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Ro plz

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Everything posted by Ro plz

  1. this new D'erlanger album is cool.

  2. Ro plz

    Ladies enjoy a MAD Stallion. ba tum tss! I'm out.
  3. Ro plz

    I personally feel that lil bit at the end of the solo was not needed. But still....there's something about it live that was so stylized. I really enjoyed it. Thanks a bunch. Stoked!
  4. Ro plz

    We've hit past 200 listens on Soundcloud. Just wanted to say thanks because I know some of those listens came from here. The support is greatly appreciated and we are still working our assess of on the EP. Much love.
  5. Ro plz

    I don't care how iffy the quality is, someone needs to stop playin and record Uroko.
  6. just now listenin 2 Buck ticks Arui wa anarchy....so beautiful.

    1. Tetora


      Good stuff.

    2. doombox


      You have chosen wisely...

  7. Ro plz

  8. Ro plz

    The worst part of this is that this was the same performance that was on the ARCHE DVD. Nothing new bout this at all. Kerrang got trolled.
  9. Ro plz

    That setlist just went to the shitter once the encore came about. Why? Is it really that hard to switch out The Final and Hageshisa. It'll still be great to see but a lot of us are very familiar with that ending.
  10. Ro plz

    We just became best friends. Also, WHATS THE DEAL WITH NO US RELEASE OF ARCHE?!
  11. Anything that isn't Gospel music or oriented is "Satan" to my mom. I've gotten scolded multiple times for watching VK ish type things in her presence. So now I just keep it 2 myself. My dad prob wouldn't care tbh. He's real indifferent bout things like that it seems. There you go.
  12. Ro plz

    50 CENT-Get Rich or Die Tryin DIR EN GREY-Uroboros the GazettE's NIL and DIM The Devil Wears Prada-ZOMBIE EP TM Revolution-VERTICAL INFINITY RAINBOW-INNOCENT T-ARA: And&End Only ones I can come up with atm.
  13. Ro plz

    Royz because I deadass came in here expecting the song posted in the OP to be underwhelming (like a lot of the stuff i checked out from them). And it easily surpasses anything Mejibray has been pushing out recently. Jk. I do like the song though but I'll give it to Mejibray. I still believe that they are a huge waste of space 98 percent of the time but........... They have some exceptional songs that I must give them credit for.
  14. They have balls. This release must have some punch to it. ....
  15. The skepticism is well deserved. If this mini album manages to be worthwhile, then Mejibray will be on the same page as SADIE for me. Meaning, that they cannot stay consistent with their music. Lets see where this goes.
  16. Ro plz

    Thank you guys so much! We really appreciate the love!
  17. http://monochrome-heaven.com/index.php/topic/35012-zero-one-complex/ Hey guys! Whoever was interested in the music I was creating can now get a taste of it! Click the link :3
    1. Biopanda


      Senny pls check out dis 01 Completion cover band tia

    2. Tetora


      Will check it out when I get the chance.

    3. Jigsaw9


      great job! :)

  18. Ro plz

    Hey guys! As some of you know, I've been working on some music with a fellow MH member. I present to you "Zero One Complex!" Long story short, we're a Hard rock duo who draws influence from many different genre's/ bands as well as life experiences. We just released our first single "Core", which can be streamed/downloaded here: (https://soundcloud.com/zero-one-complex/core) We'd greatly appreciate it if you guys gave us a listen. If you enjoyed the song, please give our page (https://www.facebook.com/zero.one.complex?fref=ts) a like, and feel free to share and download the song. We have more coming soon! And of course, you guys can post how you feel here!
  19. Blasting Lynch. super loud with the windows open, on campus.

    1. PsychoΔelica


      I'm blasting Aqua super loud but nobody is listening :(

    2. togz


      Me in high school tbh. Or everyday even now tbh.

    3. Ro plz

      Ro plz

      Sene, fight me.

    4. Show next comments  123 more
  20. Ro plz

    This shouldn't even be an issue at this point though. If this was during the 1 album per year phase then yes. BD came out in october of 2013 and then all of a sudden, the band went quiet, besides the various live stuff they've been doin. Its safe to assume that Sony isn't up their ass atm. There should be progression.
  21. Tell em! Notice how Lynch is the one who got the major label deal while Deathgaze is still indie. Suck these Nutz Nekkichi.
  22. Ro plz

    Swift death to anyone hating on "the Inferno" lmao. One of the best songs on ARCHE. Its awesome because of how jam session-ish/simple it is.
  23. ^And the diva attention whore strikes again. I like this. Gallows was very well done as well as EXODUS. I also really like that they're using the Drop A# tuning now. Very stoked to see how this will play out. They seem to really not take too many breaks these days though. I really hoped that after Gallows, they'd slow down a bit :< I like new LYNCH. material as much as anyone but i just hope its well done, ya feel me?
  24. Ro plz

    I pretty much feel the same minus the looking awesome part. Mustache dude stuck out like a sore thumb. Him and the bassist looked hella awkward doing the headbang parts too. Yohio's voice is surprisingly decent though, which is a plus. Other than that, this is really no different than a video from a Vk indies band. Just something you look at once and never really go back 2 again.
  25. Ro plz

    While I do enjoy the song, I have to agree with Pretzy and Will...at least for now. This song, at the end of the day is really nothing fresh. Its just rehashed ideas from old songs and theres some really nice backing tracks added. This has DIM vibes written all over it. I am hoping this is just one song that this applies to. I get that the consensus here is that DIM is their best work and that people enjoy it. The band probably realizes this as well. There is nothing wrong with building from that, which i hope they do. What I will not accept is a DIM 2.0. That's literally back tracking just to please the fans and shows that they can't evolve past that peak... Ruki has been talking hella big game on his instagram and Twitter accounts so I really hope DOGMA is a next step for the band.
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