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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/28/17 in Posts

  1. 17 points

    Premium Membership?

  2. 14 points

    Premium Membership?

    Joined 2010 and only made 12 posts. If you said thanks to the posters whom you leeched off of before, you would probably not still be Kiwamu's Bitch and get blocked from the DL section now.
  3. 8 points

    Show Yourself (again)

    Recently I'm missing my piercings a lot lol So I don't feel really confident about my looks anymore, so pls don't mind Until a few years ago I had 24 piercings and now I'm NAKED How about you guys?
  4. 8 points

    Premium Membership?

    give me money and i'll make you a premium member
  5. 7 points

    Premium Membership?

    So, I've noticed that you can no longer view the download forum without being a premium member apparently. First, I personally think that's dumb, but it's not my decision. Anyway, my question is simply how does one become a premium member? There's nothing in the account settings to allow for it or anything, so I'm confused on how someone would even do that.
  6. 7 points
    Some may know me or still know me, some won't know me. I've been around since even before MH was moved to this forum. And I was absent for quite a few years. Since I'll go and study in Japan from August/September on and stay for a year, you can look forward to this time, 'cuz I love sharing and I'm thinking of offering a shopping service, etc.. I'll get to know where I am allowed to stay in the next few days(we have the luck of having associated universities), so as soon as I know it, maybe some of you guys also stay in Japan during my exchange and we can meet I'm editor for EN.CORE, which is an online magazine for Japanese Rock and Metal and I'm in charge of the VK section. Now, many of the MH members have a wide range of artists, music, etc., and we're always looking for new people. That's why I am posting now. Most of our staff is German, since our headquater is in Berlin, Germany, but we want to work all over the globe. So we have translation staff in Japan, photographers, editors, freelancers, technic department workers, aso.. We try to cover everything worth being looked at and we're looking for staff with a wide mind, a serious but passionate view on music, concerts, culture, aso.. And especially helpful would be people who live in the US or Asia, to represent us on different places. The name EN.CORE does not only apply to the encore after concerts, but also that we want to grasp the core of what we're working with. It's our main philosophy for everything we do. We are not a fan magazine, our aim is it to be suited for fans as well as musicians, to deliver good service beyond what your normal 'J-Rock magazine' comes up with. We wish to work with EN.CORE as a real job in the future, so everyone gives as much input as they can. In the near future EN.CORE will not only be available in English, but also in Japanese. We're on friendly terms with a lot of people from other magazines and we have reviews, interviews, concert reports etc. with for example HOTEI, Luna Sea, BORN, Tsukasa Mogamigawa, Crossfaith, Ladybaby, MONO, Hizumi (Umbrella Design) and many more. Click here to view EN.CORE If you're interested, pls don't hesitate to contact me here via PM, so we can talk about further details. I'd be very happy if you could answer a little survey, so that I have some points with which I can introduce you to my editor in chief Name: Age: Location: Musical interest: What do you want to offer? (Writing, photography, technical advise, managemental support, proofreading, etc.) Can you play an instrument? Are you in a band? Do you have skills/knowledge that can fit in our needs? Until now we can't pay a salary per se, but we get you the chances for interviews, free concerts which we will report about, aso.. If it's not okay to post this here, pls send me a message where I can post it Thank you!
  7. 7 points

    Premium Membership?

    wnat the hell is downloading ,,,,,? im 82 yeras. old &nd my i dont know how to use computers my grandson only visit's me once a month
  8. 5 points
  9. 5 points

    Premium Membership?

    I want to be an MH premium member too. *q*
  10. 5 points

    Premium Membership?

    Wait a minute... there's a download section?
  11. 4 points
    Gackt's one-night stands sound like this too. Weird 🤔
  12. 4 points

    Show Yourself (again)

    Creepy IPhone camera quality :<
  13. 4 points

    Your last music-related buy!

    Yeah, that's the case. How it opens up and everything is interesting....
  14. 3 points

    Premium Membership?

    Someone start running Visual Scandal again, then we would not have this problem.
  15. 3 points
    What´s up with all that hate towards basicly everyone that I´m reading on this page today?? Like what the fuck man... Is that gonna be Tanuki 2.0 or what?
  16. 3 points

    New band "まみれた" has formed

    Lineup: Vo.伐 (Batsu) Gu.Ryusei Ba.かる。(Karu.) Dr.未来 (Mirai) Would like to know the lineup history of most of these up & coming bands...I miss Trombe.
  17. 3 points
  18. 3 points

    Show Yourself (again)

    good mood today ... so ... hi.
  19. 3 points

    Show Yourself (again)

    Getting ready for my Grindr Date like: -> Room still smells after food. -> No shaved legs. -> I'm nervouse. BUT the outfit stays. xD Also I really like they wa i look on the picture tho.
  20. 2 points

    New band キズ (Kizu)

    Thanks @Takadanobabaalien ! They will regret it. Aahahahahaha. My curiosity will kill me. It can't be Karma. Many AvelCain fans will call to that number. I will do it too probably. But it can't be Karma..... Ready to call and scream "WHO ARE YOU?" in English and run. Yolo. I wonder will he answer foreign calls XDDD
  21. 2 points

    New band キズ (Kizu)

    "Before I start singing I want to know about the burden you carry on your backs. These days distance between fans and the bands are closer than ever, but for me who have never known something from the depths of the heart from fans Let me know "who" and "what" I am singing for I want to make some unique songs like that and for them to reach the bottom of your heart. I'm waiting for your phone call Vocalist of Kizu" something along those lines. tldr: bullshit. from 18.00 tomorrow (japan time) someone will answer on the phone number specificed on the flyer. they've been talking about it on tanuki as well so I'll probably report if someone says who it is/what they say
  22. 2 points
  23. 2 points

    Premium Membership?

    OP don't listen to all these scammers, all you gots to do is send me your credit card info and send the phrase, "私はあなたがGoogle翻訳を使用することを知っていた。 笑" to 5 People on MH and finally when you do that all that's left is to [THE CONTENT OF THIS POST IS FOR PREMIUM MEMBERS ONLY. YOU NEED A MONOCHROME HEAVEN PREMIUM ACCOUNT TO ACCESS THIS POST]
  24. 2 points
    Honestly, I don't think Noah sounds any more or less clear than the average VK singer.
  25. 2 points

    Premium Membership?

    I'm on it.
  26. 2 points

    Premium Membership?

    I'm offended by OP. I pay my fee every year to get all that juicy downloads. If OP wants that too he should pay as well or give me other benefits for my premium susbcription like one dinner with Sharaku a year, free tickets to Maria Cross outdoor performances or significant discounts on that pesky rarezhut shop. Or global admin status with no responsability, that works too.
  27. 2 points
  28. 2 points

    Premium Membership?

    I can get you a premium membership right away if you want, but it'll cost you. Give me a shout if you're interested and I'll PM you how I'd like the money transfer. But like I said, it'll cost you. Most people won't have the money to afford this, but if you have a lot of money and you really want this then I'm your man. Also, don't tell anyone about this. Gotta be our secret as only we two can view this post. ☺
  29. 2 points

    Premium Membership?

    Reading so many nice comments..... I feel like I´ve joined a great community.
  30. 2 points

    Initial'L new single "VISION" release

    3 years in music jail for everyone involved
  31. 2 points

    Premium Membership?

    premium membership??? what is this, pornhub??
  32. 2 points

    New band "まみれた" has formed

    The drummer looks a lot like Byou (ex-AvelCain) (I doubt it's him, though)
  33. 2 points
  34. 2 points

    Initial'L new single "VISION" release

    DIV AND Lycaon died so Initial'L could live for this release also im loving this concept of lycaon being jailed for their trash music
  35. 2 points

    Show Yourself (again)

    Me with my cheap-kei wig and guitar today on Rio's carnival:
  36. 2 points

    Show Yourself (again)

    For the first time....me:
  37. 2 points

    Show Yourself (again)

    You're so cute!!
  38. 2 points
  39. 1 point

    Platy's Stuff

    One of my resolutions this year was to start posting my work online and I thought I'd start in MH since I feel more comfortable here, also I haven't drawn for fun in a long time so I hope that I will start drawing more if I force myself to post it somewhere... I'm almost done with my degree in 3D Games Art so I'll be posting some of my work for that here, since I don't have time to draw much else. It takes up most of my life so I can't wait to be done with it. Disclaimers: I still suck at digital painting. I still suck at 3D modelling. But I'd love to get any kind of feedback on the stuff I post here!
  40. 1 point

    TRA TRA TRA (トラトラトラ)

    Omg I hope so because I'm honestly digging it
  41. 1 point

    The general Metal discussion thread

    So here's the albums you should start with: Peste Noire - La Chaise-Dyable Autracie - Horizons funestes Sale Freux - Crèvecœur Baise Ma Hache - Bréviaire du chaos Lugubrum - De totem Urfaust - Empty Space Meditation I actually think some of the earlier Urfaust releases are more similar to the style and feeling of Ungfell with its drunken sound, but it's a bit harder to get into due to the ambient tracks and more than anything the vocals. But check THIS fantastic song out for someo f their earlier, less controlled and more drunken sounding stuff. It's got a bit of everything as far as the vocals goes.
  42. 1 point

    The general Metal discussion thread

    I coumd go on and recommend black metal of alk tyoes for days and days with my knowledge if the genre, but I'll keep rhis simple and recommend bands based on the band you list here: Peste Noire Autracie Sale Freux Baise Ma Hache Lugubrum Urfaust On ny phone so I won't point out the albums to check out, but I can fix that when I getdag home. But Peste Noire is the obvious and best answer as Ungfell is total Peste Noire worship from A to Z. Just pure and total Peste Noire worship!
  43. 1 point

    The general Metal discussion thread

    ^ I'll get to listen to that when I have the time~ Dimmu Borgir was pretty awesome in their early period: (^ here's a playlist, I guess the full album video was axed off Youtube :/) Old black metal is fucking gold *_* (Gonna put the full albums of these songs under a spoiler lol)
  44. 1 point
  45. 1 point
  46. 1 point
    The Moon

    Initial'L new single "VISION" release

    What the fuck was that?
  47. 1 point

    Show Yourself (again)

    Dressing fancy for work~.
  48. 1 point

    Show Yourself (again)

    I ended up cutting my hair short because.... well... why not I guess
  49. 1 point

    CAT's Top 30 Favorite Songs of 2016!

    Greetings, monochromians and netizens at large! Here are my Top 30 Favorite Songs of 2016! Every year, there are tons of amazing songs released that, while not belonging to my fav. albums of the year, still heavily impact my musical experience. So for once, I wanted to highlight these songs! Unlike my AOTY list, every song here is Japanese. I also chose not to include songs by artists that made my AOTY list. As I mentioned in my AOTY thread, I usually never bother ranking lists, but I wanted to give it a shot this year for fun. These rankings are super erroneous, though, as I could prefer any of these songs over another on any given day. XD So...yeah, don't read too much into the actual ranks, ahaha. As always this, list isn't meant to be taken objectively. If you have any thoughts, please feel free to share! And if you're curious about any of the songs, please do check out the short sample clips I've created! Shall we begin? 30 "UNDYING" by the GazettE the GazettE's 'Dark Age' has been...same-y to say the least, but "UNDYING" has stood out as one of my favorite songs from this era - probably because it sounds like a mess, with the band trying their hardest to be progressive. It's an enjoyable mess, though, and as usual, it never takes much for Ruki an co. to win me over. 29 "KEIREN" by qujaku THE NOVEMBERS have been on a mild decline since 2014's Rhapsody in Beauty, and qujaku are slowly creeping in to capitalize on all of that lost potential. the loud, pummeling art-punk of "KEIREN" is captivating, and I can't wait until this band releases a proper debut! 28 "matsuo basho" by suiyoubi no campanella suiyoubi gave me a scare with the release of UMA, wherein the group's characteristic sound was subverted by incorporating several different producers, but they quickly followed up with "matsuo basho", reviving my hopes in the process. As long as Hidefumi remains the sole producer, I doubt they can go wrong. 27 "2772" by ZA FEEDO Experimental pop outfit ZA FEEDO has a plethora of talent and potential, but unfortunately, they've yet to truly find their sound. The groovy and soulful "2772", however, is a fantastic indicator of where they should focus their efforts! 26 "gods" by mothercoat Sadly, mothercoat released only this single last year, but it's the band doing what they do best. Quirky, upbeat indie-rock that's both buoyant and super infectious! 25 "gourmet kikou" by fujin club Organic pop with bright melodies and crisp, colorful instrumentation = instant love from me! I like to imagine this song as the musical equivalent to a Ghibli movie. It's cozy, endearing, pure, and full of wonder! 24 "sayanora anata" by ayano kaneko Young indie singer-songwriter ayano kaneko made an instant fan out of me with this one. "sayonara anata" is the perfect blend of carefree indie-pop and adorably earnest folk-rock. 23 "LAST HERO" by BLUE ENCOUNT BLUE ENCOUNT are amongst the kind of major-label rock bands in Japan that I don't typically gravitate towards (stuff like ONE OK ROCK, KANA-BOON, KEYTALK), but I'd be damned if "LAST HERO" isn't one of the most catchy and fun tracks that I've heard in 2016. That and, I blame @benifor bringing my tastes full circle and getting me to appreciate the poppier side of life again. 22 "Sunshine Freeway" by I love you Orchestra In spite of their brilliant line-up, I love you Orchestra has yet to truly strike a chord with me, as I found their work a bit too erratic and unfocused, but with "Sunshine Freeway", the band has found a great balance between their spastic tendencies and accessibility; making this a coherent and easily memorable track. 21 "wither mind" by girugamesh I'm only familiar with girugamesh's material from about 2013 and on (shout out to @togz for actually getting me to listen to them), so while I can't compare their early works to their recent stuff, I've come to enjoy the synth-laden alt. metal that seems to be characteristic of their final days. "wither mind" sums this sound up perfectly, and it was the highlight of their farewell mini-album for me. 20 "tabun, kaze." by sakanaction This is your average sakanaction song: danceable, synth-driven rock with big, sing-a-long choruses - and thankfully, 'average' for sakanacation means that's it's frikkin' great! It's been about 4 years since their last original album, and I'm practically salivating for more! 19 "short hope" by akai ko-en As bright and talented as the girls in akai ko-en are, their music has been hit-or-miss in my book - a sentiment that became especially true for me after they went from inventive indie-upstarts to a full blown Jpop band, seemingly overnight. They definitely get things right on "short hope", though, showcasing a kind of hip and smooth, r&b-esque side that I've yet to hear from them. Not to mention, I'm in love with Chiaki I'm in love with Chiaki's vocals! ^_^;;; 18 "voice" by SOSO BREAK THE WALL I'm still thanking @Hakoniwafor indirectly introducing me to this band, as I most certainly would not have heard it about them otherwise. "voice" is the kind of dark, mournful female-fronted alt-rock that I've been craving since me-al art's third album and the demise of REDЯUM. SOSO released a solid EP last year, but I need MORE! 17 "Talisman" by Boris Forbidden Songs, the 2nd disc from Boris's reissue of 2006's Pink, is comprised entirely of unreleased songs, and it could have easily been released as a brand new album on its own. The songs are just that good. "Talisman" is an absolutely crushing stoner-doom number that harkens back to 2002's Heavy Rocks, but is equally apt as an extension of Pink. 16 "The UNreal" by Silhouette from the Skylit I've been casually following this band for a few years now, and while they're consistently solid, every now and then, they put out a song that really sticks with me. "The UNreal" is a charging tune done in their usual electro alt-rock fashion, and it's both funky and commanding. 15 "yotaka" by kiryu I'm super new to Kiryu, as I've only heard their material from 2015 and on, but they've been one of my favorite VK discoveries of recent times. Admittedly, I wasn't too impressed by their full length last year, but I loved the entire single for "irodori". "yotaka" was the first b-side for this single and its frantic, cacophonous mix of metal, traditional Japanese motifs, and VK melodrama is everything I've come to love about Kiryu! 14 "kami-iro awase" by binaria 2016 has been a busy year for Annabel. Not only has she continually wowed me with her work in siraph, but she also released a solo EP in addition to cranking out both a single and an album with binaria. I actually consider binaria to be somewhat of an anison supergroup, with both Annabel and the renown Nagi Yanagi on vocals. I like to imagine that they're this generation's Maaya Sakamoto and Akino Arai, respectively. "kami-iro awase" serves as the OP for an anime called "Danganronpa 3", and it's a brilliantly penned track with subtly ingenious instrumentation - very similar to some of school food punishment's material. 13 "EDGE" by nowisee Speaking of anison, nowisee (pronounced "noise") is a rather enigmatic audio-visual project that specializes in creating songs with their own, unique animations, so it surprises me that they've yet to actually do a song for anime. They've been highly prolific over the past 2 years, but the recently released "EDGE" has become favorite track from their rapidly expanding catalog. It's an electronically infused pop-rock power-ballad, with graceful verses and a monumental chorus. And yes, I fully accept my inner-weeb. ; ) 12 "Shandy" by TK from ling tosite sigure TK has been a flat-out disappointment these past few years, so it should come as no surprise that the best song he released last year is actually a re-recording of a classic ling tosite sigure song from 2010 - back when he was at the top of his game. Surprisingly, TK hasn't altered the original too much, and he hasn't watered it down either. Instead, it's a more organic version that faithfully captures the same epic intensity of the original. Hopefully, TK will begin to take a few more cues from his past. 11 "Mother Fucker" by Limited Express (has gone?) It's so refreshing to hear these veterans of the Japanese underground still kicking ass after nearly 20 years in the game. Their latest album All Ages was a wild, alt-punk ride that showed the band is still as vital and crazy as ever. "Mother Fucker" stuck with me in particular, but it's emblematic of the entire album: turbulent drums, chaotic sax, groovy post-punk basslines, erratic riffs, and YUKARI’s ear-piercing vocals! It’s noisy, it’s bonkers, and it’s a hell of lot of fun! 10 "F.A.K.E." by lynch. "Listening to a Lynch album all the way through is like the musical equivalent of living on macaroni for an entire week." said one @Disposable some time ago, ahaha. I'll never forget that line. I agree with him, but I do enjoy lynch. quite a bit. I think it's due to their creative stagnation that I've come to expect at least one major jam from them with each new album. In 2015, it was "EVOKE", and last year gave me "F.A.K.E.". I also have to thank @Flame-Xfor making this song infinitely cooler by using it in his awesome AMV for Gundam IBO. Now I inadvertently associate it as the actual opening theme for that anime, and it's glorious. 09 "lost/stand/alone" by cinema staff 2016 was a great year to be a cinema staff fan. They released a super solid album and an excellent single/EP, both of which showcased their range and continued viability in being both talented rockers and compelling pop songwriters. I thought "lost/stand/alone" was the perfect example of this duality, with its catchy emo riffs, coercive drumming, and Mizuki's bright, soaring vocals. I've yet to hear anyone I've liked better doing this style. 08 "Youth" by Young Juvenile Youth Young Juvenile Youth, consisting of vocalist Yuki and producer/beatmaker Jemapur, are fairly new, but they already stand out within the greater Jpop landscape. Not exactly trip-hop, and not exactly electro-pop either, "Youth" sports a sound that I can name no contemporaries for in Japan. It's the kind of sleek, minimal electronic music that you'd sooner expect to hear out of London than Tokyo. The synths in "Youth" are meticulously layered and arranged, and the beat is just chill enough to garner a contemplative head-nod. It's also accessible, but not overtly poppy. This duo definitely has my attention, and I'm curious to see where they go in 2017. 07 "shirobara no lullaby" by aoi teshima Aoi Teshima's image has always been a direct reflection of her music. Her songs exude the same level of elegance, class, and modest beauty that she does, and as such, her most recent album Blue library was expectedly lovely. "shirobara no lullaby" was particularly extravagant. It's a stunningly somber, psych-folk song that harkens back to 70's kayōkyoku ballads and even reminds me a bit of Douji Morita. Exquisite! 06 "I Love You" by Chocolat & Akito I feel like Chocolat & Akito have gone grossly underrated by the western Jpop fanbase. While most overseas Jpop fans were praising Seiko Oomori for including hints of Shibuya-Kei on her latest album as if she single-handedly revived the genre, Chocolat & Akito -actual vets of the movement- were busy releasing quality music as usual. The married couple's latest venture saw them team up with Californian surf jazz twins The Mattson 2 and the results were lovely. "I love you" was an instant favorite for me, as Chocolat & Akito did a fantastic job of merging their beautiful vocal melodies and their sunny, shibuya-kei flavors with the jazzy psychedelia of The Mattsons. 05 "Nightseeing" by Klan Aileen I was instantly mesmerized upon watching the original video for this song, and sold even more on this band after hearing the re-recorded version. They left such a big impression that I'd automatically shoehorned them into a spot on my AOTY list without even hearing the album yet. Sadly, the it didn't turn out the way I'd hoped, but "Nightseeing" has a permanent spot on my playlist. It's a riveting, noisy psychedelic-rock track with killer riffs. Hopefully they do more of this style in the future. 04 "M.U.T.E" by PELICAN FANCLUB According to some fans, OK BALLADE wasn't PELICAN FANCLUB's strongest release, but it was the first one in which any of their songs were able to leave a significant impact on me. "M.U.T.E" has this surprisingly smooth and groovy, western-indie feel to it. I can't really explain why, but it just feels "right", aha. I may not be as devout a fan of these guys as @fitear1590or @seurong, but "M.U.T.E" has provided me with a fantastic incentive to sign up to the "FANCLUB". 03 "Tokyo" by ame no parade ame no parade has been...highly conflicting for me. Kohei has quickly become one of my favorite vocalists, and I enjoy the band's general sound and aesthetic, but my gosh, their songwriting has been incredibly stagnant - especially after going major in 2016. "Tokyo", however, is one of the best songs they've ever written. It takes on their usual format of minimalistic verses, and big pop choruses, but actually manages to be engaging in the process. Not only that, but the song just has a really amazing vibe to it. I think the PV, where Kohei is openly singing and dancing through the streets of Tokyo on what seems to be a beautiful evening, perfectly sums up how this song feels. 02 "blues" by Galileo Galilei Galileo Galilei called it quits last year, as they left us with their final album Sea of Darkness. The album wasn't as gloomy as its title suggests, though. In fact, it was full of the light and airy pop-rock that their career was known for. However, the aptly titled "blues" was the most emotionally poignant moment on the album for me. It's an enthralling track with amped-up instrumentation and a passionate vocal performance from Yuuki Ozaki. In a farewell message from the band, they expressed that they put all of their last thoughts into this album, and in this track, you can literally feel the heartache and sorrow that they've experienced on their road to the end. 01 "us" by Aimer Annnd finally, my number one track! If you've bothered reading this far, then bless you! I love Aimer's powerful croon, but she's the type of artist whose music quality depends on who she works with. Her vocals are like a hollow reed through which the intent of the producer flows. She's released some amazing tracks alongside the likes of Yoko Kanno, Hiroyuki Sawano, Androp, and Taka from ONE OK ROCK, but her most stellar work comes from a collaboration with none other than TK from ling tosite - which is ironic considering how I just ragged on him for the declining quality of his own music. In "us", TK employs all of his signature touches, but with Aimer at the helm, his songwriting feels fresh and new, as if the two of them have unlocked an entirely new dimension to their respective sounds. "us" is a beautifully haunting and epic pop-rock song. I can only hope that these two will continue to collab in the future!
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