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Ro plz

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Everything posted by Ro plz

  1. Ro plz

    I have so much work 2 do.
  2. Ro plz

  3. Yeah this was solid but nothing wow worthy. I have no incentive to follow what these guys are doing even more now.
  4. Ro plz

    pretty eye opening interview. Thanks Pretsy.
  5. I liked TBS previous single. It oozed with a nice feel of originality and HATE YOURSELF UNTIL you die was bananas. Very in your face. Mind you, this is the only release ive heard from the band. It was enough to get me interested to check this out. Only to be disappointed...i should really learn my lesson with these recent VK indies bands.... Anyways, if i can describe this, i would call it just an average copy and paste Vk release. Same old try hard only to come up extremely short 'heavy' song structures. And a random mediocre ballad to try and balance things out. I was not impressed at all. 1/5
  6. For the softer and calmer stuff I am totally for female vocals. They really do that aspect very well. Prime examples of this are Ringo, Kalafina, FictionJunction, etc. K-Pop has warmed me up 2 female vocals as well.
  7. Ro plz

    I'll speak from a forum point of view. As of lately, thanks to the Skype group and regular chat, I feel as though i've gotten closer to the regulars there. So much of my free time when im on the computer and such is spent talking to those guys. We talk about pretty much anything and i feel like they're like my second family on the net. Cool and stupidly funny people and i appreciate them a lot <3 Y'all know who you are.
  8. Ro plz

    The issue with TOXIC is not so much that it was a bleep bloop album, its that the only plausible songs on it were the singles. The rest of the album had a bunch of wtf /lazy tracks on it. Also, there was no real direction from what i remember. Division was more or less the same thing, despite the claims from Ruki or whoever that it would be "more like (insert album titles)." It got to the point where there was no real differentiation on Uruha and Aoi's parts and hell, Reita was pretty inaudible for the most album. I still believe the whole time constraint of pushing out albums so rapidly was cause for this conundrum.
  9. Ro plz

  10. Ro plz

    I'm still waiting on shinee to release something that'll catch my attention :/
  11. Ro plz

    I was quite surprised by this. Didn't expect to like it.
  12. HBD to my brodie Cat. <3 you man

    1. CAT5


      Thanks, man. I appreciate it!

  13. DADAROMA's album was a snoozefest. Besides that one song....

  14. Ro plz

    BD was the last chance though. We know the band can still make boss music. DOGMA is supposed to show if the band can use that momentum and make some new music.
  15. Pretty sure a week is enough time to get over a disbandment. Lets move on now, shall we?

    1. kyoselflove


      nope, i'll never get over it

    2. beni


      nope, i'll never get over it [2]

    3. PsychoΔelica
    4. Show next comments  135 more
  16. Monodoge Heaven.

    1. Seimeisen


      Many Monochrome

      Much Heaven


    2. fitear1590


      Petition for this banner to be made :D

  17. Ro plz

    That was cool!
  18. Ro plz

    The music played wasn't nearly as interesting as the visuals. That clip posted yesterday gives me more hope for a better approach/concept for this new album. Cool.
  19. Ro plz

    This sounds like a more badass version of LEECH but damn, I am getting chills. Still fresh. MY body.
  20. Ro plz

    DIVISION was part of the gazettE's struggle period. While it is better than TOXIC, as a whole, the album was very flat and lifeless from production right down to song composition. Hell, i didn't even think Reita existed on that album or if Uruha or Aoi knew what it was to have separate parts anymore. I will admit that the finale show was quite enjoyable though. BD seems to be the superior album because of how close it is to the bands previous work, and how it corrected on the errors of the previous two albums. Also, you can get the vibe that the band enjoyed making BD due to how "fun" and creative the songs were. The previous two albums sounded like it was a chore.
  21. DOGMA will most likely debo ARCHE.

  22. Ro plz

    They def gonna drop a single. They have to.
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