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Ro plz

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Everything posted by Ro plz

  1. Ro plz

    I'm VERY worried about this as well.
  2. Ro plz

    NY seems to be the smarter choice for me. So yeah. Lets do this.
  3. Ro plz

    Source please....
  4. Kalafina's recent album is a certified GEM.

  5. Ro plz

    If this tour is true then they can't miss hitting Boston or better yet NY.
  6. I really dig BatAAr but man.... I cannot lie when I say that i was hoping for another fresh face. With that said, i am glad that they snuck in that lil snippet of THE DISTANCE in the video. It does sound much cooler with his vocals. And while I'm not a big fan of ENDIGO, he's better off doing this than that sorry excuse of a solo career he's been gunning for. I actually did enjoy like 1-2 Overworld songs when they were active. So, i'm optimistic about this. Lets see how this turns out.
  7. Ro plz

    They're coming 2 Boston at my favorite Venue. Someone gimme some of their best songs so i can decide if i wanna dish out the money for this.
  8. Ro plz

    VK/J-rock fans really have this hard on with slapping the "Dir en grey copy" card on any band that decides to change their style and go heavy.
  9. Ro plz

    12012's recent live is perfect for fans of both their old and newer material. Easily the best live performance ive had the pleasure ive listening to. Amazing.
  10. Ro plz

    So if im reading this thread correctly as well as the shit storm that was the status updates over the last few months.... >Complaints. >Last fm updates. >Still complaints....even more exaggerated than before especially when the site clearly says "beta version." >Last.fm Finally updates some features >Ppl happy. Seems like ppl just need some patience....?
  11. Yeah the hype is strong here. Dat second track...
  12. These deal breakers, at least to me sum up to someone who has no chill. I love chill. I live by chill. If you ain't down with the chill, I don't want you. The end.
  13. Ro plz

    ARCHE is far from Dir en grey's best album imo. Its a great album but does not compare to the greatness that is Uroboros and Dum Spiro Spero. And it easily has some of the worst songs the band has written to date. To me, on borderline on par with Kisou, which i really dislike. But the songs that i do enjoy, save it.
  14. Music is slightly better than that X-Mas crap but still nothing special. Its even more grating that he's using Japanese vocals. To me its just screaming "PLZ NOTICE US!!!!!" Id prefer it if it was in english. Also, I thought mustache dude was going to be a one time thing....probably for lol's. But it seems as if he plans to be taken seriously with it. Good luck. Dude, just stop.
  15. Ro plz

    Iori should've just fapped. Femme fatale would still be active
  16. Ro plz

    I came in here expecting Maximum the Hormone, I am disappoint. Jk jk Welcome to MH! <3
  17. Ro plz

    Inb4 the fun police comes into the thread and reminds us how the GazettE "isn't gonna drop anything new with this new release," how its probably gonna be "DOGMA leftover" and how "DIM was the pinnacle of their career" and when it drops, how "deaf we must be because we can't hear how not new it is." I just saved y'all about 3-4 posts lol. You're welcome. I expected UGLY to be very close in terms of DOGMA heaviness so when it came out eventually, it didn't bother me much. I do expect UNDYING to be something a tad bit different, probably a different side of DOGMA that we haven't heard? Either way, I wont get too hype. And i know i'll find something to appreciate about this single when it drops like i do a lot of their recent music. Lets see. Spring is pretty far away so there's more than enough time to come up with something cool
  18. Personally, I think its best if the guy just stops having relevancy. I could understand how ppl were swooning over him back when he was a super huge Hizaki fan boy. He was (?) a talented guitarist (that was in a terrible band). Now its like unnecessary for him releasing something to be considered news here imho. Almost no one here is checking for him nor cares for him. Furik is right, he really needs to stop.
  19. Ro plz

    10 x 10 would hit it with Shinya based on his recent pics alone.
  20. Ro plz

    I don't think the GazettE putting albums to US Itunes is really anything. And even now as I write this, I just now realized that none of their releases chart on US itunes vs many places in the EU and they do their absolute best to go out of their way to thank them as well. However this could be due to leaks/the releases coming out a lil while after people already got their hands on a leak or whatnot, etc. So maybe they do feel like there isn't much of a demand based on that as well? But still, the US makes it known that we want them there. I believe it was J-MELO (twice) where it showed the places that demanded they come and US was on it.
  21. Ro plz

    At least for me when i first came across them, the WORLD was used for the OP of Deathnote and i thought it was a cool song. So was Alumina. Then I listened to ANIMA and that's where they caught my attention. The song writing, cool guitar parts, man the whole package was just awesome. That alongside LIBIDO, MP, i believe a few others were enough to show that they did have their own raw distinct sound (GIANISM they call it?). They're more or less like the GazettE with sticking to this core style but the difference is that a lot of the recent batch of albums (minus SCUMS), there's no real punch in many of the songs. No spark. Its like they're just pumping these songs out for the hell of it.
  22. Ro plz

    That awesome moment when 9MUSES finally comes back with a nice song and MV to go along with it. This is a favorite already.
  23. Ro plz

    I was not expecting UGLY to be received so well. Pretty cool. After a few more listens, I still think its banging but suffers from being a lil bit repetitive at times, at least the title track and DEPRAVITY. I believe this was another main concern with DOGMA as a whole. But still, its banging, new (to an extent), and pleasant to the ears. the GazettE seems to have been able to do what Lynch. has successfully do in their last few albums and get better with their whole heaviness aspect. Me likey.
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