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Ro plz

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Everything posted by Ro plz

  1. Ro plz

    I'm loving my new found addiction to reading books again.
  2. Ro plz

    ^NOW THIS IS SOME SOLID RAPPING in K-Pop. Give me this.
  3. Ro plz

  4. Ro plz

    The sad thing is that I have, numerous times. Out of their entire discography, the only release that I will deem great is the VOLUME UP album. Its one of the best K-pop albums ive ever listened to. Track after track, was just certified bangers. Also Hit your heart had two pretty great songs on it as well. The rest of what they've done reminds me of GD, and a lot of the male groups that I cant stand as well. And that is the image they try to push with visuals and music doesn't fit with them at all. And the basis of many of their songs are hip hop/rap based which is one of the most HIT or MISS aspects of K-pop. Also, it doesn't help that the production of the songs are 9/10 musically unappealing to me. Its very cringe inducing. The only song on the new album that I did enjoy, however was COLD RAIN but even that was meh.... Also, was it necessary to throw that line about SUGAR FREE on there? Yes, everyone who's interacted with me recently knows how great I think the song is but I in no way used the song as the basis to belittle anyone else's tastes. I've said this once in the Lycaon thread to you, Blackdoll and will repeat it once again (for hopefully the last time): GET a grip. Lets discuss music as adults without staning or resorting to petty remarks/actions.
  5. Ro plz

    I have yet to have major issues with Last.fm. Occasionally, some songs wouldn't scrobble on the app (at least on my end), until I stop listening to music like half an hour or so later. Other than that, its pretty legit and I've been using it since 2009.
  6. Ro plz

    That song was typical 4MINUTE. Too try hard....... Very disappointing. I actually wanted to like it too.
  7. This place contributes to my daily happiness.

  8. Ro plz

    THAT is an awesome rearrangement.
  9. Ro plz

    Id derail the shit outta all of em because of the music. Yes, Homo.
  10. Ro plz

    Actually, neither are okay, dear. I believe we are all capable of discussing and expressing music without knocking down/belittling the opinions of others. You feel me?
  11. Ro plz

    Blackdoll, you are seriously coming off as a rabid stan right now. What happened to letting someone have their own opinion? Get a grip lol Anyways, to my review: I'll start off by saying that after checking out ROSE, and seeing how completely unoriginal it was, I swore to never check out Lycaon again. Pretty much everything on there was a lite version of songs that we've all heard. HOWEVER, i stumbled across this thread and Blackdoll's amazing 10/10 review for every song motivated me to give these guys one more try. No way i was gonna pass up checking out what could easily be the greatest release of 2015/all time. My initial thoughts? This album is actually pretty solid. A lot of bumping tracks with great composition and originality. I AM SO UPSET that Marionette is only two minutes and some change. WHY?! Such a boss ass song. Also, 追憶 was a beautiful way to start the album off with. AMAZING. I am shocked, I didn't think the band could make legit music without blindly ripping off other groups. Good stuff Lycaon. This def deserves hella replays and It is a strong contender for album of the year. My first listen, it was a 4.5/10 My second, more serious listen, its risen up to 8.5/10 (I actually made it through much of the album without skipping many tracks this time around.)
  12. That new Lycaon album has some BANGING tracks on it. Holy crap. I can't even front, especially since I'm not a big fan of em.

  13. Ro plz

    VITIUM is pretty awesome. More enjoyable than IMMORTALIS due to the fact that there isn't the presence of filler tracks. I can sit there and listen through the entire album without switching tracks. Sukekiyo can clearly shine if they keep up with this mode of releasing music. "Short" but awesome.
  14. I'm On air till 12:00 am US time right now with friends!! http://www.mcla.edu/Student_Life/studentmedia/wjjw/

    1. PsychoΔelica


      Cool :) Which one is yours?

    2. Ro plz

      Ro plz

      On air with Devin! Its on now!

    3. beni


      Read a status on FB about this from you if I remember correctly. Awesomeness!

  15. VITIUM takes massive dumps on IMMORTALIS

  16. Ro plz

    The interview.
  17. We breaking up if you don't like Buck Tick. This is science....

  18. Twas an enjoyable day I spent with you guys.

    1. Biopanda
    2. digi
    3. CAT5


      I had to vanish early, but that was fun indeed!

  19. I'm not gonna get hype for this band nor will I get attached even if their music does turn out to be legit... At this point its become extremely tiring to get into these bands only to have them go to crap then pussy out/disband. Mind you, this is Leda's 4th band now? I'll keep my eye out on em though. The line up does look solid.
  20. Ro plz

    I've always tried to give these guys a fair shot only to be disappointed....I listened to the song above and besides probably the chorus, I was bored. I'ma give the album a good listen when it drops though. I really wanna see what the hype is about regarding this band because so far, they aren't anything special.
  21. What in the actual fuck..... I wasn't a big fan of OVERWORLD but to leave that somewhat decent sounding band to do this? BRUH.
  22. Ro plz

    I started watching FMA Brotherhood.
  23. 9MUSES killed it with DRAMA.

    1. Tetora


      Are you on Last.fm? I want to browse your play history.

    2. Ro plz

      Ro plz

      Hellion01 bro

  24. Ro plz

    I got nothing but love for this person.
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