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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/24/17 in Posts

  1. 5 points
    It will be released on 2017.10.27. TYPE A : 2871 yen + taxes CD : 01.愚かしい竜の夢(Orokashii ryû no yume) 02.竜哭(りゅうこく)の叙事詩(エピック) (Ryû koku no jojishi) 03.Draconids(ドラコニズ) 04.遥かな涯へ(Haruka na hade he) + 1 song DVD : 01.「愚かしい竜の夢」 Music Video 02.「愚かしい竜の夢」Music Video Making TYPE B : 2315 yen + taxes CD : 01.愚かしい竜の夢(Orokashii ryû no yume) 02.竜哭(りゅうこく)の叙事詩(エピック) (Ryû koku no jojishi) 03.Draconids(ドラコニズ) 04.遥かな涯へ(Haruka na hade he) 05. 愚かしい竜の夢 (Voiceless) + 2 songs Their DVD live 「D TOUR 2016~2017 Wonderland Savior ~月の歯車~」 will be released at the same date. (6000 yen). It will include a booklet. It will be sold via their web-shop. Disc 1 : 13 songs D TOUR 2016~2017 Wonderland Savior ~月の歯車~ 2017.1.27 Grand Final at 新宿ReNY ライブシューティン 01.Underground Revolution~反逆の旋律(メロディー)~ 02.シュレディンガーの夢遊猫(むゆうびょう)とジャッカロープの杖 03.Keep a secret~帽子屋の憂鬱~ 04.海王鯨島 亀毛海浜夢珠工場(かいおうくじらとう きもうかいひんゆめたまこうじょう) 05.Egg Supremacism 06.HAPPY UNBIRTHDAY 07.月影の自鳴琴(オルゴール) 08.Psychedelic Horror Show 09.フューシャピンクとフランボワーズの鍵盤 10.MASTER KEY 11.Wonderland Savior~太陽と月の歯車~ 12.水たまりの空~ドードー飛行記~ 13.七色革命 Disc 2 : D TOUR 2016~2017 Wonderland Savior ~月の歯車~ ツアードキュメント(Live footage) Album「Wonderland Savior」全楽曲のイメージフルCG映像 (14 songs)
  2. 4 points

    ZORO one-day revival

    ZORO (active from 2007-2015) will revive for one day at their live on November 12. https://www.barks.jp/news/?id=1000147178#utm_source=tw_BARKS_NEWS&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=tw_auto
  3. 4 points
    It will be released on 2017.11.15. Limited edition : 3241 yen + taxes CD : 1. The RISING-Orchestra- 2. Beyond The Sorrow 3. 罪と罰 4. WARRIOR 5. The Gambler 6. 覇道の火よ 7. 黄金郷を夢見て 8. Voyage 9. 戦場の雨は音もなく 10. PANTHEON-PART2- DVD : ■「PANTHEON-PART 2-」Music Video ■《特典映像》PANTHEON TOUR -the first movement- FINAL仙台CLUB JUNK BOX〜Live Digest〜 : 1.止まるんじゃねえ 2.BURNING SOUL 3.Excalibur 4.Mammon Will Not Die 5.Curse Of Blood Regular edition : 2778 yen + taxes CD : 1. The RISING-Orchestra- 2. Beyond The Sorrow 3. 罪と罰 4. WARRIOR 5. The Gambler 6. 覇道の火よ 7. 黄金郷を夢見て 8. Voyage 9. 戦場の雨は音もなく 10. PANTHEON-PART2- http://matenrou-opera.jp/information/1957
  4. 3 points


    Thank you everyone who has participated so far even in the introductions alone. I myself am somewhat of a beginner to moderate level. More on the beginner side. But I did notice some advanced peeps joined the club which I'm very happy for. Don't get me wrong I don't want to just take take take. I hope to be up to that level to contribute to conversational stuff and just keeping things fresh. We do have a few people in here just starting out, so I will be making a beginners post soon.... However, I am taking volunteers to help me set up more advanced stuff. I won't expect you to do much other than correct me if I'm incorrect. I'm teaching myself currently... and would accept any help but I don't want to be too greedy with running the club and also asking everyone for help haha. I AM SUPER AMAZED HOW WELL THIS IS TURNING OUT JUST IN A DAYS TIME.
  5. 3 points


    I really need to get back into studying! Nice to see this group @togz! Name: Kelly Age: 35 Years studied: Maybe 2-3 years seriously, but a lot of time on and off trying to teach myself. Estimated level: I've completed beginners level classes and books and I can read a bit but listening skills, pronunciation, and formulating grammar just... i need lots of help lol. Knowledge of Hiragana/Katakana: All Kanji: I used to be closer to 500 but I think I've backslid to probably around 300 at this point. What is your main goal with studying Japanese?: I guess conversational, definitely grammar. What materials have you used before?: My online classes had us working out of Japanese for Busy People workbooks, since then I do some duolingo and watch youtube channels like Japanesepod101 and tomoko tomoko.
  6. 2 points
    魅ラ (Mira) has joined the band on 2017.09.24. https://lineblog.me/m_saga_blog/archives/700240.html
  7. 2 points


    Name: suji Age: >20 Years studied: 2-3 yrs maybe?? on and off, i'm too fuckin lazy Estimated level: beginner af Knowledge of Hiragana/Katakana: I'm way more experienced with katakana than hiragana ;w; Just now trying to get the hang of hiragana tho Kanji: the kanji for "ai"...that's it What is your main goal with studying Japanese?: to be able to experience japanese culture instead of just watching from a distance for the rest of my life :/ What materials have you used before?:
  8. 2 points
    thank u I lowkey can't understand how a band that drags the entire scene down so massively has stans this rabid, but that's not the point, who literally allowed them to emerge, who funded this mess, why do they hate VK so much idk I have more questions than answers r.n.
  9. 2 points

    ZORO one-day revival

    lmao @ their respective heteronormative solo projects never really taking off geT those dusty weaves out, you better werk that attendance up a lil bit, irrelevant cueens
  10. 2 points


    Name: MyakuHaku Age: 16 Years studied: Just a few months on and off. Estimated level: Beginner. Knowledge of Hiragana/Katakana: Few Hiragana, Hardly any katakana, Kanji: None? What is your main goal with studying Japanese?: I wanna understand more of course but as of now, I'd like to work more on Hiragana and Katakana and grammar, eventually kanji. Then work on speaking and hearing. Also hoping to go to college in japan too. What materials have you used before?: So far only a few books and mostly websites.
  11. 1 point

    ZON 1st minialbum "anima"

    ZON 1st minialbum "anima" will be released february 7th 2018. It'll contain 5 songs + a DVD containing 1 song. price: 3000yen (tax not included)
  12. 1 point
    In case anyone wants or cares to know, this is somewhat related to Akaki Hitsuji since Dahlie (the character Asagi portrays in Akaki) had a dragon and so did her daughter Carbuncle (the character portrayed by Tsunehito). And this mini album is supposed to be centered in those two dragon characters (Vulcano and Leidenschaft), or at least related to them... I can't wait for more info from Asagi. I love his cheesy novels
  13. 1 point


    Name: James (God, 神様, etc.) Age: 24 Years studied: Never really committed to "studying" but I started trying to read the language about 9 years ago Estimated level: Pre-Beginner Knowledge of Hiragana/Katakana: Can read all kana, but for some reason my brain can process hiragana much quicker. Kanji: Maybe 50? But I can only remember to handwrite a few (if any). What is your main goal with studying Japanese? Reading, Conversational, Vocabulary, and Grammar. I went to Japan back in May and felt very bad that I couldn't hold a conversation in Japanese with *anyone* and I also didn't like having to rely on the English menus at restaurants (haha). What materials have you used before? I'll try to translate song/album titles whenever possible. I use WWWJDIC, imiwa?, and shirabe-jisho for vocabulary, and as for grammar, I'd just use Google (both translate and search, though the former is not very reliable). Also, I need to just go on a tangent about how fucking stupid it is that people on the internet will translate song lyrics and go into deep analysis about it but they won't even bother trying to translate the actual title! WHY?!
  14. 1 point
    New album! Their 20th original album. 異次元からの咆哮 初回限定盤 [CD+DVD] TKCA-74561 通常盤 [CD] TKCA-74562 2017.10.04 Release 異次元からの咆哮 CD
 01. 虚無の声 02. 風神 03. 超自然現象 04. 月夜の鬼踊り 05. もののけフィーバー 06. 宇宙のシンフォニー 07. 太陽がいっぱい 08. 痴人のモノローグ 09. 悪魔祈禱書 10. 悪夢の添乗員 11. 地獄のヘビーライダー 12. 異端者の悲しみ DVD
ライブ盤リリース記念ワンマンツアー「威風堂々」 2017/3/25(土)赤坂BLITZ 01. 鉄格子黙示録 02. 宇宙遊泳 03. 宇宙からの色 04. ロックンロール特急 05. 恐怖!! ふじつぼ人間 06. 猟奇が街にやって来る 07. 地獄 PV released yesterday:
  15. 1 point
  16. 1 point
    This is a good late-Sadie song, the guitar riff does sound Lynch - Devil a bit lol, anyway I liked some stuff from Madrigal De Maria so it's not a surprise I like this even when I couldn't humour anything else they've done as 13. I'm happy with this if it continues. Also btw their look is very nice finally, after having been as much a cheap mess as their musical ideal lol I always love Mao' s gutturals, that's something that sets him apart from his inspiration without sounding like clearly worse lol<3
  17. 1 point
    A fresh new concept, thank gawd! Sexy costumes too, although it reminds me of one of their other red costumes for Akaki hitsuji ni yoru bansankai...
  18. 1 point
    4thEP『FLYING LEAP EP』 -Track list- 01. Flaming Immortal Wings 02. Phoenix 03. Autumnal Gloom 04. Violence to the Steel Gray Night 05. Breathe D.C.
  19. 1 point
  20. 1 point
    Right? It's almost like this is some sort of Internet forum where people click on threads and leave comments.
  21. 1 point

    Your last music-related buy!

    My last music-related buy escalated quite quickly for there were many records on sale. Now I'm poor, but quite happy as well...haha Dir en Grey- Arche (I know, FINALLY.) Merry- M.E.R.R.Y Merry- Nonsense Market Merry- Peep Show Merry- under-world Merry- nu chemical rhetoric AnCafe- Laugh Song (sadly, only the regular edition, I would've loved to have bought the other one as well, but toooo expensive) Girugamesh- Monster Girugamesh- Chimera Next buys when I've got the money: Merry- modern garde Girugämesh- Go Maximum the Hormone- Kusoban Luna Sea- Eden
  22. 1 point
    Y'all must have plenty of free time to bother listen and comment every single thing they do, just so you can complain on a forum.
  23. 1 point
    the fact that a band like this is even allowed to exist in the first place only tells you how far visual kei still is from becoming a serious art.
  24. 1 point
    lmao @ babby's first EDM samplepack + lynch. rip off for the song and a sukekiyo look attempt brain-dead oxygen thieves, making Ains progeny look comparatively fresh and inventive when will you retire already like the rest of sadie
  25. 1 point
  26. 1 point
    Tracklist: 01. Pain after Pain 02. BITES THE BLACK 03. PSYCHOPATH BILLY 04. Junky Monkey Boogie Down (Reg. Edition Only) 05. MONTAGE 06. Whisper in silence they are back to form - sounds incredible!!! hopefully the rest of the songs on this minialbum will be on par with this one.
  27. 1 point

    SuG will disband

    According to his twitter, Takeru has announced that he will delete his Twitter and Instagram accounts at the end of September. Save as many nudes as you can, stans!!
  28. 1 point

    Discussion in Japanese Only

    そういえば、前に大阪にも来ると言ったよね?いつ大阪に来る? はじめまして、 申し訳ないけど、名前は特に書きたくないのであなくろって呼んでもいい。 2012年にアメリカから島根に引っ越したけど、今は大阪に住んどる👆😊👆 昔にはヴィジュアル系に行ってたけどもう卒業した(笑)今はメタルコアやハードコアのライブによく行く。やっぱりヴィジュアル系より、楽なんだ。 ライブ以外、普段はよくNetflix見たり、ポケモンGOやったりするね😊偶に飲みにも行くけど、年取ってる()もし飲みに行ったら、次の日にしんどすぎてそろそろバーに行くのやめようかなっと(笑) 最近日本語能力試験のためまた自分で日本語を勉強してきた。12月にN2を受験することになったけどマジで不安😢 よろしくお願いします🙏
  29. 1 point


    Name: we can go with anakuro Age: 27 Years studied: Uh, 2.5 at university, then self study on and off. I've lived in Japan for 5 years and that's what improved my japanese the most. Estimated level: advanced. Knowledge of Hiragana/Katakana: all. Kanji: if you're asking me to handwrite, not many at all. I can read basic readings of probably 1000~ kanji. I can recognize the meaning of more (but not be able to tell you how to read it). It's hard to assess because, well, I don't/can't really count them; depends on what criteria you're using; for many kanji I know them in the context of words, not a single kanji alone. What is your main goal with studying Japanese?: need to improve vocabulary and grammar. I want to pass the N2 for job related reasons. What materials have you used before?: At uni we used Genki 1 & 2 but I wasn't a big fan at all. I don't know what we used when I studied abroad, but I wasn't that into it either. I've used memrise to help with learning vocabulary. JET program japanese language course books two years (intermediate, advanced). I'm currently using sou matome, but it seems way too easy for the N2--also, not the biggest fan of the grammar book. But really, I learned through immersion. I lived in a really small town for three years and had to use japanese every day. I couldn't be shy and not speak japanese--otherwise I'd never talk at all. On the other hand, I feel like my skills went down after moving to osaka. I've started self studying again & my boyfriend only speaks japanese so I feel like I'm slowly getting back to where I used to be.
  30. 1 point
    we want new costumes after the oneman...bitch! we also want more WEAVE
  31. 1 point

    Your last music-related buy!

    Latest purchases °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖° MUCC - 脈拍 LP Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2 LP Vision of Fatima - In Your Blot:__ Sable Hills - Absolute
  32. 1 point
  33. 1 point
    He did hurt my feelings with his terrible music, he got that right. Somebody gotta stop this mofo
  34. 1 point
    Är det här en välkomsttråd eller en privat konversation? lol
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