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Ro plz

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Everything posted by Ro plz

  1. Maybe its just me but I've peeped Alice Nine's recent stuff and some of their old stuff. If anything id say that its pretty legit for the most part. And if im not mistaken, there's been a lot of positive reception towards em as of late. Imo, it seems as if Kra is the only one to suffer from this so called "decline because of PSC." I always thought they were a terrible band anyways so they don't really matter to me (no offense guys). So in other words, yeah...PSC still not getting any sort of blame or eyes turned towards their way. At least not to me. When you read the recent interviews, you can see that pretty much the only one who has a direct influence on their sound (or seems like they do) is Mr. Dictator Ruki. I do agree that adopting the visuals when in actuality, a lil bit of the album matches that scenery was a misstep though...BUT we still have yet to see if it matches what else they have coming. Based on these titles, it sounds like it then again, words are words. The music is only thing that can prove anything.
  2. Yes. Because that's where the initial issues began. I remember Reita saying that in the beginning there was a lot of back and fourth-ness going on with how em, music wise when they first signed. At this point, unless someone can prove me otherwise, I don't think PSC really has much of a say of their sound. And it seems that Sony is giving these guys some more breathing room. The band told SONY, while or prior to working on DOGMA that they were NOT Going to release an album immediately after BD. So one can even say that they're putting their foot down and letting things go at their own pace. With that said, I do agree with Danao. This talk of them leaving PSC or Sony, especially with how they seem to really be so enthusiastic with DOGMA, should come to a halt. We could throw these guys back to KING records and they'd still probably pump more or less of the same thing out. They have a style that they enjoy and tweak with and it will not be changing anytime soon. DIM/(insert previous albums before SR) and those eras are gone and will never come back (well...technically they did in those FC live's hahaha). Changing labels won't do a damn thing. I like where they are. Bring on UGLY.
  3. Ro plz

    This song is mesmerizing. It doesn't sound like their typical songs. As weird as it sounds, it feels like theres some emotional aspect to it which gives it that extra umph. I really wish this would leak.
  4. Ro plz

    this is dangerously alarming..... XENO is the only song from what we've heard that i like. This sounds like its gonna be more or less like apocolyze..... Paint it black is a boring ass song. I'm sorry.
  5. Ro plz

    Oh, btw guys. Idk why i forgot to post but please go and like my actual FB page www.facebook.com/Hellion01 I've been doing my best to be more active there and been treating it like a blog with random tid bits bout my mindset and stuff when making music. I'll also be posting sneak peaks of songs as well. And once again, Z1C is INACTIVE. You're still free to like the page but theres going to be pretty much no action there for a very long time.
  6. Ro plz

    Thank you!!!
  7. Operation find Zeus and get this nigga hammered is now in effect....I mean, Happy Bday, Zeus.

  8. Ro plz

    Thank you!!!

    1. Tetora


      NB is the chit.

  10. Whelp. Another copy paste Mejibray song.
  11. Ro plz

    DOGMA does have the mini album feel to it for sure. Makes one wonder if the band purposely had filler tracks as subs for the other material that's obviously coming. Material that'll probably be a long the lines of the well favored tracks of the album.
  12. Ro plz

  13. Ro plz

    This review was well worth the wait, sir. Thanks Zeus.
  14. Ro plz

    https://video-lga1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hvideo-xpf1/v/t42.1790-2/11920098_862009493898435_1827999003_n.mp4?efg=eyJybHIiOjU3NywicmxhIjoyMjY0fQ%3D%3D&rl=577&vabr=321&oh=ee87a3d2adc275450e051c8e8cb2bbc5&oe=55E33ADD The Sugizo collab from Lunatic Fest.
  15. I don't want a full album. Monster was a mess, full of boring filler songs. Where as Gravitation was straight to the point and banging.
  16. ZEUS. If you don't hurry up with that DOGMA review......

    1. Zeus


      i haven't forgotten ;)

  17. Ro plz

    I expressed my opinions after listening to the album a few more times, In chat. So I'll post them here. I still believe DOGMA is their best effort since DIM. That will not change at all. I still believe DEUX is the best track on the album. This will also not change. However, I can say that the middle part of the album is very boring. Tracks 6-11 offer nothing new and is just filler. My initial rating of the album (when those tracks are negated), is still a solid 9/10. With them, its a 7.5/10. The other tracks do a great job of highlighting what the band is good it as well as how they are ready to take it to the next level. Basically what an album is supposed to do. Also, i won't lie, there is a certain repetition (even with my go-to songs), that can't be ignored as well. I can see how this rub many the wrong way. I feel that Ruki is to blame here since he has a dangerous amount of creative control in the band which does more bad than good if you ask me. Ruki has a very carbon/stale taste that's been plaguing every album since TOXIC. Eventually, while some can find some appreciation in some of these clearly rehashed songs, many will (if they aren't already) grow tired of hearing the same go-to riffs and such. I believe it was Uruha who stated that some of the songs he brought fourth were turned away because it didn't fit Ruki's "vision" of the album. Presty said this to me a few days back and it is very true, Ruki is indeed a diva. Its gotten to the point where I feel like Aoi or Uruha would shine MUCH better if they had their own bands. Composition wise, DOGMA (the song) is just wow. I was not expecting the track to turn out that way at all. Perfect example of the band trying something new. Whoever they got the influence from, please, may they do it again. DERACINE is another great track. Its a fairly simple song ,but the way Aoi and Uruha's guitars compliment each other and the smooth but heaviness of the track is very nicely done. RAGE is a nice blend of GazettE and Lynch. And as cheesy as Ruki's lyrics are during the screaming part, I like it. Its a VERY nice touch and gritty. BLEMISH, is pretty much Vortex but a upgraded version that packs more of a punch. DAWN, is just Gazerock mixed with Metalcore, and i dont mind it. Its a solid track. OMINOUS is on the same page as DOGMA as being another just well composed song, where you don't know what is next. Perfect ending. Now to why i enjoy DEUX so damn much. It has that signature and genuine Gazerock feel to it but the other elements such as the well placed synths and piano and Aoi's part after the second bridge just shatters me. It feels like they all sat down and put their all into making this track as strong as it can be. Also, that ending came out of no where and I shit you not, I fell to the floor in awe. Its THE perfect song that the band has ever composed. In general, this album is a perfect follow up from BD. Very evident that time was put into these songs. The energy/umph is there as well as the growth. I like. Album of the year atm.
  18. Ro plz

    Maybe my understanding of Catchy differs from you guys. Or many are blind to the fact that DEUX is pretty much the "mainstream/Catchy" song of the album. ESPECIALLY with that rehashed chorus.... OR are you guys meaning to say that because there isn't a ballad on the song, there's no catchy-ness in the album period (which is a lie....cuz uh...well...DEUX and its also just silly). I am completely lost here and need clarification because these claims aren't making sense.
  19. Ro plz

    http://versoacabado.tumblr.com/post/127487792729/translation-vif-music-aoiuruha-interview Confirmation of the new PV*
  20. Ro plz

    http://versoacabado.tumblr.com/post/127487792729/translation-vif-music-aoiuruha-interview Confirmation of the PV.
  21. I expect Mejibray's next album to rival or surpass DOGMA. They're like huge GazettE stans right? I wanna see it happen. C'mon. Give me a reason 2 like you guys.

    1. Jigsaw9


      Well, their teaser for their last mini album was like complete DOGMA worship, and look how ~that~ turned out (jk, idk how it turned out, haven't listened).

    2. Lestat


      I don't think there's any hope for them left.

    3. Elazmus


      I'm honestly prepared to believe there is as much hope for them as there is for the bands that they emulate XD

    4. Show next comments  102 more
  22. Ro plz

    There IS a new PV coming out for a song that's not on DOGMA. Remember the talk of the whole gathering of the HERESY fans and such?
  23. Ro plz

    Aoi confirmed that the PV they just shot is NOT for Dogma, in an interview. Also, the 2 DVD version comes with a box that says "To keep until the 5th movement." This, alongside Kai's recent instagram post, AFTER they were supposedly done with DOGMA confirms that there is more music coming. It's not over.
  24. Ro plz

    Spent the entire night listening to DOGMA and I can honestly say that it is the GazettE's best album since DIM. The creativity and intensity behind majority of these songs is extremely noteworthy. I was taken by surprise during my listen. There's hints of previous work as well as fresh new elements that make a lot of these new songs shine. Even the songs that I don't like as much have their moments. While the instrumentalists are of course badass on this record (URUHA.....BRUH), major props to Ruki.....he was the weakest link on Beautiful Deformity but turned around and did his thing on DOGMA. Also, just like i suspected, there was not a song that surpassed DEUX. It's how i feel about Dir en grey's RINKAKU, they will never make a song as perfect as that ever again. The wait was worth it. Right now this the album of the year to beat. (SIKE. KALAFINA's NEW ALBUM IS PROB GONNA BLOW THIS OUT THE WATER LOLOL). 9/10. Highlights: DEUX. OMINOUS. RAGE (surprisingly awesome). Deracine. A lot of the other songs need more listens but I'm sure my highlights list will increase in a few days.
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