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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/06/20 in Posts

  1. 5 points


    Hello! i'm still not very sure how to use this ;; but i've recently gotten back into visual kei! after a few years and i kept ending up on this page so i wanted to give it a shot! some of the bands i really enjoy are: Mamireta, DAMY, DEZERT, Kizu, the GazettE, Dir En Grey, there's probably more but those are the ones from the top of my head at the moment but please recommend me some other bands! i also cosplay and play some videos games and love to shitpost ;; feel free to message me i'd like to make more friends who are also into vkei!! my instagram is @cultfurby !! i hope everyone is doing well!
  2. 3 points
    Sclaim new maxi-single "鳳凰RAVE -New Mix- (Deluxe Edition)" will be released at 2020/11/21 (3500yen) it will include CD (11 songs) and DVD including "鳳凰RAVE" PV [CD tracklist] 1. 鳳凰RAVE -New Mix- 2. Dark valley -New Mix- 3. Aの蜜約 -New Mix- 4. 鳳凰RAVE (Backing Track) 5. Dark valley (Backing Track) 6. Aの蜜約 (Backing Track) 7. 鳳凰RAVE (Drum Stem) 8. 鳳凰RAVE (Bass Stem) 9. 鳳凰RAVE (Drum & Bass Mix) 10.鳳凰RAVE (Guitar Stem) 11.鳳凰RAVE (Vocal Stem)
  3. 3 points


    I can understand both of your points. Of course DIMLIM still has a huge potential with an A+ singer and a solid/creative guitarist. And yes, even MISC. has some highs which I hope they could improve over the possible next record. But what is definiteley not deniable is that the presentation of the band (Retsu) is literally a catastrophe. There is no concept, no content and no clear path of what this band is aiming for. In my opinion - and that should be for the most people here - is that I like a band partially because of the music and partially because of the look/theme/appearence (whatever you may name it). The music: ok they changed (and it's our turn next hehe) and I can accept that. The apperance: They wanted to quit VK, that's ok! But what are they aiming for? And for that I think this band is nearly dead. They abandoned fans from the past as they wanted to do a cut and will be struggling to gather new fans because of a) no shows at the moment and b) no concept. And that's a shame as this band had/has so much potential. Ah yes and that "positive reaction from overseas" is - in my opinion- a leftover from CHEDOARA and I would bet that most of the people who got tickets for the oversea shows didn't buy them to get wild over "Lament" if you know what I mean..
  4. 2 points


    Never thought I'd see Lets himself join the forum.
  5. 2 points
    I started watching Demon Slayers, and I'm enjoying the plot so far. I'm interested in the strong bond that Tanjirou and Nezuko share, and I also like Tanjirou's character. I can't wait to see what kind of role the supporting cast/side characters will play. Picked up Fruits Basket (the remake) since I remember watching the original anime many years ago. I'm curious to see how this new one will turn out, considering the anime technically never finished the plot as the manga was still ongoing at the time. Sad to hear that the new Inuyasha anime is turning out to be more fanservice than actual story plot, though.
  6. 2 points


    Welcome to the forum! It's not as big as it used to be, but it's still chugging on. If you have any questions, moderators and admins such as @suji and @Gesu can help
  7. 1 point
    DEZERT new digital single "Your Song" will be released at 2020/11/16 https://lnk.to/DEZERT
  8. 1 point

    The general Metal discussion thread

    @Bear Nice one!
  9. 1 point


    Yeah, I had a double check and that seems correct, but even still, the reports were not very positive either way. Sadly. But from here as they have changed, or at least seem to want to change the identity of the band it makes me wonder if they ever do anything again if they'll stick purely with MISC stuff. You said Hiroshi's insta story was him playing "What's up" right? So I can't help but feel they'll be dropping all pre-MISC stuff in the future. If there is a future for them at all.... lol. For sure! Retsu isn't a bad song writer! Far from it. His work on everything since Issei left upto MISC has been pretty damn awesome. I still listen to all their stuff pretty regularly. The problem is, Retsu doesn't seem to know what he wants to do and building a solid fanbase is going to be hard if you keep changing your style/band identity so often. Sure they'll gain new fans, keep some old fans but they will also lose fans like that. So basically they seem to be struggling to maintain a stable fanbase. So if Retsu can just stick with one thing, push forward with that and build from there, maybe it can work. But as Demivee said above "There is no concept, no content and no clear path of what this band is aiming for." it's hard to really see at this point what is going to happen with them. Again, if anything. Weird about the store, guess there are some changes happening, but whether they're for the best or worst remains to be seen.
  10. 1 point


    Not having a concept was the point of MISC though.From interviews I've read, before Retsu became into sad chill (which I just recently listened to some artist in the genre and isn't as bad as everyone makes it out to be lol) is a huge Gazette fan and Sho is a huge Dir En Grey fan, both bands changing their styles a couple of times in their career (until the Gazette settled to their current style),so I'm not suprised Dimlim is releasing albums and singles that sounds like the debut album of different bands. But there's only one problem with Retsu, he's an artist first and a businessman 2nd.They missed selling more copies of Cheodora and Rijin if they just released a limited edition (with bonus or alternate songs or dvd) or put random photocards in, forcing hardcore fans to buying multiple cd's to collect all cards.They really need a manager or sign to a label.
  11. 1 point

    The general Metal discussion thread

    New track from the upcoming Ghetto Ghouls EP, Out for Justice. Check it out and share it with both friends and foes. The full EP wil drop on the 20th of November. @Visutox @Jigsaw9
  12. 1 point


    Welcome to the forum! Visual kei is dabes
  13. 1 point


  14. 1 point


    Welcome on the forum
  15. 1 point


    AA Thank you!! ;; !! I’ll mostly give Kagerou and R-Shitei a listen later today! I’ve also listen to a couple of songs by DIMLIM! I like them but I most definitely need to listen to them more ! Thank you!!
  16. 1 point


    Welcome, hope you have fun~
  17. 1 point
    Total Saikou


    Welcome to MH! I'm always glad to see new faces around here. I hope you have fun and feel at home! Nice band list you got there, that's a good taste! If you like those bands then I'd recommend you 蜉蝣 [Kagerou], DIMLIM (you might listen to them already idk) and R指定 [R-Shitei].
  18. 1 point

    Change the Name

    the point is that it's a club, so it's not gonna include everyone. the problem is that gays need their own space instead of being mixed in with everyone else all the time. you don't see the goth club including people who wear bright colors and listen to lady gaga. sorry if it sounds like i'm overthinking here lol
  19. 1 point
    Total Saikou

    Change the Name

    In my opinion, it's missing some flair. How about "Mega Homos of Monochrome Heaven"? I like the sound of it, it has some nice enunciation. If that's a little much, then the current name is just fine imo. I imagine that a more PC name would be like "MH Gay-straight alliance" or "The MH LGBTQ+ Club" and that just sounds boring and drab to me.
  20. 1 point

    Coronavirus (COVID-19) MEGATHREAD!

    As of today, the UK is back in lockdown. I'm sick and tired of all the panic buyers over here, tbh. I get buying things you need that you'd buy anyways shortly before lockdown starts but really, is there any need to buy 18 packs of toilet roll two whole weeks before they're gonna arrive!? Essential stores are still open so it's not like you're gonna run out forever. Selfish idiots like those are why no-one can get any online orders through. There's literally never a free slot because people feel like they have to guess what they're gonna need weeks from now and just buy as much as they possibly can even if they're never gonna use it. Also, schools are still open for some asinine reason. I really don't get why Boris Johnson thought it'd be a good idea to keep them open instead of opting for online classes like before but what are ya gonna do 🤷‍♀️ As for Christmas, my close family and I have concluded that none of us are buying presents this year. We're all okay with that given the circumstances (and given that I'm the youngest member of my close family and I'm twenty, so it's not like there are gonna be any tears over no presents), but it's gonna be weird. I hope I can see them this year. My grandma sounded very certain when she said I wasn't gonna be alone this Christmas but... can we really be sure? Well that didn't fucking happen
  21. 1 point
    中央ライナーズ is actually Chuo LINERS Yasunao Kanai is the name he's going by now His twitter
  22. 1 point


    I don't think anyone here is aware, DIMLIM was 2nd place in the band division of a competition by Tunecore Japan and sponsored by PayNoah with Tom Smith of JPU records as one of the guest judges. From my understanding,the prize is the sponsor will pay some of the fee's and gives a right to the band to perform in a venue in the UK, the grand winner though gets an all expense paid live performance in the UK that will be awarded hopefully next year. https://magazine.tunecore.co.jp/news/76397/ From JPU's site https://jpurecords.com/blogs/news/iken-no-uk-winners So how is it a downward spiral when the band is getting positive attention outside Japan? MISC is a great album and they finally shed their D.I.D and Diru clone tag and Sho stopped trying to be Kyo 2.0. Retsu leaving Dimlim equals to the band disbanding and a high possibility Sho retires from music. Reading their JaMe interview everyone is into the new music of MISC and I think Sho even had a hand in giving Retsu songwriting ideas and Hiroshi,I read somewhere wanted to sound like new Dezert and he got his wish somewhat.But from that interview, growls and breakdowns will one day comeback if they feel it's time to bring it back.
  23. 1 point
    apologies for not updating for a while x For their 19th anniversary on 11/7, MERRY will livestream the tour final from their 5 Sheep tour, ie, Kenichi's final live. The stream will be on Zaiko, which does accept foreign credit/debit cards/Paypal and is in English! General ticket is 3000 yen, and if you want digital photos with it, it'll be 4500 yen. After purchase, you're only able to view the stream from your account only, even if you try to share it anywhere else, and you can watch the stream even after it's over. https://merry-1107.zaiko.io/_item/331555
  24. 1 point

    ghost's drawings

    The Haunts . . I've got the haunts. And the only prescription is more pumpkins and ghosts and spooks and treats.
  25. 1 point


    Hahaha if only this happened that'd be amazing. Tbh it would probably do the band a favour if Retsu left, he seems to be getting all gassed up on "sadboi" music atm and seems to change what he likes all the time. Like I remember a live stream with him and Ryuya on instagram where he was blasting like Gojira in the background all the way through. Then later on insta questions said he "doesn't listen to that type of music anymore", then MISC happened and due to lack of activity it makes me wonder if he's losing interest in the rock/metal stuff completely. So who knows wtf is going to happen from here. Announcing a disbandment would probably make most sense, before DIMLIM turns into a sadboi rap trio. Though that could be lels....
  26. 1 point
  27. 1 point

    Last movie you saw.

    Borat Subsequent Moviefilm: Delivery of Prodigious Bribe to American Regime for Make Benefit Once Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan - I did not like the original Borat movie when it was released 15 years ago, but considering the current political climate in the USA I just had to watch this and it's a homerun for sure. Holy shit, this was incredibly funny, and, even more relevant. All around hilarious, and at times just pure genius. Sacha Baron Cohen is, as always, very good and Maria Bakalova is even better. That performance is INSANE. Can't believe she kept her face straight through some of these scenes. Incredible!
  28. 1 point

    Larme Belladonna New Look 2020

    5th single 「reflection U」 Release: 2020/11/15
  29. 1 point
  30. 1 point
    アマノジャクシ (Amanojacushi) will suspend their activities after their live at 2021/01/17 at Nagoya ell.FITS ALL
  31. 1 point
    I already bought it, yeah
  32. 1 point
  33. 1 point
    New releases for 2 consecutive months: 2020.11.01「ヘドロ」 2020.12.01「またね、」
  34. 1 point
  35. 1 point
    Hi everyone, I am Baptiste (but call me Tsukiyo), 25 years old. I was born in Vietnam but I grew up in France. I'm living in Belgium currently. When I was 12 years old, one of my friend who made me discover a lot a musics (rock musics) sent me two videos. It was Gianism Shichi by Nightmare and Garnet by D'espairsRay. At first, I didn't really like those musics, I guess there were too different from what I usually listened and watched. But there was something that was pushing me to listen to them again and again. Some sort of curiosity. After some days, I ended up loving visual kei. It was one of the most important event of my life beacause visual kei influenced me a lot after that. During several years, I was listenning to visual kei musics and I discovered many bands. But sadly, around 2014, most of the bands that I loved disbanded or started to realese more commercial musics. On top of that, I didn't like the new bands at that time. Finally, I stoped being interested in visual kei scene. But recently, one of my friend (another this time) encouraged me to post my photos on Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/tsukiyo_yazawa/ if you are interrested) and I got in touch with some other visual kei fans. This led me to try visual kei musics again and... here I am. So, I hope I will like some new musics because I am a bit tired to listen to the same musics for 10 years. Don't hesitate to contact me if you have any suggestions or just to say hi. See you My favorites bands are : ALSDEAD D'espairsRay DIAURA Lin-the end of corruption world- Megaromania NIGHTMARE -OZ- Phantasmagoria Sadie SCREW the Gazette Musics I love the most : Jukai Ni Saku Ai - SCREW Eternal Wish ~Todokame Kimi E~ - Raphael AURORA -destinies of world- - Megaromania
  36. 1 point
    This must be the most outlandish and fantastic fan theory I ever heard. Like aimi said according to every interview they've ever put out that I've read they pretty much were dudes in the local scene jumping from band to band and eventually the present formation sans Kai formed out of the corpses of these local bands. They were never affiliated with each other in any way since they were on totally different labels and based in a different city. All the bands that have deg associations are from the Dynamite Tommy family like Merry and Rentrer En Soi. If I'm not mistaken some Gazette members like Kai and Ruki had day jobs before making it big too, so any roadie story is just unlikely when deg was consistently touring the country from the moment of their inception and gazette dudes had barely had their first bands by the year 2000. I think the rivalry is the invention of western fans because in Japan they have nothing to do with each other
  37. 1 point
    Kaiki has tweeted more about the event, "Always with you 〜toおはる♡〜" and its upcoming guests. He has also tweeted about NéiL, which is why I decided to merge these threads together! [lineup] WITH-SEXY Vasalla Vasallaソレイユ (Vasalla Soleil) (I'm guessing this is a different lineup?) Mirage NéiL 2020 Romance for〜 キョウジ (kyouji) BEATLOOSE デッドポップスターズ (DEAD POP STARS) アンチフェミニズム (ANTI FEMINISM) UNCLOCKLOVER Noi'X CLeiR (Vo.NAKATA (カウス (Kausu)) /Gt.ATSUSHI/Ba.SPYKE (城戸葉月 (Kido Hadzuki))/Dr.HIMAWARI (JUN)) GLARD (with Kisaki?) Lucifer's underground UNDER FALL JUSTICE 爆弾ボンバーズ (Bakudan Bombers) (Vo.KoHey (Sleep My Dear)/Gt.Yuki/Ba.YOHMA/Dr.SHIRO) Katsura (Baiser) session Dai/Reina (S) session 龍夜 (tatsuya) session Silver Rose session Tomozo (ex-SHAPE SHIFTER)/Kaede session unnamed session band (Vo.DEAD (Merry go round,ANTIC DOLL)/Gt.由希 (DIE-ZW3E, ROUAGE)/Ba.Kusuba (Laputa, Lucide, Kraidhearz)/Dr.???) ドカチン (dokachin) (Vo:K助 (K-suke) (覇叉羅 (Vasalla) (Dr.))/Gt.YAYOI (Mirage)/Ba.KAIKI (ex-SILVER ROSE, ROUAGE, WITH SEXY)/Dr.ヒトデ (hitode) (ex-HEARTS)
  38. 1 point
    I pray for someday heteronormativity just erases off from the vk scene. It's just so weird that every musician within it pretend to be full cis-straight in a scene where the basic dress-code is actually cross-dressing. I guess heteronormativity could never look so stupid itself.
  39. 0 points


    Thanks for all the suggestions, I've already downloaded the mentioned albums
  40. 0 points
    sleepy coffee


    whatever opinion you might have of retsu and dimlim it was definitely not ryuya/taishi that made their prior releases amazing either lol
  41. 0 points


    Uhm, you missed the part they sold out their show in Brazil and the other SA shows were close? It's not like Covid forced them to postpone all plans including their show at Shibuya Womb.They haven't played any song from MISC live yet. Anyway music is subjective and MISC has their most technical playing and showcases Sho's amazing clean vocals and range. Ryuya was a replaceable rhythm guitarist (support guitarist or backtracked 2nd guitars) that has no song writing credit, losing Taishi was a bigger lost but he had health issues and retired.While I do think they need to recruit a bassist, a female one would be better as there are a lot of talented female session bassist in Japan.
  42. 0 points


    Retsu has been posting on IG that the band is working hard and more recently ,something is coming up soon ,which I take as new music. Hiroshi also posted a short drumming clip on his IG story of him playing What's Up.If you guys aren't updated live shows in Japan has restarted a few months ago but with half capacity and strict implementation of social distancing required mask and shield and temperature checking at the door. Dexcore and Nazare just did a 2 man show a few days ago.
  43. 0 points
    For all the Versailles fans out there: ''Versailles -Philharmonic Quintet-''
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