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Ro plz

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Everything posted by Ro plz

  1. Ro plz

    For the first time.... In a very long time.... I can actually say that the Gazette dropped "new" music. I heard no rehashing of their old styles/song in this. This is a breath of fresh air. Holy crap. I hope this debunks the silly aspirations for a DIM part two. Hype, is officially elevated. Jesus take the wheel.
  2. Ro plz

    https://youtu.be/JOOW0YNU-Sw THE QUEENS ARE COMING. OH YEAH BABY!!!!!
  3. Dir en grey's KISOU: If there's one album in the entirety of their discography that I simply can't stomach its that one. It has like....one good track on it and its Keloid Milk. The rest of the songs on there for the most part, especially Embryo (which idk why its such a favorite), are snoozefest material. The GazettE's TOXIC: This album is the epitome of let down. But seeing as though the singles before were copy and paste and the b-sides were pretty iffy, it was kind of expected...? Many of the songs had lil to no real drive or umph to em. And the songs that i did enjoy, they probably would've done better in a mini album. Too bad, they got clumped up with the rest of em so they're easily over shadowed. Girugamesh's MONSTER: For a comeback album, for the most part...it was very dull. Dull to the point where Drain is the only song that I can listen to. Once again, this is an album that would've done better as a mini. Way too many boring tracks.
  4. Bout a week later and this song has gotten better with each listen. These guys need to announce a single or something.
  5. Ro plz

    ^LMFAO. Debut single: 4-2-0
  6. Ro plz

    They couldn't smoke up no more or what?
  7. Decent. Nothing special... As always.
  8. Ro plz

    13 wa Gekkou by Buck Tick.
  9. Ro plz

    Aggravation levels just sky rocketed to 100... I really thought this would be an actual studio version of the song or one of the songs, based on the last few posts...before clicking the previous page. This same video has done its rounds here and the web so many times. Someone lemme know when some actual previews or a PV drops. Until then, I'm done lounging around here, talking and watching in circles. I apologize in advance lol. I'm like beyond fed up with this staling.
  10. This song was very explosive. I loved it from start to end. Def a different feel from Gallows. Stocked even more for this release.
  11. Ro plz

    Enough yapping. Previews. Now.
  12. I like the song, a lot. Die's style is very notable and it stands out and gives the track that nice funk flare. Can't wait to see a live clip of this. Chorus is nice too! Just an overall cool song. Sadly, i was really hoping to hear an equal amount of Die and Koba. Seems like Die, vocally was non existent. Oh well. Its all good. I can't wait to see what else comes from these guys.
  13. ^I hope its not. Id lose some respect for Die if it ended up being so. I'm not hoping this will be as 'complex' as Sukekiyo's stuff but id at least like some kind of appealing creativity that makes em standout.
  14. Ro plz

    I'll see you fools in NY.
  15. Ro plz

    ^This. I actually enjoyed this song a lot. Very well done!!!
  16. The MAD Stallion EP.

  17. Ro plz

    For the stuff that I write, I use drop C# and Drop A (6 string). I like where my mind goes in regards to what I dish out using those tuning's. I hate when things have to be more complicated, tuning wise, then it needs to be. I find it a tad bit ridiculous that Die has such an unnecessarily bizzare tuning for Dozing Green. Hell, i even find the tuning for the single version of Hageshisa to be a lil dumb. Same goes for a lot of the GazettE's older stuff. Its not that hard to drop tune a guitar and come up with more or less of the same output imo. But who knows what goes on in these guys heads.
  18. I'm so ready for this.
  19. https://soundcloud.com/hellion01/cool-blue I did another thing, guys. Check it out <3. Its short though :P
    1. Jigsaw9


      Cool chillin' tune! Waiting for vocalless debut album "The Inst-RO-Mental Stallion"


  21. Ro plz

    My reaction. What the fuck Crossfaith. This is disgustingly awesome. I AM SO HYPE.
  22. Mejibray's efforts reminds me so much of Sadie at times..... How? Consistency seems to be a major struggle with this band. They seem to take turns with dropping borderline cringe worthy, uninspired work and decent (emphasis on decent) songs, like this preview is hinting at. And even when the songs are decent, its NOTHING new. How many times now have we heard the copy paste drop C metalcore chord progression (and its "variations") already with a synth-ish backing track from Mejibray? You guessed it. Too many times. No better than the GazettE (who the vocalist i believe has a huge hard on for?) rehashing filth in the beauty and a few other key songs in almost every album, post Stacked Rubbish. I'll still give this mini a listen cuz MAYBE, JUST MAYBE I can find another Mejibray song(very few of those by the way) that I can call exceptional.
  23. Ro plz

    The hatred towards SCUMS is a tadddd bit exaggerated if you ask me. Even I was guilty of my harsh feelings towards that album before doing an open-minded re-listen recently. Its just hella different compared to the kickass-ness that was Libido, Majestical Parade, and Anima (only albums ive checked out so far). There's many albums in the entirety of VK that deserve the flack they get. SCUMS is def not one of em. EDIT: Some of the best guitar work is on that album too, i noticed.
  24. Ro plz

    Obv. i'll wait till the full song gets released but just from that sample posted above, I'm already not liking this.
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