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Ro plz

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Everything posted by Ro plz

  2. Toning down my activity on here, effective tomorrow. Deadlines are coming up with school and such. And I need to devote more time to completing this EP. Peace, peeps!

    1. doombox


      Bye, Felicia!!! LOL jk jk good luck with school! We'll be here when you finish. :)

    2. Ro plz

      Ro plz

      Thanks ender <3

  3. Longest was my recent one: 2 years and some change. Shortest....or former cap? 6 months.
  4. I've finally seen the light and accepted that Dir en grey just isnt that great of a band. Highly terrible. WIth that said, Lycaon, Melibray, SUG, TBS, are the best bands ever. I love them so much. No other band is better.

    1. Tetora


      SuG has nothing to do with those bands? With this much salt going back and forth can it at least be consistent?

    2. Ro plz

      Ro plz

      let me beeeeeeeeeeeeeee

    3. beni


      They are the best bands ever dough, too right bruh.

  5. Ro plz

    EXO's album is flames..... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2uky4wAa72A
  6. I cant believe this... Amazing. Ive been nothing but nice to you guys.
  7. This is so racist. What have i done to deserve this?!
  8. I'm fightin who ever changed the topic name. CAT, ZEUS?!!!

  10. See....this is what I'm talking about. I can't. Peace.
  11. I woke up in the most extreme and horrible pain I had and still have ever experienced. I could only take shallow breaths, even moving my hands sent me so much agony that my vision was blurring. I managed to use my knuckles to pinch my BF awake and barely whisper "911". I am beginning to come to terms with my own death. I'm pretty sure that something has ruptured and that I will be dead before I get help. I've got tears running down my face and I'm thinking about my mom, and how much I miss her. The EMT folks show up, strap me to a board, lug me down two flights of stairs and rush me to the ER. The doctor pushes on my gut and I finally let out a throat scratching scream. I was dizzy from the pain at this point and the pain is so unbearable that I don't even want to breath anymore. After sonograms and pain killers the doctor comes in to inform me that they couldn't see any of my organs on my sonogram. I AM FREAKING THE FUCK OUT. Where the fuck did my organs go????? They couldn't see my organs because I was so full of gas. the doctor told me that sometimes severe gas can be more painful than an aneurism. He gave me something dissolvable, and a saline IV and I spent the next two hours farting in my room. And that is the story of my $15,000.00 fart.
  12. Ro plz

    As much as i dislike YOHIO, minus the nigga with the try hard mustache, that promo pic looks very cool. Thats the only positive thing i can say. id like to hope the music this band will be putting out is legit but its YOHIO and he simply doesn't make good music. Lets see though.
  13. Ro plz

  14. Ro plz

    I love my new name
  15. Zeus I made 400. Where's my black name?

    1. Zeus


      it's black on the inside

    2. Senedjem


      rnt we all tho

    3. Ro plz

      Ro plz


  16. Ro plz

    Besides Tousei, the rest of this was kind of underwhelming. I guess cuz the rest of the setlist has been played to death.
  17. Ro plz

    I like Hush a lil bit better but I am still very pleased with Only you! For some reason i wish it was a bit longer. Time to peep the new album.
  18. Ro plz

    These performances could be played off as an album full of rerecordings because they are that boss.....
  19. Ro plz

    I don't think there is a best fanbase. I just think there's people who know how to discuss a certain band/artists, while being respectful and such while others cant. Its apparent here as well as other places. Its a matter of finding which one suits you the most.
  20. Ro plz

    I don't like this show.
  21. Working on an EP where you write all the parts is taxing but i feel like its going to be so worth it. Just a lil longer, guys....

    1. togz


      sending all the positive vibes your way

    2. Tetora
    3. Ro plz

      Ro plz

      Thanks guys.

  22. Same. While Gauze isnt necessarily one of my favorite albums, these performances makes me wanna listen to it. I also disagree highly with the claims that they seemed bored. Die seemed hella into it, Shinya's drumming for the most part was spot on and pretty ferocious. As for Toshiya and Kaoru, both of them were playing parts that they haven't played in years now. So i can get that they had to be as mellow as possible but the still looked pretty into it. Hell, i even caught a glimpse of Toshiya smiling at one point. The bass didnt bother as much for some reason hmm.... EDIT: MUCH BETTER MIXING THAN THE BUDOKAN SHOWS.
  23. Ro plz

    Sadie-Tokyo Gypsy
  24. Ro plz

    I havent checked for Miyavi in years. I should peep this.
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