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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/08/18 in Posts

  1. 4 points

    Dir en grey

    If true, Shinya essentially saved dir en grey. 💋
  2. 4 points

    Dir en grey

  3. 3 points
    Discussion of members and other DeG material: Moving comments is really boring so don't make me do it again, thx.
  4. 3 points

    Your last music-related buy!

    6 years of searching and I finally found a first press copy of D'espairsRay Kumo.
  5. 3 points
    Half of this thread should be moved to the dir en grey section
  6. 3 points
    -MALICE MIZER- SET-LIST at 2018/09/08: ZIZ - Seraph Moi dix Mois - Mayonaka ni Kawashita Yakusoku Moi dix Mois - Gardenia MALICE MIZER Saikai no Chi to Bara Kyomu no Naka de no Yuugi MALICE MIZER (roadies) Shuji (cali≠gari) - Kioku to Sora Shuji (cali≠gari) - ILLUMINATI KAMIJO - APRES MIDI KAMIJO - Bel Air ~Kuuhaku no Shunkan no Naka De~ Hitomi (ex.Moran) - Madrigal Hitomi (ex.Moran) - N.p.s.N.g.s -ENCORE- Kami (presentation) Au Revoir (instrumental) Ma chérie ~Itoshii Kimi E~ (all the vocalists
  7. 3 points
    Recent DEG stuff sounds like a bunch of 128kbps files anyway
  8. 2 points

    Dir en grey

    He actually did an interview about this either last year or early this year. Idk if there is an English translation out there. Basically there are two reasons, and they extend to WtD as well. The first is that he didn’t want to play the simplistic rock/hardcore/metal drumming style that the rest of the band asked him to play for those records. He wanted to be more creative but they said it didn’t fit the style they were going for or something like that. The other reason is that they decided during that period when they were trying to break into the Western market to stop wearing makeup during performances. Shinya was the one member that was super against this and he nearly quit the band over it because he told himself from the beginning that he wouldn’t be in a band that doesn’t wear makeup. Obviously they have since gone back to wearing makeup. He said he was able to enjoy these albums more for what they are during the “mode of” tours but it remains his least favorite chapter in the bands history.
  9. 2 points
    Shunka Ensen 2.0! My body is ready! I just hope they didn't include that synth clusterfuck so-called gekka bijin on this album. I'm already satisfied If they only include Jo ko Ka, Oborozukiyo, Harushigure, and Muku on this album. Even though Watashi wa Kirai is still amazing.
  10. 2 points
    Just wait for the album. It will come with previews for the samples.
  11. 2 points
    t̜͖͓͉͜h̼̖͇̼e͇̬y҉͕͈̘'̲̥̠̪͓͈r͚͍̝͔̻̞͠e͕̜̯͞ ̶̮̲̺̥̦̯o̦̰̬̯̙u̶̜͚ṭ̟̖̙͔̹̲́ ̹̗͍͖͚̞x͔̼͔̣ ̱
  12. 1 point
    Their new album 「転生輪廻」(Tenshô rinne) will be released on 2018.11.14. TYPE A : 3780 yen CD : 13 songs DVD : 01. 「転生輪廻」(Tenshô rinne) (PV + making-of) TYPE B : 3780 yen CD : 13 songs DVD : 01. +「遠塵離垢」 multi-angle version LIVE DVD TYPE C : 3240 yen CD : 13 songs + 2 bonus
  13. 1 point
    モンストロ (MonstlloW) 3rd single "指切りげんまん" (Yubikiri genman) will be released on 2018.08.22 and sold in advance at their live at Holyday Shinjuku on 2018.08.16. More details come.
  14. 1 point

    Dir en grey

    The softer songs from MoaB are definitely the best moments from the album. I hope the MoaB comparision don't included the mixing of the album as well.
  15. 1 point
    In one of their DVDs he talks about how he dislikes VK and doesn't want to to be associated with it. I won't remember it's name, but it's the one in which they get on stage and play inside of a truck (!?) And thanks for the info on koki.
  16. 1 point


    I think a lot of the stuff on Adoratio is catchy.
  17. 1 point

    BLESS THIS MESS will disband

    Yanagi long comment https://lineblog.me/blemess_officialblog/archives/1260245.html
  18. 1 point
    I like the look too. Their latest singles are so so.... I expected something as good as 百鬼夜行 or 朱花艶閃
  19. 1 point

    random thoughts thread

    ughhh, roommate and her friend is over hanging out in the kitchen and i'm really hungry right now but i don't want to try and make them leave lol......in other words i hate human interaction our kitchen is really small btw so i can't even do anything while they're still in there
  20. 1 point
    YESSSSSSSSSS!!! This amazing look makes me expect a weird and heavy kiryu-ish song! MY BODY IS VERY READY
  21. 1 point
    ^Interesting, I didn't know that. I just remember enjoying the two SEX MACHINEGUNS songs I heard back in the day. ANGEL-TAKA mentioned that he had to convince the two of them to wear makeup for the MV, and I was kind of surprised because I thought I remembered ANCHANG wearing makeup before. Apparently not? Koki Tanaka, a former member of the boyband KAT-TUN. After he got kicked out of Johnny's he started a rock band called INKT with members of High and Mighty Color, and they used to play shows with a few VK bands like NOIZ and Jin-Machine for whatever reason.
  22. 1 point


    I’d ignore that account to be honest. This is the first time I’ve seen them not post a “what’s [insert band here]’s heaviest album?”
  23. 1 point
    I thought anchang was dead or at least retired. I still love sex machine guns, BUT anchang was extremely disrespectful to VK as a whole back at the time that sex machine guns was at their peak and the media associated them with VK, so he claimed he wanted nothing to do with VK and proceeded to offend VK as whole while constantly appearing on VK magazines and selling their stuff at VK shops because it was convenient for them, so fuck him and the flop that was his solo career. I don't think VK bands should be welcoming him at all. Also, who the hell is Koki?
  24. 1 point

    Dir en grey

  25. 1 point

    THE BLACK SWAN will disband

    JIN has started a new art project, "ARTiCLEVER", focusing on design and video production. He's also changed his Twitter username to reflect the change. http://articlever.me
  26. 1 point

    Why is slap/pop bass so popular in Japan?

    Most Japanese bands in general seem to feature bassists that take a more melodic approach rather than simply playing the root. They’re almost like another guitarist sometimes. I’ve always wondered why bass is treated differently from western music.
  27. 1 point
  28. 1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. 1 point
    Don't forget there's a dir en grey artist thread for all your song discussion needs.
  31. 1 point
  32. 1 point
    Ik kijk weinig tot geen Nederlandse series en films, maar laatst is Redbad uitgekomen. Michiel de Ruyter moet ook goed zijn. Verder heb je de hele rits aan Carice van Houten films (Zwartboek, Komt een vrouw bij de dokter, Jackie, De gelukkige huisvrouw, etc).
  33. 1 point
    They should stop deforming the vocals through whatever program they use, sound really odd and ruins a lot of songs nowadays.
  34. 1 point

    THE BLACK SWAN will disband

    Yep, more of those silly ass song comparisons comin' at ya -- "Mushigoe" is literally System of a Down's "Chop Suey", and "B.Y.O.B.", just with 8 strings. It's kinda ridiculous how they managed to get away with all of that very blatant riff lifting...I know from previous experience with VK, that most bands have borrowed some riffs and and a bunch of bands just straight up take songs note for note.
  35. 1 point

    THE BLACK SWAN will disband

    I really hate this, but it's true. "Delta" is literally a drop E cover of "Headache Man" (the GazettE).
  36. 0 points
    whoever leaks this album in 128 kbps should be arrested.
  37. 0 points
    I think Arche leaked like two days early or something like that. Btw Kaoru did an interview with Ongaku to Hito. I haven’t read it but I was reading the 2ch thread and it sounds like the album is gonna be a cross between Arche and TMOAB.
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