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Ro plz

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Everything posted by Ro plz

  1. Ro plz

    Yeah, I can def agree. I still prefer Kaoru over him due to song compositions, weird shit that he pulls off with his Guitar. But Die has that Style that demands attention and adds that flare that makes a Dir en grey song, a Dir en grey song.
  2. Ro plz

    I personally loved that he did that. It added some more realness to the performance. Kaorus piezo pickups can't beat the authenticity of an actual acoustic.
  3. Ro plz

  4. Ro plz

    I reckon the switch to a 5 string was for more range and better sound and knowing eventually their sound would "require" it. Him and Kaoru seem to be the only ones that are enthusiastic bout the extra strings. Die has been really vocal about not liking em. Makes me wonder why he doesn't just use a regular 6 string tuned to drop A or Drop A#. Say what you want, he can still finesse that to play what the others play. Seems more like a total dictator move on Kaoru's part lol. I also agree with Dogman...Toshiya's baselines and such fit with what Dir en grey is doing. And its more than just slapping the bass. That kind of thinking makes it seem like he's just doing it just to do it. We all all agree that-this isn't the case. Its called switching up the style and evolving. Yes, he had some cool basslines when using a pick but i feel like his technique now was called for...just like the duo solo's and etc.
  5. Ro plz

    I agree with this. You can see that he's been pretty spot on with a lot of the older material live, from Uroboros and before. Till this day, I love the 304 Goshitsu performance from Blitz. He deboed that so well..... As for Hageshisa and Different Sense, he may dislike playing them (that is still up to interpretation), but he's gotten better at playing those two songs live. You kind of have no choice when its a staple song. I think it works for him. I honestly can't imagine him doing all those facial expressions and such while playing. Adds to the appeal and shows he can still do his thing while keeping his cool.
  6. This couldn't be any farther from the truth. While it is true that many of their songs and albums are Dir en grey influenced(some borderline rip offs), they have a crap ton of material that's downright original. Master of Romance, Cold Blood, Gangsta, and hell, even Voyage are perfect examples of this. That Dir en grey copy band joke is so overplayed, it's not even chuckle worthy anymore. Granted I'm not a big fan of them but they clearly have proved themselves to be able to stand on their own.
  7. Ro plz

    There's always some pic of him, hanging with other band's members and such, especially at bars. I dont think its a front, i think its more that he's selectively social.
  8. This sounds like it'll have more Variety vs Gallows which was very metal-core focused. I am pleased with these previews!
  9. This new layout is nice.

  10. Ro plz

    Yeah I remember hearing more or less of the same thing regarding Shinya. At first that I thought it was a lack of practicing (but that could also be it too), that led to the consistent sloppiness on his part, live. I actually wondered if it was humanly possible for him 2 do the stuff I was hearing in the studio versions. I knew something was up but i NEVER would've figured that some of that was programming, haha. Their writing process for ARCHE is why I listen to it more than i do DSS, these days. DSS is a cool album but it doesn't feel like there's a band presence there. And with the exception of a few performances and such, the live timeline of that album has been iffy at best. Till this day, the Uroboros themed lives are the best the band has done. As for Kyo, yeah. Nothing there 2 indicate that he's tired of Dir en grey. And to his defense......i remember watching that Boo stream before ARCHE and he flat out told Boo that he's not gonna answer certain question because he's answered them so many times before. I can imagine how much of a bore that must be for not only him but the band to keep having to repeat themselves year after year bout the same stuff interviews. I would even go as far to say thats why they're so Anti-"VIP" overseas. No way can forcibly sitting in a room before a show, being asked dumbass/rehashed questions can be fun.
  11. Ro plz

    Kamomekamone. Based on the last song posted in the OP. Better than 99.8 percent of the stuff that TBS writes. I literally don't see the appeal behind TBS. They had one good release (The one with HATE YOURSELF UNTIL YOU DIE as the B-side). The rest of it is copy paste, recycled, feux metalcore, uninspired crap that seems to be the trend in these newer VK-indies bands. Supposedly Jin or whatever his face is popular due to his time in NEGA but even so, he's really not that special compared to the many other actually notable vocalists in the scene. Extremely overhyped band (especially on here) with little to nothing to show for it. Terrible...terrible....just terrible. I actually want to go and listen to what more Kamomekamone has to offer now.
  12. This is the first OOR song in a very long time that found pleasing in a very long time. I only wish that I can find some of their newer 'harder' songs to like. Btw, my stomach went in knots when i seen Kellin's name on that tracklist. Couldn't have picked a more terrible vocalist to do a feature with.
  13. This song is by no means anything special but it's a better version of the same song they've making forever. Guitar work is cool and the solo isn't all "OMG I CAN SHREAD LOOK AT ME LOLOLOL" like always. Seems like a more thought out track. It prob isn't but meh...I'm pleased. As for the visuals, this band still looks like complete and utter ass trash and do the utmost for no reason. I get that eye candy is a thing in VK but mejibray is one of the bands that forces it to The point where it's an eye sore. My curiosity for this release has risen a bit.
  14. Yeahhhhhh I like this! Will explain why after work though ;-;
  15. This is disgustingly awesome. Holy shit.
  16. Newer releases then I like to Backtrack and peep the older ones. So much fun haha.
  17. Ro plz

    I wasnt policing a damn thing. If I said, "American metal core enthusiasts shouldn't like" this then i could understand. I said I don't see why they would. That is an opinion. Very big difference. It seems as if you're uncomfortable with critism towards what I'm assuming is a favorite band of yours. Sucks, but I think this release was bad. I stated why. If you like it, cool. The end. No need for all that extra. Let's continue, please.
  18. Ro plz

    I'm guessing the reason ppl aren't poking at that rehashed middle section is because it's like beating a dead dog with a stick. It's there, we know it. Some ppl like it enough to not care or some ppl just don't care at all. I think Diabolos is the evil brother of Vinushka. But one that you kinda forget exists sometime. It's just not that special when ranked with Macabre or Vinushka. Still a good listen, regardless. No offense, Brodie but not everyone is out to point out supposed flaws in music. If anything, that makes music less enjoyable. But if that's what one likes to do then hey so be it. As for original Macabre, i love it. It is a genius song. And the In Weal Or Woe version is sex. For some reason, the softer production on that performance worked very well. Seemed....what's the word, organic? I need to listen to this more. But newer MACABRE has my attention these days. The Sustain the Untruth performance is pretty killer. And I love the incorporation of the acoustic guitars. My goodness.
  19. Ro plz

    Since when is saying I don't see how a specific group of ppl would like this, mean that I'm implying that no one else is allowed to like it? The beginning of your post makes absolutely no sense. If you disagree with the post then that's totally cool. Your opinion, but don't let that disagreement cause you to twist things around.
  20. Ro plz

    I'm sorry but this album is worse than Apocolyze. Boring....Just boring..... I skimmed through the album and didn't find anything besides XENO to be listenable. I honestly can't even see why American metalcore enthusiasts would enjoy this and they pretty much watered down their material to FIT with that scene. Oh well.
  21. Ro plz

    Physical because I like having it there to add to my collection. Id much rather download a leak instead of digital, especially if I know for sure that I'm getting the physical copy.
  22. Ro plz

    No Rinkaku slander or criticism shall pass here. No.
  23. Ro plz

    Spam...... Spam.... WOW. SPAM. Pretsy, bro.... We need to talk (fight) this out in private. I'm so... That's it...
  24. Ro plz

    Vinushka is blocked in my country. Oh well...
  25. Just bring on the music. Miss me with all the chit chat bout Album covers and song titles. EXODUS EP restored my faith. GALLOWS made me cum. DARK, from what we've heard so far is prob gonna make me do both.
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