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Status Updates posted by enyx

  1. "beni --> esse" - WAT

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Amoz


      ender, that was the first thing that came to my mind when I saw the new nick.

    3. beni


      It was butter then having 'cencocell' I think lol.

    4. CAT5


      ^ sounds too close to sickle cell

  2. Masayuki Hasuo (ex.school food punishment) and Yoshimasa Terui ( ハイスイノナサ) made a band together and it's freaking awesome! Think of old sfp on steroids. Band & EP name is 'siraph' for those that are interested!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. saishuu


      and the new odol is out today too! :)

    3. CAT5


      trombe, calm your ass down. It's super easy to overlook topics with the wealth of news posted here everyday. You can't in all seriousness expect every person to view EVERY single news thread, especially when it's a  brand new act THAT NO ONE HAS EVER FUCKING HEARD OF. Perhaps putting the related bands in the thread title would have drawn more attention to it? And lastly, even if there are no likes or no comments, that doesn't necessarily mean no one cares. Stop whining and figure out ways to more efficiently deliver news.

  3. Looks like I finally levelled up.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. doombox


      Nice~ Congrats! :D

    3. Chi


      congrats son

    4. CAT5


      Welcome to the illuminati. Congrats, ahaha :D

  4. I feel as though I should try to be a bit more social on here. So like... hello... or something.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Zeus


      i'm at work so it's only going but so well but tgif

    3. beni


      What Cat said. Great to see more of you. Hope you're doing well. Say hello more often! (:

    4. CAT5


      Pho3nyx, we can always help u with that ;P

  5. Sigure are playing in London in July http://www.japannight.jp/. Well then...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. enyx


      Do eeeet

    3. doombox


      Yeah, I wish. ;; One day I'll make it back there, though.

  6. Anyone up for a plug session later today?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. beni


      Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. You're the Fin! :'3

    3. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      never understand all this personnal msg about plug xD

    4. CAT5


      for Pho? tis a go

  7. I love the fact that the cabs' guitarist/lead songwriter's first solo track is effectively a pseudo-haisuinonasa song releasing only a week before haisuinonasa's own single comes out. Happy days.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. CAT5


      Ahh, thanks!

    3. Original Saku

      Original Saku

      lol it's the Tokyo Ghoul OP that all these animu fans are flaming right now xD

    4. Original Saku

      Original Saku

      I don't get the hate though, it's not a bad song. I just think all the anime weaboos are bitching because it's not the standard fare

  8. I love the fact that this site is called Monochrome Heaven when it's practically a rainbow of username colours.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. nekkichi


      golden shower tea heaven backdoor

    3. Kawaii_Minpha


      Colorful Monochrome

    4. Seimeisen


      Each user in the "top 5 online" list has a different colour, now! :D

  9. Can we just appreciate the fact that Trombe is still the top all-time contributor with more that twice the amount of points that 2nd place has? Talk about an unbeatable high-score.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. madygrain


      The Legend. I always wanted to know who the hell was he and how he did all of that. 

    3. Zeus


      Trombe also manipulated post counts to get that high it's not something to be proud of

    4. madygrain


      True, specially since he probably didn't need to. Dumb... But diligent. Still fascinated by his output 

  10. I've only been socially active on here for a couple of weeks now, which I'm well aware is absolutely nothing compared to most of the people on here, but I have to admit that hanging out with you guys in chat/plug/facebook recently has been pretty fun. In short: y'all cool.

    1. beni


      <3 We love you too. ;3

    2. lichtlune
    3. Ro plz

      Ro plz

      you're a cool fella.

  11. Fever and sickness, go away please >_>

    1. beni


      Take care and feel better as soon as possible please! Take some pills if you must btw, helps for a quicker recovery and don't push yourself with any work. All the best.

    2. Jigsaw9


      Get well soooon~

    3. Visutox


      Get well soon!

  12. I just realised that there's a daily limit to how often you can give people rep. Sadface.

    1. beni


      I think it's eight? Des had counted how many times you can like each day.

    2. togz


      I thought it was 10

    3. Tokage


      But i have to like every post in THE CAT FILES!!! FIX THIS, MODS

  13. enyx

    Your username. It is red.

    1. Atreides


      Niiice! :X'D:

    2. togz


      It is red! Is CAT5 heaven back?!

    3. CAT5


      tadaima,  bromodachiz. u_u

  14. Conbini ;_;

    1. DeithX252


      they still have potential and I still want more release by them, too bad

    2. beni


      Saw your post on FB. Not cool to read twice. ;; News sucks.

  15. New Aureole PV:

    1. doombox
    2. CAT5


      Very nice! Hope they release a new album soon

  16. downy + THE NOVEMBERS gig. Oh my. http://downy-web.com/news/live20150518.html

    1. beni


      Waiting for an excited kitty to appear.

    2. CAT5


      bruh *___*

  17. So the acoustic version of TK's 'unravel' is rather nice. Never cared for the original track, but the softer rearrangement just seems to suit the song more.

    1. beni


      Damn right! Glad you can dig the acoustic version. ^^

    2. enyx


      Aye. Although some of my gripes with its overall structure still remain, mostly with the chorus.

  18. So have we found an alternative to last.fm yet?

    1. Zeus


      The first "alternative" is libre.fm and is a joke so...

    2. evilcoconut


      totally a joke. keeping my fingers crossed that someone else will take up the torch lol.

  19. Sitting in a ramen restaurant and Alice Nine is playing. Wat.

    1. CAT5


      I'm sorry for your appetite

    2. Spectralion


      At least, it makes the place sounds like a legit ramen restaurant.

  20. You know what to do. https://plug.dj/monochrome-heaven

    1. CAT5
    2. Atreides


      Why not dubtrack? I can't fuck with plug.dj

  21. I was originally going to post my 'favourites of 2016' list at the end of January, but since my PC died along with everything I'd written I've pretty much lost the motivation to complete it. So, for anyone that's interested, I'll just say that downy, JYOCHO, siraph, and 網守将平's outputs were my favourites.

    1. Hakoniwa


      Aaaah man :(

      If you lost everything, I get it. I've been trying to post mine too and it's saved on my gmail drafts since I'm paranoid, but it's so difficult and I still haven't finished writing it so as february goes I'm losing my motivation too... it's the same every year :<

    2. beni


      That's a real shame. Still, thanks for telling us your favourites! Hope you have better luck and can enjoy your list of 2017 if you want to do that. You've always had cool taste so it's great to know what you've enjoyed. I'm late myself this year. ><

  22. That spam in the general section though.

    1. Ada Suilen

      Ada Suilen

      I reported it twice!

    2. enyx


      Staff are probably all asleep, or just busy. They'll sort it out when they get online.

  23. enyx

    What the fuck is your signature? O_O

    1. Chi


      i had a bad experience with a pervy neighbor!!! >w<

    2. emmny


      the truth

  24. The Witcher 3 is taking over my life.

    1. yakihiko


      It's a cool game, but I don't like Geralt

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