it fam? What if Lack-co is out he goes out? 

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. togz


      @Peace Heavy mk II

      Lack-co. is gonna be the one band he has where they have a 10 year anniversary live. Watch. 


      @The Reverend

      Yeah CPS was my favorite too. The music was really unique and I felt like he really used his vocals to their full potential. If I'm not mistaken though... their disbandment had more to do with their drummer????? I wonder if CPS woulda BEEN THE ONE had that worked out differently. Tenten looks like he hasn't aged... but I know he has some health problems and he's def getting older.

    3. yakihiko


      @The Reverend Not only VKing but I would say he is also a Vk chameleon, he can make different music styles in different bands without losing his potential.


      @The Reverend @togz I'm still haven't pick a favorite between MHBI and CPS, but for favorite line up, would be MBHI; most favorite songs, would be CPS. I love to death ベラミー, In My Dream, 溺れる魚 and My Harlot Broker, those a rare gems that you can no longer find into the recent vk scenes.

    4. togz


      @yakihikoMY HARLOT BROKER AND BELLAMY WERE MY JAM OMG. When it comes to VK I feel like you and I have very similar tastes which is kinda rare for me to find anymore. haha

  9. Question. An 18 year old goes skinny dipping with a 14 year old in the family pool in the backyard. Parent wakes up and tells them to get out. 18 year old is heard telling the 14 year old "If you say anything, I will beat your @$$" Parent gets suspicious and checks the security footage of the backyard to find out they were skinny dipping. Should this be acceptable or not considering the 18 year old is legally an adult and the 14 year old is not. Even though nothing was visible on camera that they had done anything... would this cause worry or concern?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. saishuu


      Doesn't even matter if it's a boy or a girl. The older one should be told that doing things like this, and even going as far as threatening the other person, is not okay and could put him in trouble. Consent should be taught no matter what.

    3. platy


      Very suspicious. Doing it very late, threatening the boy and you as well. I think mainly you should show the 14 year old that he can come to you at any point if he feels threatened or has something to say. Easier said than done, but at least he will know he has someone to support him. Try to explain to the older guy what kind of problems he could get into and what kind of damage he could cause by making a move or whatever on someone so young. 

    4. BrenGun


      keep an eye on It.


      I mean, if you doing sports you also can shower together with older guys. So yeah.. just being naked whatever. But if there is any sexual meaning behind it, it's not good.


      But still if you are 14/15 you can have a crush easy on an older person. And yes on that age some people know what sex is, and many also want have sex on that age, or already have done it....  (When we get older we often forget the age of our first wish to have sex)

      3~4 Years age gab isn't that big. 

      Also when I was that age, I loved also a guy of 18years old. (relationship did not happen, yet... I would have been mentally ready for xxx on that age ← and that differs from person to person)



      Just be sure that the 14/15y person doesn't do anything against his own will. 

      and if sexual things happen out of free will, be sure to give them condoms ( ̄▽ ̄;)


      Juat keep an eye. Don't worry too much, but just talk calm with them about it. 

      love is love, age gab or not.


      What the law says isn't true for everyone.  Also max 5 year age gab, is alright in my eyes.


      But still people need to know the law rules. 


      good luck.


  10. Listens to anticipated release. Anticipated release doesn't please me. Deletes anticipated release instead of making it the highlight of my week to bash it.

  11. RIP VisualScandal (≧∇≦)

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. zuka_1


      good news, fucking blog :D

    3. TetsuAkira


      They'll be back. And in bigger numbers.

  12. OH WAO. Welcome to MH AND  Happy Birthday!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Uraraka


      I'm visiting them on the weekend, but it's the loneliest birthday in years tbh

      I hope to make friends too, but I'm shy and kind of awkward. ;;
      It's my first year yes. I'm studying Architecture, and I'm so nervous because I don't know how uni works yet ^^;;

    3. togz


      YOOOO I'm the same way. Like at my work... I'm outgoing because being professionally outgoing is different than communicating with people to be friends haha. But... Just stay focused, be you and I think the right people will connect with you. Small or Large group of friends what's most important is that they're meaningful ones. 

      Uni can be scary... I only went for one semester lol or rather it wasn't even University but just community college because it's all i could afford. I chose to work instead... But Universities look so huge... don't get lost ;;


      Also Architecture sounds really hard but cool at the same time. I don't think I could ever be successful at something like that... I don't think I'm smart enough haha.

    4. Uraraka


      I can be outgoing too, if it's important, but making friends is a whole different level... But with time I think I'll find people.

      The costs for my university are (compared to others in my state) quite high, but financial/social projects tend to support you if you have problems with money, but nonetheless I hope to make no debt.

      The campus of my uni is scattered over the whole city, I don't even know left from right yet lol But, I live in a university city so it won't be that hard to find someone who knows what's up. I hope.

      I'm not bad with maths but I'm also kinda creative so I wanted a mixture of that and found architecture. I don't know how hard it will be, but I don't expect much free time ;;

  13. 100 more... aka like 6 more months.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Gaz


      those months are indeed were full of despair and darkness, i barely managed to recover myself after that ;__;

    3. paradoxal


      you're truly lucky to be still alive, many didn't make it through those months of pain and sorrow

    4. Gaz


      holy cunt! you are a devil in flesh! D;

  14. I can totz sound sophisticated and educated. Pay attention to my opinion, it's so important. I can hate that thing so much harder than you can because my biased opinion is such a relevant fact rn OMGROFLMAOBBQSAUCE1!!!!!1!!1

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. togz


      That's their new name now. That's what I'm calling them.

    3. togz


      Also. I ain't even mad bruh. Amused yes, mad not by a long shot.

    4. nekkichi


      I'm glad you've finally seen the light xo @ "my based opinion is such a relevant fact rn"

  15. That awkward moment when there's a job near my city for nintendo and the only qualification that I don't have is 100% fluency in Japanese. Goodbye world.

  16. Apparently I scared the shit out of my mom because I didn't answer the door earlier after I took some medications, she left a package from my friend in Japan though. I don't listen to smileberry, but there was some sort of DVD by them in there? How do I play DVDs on windows 10? How do I anything on windows 10...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. togz


      ah yeah yeah I got it as the app because i figured it was the same thing? But I'm gonna try and download just from the website. Thanks for the help everyone. I don't know what's on this DVD ....

    3. togz


      Oh it's the smiley PV

    4. paradoxal


      Never use windows store or what the fuck it's called, it's just a collection of adware and Microsoft dgaf about it.

  17. RIP dorasuteika

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. paradoxal


      my thoughts: who the fuck is distry- oh wait it's just dora XD

    3. Gaz


      2fancy :v

    4. togz


      Its JUST Dora lol nbd

  18. fffffff mbhi A +

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. togz


      omg we should listen together. and tetora~ they had it labeled as an ep which i consider the equivalent of a Mini album, however it seemed more like a single xD

    3. Elazmus
    4. doombox


      Not sure when I will get to it but I will message you when I do! :D

  19. Late but... Gonna start watching Breaking Bad~

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. togz



    3. Tokage


      it's actually a long, long advertisement for pop rocks

    4. togz


      .....Well I liked pop rocks before breaking bad even came out so i guess that makes me a more die hard fan than anyone else ever.

  20. Someone just called me pretty so I told them I was a potato. Then they said "sweet potato". Don't know if that's another compliment but if we are comparing them to actual sweet potatoes... Bleh

  21. He just asked me if I have had cosplay sex before... LEFT SWIPE.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. togz
    3. leafwork


      have you tho

    4. togz


      I'd have to have had sex, and have had to cosplay. One I haven't done in a while, and the other not at all. So, no.

  22. I just started watching the 100 and .... Bellamy though. Huhuuuuu. Hey hi.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. doombox


      Things get real by the end of the season, and everyone starts to grow up real quick. XD I really enjoyed season 2 even more. 

    3. togz
    4. togz


      Haha I'm looking forward to watching more xD

  23. Do me a favor, but most importantly do yourself a favor, if you're passionate about this scene and you want to be involved and possibly help it grow in the future so you can better enjoy it... go apply for the Official MH Music Critics. Sure it might not be a gateway to meeting great people now, but you never know who knows who and who you will meet. Just do it. Talk about something you love. Express that part of you. It's not asking you to write a book about songs.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. togz


      again, CAT5 said it's not about that. He's not asking you to be the master of music analyzing. BASICALLY HE'S LOOKING FOR SOMEONE WHO IS POSITIVE AND CAN SEE THE GOOD IN WHAT THEY LISTEN TO. Even if you just want to say how awesome a few seconds of the song were, you don't have to paint rainbows and meadows with your words to express how you feel.

    3. paradoxal


      I think we should be able to nominate others to be an Official MH Music Critic! :3 I nominate Tetora & Pretsy.

    4. togz


      y'all are making this whole thing way more difficult than it needs to be.

  24. I'm starting to forget how to internet, guys.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. togz


      5ever arone

    3. CAT5


      This stray cat shall find it's way to your doorstep one day AND THEN WHAT I DUNNO

    4. togz


      And then a lot of kisses

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