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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/21/18 in Posts

  1. 4 points
    Rides In ReVellion two new mini albums "ARTERY" and "VEIN" will be released on 2018.10.28 in two types each. ARTERY limited : 5 songs + M∞CARD Music Video (3240 yens) regular : 6 songs (2700 yens) VEIN limited : 5 songs + M∞CARD Music Video (3240 yens) regular : 6 songs (2700 yens)
  2. 4 points
  3. 4 points
    extremely cursed post
  4. 2 points

    Releases calendar

    Leaderboard Like I said in the suggestions thread : The official MH Visual Releases Calendar is ow opened ! I will do my best for daily updates and feel free to add the missing ones . 2018 JANUARY 2019 FEBRUARY 2019 MARCH 2019 APRIL 2019 MAY 2019 JUNE 2019 JULY 2019 AUGUST 2019 SEPTEMBER 2019 OCTOBER 2019 NOVEMBER 2019 DECEMBER 2019 JANUARY 2020 FEBRUARY 2020 MARCH 2020 APRIL 2020v MAY 2020 JUNE 2020 JULY 2020 AUGUST 2020 SEPTEMBER 2020 OCTOBER 2020 NOVEMBER 2020 DECEMBER 2020 JANUARY 2021 FEBRUARY 2021 MARCH 2021 APRIL 2021 MAY 2021 JUNE 2021
  5. 2 points
    You guys have gone so long without any new X stuff that you actually think this is good. lol
  6. 2 points


    Hello! I have copy number 14 of the DVD. It contains a concert, but actually much more. Two PVs (Fleur and ROMANCIA), the Fleur is much better then the VHS release we only have, it contains many many pictures in a slideshow that were released nowhere else, over 100. It also contains a slideshow of lots of unseen concert footage, but with just a song over it. And it contains excerpts of yet another major era concert, with about 15 seconds per song, it has Billet in that! The only live Billet footage there is. This DVD just shows as a love letter how much love KAMIJO has for his fans, he didn't have money to print any more copies probably, because he had to print more compilation CDs at that time like Imperial Concerto, but it's still a big love letter. Good news, I PUT A PART OF IT ON YT!! Share it like widefire guys. But I love this DVD so much, it's my favourite part of my collection besides their 1st demo tape (100 limited), and I want it to keep it's huge value among collectors, being sold for 100s the rare times it shows up, so I'm not going to put anymore online. BUT I'm going to make an entry of this DVD in Discogs with a detailed tracklist guys I'm already doing a lot for the fanbase by giving info and that one vid, cus there's litirally NO info at all about this at all on the internet besides the Puresound entry. Oh yes, if you have this DVD, YA BETTER NOT SHARE IT TOO It must stay valuable. And OMG I read your long post about their disbandment! This made me sooo sad.... I already knew some of this but not with this much detail! I always knew LAREINE had so much love for each other and their fans, even though I hear people sometimes say KAMIJO is an asshole. Or even a few posts before that they didn't like each other LOL. APPLAUSE RECORDS was the only reason why LAREINE could still make music, I'm so grateful KAMIJO made it when he still had money in Fierte era. And their late era music has so much gems! Imperial Concerto, Sakura, Drama, 愛されていた日々-Ever Love-, 月の狩人, basically the whole Winter Romantic EP, but there's a lot of just good and some decent tracks too so that's why people think it. But I've listened to NEVER CAGE and Imperial Concerto sooo much times, hundreds that I love it all hahaha. Only 眠れぬ恋は真珠 I actively dislike and avoid. It might be one of the worst LAREINE songs ever lol. I didn't know they actually COULDN'T find a drummer, that's soo sad! 😢 Also almost ALL releases of LAREINE after 2003 are expensive ASF and rare and rarely show up: NEVER CAGE, the main album of that time is rare, the three versions are all three rare, normal, Deluxe and Limited... The main singles: Trailer, Sakura, Drama and Sakura -Second Season-, 雪恋詩, 道化師の舞曲 and Cinderella Fantasy are rare too! It's exeptional that these are on puresound at the moment actually, they're KINDAAA overpriced, but are still expensive items. And let's not talk about Best Album Ballad and Fleur, Imperial Concerto, Winter Romantic, Deep Forest, 白蝶 and 女王という名の貴公子 that are each worth over 100.... A prime example of releasing REALLY GOOD music on limited batches of prints. They actually also had a revival of the Fleur fanclub magazine in 2004 that had a few issues, these seem to be so rare that I've never ever seem them on sale. Heck, even the Fleur magazines from the major era BARELY go on sale... I'm dreaming of ever seeing a Bara wa live performance, question: Did they perform this and Billet in their late era concerts? Or songs like ピンクの傘 and パリは秋色 from Fierte, two of my favourites and sooo underrated. Sadly these four are not on the THE LAST OF ROMANCE I DVD main concert. And some good info: I'm working on a huge LAREINE fansite! With scans of every release booklet, a full discography AND miscellanous items like the many many message CD/VHS/Tapes, lots of information, magazine and book scans! It's sitll in early stages so no link yet, but I will make a topic and a new LAREINE thread here (this one's from 2007 lol) when it's close to done and presentable! Using a paid domain and a very good Wordpress theme with many plugins. I think I am very fitted to make the website since I own almost every item ever except the FC magazines that I barely own. Inertla thank you so much for your post!! Can I use info of it in my site? I will credit you! This might also be my favourite post on this whole site lol! Bye Also if anyone is wondering why Reine de fleur I and II sound so weird, it's because it's a compilation of pre-BLUE ROMANCE LAREINE except for Detest Off Doll and a version of Féerie. KAMIJO's voice was completely untrained in some of the songs on it. When I first started listening and downloaded Reine de fleur I and II I was also very confused by this LOL. I put on 季節風 and Dir en gray at random and was like "WTF??" lol
  7. 2 points


    I lived in Tokyo and went to all their local shows and many of the away ones too during their second period in the 2000s. Something that I think isn’t fully appreciated among international fans is just how unpopular and broke Lareine was during that time, and how desperately and passionately they worked despite the obstacles. But every concert was magical. It had to be. There was no reason to do it otherwise, and a million reasons to quit. It felt like borrowed time, and I was always so happy and grateful to be able to see them despite the bittersweet feeling they would have been better off doing something else. They always looked exhausted at events, rarely had new costumes, rarely even had new goods because I think they had trouble coming up with deposits. Cheki didn’t start to become a thing until late in their history (2005-ish?) when they’d already spent years grinding away with little return. I suspect the reason why they were able to put out as many releases as they did is because back during Lareine’s Sony days Kamijo invested in buying a bunch of his own production equipment. I think normally an indie band at that level wouldn’t have had those resources. But time to write and rehearse seemed like a scarce commodity too back then. There were times when Kamijo looked half dead. And every time Lareine did a little tour we could watch Kamijo perk up day by day, at the same time as us fans with normal lives were getting more and more tired as the tour went on. It always made me wonder what on earth kind of awful schedule he normally had in Tokyo, juggling the band and probably a part-time job, that going on tour would feel like a vacation to him. (Later on when I read Versailles interviews, they mentioned that Kamijo and Hizaki first met while working at Third Stage.) Unfortunately by 2003 Lareine was already perceived as old, out of date, and uncool. A ‘90s band. If they hadn’t paused in 2000 maybe things would have been different, maybe they could have built a solid base like Dir or Pierrot. But coming back in 2003 it was too late, the trends had already changed. Lareine had few fans back then, and it seemed like all of us were fans from before. I never met any Japanese fans who said they were new. (only international fans) Young VK fans didn’t care. Lareine wrote some of the currently trendy themes into their music in ways that were interesting instead of pure copy/paste, and us old fans had fun, but nobody else cared. They did some amazing experimental stuff on stage, and nobody saw it except us few old fans. To give you an idea of how young fans perceived them, there was a big outcry when Versailles was announced because people didn’t think a pansy weak vocalist with a thin high voice like Kamijo should be playing with awesome (but unknown) guitarists like Hizaki and Teru. They really got outraged when we heard Versailles was going to have a heavy sound. I got in a lot of arguments online at that time with people who clearly thought I was a delusional fangirl for saying that Kamijo’s voice is powerful enough to sing heavier music. In February 2006 Kazumi announced that he was leaving Lareine and retiring from music. I never blamed him, I was thankful that he had done his best to help bring us great music for so long despite the hardships. But this was really the beginning of the end. Lareine put out big ads in the major VK magazines looking for a new drummer, and they even went out of their way to explicitly write that they would take applications from anybody regardless of age or sex or nationality, as long as they could play and would love the band. I think that would be shocking to see in a band’s want ad even today, and this was in 2006 before the explosion of international tours had happened. But they weren’t able to find a drummer, and then during the summer Mayu vanished again. Honestly I can’t even blame Mayu either for wanting to quit under the circumstances, but it was terrible that he vanished without communication or warning. The Club Citta live they did in October was originally supposed to be a Halloween Party event live with multiple bands, not their last live. I went to as many of Kamijo’s anniversary tour dates as I could, since it was so special. The Tokyo final with everyone was amazing. So glad I went. p.s. “Drama” was so great live that to this day I can still half-hear the performance in my memory, even though they only played it twice in Sapporo in February 2006 before Kazumi left. It was so powerful. Kazumi and Emiru were much louder than on the studio version; this song actually has a really sexy rhythm when you can hear them. Mayu took the electric part instead of the acoustic one. They came together solid and strong booming on the beat in that last chorus on the song, Kamijo singing powerfully instead of gently, and hard on the beat like the others. I regret not bringing my MD recorder to Sapporo, but I never imagined that those 2 nights would be the last times we could enjoy Lareine normally.
  8. 2 points

    Your last music-related buy!

    Thanks to @t597 for sell me this stuff ❤️
  9. 1 point
    This song has been therapeutic to me as of late so I decided to translate it. Lyrics: Lime Music: Lime Kanji: petitlyrics Romaji & translation: me Kanji: 怨ミ節 Romaji: Urami bushi English: Song of Resentment Enjoy! ^^
  10. 1 point
    I started being a fan around the same time, back in 2006. A friend gave me a mix tape of their music, and I instantly fell in love. I’m so glad you will be able to see them one last (well, technically two) last time! Sadly, even if I decided to go to Japan, I have an internship coming up, which ends in late January. So it’s sadly not possible. But I hope you have a great time! Can you do me just one favour? When BondS comes on (and it has to, come on), sing along extra loud? Jump around, cry your heart out? I cannot be there, so someone has to.
  11. 1 point
    I totally feel you. I started following them in 2007, they were my first band, first concert (and not in my home country), first concert in Japan... I adore them, and even expected, I still can't believe it. Their songs were the soundtrack of most of my life, I never stopped loving them. I scored two FC BondS tickets for the last two concerts, I'm 50% super happy to get to say goodbye to them, 50% terrified to do so.
  12. 1 point

    X Japan new album scheduled for 30th of TBD

    "It's bad" "No it's not" "Yes it is" Man opinions are so funny! I saw raging weebs mad this wasn't gonna be by the same people from the previous seasons and as an outsider I thought that was hilarious I'm sure it would have been the same if FLCL alternative didn't have music by the pillows (the anime sucked but priorities!! I guess)
  13. 1 point
    It's bad. It doesn't capture the spirit of the property it was designed to be attached to. It is not very memorable, original or well executed. It's not going to be liked. And I don't say this as an anime weeb. I really like what X has done in the last years. I really want to have that album. But this is not interesting at all.
  14. 1 point

    カラビンカ (Kalavinka) new look

    Kalavinka's website has been renewed and it includes samples of their recent songs. They will also hold their twoman with Inugami Circus-dan at Ikebukuro CHOP on December 5!
  15. 1 point
    Except it isn't? I get bashing X or HYDE for the never coming album or recent music (VAMPS, that garbage solo single), but passing judgement on a 30 sec sample of a track is stupid. So far I still get VAMP-vibes... May as well be VAMPIRE'S LOVE (which I like). The anime nerds prob won't like it since it doesn't fit with the previous OPs. But those openings themes sucked anyway.
  16. 1 point
    Even if that’s the case, being tied down to a specific style doesn’t mean you can’t write a good song.
  17. 1 point
    the ultimate has-been anthem, a single mediocre song to end VK for good tbh
  18. 1 point
    Not mine, had them stored away without any credit :/ If you recognize them as yours (if it's possible), I'll be sure to add the credit. Kanji: かすれた声に凍えた手で 空を掴むように求めてた 癒されない傷が疼いても きっと気が付かないままの君 暗い目に映るあの景色 ずっと届かない気がするけど 嫌な音が聞こえてきたら 耳を塞いで逃げたら? 息ができない 何故...何故...僕を傷つける? 未来を描いたはずの キャンバスを破り捨てた ずっと胸に抱いてた想い 君には届かないから そっと頬を撫でた風の 冷たさに震えてる 絵空事のように呟いた「君に僕は見えない?」と 息が止まって 何故...何故...君は笑わない? 重ねた唇 舌を絡ませ もう二度と君から離れない 未来を描いただけの キャンバスを塗りつぶした 新しい絵を描き始める 無駄かも知れないけど きっと君は振り向かない そんな事は知ってるから 絵空事のように呟いた「もう終わりにしようよ」と Romaji: Kasureta koe ni kogoe ta te de Zora wo tsukamu you ni moto meteta Iyasarenai kizuga uzuitemo Kitto kiga zu kanai mama no kimi Kurai me ni utsuru ano keshiki, zutto todokanai ki gasurukedo Iyana otoga ki koete kitara Mimi wo fusai de nigetara? Ikiga dekinai, naze…naze…boku wo kizutsukeru? Mirai wo egaitahazuno, CANVAS wo yaburi suteta Zutto muneni idaiteta omoi Kimi ni ha todokanaikara Sotto hoo wo nadedeta kaze no, tsumetasa ni furueteru Esoragoto no youni tsubuyaita「kimi ni boku ha mienai? 」 to Iki ga to matte, naze… naze…kimi wa warenai? Kasarera michibiru, shite wo karamase, mou nitodo kimi kara hanarenai Mirai wo egaitadakeno, CANVAS wo meitsubushita Atarashii e wo egaki hajimeru Muda kamoshirenai kedo Kitto kimi wa furimukanai Sonta koto wa shitterukara Esoragoto no youni tsubuyaita「mou owari ni shiyouyo」 to
  19. 1 point
    Music boner, activated!
  20. 1 point
    I wonder if Japanese fans of Visual Kei also notice and criticise how the emulation of old school Visual Kei seems to always be reduced to Dir en grey's influence...
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
    Melon Soda

    Any old school bands?

    You can try Scarlet Horizon, a visual deathcore band from Beijing
  23. 1 point

    Your last music-related buy!

    my packages finally arrived after waiting for an eternity
  24. 1 point
    I mean to be fair they’re pretty ridiculous live too, I’m remembering the singer munching potato chips and everyone running around like crabs. Goofy as hell but really active and really fun.
  25. 0 points
    I cannot even put my sadness into words. I’ve been a fan for 12 years, and even though I expected it (and I’m also glad that they can move on), it is still a shock. I only had the chance to see them live 2 times (I was in Japan two years go, but sadly, AnCafe’s tour only started shortly afterwards.) I wished to see them live at least one last time. Now I know it is never going to happen. I’m sad I cannot bid this band farewell for it really influenced my teenage and early adult life. Bye Nyappy. This time for good.
  26. 0 points
    It sounds good!
  27. 0 points
    DIMDIVISION? Gazette knock-off?
  28. 0 points
    Karma’s Hat

    Dir en grey

    guize https://www.setlist.fm/setlists/dir-en-grey-43d6c33b.html https://www.oricon.co.jp/prof/6902/rank/album/
  29. 0 points
    Just to clear things a bit for me after (my) hyatus. Is this still the same new album they announced some years ago after the reunion and was never out?
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